ref: ae7b176ac8fded9a5f4cdd1ab631843914cf0ebb
dir: /maps/OlivineLighthouse5F.asm/
OlivineLighthouse5F_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x60980 ; trigger count db 0 ; callback count db 0 ; 0x60982 TrainerBird_keeperDenis: ; 0x60982 ; bit/flag number dw $400 ; trainer group && trainer id db BIRD_KEEPER, DENIS ; text when seen dw Bird_keeperDenisSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw Bird_keeperDenisBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw Bird_keeperDenisScript ; 0x6098e Bird_keeperDenisScript: ; 0x6098e talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x60ac3 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x60996 TrainerSailorErnest: ; 0x60996 ; bit/flag number dw $579 ; trainer group && trainer id db SAILOR, ERNEST ; text when seen dw SailorErnestSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw SailorErnestBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw SailorErnestScript ; 0x609a2 SailorErnestScript: ; 0x609a2 talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x60a1f closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x609aa ItemFragment_0x609aa: ; 0x609aa db RARE_CANDY, 1 ; 0x609ac ItemFragment_0x609ac: ; 0x609ac db SUPER_REPEL, 1 ; 0x609ae ItemFragment_0x609ae: ; 0x609ae db TM_34, 1 ; 0x609b0 MapOlivineLighthouse5FSignpostItem0: ; 0x609b0 dw $0085 db HYPER_POTION ; 0x609b3 SailorErnestSeenText: ; 0x609b3 db $0, "I wanted to battle", $4f db "JASMINE, but she's", $51 db "not up to it now.", $4f db "So, how about you?", $57 ; 0x609fe SailorErnestBeatenText: ; 0x609fe db $0, "Whoa, whoa. You're", $4f db "overwhelming!", $57 ; 0x60a1f UnknownText_0x60a1f: ; 0x60a1f db $0, "A GYM LEADER isn't", $4f db "just about being", $51 db "strong. A LEADER", $4f db "also needs to be", $55 db "compassionate.", $57 ; 0x60a74 Bird_keeperDenisSeenText: ; 0x60a74 db $0, "We're pretty high", $4f db "up here. My bird", $51 db "#MON are in", $4f db "prime form.", $57 ; 0x60aaf Bird_keeperDenisBeatenText: ; 0x60aaf db $0, "Oops…They crashed…", $57 ; 0x60ac3 UnknownText_0x60ac3: ; 0x60ac3 db $0, "My #MON learned", $4f db "how to use FLY in", $55 db "CIANWOOD.", $51 db "Well, since I'm a", $4f db "loser, I'll FLY", $55 db "across the sea…", $57 ; 0x60b20 OlivineLighthouse5F_MapEventHeader: ; 0x60b20 ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 7 warp_def $f, $9, 1, GROUP_OLIVINE_LIGHTHOUSE_6F, MAP_OLIVINE_LIGHTHOUSE_6F warp_def $5, $3, 2, GROUP_OLIVINE_LIGHTHOUSE_4F, MAP_OLIVINE_LIGHTHOUSE_4F warp_def $7, $9, 3, GROUP_OLIVINE_LIGHTHOUSE_4F, MAP_OLIVINE_LIGHTHOUSE_4F warp_def $7, $10, 9, GROUP_OLIVINE_LIGHTHOUSE_4F, MAP_OLIVINE_LIGHTHOUSE_4F warp_def $7, $11, 10, GROUP_OLIVINE_LIGHTHOUSE_4F, MAP_OLIVINE_LIGHTHOUSE_4F warp_def $5, $10, 2, GROUP_OLIVINE_LIGHTHOUSE_6F, MAP_OLIVINE_LIGHTHOUSE_6F warp_def $5, $11, 3, GROUP_OLIVINE_LIGHTHOUSE_6F, MAP_OLIVINE_LIGHTHOUSE_6F ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 1 signpost 13, 3, $7, MapOlivineLighthouse5FSignpostItem0 ; people-events db 5 person_event $49, 15, 12, $a, $0, 255, 255, $92, 3, TrainerSailorErnest, $ffff person_event $27, 7, 12, $8, $0, 255, 255, $92, 4, TrainerBird_keeperDenis, $ffff person_event $54, 16, 19, $1, $0, 255, 255, $1, 0, ItemFragment_0x609aa, $0665 person_event $54, 19, 10, $1, $0, 255, 255, $1, 0, ItemFragment_0x609ac, $0666 person_event $54, 17, 6, $1, $0, 255, 255, $1, 0, ItemFragment_0x609ae, $0667 ; 0x60b8f