ref: ae7b176ac8fded9a5f4cdd1ab631843914cf0ebb
dir: /maps/EcruteakCity.asm/
EcruteakCity_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x1a4000 ; trigger count db 0 ; callback count db 1 ; callbacks dbw 5, UnknownScript_0x1a4005 ; 0x1a4005 UnknownScript_0x1a4005: ; 0x1a4005 setbit2 $0048 return ; 0x1a4009 UnknownScript_0x1a4009: ; 0x1a4009 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x1a4105 ; 0x1a400c UnknownScript_0x1a400c: ; 0x1a400c jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x1a4147 ; 0x1a400f UnknownScript_0x1a400f: ; 0x1a400f jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x1a43cb ; 0x1a4012 UnknownScript_0x1a4012: ; 0x1a4012 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x1a41db ; 0x1a4015 UnknownScript_0x1a4015: ; 0x1a4015 faceplayer loadfont checkbit1 $007b iftrue UnknownScript_0x1a4023 2writetext UnknownText_0x1a421a closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x1a4023 UnknownScript_0x1a4023: ; 0x1a4023 2writetext UnknownText_0x1a4269 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x1a4029 UnknownScript_0x1a4029: ; 0x1a4029 faceplayer loadfont checkbit1 $0020 iftrue UnknownScript_0x1a4037 2writetext UnknownText_0x1a42ac closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x1a4037 UnknownScript_0x1a4037: ; 0x1a4037 2writetext UnknownText_0x1a4325 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x1a403d UnknownScript_0x1a403d: ; 0x1a403d jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x1a4386 ; 0x1a4040 MapEcruteakCitySignpost0Script: ; 0x1a4040 jumptext UnknownText_0x1a44d1 ; 0x1a4043 MapEcruteakCitySignpost1Script: ; 0x1a4043 jumptext UnknownText_0x1a4513 ; 0x1a4046 MapEcruteakCitySignpost2Script: ; 0x1a4046 jumptext UnknownText_0x1a4548 ; 0x1a4049 MapEcruteakCitySignpost3Script: ; 0x1a4049 jumptext UnknownText_0x1a458c ; 0x1a404c MapEcruteakCitySignpost4Script: ; 0x1a404c jumptext UnknownText_0x1a45a4 ; 0x1a404f MapEcruteakCitySignpost5Script: ; 0x1a404f jumpstd $0010 ; 0x1a4052 MapEcruteakCitySignpost6Script: ; 0x1a4052 jumpstd $0011 ; 0x1a4055 MapEcruteakCitySignpostItem7: ; 0x1a4055 dw $00b4 db HYPER_POTION ; 0x1a4058 UnusedMissingDaughterText: ; 0x1a4058 ; This text is neither used nor referenced in the final game. db $0, "Oh, no. Oh, no…",$51 db "My daughter is", $4f db "missing.", $51 db "No… She couldn't", $4f db "have gone to the", $55 db "BURNED TOWER.", $51 db "I told her not to", $4f db "go near it…", $51 db "People seem to", $4f db "disappear there…", $51 db "Oh, what should I", $4f db "do…?", $57 UnknownText_0x1a4105: ; 0x1a4105 db $0, "ECRUTEAK used to", $4f db "have two towers:", $51 db "one each in the", $4f db "east and west.", $57 ; 0x1a4147 UnknownText_0x1a4147: ; 0x1a4147 db $0, "Ah, child.", $4f db "Have you learned", $51 db "to dance like the", $4f db "KIMONO GIRLS?", $51 db "If you go to their", $4f db "DANCE THEATER, an", $51 db "odd old man will", $4f db "give you something", $55 db "nice, I hear.", $57 ; 0x1a41db UnknownText_0x1a41db: ; 0x1a41db db $0, "I'm going to prac-", $4f db "tice at the DANCE", $51 db "THEATER. Care to", $4f db "join me?", $57 ; 0x1a421a UnknownText_0x1a421a: ; 0x1a421a db $0, "The tower that", $4f db "used to be here…", $51 db "My grandma told me", $4f db "it used to be much", $55 db "taller.", $57 ; 0x1a4269 UnknownText_0x1a4269: ; 0x1a4269 db $0, "Three big #MON", $4f db "ran off in differ-", $55 db "ent directions.", $55 db "What were they?", $57 ; 0x1a42ac UnknownText_0x1a42ac: ; 0x1a42ac db $0, "I heard a rumor", $4f db "about OLIVINE", $55 db "LIGHTHOUSE.", $51 db "The #MON that", $4f db "serves as the", $51 db "beacon fell ill.", $4f db "Sounds like they", $55 db "are in trouble.", $57 ; 0x1a4325 UnknownText_0x1a4325: ; 0x1a4325 db $0, "The #MON at", $4f db "OLIVINE LIGHTHOUSE", $55 