ref: c1c609ec4a4bab7fef0e744cd631567b57c794fa
dir: /macros/legacy.asm/
; Legacy support for old pokecrystal. ; Allows porting scripts with as few edits as possible. ; Legacy support not in this file can be found by looking for the keyword: "LEGACY" ; macros/rst.asm callba EQUS "farcall" callab EQUS "callfar" ; macros/gfx.asm dsprite: MACRO dbsprite \2, \4, \1, \3, \5, \6 ENDM ; macros/scripts/audio.asm __ EQU 0 CC EQU 13 musicheader: MACRO channel_count \1 channel \2, \3 ENDM sound: MACRO note \1, \2 db \3 dw \4 ENDM noise: MACRO note \1, \2 db \3 db \4 ENDM notetype: MACRO IF _NARG >= 2 note_type \1, \2 >> 4, \2 & $0f ELSE note_type \1 ENDC ENDM pitchoffset: MACRO transpose \1, \2 - 1 ENDM dutycycle EQUS "duty_cycle" intensity: MACRO volume_envelope \1 >> 4, \1 & $0f ENDM soundinput: MACRO pitch_sweep \1 >> 4, \1 & $0f ENDM unknownmusic0xde EQUS "sound_duty" sound_duty: MACRO db duty_cycle_pattern_cmd IF _NARG == 4 db \1 | (\2 << 2) | (\3 << 4) | (\4 << 6) ELSE db \1 ENDC ENDM togglesfx EQUS "toggle_sfx" slidepitchto: MACRO pitch_slide \1, (8 - \2), \3 ENDM togglenoise EQUS "toggle_noise" panning: MACRO force_stereo_panning ((\1 >> 4) & 1), (\1 & 1) ENDM tone EQUS "pitch_offset" restartchannel EQUS "restart_channel" newsong EQUS "new_song" sfxpriorityon EQUS "sfx_priority_on" sfxpriorityoff EQUS "sfx_priority_off" stereopanning: MACRO stereo_panning ((\1 >> 4) & 1), (\1 & 1) ENDM sfxtogglenoise EQUS "sfx_toggle_noise" setcondition EQUS "set_condition" jumpif EQUS "sound_jump_if" jumpchannel EQUS "sound_jump" loopchannel EQUS "sound_loop" callchannel EQUS "sound_call" endchannel EQUS "sound_ret" ; macros/scripts/events.asm checkmorn EQUS "checktime MORN" checkday EQUS "checktime DAY" checknite EQUS "checktime NITE" jump EQUS "sjump" farjump EQUS "farsjump" priorityjump EQUS "prioritysjump" ptcall EQUS "memcall" ptjump EQUS "memjump" ptpriorityjump EQUS "stopandsjump" ptcallasm EQUS "memcallasm" if_equal EQUS "ifequal" if_not_equal EQUS "ifnotequal" if_greater_than EQUS "ifgreater" if_less_than EQUS "ifless" end_all EQUS "endall" return EQUS "endcallback" reloadandreturn EQUS "reloadend" checkmaptriggers EQUS "checkmapscene" domaptrigger EQUS "setmapscene" checktriggers EQUS "checkscene" dotrigger EQUS "setscene" faceperson EQUS "faceobject" moveperson EQUS "moveobject" writepersonxy EQUS "writeobjectxy" spriteface EQUS "turnobject" objectface EQUS "turnobject" applymovement2 EQUS "applymovementlasttalked" writebyte EQUS "setval" addvar EQUS "addval" copybytetovar EQUS "readmem" copyvartobyte EQUS "writemem" checkcode EQUS "readvar" writevarcode EQUS "writevar" writecode EQUS "loadvar" MEM_BUFFER_0 EQUS "STRING_BUFFER_3" MEM_BUFFER_1 EQUS "STRING_BUFFER_4" MEM_BUFFER_2 EQUS "STRING_BUFFER_5" vartomem EQUS "getnum" mapnametotext EQUS "getcurlandmarkname" readcoins EQUS "getcoins" pokenamemem: MACRO getmonname \2, \1 ENDM itemtotext: MACRO getitemname \2, \1 ENDM landmarktotext: MACRO getlandmarkname \2, \1 ENDM trainertotext: MACRO gettrainername \3, \1, \2 ENDM trainerclassname: MACRO gettrainerclassname \2, \1 ENDM name: MACRO getname \3, \1, \2 ENDM stringtotext: MACRO getstring \2, \1 ENDM readmoney: MACRO getmoney \2, \1 ENDM RAM2MEM EQUS "getnum" loadfont EQUS "opentext" loadmenudata EQUS "loadmenu" loadmenuheader EQUS "loadmenu" writebackup EQUS "closewindow" interpretmenu EQUS "_2dmenu" interpretmenu2 EQUS "verticalmenu" buttonsound EQUS "promptbutton" battlecheck EQUS "randomwildmon" loadtrainerdata EQUS "loadtemptrainer" loadpokedata EQUS "loadwildmon" returnafterbattle EQUS "reloadmapafterbattle" trainerstatus EQUS "trainerflagaction" talkaftercancel EQUS "endifjustbattled" talkaftercheck EQUS "checkjustbattled" playrammusic EQUS "encountermusic" reloadmapmusic EQUS "dontrestartmapmusic" resetfuncs EQUS "endall" storetext EQUS "battletowertext" displaylocation EQUS "landmarktotext" givepokeitem EQUS "givepokemail" checkpokeitem EQUS "checkpokemail" passtoengine EQUS "autoinput" verbosegiveitem2 EQUS "verbosegiveitemvar" loadbytec2cf EQUS "writeunusedbyte" writeunusedbytebuffer EQUS "writeunusedbyte" ; macros/scripts/maps.asm mapconst: MACRO map_const \1, \3, \2 ENDM maptrigger EQUS "scene_script" warp_def: MACRO warp_event \2, \1, \4, \3 ENDM xy_trigger: MACRO coord_event \3, \2, \1, \5 ENDM signpost: MACRO bg_event \2, \1, \3, \4 ENDM person_event: MACRO _s = \1 _y = \2 _x = \3 _m = \4 shift 4 object_event _x, _y, _s, _m, \1, \2, \3, \4, \5, \6, \7, \8, \9 ENDM PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT EQUS "OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT" PERSONTYPE_ITEMBALL EQUS "OBJECTTYPE_ITEMBALL" PERSONTYPE_TRAINER EQUS "OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER" ; macros/scripts/movement.asm show_person EQUS "show_object" hide_person EQUS "hide_object" remove_person EQUS "remove_object" turn_head_down EQUS "turn_head DOWN" turn_head_up EQUS "turn_head UP" turn_head_left EQUS "turn_head LEFT" turn_head_right EQUS "turn_head RIGHT" turn_step_down EQUS "turn_step DOWN" turn_step_up EQUS "turn_step UP" turn_step_left EQUS "turn_step LEFT" turn_step_right EQUS "turn_step RIGHT" slow_step_down EQUS "slow_step DOWN" slow_step_up EQUS "slow_step UP" slow_step_left EQUS "slow_step LEFT" slow_step_right EQUS "slow_step RIGHT" step_down EQUS "step DOWN" step_up EQUS "step UP" step_left EQUS "step LEFT" step_right EQUS "step RIGHT" big_step_down EQUS "big_step DOWN" big_step_up EQUS "big_step UP" big_step_left EQUS "big_step LEFT" big_step_right EQUS "big_step RIGHT" slow_slide_step_down EQUS "slow_slide_step DOWN" slow_slide_step_up EQUS "slow_slide_step UP" slow_slide_step_left EQUS "slow_slide_step LEFT" slow_slide_step_right EQUS "slow_slide_step RIGHT" slide_step_down EQUS "slide_step DOWN" slide_step_up EQUS "slide_step UP" slide_step_left EQUS "slide_step LEFT" slide_step_right EQUS "slide_step RIGHT" fast_slide_step_down EQUS "fast_slide_step DOWN" fast_slide_step_up EQUS "fast_slide_step UP" fast_slide_step_left EQUS "fast_slide_step LEFT" fast_slide_step_right EQUS "fast_slide_step RIGHT" turn_away_down EQUS "turn_away DOWN" turn_away_up EQUS "turn_away UP" turn_away_left EQUS "turn_away LEFT" turn_away_right EQUS "turn_away RIGHT" turn_in_down EQUS "turn_in DOWN" turn_in_up EQUS "turn_in UP" turn_in_left EQUS "turn_in LEFT" turn_in_right EQUS "turn_in RIGHT" turn_waterfall_down EQUS "turn_waterfall DOWN" turn_waterfall_up EQUS "turn_waterfall UP" turn_waterfall_left EQUS "turn_waterfall LEFT" turn_waterfall_right EQUS "turn_waterfall RIGHT" slow_jump_step_down EQUS "slow_jump_step DOWN" slow_jump_step_up EQUS "slow_jump_step UP" slow_jump_step_left EQUS "slow_jump_step LEFT" slow_jump_step_right EQUS "slow_jump_step RIGHT" jump_step_down EQUS "jump_step DOWN" jump_step_up EQUS "jump_step UP" jump_step_left EQUS "jump_step LEFT" jump_step_right EQUS "jump_step RIGHT" fast_jump_step_down EQUS "fast_jump_step DOWN" fast_jump_step_up EQUS "fast_jump_step UP" fast_jump_step_left EQUS "fast_jump_step LEFT" fast_jump_step_right EQUS "fast_jump_step RIGHT" step_sleep_1 EQUS "step_sleep 1" step_sleep_2 EQUS "step_sleep 2" step_sleep_3 EQUS "step_sleep 3" step_sleep_4 EQUS "step_sleep 4" step_sleep_5 EQUS "step_sleep 5" step_sleep_6 EQUS "step_sleep 6" step_sleep_7 EQUS "step_sleep 7" step_sleep_8 EQUS "step_sleep 8" ; macros/scripts/text.asm text_from_ram EQUS "text_ram" start_asm EQUS "text_asm" deciram EQUS "text_decimal" interpret_data EQUS "text_pause" limited_interpret_data EQUS "text_dots" link_wait_button EQUS "text_waitbutton" text_linkwaitbutton EQUS "text_waitbutton" text_linkpromptbutton EQUS "text_waitbutton" current_day EQUS "text_today" text_jump EQUS "text_far" ; macros/scripts/battle_anims.asm anim_enemyfeetobj EQUS "anim_battlergfx_2row" anim_playerheadobj EQUS "anim_battlergfx_1row" anim_clearsprites EQUS "anim_keepsprites" ; engine/events/std_scripts.asm pokecenternurse EQUS "PokecenterNurseScript" difficultbookshelf EQUS "DifficultBookshelfScript" picturebookshelf EQUS "PictureBookshelfScript" magazinebookshelf EQUS "MagazineBookshelfScript" teamrocketoath EQUS "TeamRocketOathScript" incenseburner EQUS "IncenseBurnerScript" merchandiseshelf EQUS "MerchandiseShelfScript" townmap EQUS "TownMapScript" window EQUS "WindowScript" tv EQUS "TVScript" homepage EQUS "HomepageScript" radio1 EQUS "Radio1Script" radio2 EQUS "Radio2Script" trashcan EQUS "TrashCanScript" strengthboulder EQUS "StrengthBoulderScript" smashrock EQUS "SmashRockScript" pokecentersign EQUS "PokecenterSignScript" martsign EQUS "MartSignScript" goldenrodrockets EQUS "GoldenrodRocketsScript" radiotowerrockets EQUS "RadioTowerRocketsScript" elevatorbutton EQUS "ElevatorButtonScript" daytotext EQUS "DayToTextScript" bugcontestresultswarp EQUS "BugContestResultsWarpScript" bugcontestresults EQUS "BugContestResultsScript" initializeevents EQUS "InitializeEventsScript" asknumber1m EQUS "AskNumber1MScript" asknumber2m EQUS "AskNumber2MScript" registerednumberm EQUS "RegisteredNumberMScript" numberacceptedm EQUS "NumberAcceptedMScript" numberdeclinedm EQUS "NumberDeclinedMScript" phonefullm EQUS "PhoneFullMScript" rematchm EQUS "RematchMScript" giftm EQUS "GiftMScript" packfullm EQUS "PackFullMScript" rematchgiftm EQUS "RematchGiftMScript" asknumber1f EQUS "AskNumber1FScript" asknumber2f EQUS "AskNumber2FScript" registerednumberf EQUS "RegisteredNumberFScript" numberacceptedf EQUS "NumberAcceptedFScript" numberdeclinedf EQUS "NumberDeclinedFScript" phonefullf EQUS "PhoneFullFScript" rematchf EQUS "RematchFScript" giftf EQUS "GiftFScript" packfullf EQUS "PackFullFScript" rematchgiftf EQUS "RematchGiftFScript" gymstatue1 EQUS "GymStatue1Script" gymstatue2 EQUS "GymStatue2Script" receiveitem EQUS "ReceiveItemScript" receivetogepiegg EQUS "ReceiveTogepiEggScript" pcscript EQUS "PCScript" gamecornercoinvendor EQUS "GameCornerCoinVendorScript" happinesschecknpc EQUS "HappinessCheckScript" ; constants/sprite_constants.asm SPRITE_BUENA EQUS "SPRITE_BEAUTY"