ref: c61bd0d5a7bff94a04bf8f5c82badf36415425d2
dir: /engine/events/battle_tower/load_trainer.asm/
LoadOpponentTrainerAndPokemon: ldh a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, BANK(wBT_OTTrainer) ldh [rSVBK], a ; Fill wBT_OTTrainer with zeros xor a ld hl, wBT_OTTrainer ld bc, BATTLE_TOWER_STRUCT_LENGTH call ByteFill ; Write $ff into the Item-Slots ld a, $ff ld [wBT_OTMon1Item], a ld [wBT_OTMon2Item], a ld [wBT_OTMon3Item], a ; Set wBT_OTTrainer as start address to write the following data to ld de, wBT_OTTrainer ldh a, [hRandomAdd] ld b, a .resample ; loop to find a random trainer call Random ldh a, [hRandomAdd] add b ld b, a ; b contains the nr of the trainer if DEF(_CRYSTAL11) maskbits BATTLETOWER_NUM_UNIQUE_TRAINERS cp BATTLETOWER_NUM_UNIQUE_TRAINERS else ; Crystal 1.0 used the wrong constant here, so only the first 21 ; trainers in BattleTowerTrainers can be sampled. maskbits BATTLETOWER_NUM_UNIQUE_MON cp BATTLETOWER_NUM_UNIQUE_MON endc jr nc, .resample ld b, a ld a, BANK(sBTTrainers) call OpenSRAM ld c, BATTLETOWER_STREAK_LENGTH ld hl, sBTTrainers .next_trainer ld a, [hli] cp b jr z, .resample dec c jr nz, .next_trainer ; c <= 7 initialise all 7 trainers? ld hl, sBTTrainers ld a, [sNrOfBeatenBattleTowerTrainers] ld c, a ld a, b ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld [hl], a call CloseSRAM push af ; Copy name (10 bytes) and class (1 byte) of trainer ld hl, BattleTowerTrainers ld bc, NAME_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld bc, NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes call LoadRandomBattleTowerMon pop af ld hl, BattleTowerTrainerData ld bc, BATTLETOWER_TRAINERDATALENGTH call AddNTimes ld bc, BATTLETOWER_TRAINERDATALENGTH .copy_bt_trainer_data_loop ld a, BANK(BattleTowerTrainerData) call GetFarByte ld [de], a inc hl inc de dec bc ld a, b or c jr nz, .copy_bt_trainer_data_loop pop af ldh [rSVBK], a ret LoadRandomBattleTowerMon: ld c, BATTLETOWER_PARTY_LENGTH .loop push bc ld a, BANK(sBTMonOfTrainers) call OpenSRAM .FindARandomBattleTowerMon: ; From Which LevelGroup are the mon loaded ; a = 1..10 ld a, [wBTChoiceOfLvlGroup] dec a ld hl, BattleTowerMons ld bc, BATTLETOWER_NUM_UNIQUE_MON * NICKNAMED_MON_STRUCT_LENGTH call AddNTimes ldh a, [hRandomAdd] ld b, a .resample call Random ldh a, [hRandomAdd] add b ld b, a maskbits BATTLETOWER_NUM_UNIQUE_MON cp BATTLETOWER_NUM_UNIQUE_MON jr nc, .resample ; in register 'a' is the chosen mon of the LevelGroup ; Check if mon was already loaded before ; Check current and the 2 previous teams ; includes check if item is double at the current team ld bc, NICKNAMED_MON_STRUCT_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld a, [hli] ld b, a ld a, [hld] ld c, a ld a, [wBT_OTMon1] cp b jr z, .FindARandomBattleTowerMon ld a, [wBT_OTMon1Item] cp c jr z, .FindARandomBattleTowerMon ld a, [wBT_OTMon2] cp b jr z, .FindARandomBattleTowerMon ld a, [wBT_OTMon2Item] cp c jr z, .FindARandomBattleTowerMon ld a, [wBT_OTMon3] cp b jr z, .FindARandomBattleTowerMon ld a, [wBT_OTMon3Item] cp c jr z, .FindARandomBattleTowerMon ld a, [sBTMonPrevTrainer1] cp b jr z, .FindARandomBattleTowerMon ld a, [sBTMonPrevTrainer2] cp b jr z, .FindARandomBattleTowerMon ld a, [sBTMonPrevTrainer3] cp b jr z, .FindARandomBattleTowerMon ld a, [sBTMonPrevPrevTrainer1] cp b jr z, .FindARandomBattleTowerMon ld a, [sBTMonPrevPrevTrainer2] cp b jr z, .FindARandomBattleTowerMon ld a, [sBTMonPrevPrevTrainer3] cp b jr z, .FindARandomBattleTowerMon ld bc, NICKNAMED_MON_STRUCT_LENGTH call CopyBytes ld a, [wNamedObjectIndex] push af push de ld hl, -NICKNAMED_MON_STRUCT_LENGTH add hl, de ld a, [hl] ld [wNamedObjectIndex], a ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH add hl, bc push hl call GetPokemonName ld h, d ld l, e pop de ld bc, MON_NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes pop de pop af ld [wNamedObjectIndex], a pop bc dec c jp nz, .loop ld a, [sBTMonPrevTrainer1] ld [sBTMonPrevPrevTrainer1], a ld a, [sBTMonPrevTrainer2] ld [sBTMonPrevPrevTrainer2], a ld a, [sBTMonPrevTrainer3] ld [sBTMonPrevPrevTrainer3], a ld a, [wBT_OTMon1] ld [sBTMonPrevTrainer1], a ld a, [wBT_OTMon2] ld [sBTMonPrevTrainer2], a ld a, [wBT_OTMon3] ld [sBTMonPrevTrainer3], a call CloseSRAM ret INCLUDE "data/battle_tower/classes.asm" INCLUDE "data/battle_tower/parties.asm"