Merge pull request #160 from iimarckus/master
Add Time Capsule item conversions.
Merge pull request #157 from yenatch/overworld
Merge pull request #158 from yenatch/gbz80disasm-more-data
Clean up and remove incbins from script commands
start using relevant constants in wram.asm allow space definitions using constants
Merge pull request #156 from yenatch/cygwin-install
apt-cyg is not a cygwin default; rgbds was outdated; simplify rgbds install
crystal: 2pt script commands are for wram
crystal: PointerLabelToScriptPointer bank is not reversed
gbz80disasm: don't read data where there is none
gbz80disasm: only track rom addresses for data
gbz80disasm: use existing labels as addresses
DoPlayerMovement and recomment ow surfing checks
Merge pull request #154 from yenatch/movement
Merge branch 'github/master' into master.
Merge branch 'gfx-fixes-again' into master.
Merge branch 'cogitokat/master' into master.
add jython stuff into .gitignore
remove extra whitespace in extras/
remove extra whitespace in extras/
fix function formatting in extras/
Merge pull request #153 from yenatch/gbz80disasm-data
Merge pull request #148 from yenatch/master
Merge pull request #149 from yenatch/new-install
pre: restore separate_comment's behavior
install: elaborate on make targets
install: get pip and be less vague about the base rom
replace broken mibbit links with kiwiirc
gbz80disasm: just use lowercase labels
gbz80disasm: local/global address conversion + fix find_label
gbz80disasm: detect data tables referenced in asm
fixed another indent in
convert indents to 4 spaces in
more docstring/indent fixes in
Change bad indents in extras/
Edit some docstrings in /extras.
Made edits to docstrings in extras/
update instructions in extras/
make: don't recompile if it's not necessary
preprocess asm files individually
make clean is no longer required to compile
move miscellaneous asm into engine/
move constants files into constants/
Merge pull request #147 from yenatch/master
programmatic speedrun of pokecrystal (vba)
make vba emulator wait until text is done drawing
gbz80disasm: fix labels outside of banks 0 and 1
gbz80disasm: only use gbhw/hram constants >= 0xff00
Merge pull request #146 from yenatch/master
gfx: return mass-decompress command
use stat constants in statdown commands
Merge branch 'master' of
Merge branch 'master' of
Merge remote-tracking branch 'yenatch/master'
Revert "make png take only a path"
gfx: workable command line functions
fix palette functions and output palettes in 2bpp conversion
gfx: handling for <4-color pngs when converting to 2bpp
Player backpic and consistent names for player characters
rename bank3{0,1}.asm to sprites_{1,2}.asm
remove two commented incbin lines
Merge pull request #144 from kanzure/temporarily-fix-overworld-sprites