remove $1f4d bytes from the end of bank $6c
remove $186a bytes from the end of bank $6b
remove $776 bytes from the end of bank $6a
remove $cc9 bytes from the end of bank $69
remove $f4f bytes from the end of bank $68
remove $9bd bytes from the end of bank $67
remove $539 bytes from the end of bank $66
remove $940 bytes from the end of bank $65
remove $978 bytes from the end of bank $64
remove $bbf bytes from the end of bank $63
remove $888 bytes from the end of bank $62
remove $1b81 bytes from the end of bank $61
remove $24be bytes from the end of bank $2c
remove $a6 bytes from the end of bank $2b
remove $44e bytes from the end of bank $27
remove $408 bytes from the end of bank $26
remove $9d8 bytes from the end of bank $1f
remove $958 bytes from the end of bank $1e
remove $d7e bytes from the end of bank $1d
remove $913 bytes from the end of bank $1c
remove $95c bytes from the end of bank $1B
remove $599 bytes from the end of bank $1A
remove $d72 bytes from the end of bank $18
remove $f67 bytes from the end of bank $17
remove $8ee bytes from the end of bank $16
remove $cde bytes from the end of bank $15
remove 599 bytes bytes from the end of bank $E
minor texts and minor scripts
some weird movement data for swimmers?
clean up some INCBINs near script commands
remove extra whitespace from
texts for battle tower and bill's pc
some texts about the mobile room
extract some texts from INCBINs
replace more pointers/labels
fix one or two script pointers
Merge pull request #9 from iimarckus/unusedscripttext
Add the unused Silph Scope 2 text.
Add the unused, unreferenced Sweet Honey text.
Add text for the unused “missing daughter” event.
Merge pull request #8 from iimarckus/cry16bit
Use Pokémon IDs for the “cry” macro.
Merge branch 'master' of git://
dump-insert the stringtotext targets
use EncodedText for stringtotext params
check if trainer_names has been set yet before using that key
add '@' to EncodedText output
fix more pointers in scripts
fix local pointer in UnknownScript_0x5d82f
fix local pointer in UnknownScript_0x5d800
fix local pointer in UnknownScript_0x5cdd5
better labels inside TrainerGruntM1WhenTalkScript (slowpoke well)
UnknownText_0x5a8e8 -> TrainerGruntM29SlowpokeProfitText
Merge pull request #6 from yenatch/master
replace some more 1-byte incbins
replace some more 1-byte incbins
replace some more 1-byte incbins
add some 'end' commands from 1-byte incbins
SUPERNERD -> SUPER_NERD in trainer constants
at least try to keep HoOh in tact in label names
fix line continuation syntax error
add trainer id to trainer fragment headers for grunts
improvements to map_name_cleaner
add the labels to the scripts, not to the params pointing to scripts
use better label for MapEventHeader
reuse pre-existing/pre-inserted MapBlockData objects when possible
make map header labels use better rules
don't add TrainerGroupTable to future dumps
give better labels to TrainerFragment subobjects like texts and scripts
create better labels for TrainerFragments
rename cal's header to PKMN Trainer
remove extra spacing in
make TrainerFragment.to_asm() use trainer constants
insert trainer headers into main.asm
better asm output for TrainerHeader and TrainerGroupHeader
improve MoveParam to handle zeroed-out moves - store moves for MoveParam
update TrainerGroupParam and TrainerIdParam to use better constant/number rules
update the constants for BLACKBELT_T and PSYCHIC_T in
add trainer group constants
fix duplicate BENNY trainer name