db "has been cured.", $51 db "Boats can safely", $4f db "sail out to sea at", $55 db "night again.", $57 ; 0x1a4386 UnknownText_0x1a4386: ; 0x1a4386 db $0, "I hear #MON are", $4f db "rampaging at the", $51 db "LAKE OF RAGE. I'd", $4f db "like to see that.", $57 ; 0x1a43cb UnknownText_0x1a43cb: ; 0x1a43cb db $0, "In the distant", $4f db "past…", $51 db "This tower burned", $4f db "in a fire. Three", $51 db "nameless #MON", $4f db "perished in it.", $51 db "A rainbow-colored", $4f db "#MON descended", $51 db "from the sky and", $4f db "resurrected them…", $51 db "It's a legend that", $4f db "has been passed", $51 db "down by ECRUTEAK", $4f db "GYM LEADERS.", $51 db "Me?", $51 db "I was a trainer", $4f db "way back when.", $55 db "Hohoho!", $57 ; 0x1a44d1 UnknownText_0x1a44d1: ; 0x1a44d1 db $0, "ECRUTEAK CITY", $4f db "A Historical City", $51 db "Where the Past", $4f db "Meets the Present", $57 ; 0x1a4513 UnknownText_0x1a4513: ; 0x1a4513 db $0, "TIN TOWER", $51 db "A legendary #-", $4f db "MON is said to", $55 db "roost here.", $57 ; 0x1a4548 UnknownText_0x1a4548: ; 0x1a4548 db $0, "ECRUTEAK CITY", $4f db "#MON GYM", $55 db "LEADER: MORTY", $51 db "The Mystic Seer of", $4f db "the Future", $57 ; 0x1a458c UnknownText_0x1a458c: ; 0x1a458c db $0, "ECRUTEAK DANCE", $4f db "THEATER", $57 ; 0x1a45a4 UnknownText_0x1a45a4: ; 0x1a45a4 db $0, "BURNED TOWER", $51 db "It was destroyed", $4f db "by a mysterious", $55 db "fire.", $51 db "Please stay away,", $4f db "as it is unsafe.", $57 ; 0x1a45fc EcruteakCity_MapEventHeader: ; 0x1a45fc ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 15 warp_def $1a, $23, 1, GROUP_ROUTE_42_ECRUTEAK_GATE, MAP_ROUTE_42_ECRUTEAK_GATE warp_def $1b, $23, 2, GROUP_ROUTE_42_ECRUTEAK_GATE, MAP_ROUTE_42_ECRUTEAK_GATE warp_def $b, $12, 1, GROUP_ECRUTEAK_HOUSE, MAP_ECRUTEAK_HOUSE warp_def $2, $14, 1, GROUP_WISE_TRIOS_ROOM, MAP_WISE_TRIOS_ROOM warp_def $3, $14, 2, GROUP_WISE_TRIOS_ROOM, MAP_WISE_TRIOS_ROOM warp_def $1b, $17, 1, GROUP_ECRUTEAK_POKECENTER_1F, MAP_ECRUTEAK_POKECENTER_1F warp_def $15, $5, 1, GROUP_ECRUTEAK_LUGIA_SPEECH_HOUSE, MAP_ECRUTEAK_LUGIA_SPEECH_HOUSE warp_def $15, $17, 1, GROUP_DANCE_THEATRE, MAP_DANCE_THEATRE warp_def $15, $1d, 2, GROUP_ECRUTEAK_MART, MAP_ECRUTEAK_MART warp_def $1b, $6, 1, GROUP_ECRUTEAK_GYM, MAP_ECRUTEAK_GYM warp_def $1b, $d, 1, GROUP_ECRUTEAK_ITEMFINDER_HOUSE, MAP_ECRUTEAK_ITEMFINDER_HOUSE warp_def $7, $25, 1, GROUP_TIN_TOWER_1F, MAP_TIN_TOWER_1F warp_def $5, $5, 1, GROUP_BURNED_TOWER_1F, MAP_BURNED_TOWER_1F warp_def $12, $0, 3, GROUP_ROUTE_38_ECRUTEAK_GATE, MAP_ROUTE_38_ECRUTEAK_GATE warp_def $13, $0, 4, GROUP_ROUTE_38_ECRUTEAK_GATE, MAP_ROUTE_38_ECRUTEAK_GATE ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 8 signpost 21, 15, $0, MapEcruteakCitySignpost0Script signpost 10, 38, $0, MapEcruteakCitySignpost1Script signpost 28, 8, $0, MapEcruteakCitySignpost2Script signpost 21, 21, $0, MapEcruteakCitySignpost3Script signpost 10, 2, $0, MapEcruteakCitySignpost4Script signpost 27, 24, $0, MapEcruteakCitySignpost5Script signpost 21, 30, $0, MapEcruteakCitySignpost6Script signpost 14, 23, $7, MapEcruteakCitySignpostItem7 ; people-events db 7 person_event $2f, 19, 22, $2, $11, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x1a4009, $ffff person_event $2f, 25, 24, $3, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x1a400c, $ffff person_event $28, 33, 25, $5, $2, 255, 255, $90, 0, UnknownScript_0x1a4012, $ffff person_event $28, 13, 7, $7, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x1a4015, $ffff person_event $3a, 26, 13, $5, $1, 255, 255, $a0, 0, UnknownScript_0x1a4029, $ffff person_event $27, 18, 14, $2, $11, 255, 255, $80, 0, UnknownScript_0x1a403d, $ffff person_event $2f, 11, 7, $2, $11, 255, 255, $a0, 0, UnknownScript_0x1a400f, $07a9 ; 0x1a46d0