ref: c6b12b07b302b82765181b2521e1e0f2ca5f7725
dir: /maps/CianwoodPharmacy.asm/
const_value set 2 const CIANWOODPHARMACY_PHARMACIST CianwoodPharmacy_MapScriptHeader: .SceneScripts: db 1 scene_script .DummyScene .MapCallbacks: db 0 .DummyScene: end CianwoodPharmacist: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_GOT_SECRETPOTION_FROM_PHARMACY iftrue .Mart checkevent EVENT_JASMINE_EXPLAINED_AMPHYS_SICKNESS iffalse .Mart writetext PharmacistGiveSecretpotionText buttonsound giveitem SECRETPOTION writetext ReceivedSecretpotionText playsound SFX_KEY_ITEM waitsfx itemnotify setevent EVENT_GOT_SECRETPOTION_FROM_PHARMACY writetext PharmacistDescribeSecretpotionText waitbutton closetext end .Mart: pokemart MARTTYPE_PHARMACY, MART_CIANWOOD closetext end CianwoodPharmacyBookshelf: jumpstd difficultbookshelf PharmacistGiveSecretpotionText: text "Your #MON ap-" line "pear to be fine." para "Is something wor- " line "rying you?" para "…" para "The LIGHTHOUSE" line "#MON is in" cont "trouble?" para "I got it!" para "This ought to do" line "the trick." done ReceivedSecretpotionText: text "<PLAYER> received" line "SECRETPOTION." done PharmacistDescribeSecretpotionText: text "My SECRETPOTION is" line "a tad too strong." para "I only offer it in" line "an emergency." done CianwoodPharmacy_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 .Warps: db 2 warp_def $7, $2, 4, CIANWOOD_CITY warp_def $7, $3, 4, CIANWOOD_CITY .CoordEvents: db 0 .BGEvents: db 2 bg_event 1, 0, BGEVENT_READ, CianwoodPharmacyBookshelf bg_event 1, 1, BGEVENT_READ, CianwoodPharmacyBookshelf .ObjectEvents: db 1 object_event SPRITE_PHARMACIST, 3, 2, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_RED, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, CianwoodPharmacist, -1