ref: c61bd0d5a7bff94a04bf8f5c82badf36415425d2
dir: /engine/events/battle_tower/rules.asm/
CheckForMobileBattleRules: ld de, .PointerTables call BattleTower_ExecuteJumptable ret z call BattleTower_PleaseReturnWhenReady scf ret .PointerTables: db 2 dw .Functions dw .TextPointers .Functions: dw BattleTower_CheckPartyLengthIs3 dw BattleTower_CheckPartyHasThreeMonsThatAreNotEggs .TextPointers: dw .BTExcuseMeText dw NeedAtLeastThreeMonText dw EggDoesNotQualifyText .BTExcuseMeText: text_far _BTExcuseMeText text_end _CheckForBattleTowerRules: ld hl, wStringBuffer2 ld [hl], "3" inc hl ld [hl], "@" ld de, .PointerTables call BattleTower_ExecuteJumptable ret z call BattleTower_PleaseReturnWhenReady scf ret .PointerTables: db 4 dw .Functions dw .TextPointers .Functions: dw CheckBTRule_PartyCountEq3 dw CheckBTRule_PartySpeciesAreUnique dw CheckBTRule_PartyItemsAreUnique dw CheckBTRule_HasPartyAnEgg .TextPointers: dw ExcuseMeYoureNotReadyText dw OnlyThreeMonMayBeEnteredText dw TheMonMustAllBeDifferentKindsText dw TheMonMustNotHoldTheSameItemsText dw YouCantTakeAnEggText ExcuseMeYoureNotReadyText: text_far _ExcuseMeYoureNotReadyText text_end BattleTower_PleaseReturnWhenReady: ld hl, .BattleTowerReturnWhenReadyText call PrintText ret .BattleTowerReturnWhenReadyText: text_far _BattleTowerReturnWhenReadyText text_end NeedAtLeastThreeMonText: text_far _NeedAtLeastThreeMonText text_end EggDoesNotQualifyText: text_far _EggDoesNotQualifyText text_end OnlyThreeMonMayBeEnteredText: text_far _OnlyThreeMonMayBeEnteredText text_end TheMonMustAllBeDifferentKindsText: text_far _TheMonMustAllBeDifferentKindsText text_end TheMonMustNotHoldTheSameItemsText: text_far _TheMonMustNotHoldTheSameItemsText text_end YouCantTakeAnEggText: text_far _YouCantTakeAnEggText text_end BattleTower_ExecuteJumptable: ld bc, 0 .loop call .DoJumptableFunction call c, .PrintFailureText call .Next_CheckReachedEnd jr nz, .loop ld a, b and a ret .DoJumptableFunction: push de push bc call .GetFunctionPointer ld a, c rst JumpTable pop bc pop de ret .Next_CheckReachedEnd: inc c ld a, [de] cp c ret .GetFunctionPointer: inc de ld a, [de] ld l, a inc de ld a, [de] ld h, a ret .GetTextPointers: inc de inc de inc de ld a, [de] ld l, a inc de ld a, [de] ld h, a ret .LoadTextPointer: ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ret .PrintFailureText: push de push bc ld a, b and a call z, .PrintFirstText pop bc call .PrintNthText ld b, 1 pop de ret .PrintFirstText: push de call .GetTextPointers call .LoadTextPointer call PrintText pop de ret .PrintNthText: push bc call .GetTextPointers inc hl inc hl ld b, 0 add hl, bc add hl, bc call .LoadTextPointer call PrintText pop bc ret BattleTower_CheckPartyLengthIs3: ld a, [wPartyCount] cp BATTLETOWER_PARTY_LENGTH ret BattleTower_CheckPartyHasThreeMonsThatAreNotEggs: ld hl, wPartyCount ld a, [hli] ld b, 0 ld c, a .loop ld a, [hli] cp EGG jr z, .egg inc b .egg dec c jr nz, .loop ld a, [wPartyCount] cp b ret z ld a, b cp BATTLETOWER_PARTY_LENGTH ret CheckBTRule_PartyCountEq3: ld a, [wPartyCount] cp BATTLETOWER_PARTY_LENGTH ret z scf ret CheckBTRule_PartySpeciesAreUnique: ld hl, wPartyMon1Species call CheckPartyValueIsUnique ret CheckPartyValueIsUnique: ld de, wPartyCount ld a, [de] inc de dec a jr z, .done ld b, a .loop push hl push de ld c, b call .isegg jr z, .next ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .next .loop2 call .nextmon call .isegg jr z, .next2 cp [hl] jr z, .gotcha .next2 dec c jr nz, .loop2 .next pop de pop hl call .nextmon dec b jr nz, .loop .done and a ret .gotcha pop de pop hl scf ret .nextmon push bc ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH add hl, bc inc de pop bc ret .isegg push bc ld b, a ld a, [de] cp EGG ld a, b pop bc ret CheckBTRule_PartyItemsAreUnique: ld hl, wPartyMon1Item call CheckPartyValueIsUnique ret CheckBTRule_HasPartyAnEgg: ld hl, wPartyCount ld a, [hli] ld c, a .loop ld a, [hli] cp EGG jr z, .found dec c jr nz, .loop and a ret .found scf ret