ref: ae79200b1dd8ed693f968dc61048aaf9515db530
dir: /maps/NewBarkTown.asm/
object_const_def const NEWBARKTOWN_TEACHER const NEWBARKTOWN_FISHER const NEWBARKTOWN_RIVAL NewBarkTown_MapScripts: def_scene_scripts scene_script NewBarkTownNoop1Scene, SCENE_NEWBARKTOWN_TEACHER_STOPS_YOU scene_script NewBarkTownNoop2Scene, SCENE_NEWBARKTOWN_NOOP def_callbacks callback MAPCALLBACK_NEWMAP, NewBarkTownFlypointCallback NewBarkTownNoop1Scene: end NewBarkTownNoop2Scene: end NewBarkTownFlypointCallback: setflag ENGINE_FLYPOINT_NEW_BARK clearevent EVENT_FIRST_TIME_BANKING_WITH_MOM endcallback NewBarkTown_TeacherStopsYouScene1: playmusic MUSIC_MOM turnobject NEWBARKTOWN_TEACHER, LEFT opentext writetext Text_WaitPlayer waitbutton closetext turnobject PLAYER, RIGHT applymovement NEWBARKTOWN_TEACHER, NewBarkTown_TeacherRunsToYouMovement1 opentext writetext Text_WhatDoYouThinkYoureDoing waitbutton closetext follow NEWBARKTOWN_TEACHER, PLAYER applymovement NEWBARKTOWN_TEACHER, NewBarkTown_TeacherBringsYouBackMovement1 stopfollow opentext writetext Text_ItsDangerousToGoAlone waitbutton closetext special RestartMapMusic end NewBarkTown_TeacherStopsYouScene2: playmusic MUSIC_MOM turnobject NEWBARKTOWN_TEACHER, LEFT opentext writetext Text_WaitPlayer waitbutton closetext turnobject PLAYER, RIGHT applymovement NEWBARKTOWN_TEACHER, NewBarkTown_TeacherRunsToYouMovement2 turnobject PLAYER, UP opentext writetext Text_WhatDoYouThinkYoureDoing waitbutton closetext follow NEWBARKTOWN_TEACHER, PLAYER applymovement NEWBARKTOWN_TEACHER, NewBarkTown_TeacherBringsYouBackMovement2 stopfollow opentext writetext Text_ItsDangerousToGoAlone waitbutton closetext special RestartMapMusic end NewBarkTownTeacherScript: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_TALKED_TO_MOM_AFTER_MYSTERY_EGG_QUEST iftrue .CallMom checkevent EVENT_GAVE_MYSTERY_EGG_TO_ELM iftrue .TellMomYoureLeaving checkevent EVENT_GOT_A_POKEMON_FROM_ELM iftrue .MonIsAdorable writetext Text_GearIsImpressive waitbutton closetext end .MonIsAdorable: writetext Text_YourMonIsAdorable waitbutton closetext end .TellMomYoureLeaving: writetext Text_TellMomIfLeaving waitbutton closetext end .CallMom: writetext Text_CallMomOnGear waitbutton closetext end NewBarkTownFisherScript: jumptextfaceplayer Text_ElmDiscoveredNewMon NewBarkTownRivalScript: opentext writetext NewBarkTownRivalText1 waitbutton closetext turnobject NEWBARKTOWN_RIVAL, LEFT opentext writetext NewBarkTownRivalText2 waitbutton closetext follow PLAYER, NEWBARKTOWN_RIVAL applymovement PLAYER, NewBarkTown_RivalPushesYouAwayMovement stopfollow pause 5 turnobject NEWBARKTOWN_RIVAL, DOWN pause 5 playsound SFX_TACKLE applymovement PLAYER, NewBarkTown_RivalShovesYouOutMovement applymovement NEWBARKTOWN_RIVAL, NewBarkTown_RivalReturnsToTheShadowsMovement end NewBarkTownSign: jumptext NewBarkTownSignText NewBarkTownPlayersHouseSign: jumptext NewBarkTownPlayersHouseSignText NewBarkTownElmsLabSign: jumptext NewBarkTownElmsLabSignText NewBarkTownElmsHouseSign: jumptext NewBarkTownElmsHouseSignText NewBarkTown_TeacherRunsToYouMovement1: step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step_end NewBarkTown_TeacherRunsToYouMovement2: step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT turn_head DOWN step_end NewBarkTown_TeacherBringsYouBackMovement1: step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT turn_head LEFT step_end NewBarkTown_TeacherBringsYouBackMovement2: step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT turn_head LEFT step_end NewBarkTown_RivalPushesYouAwayMovement: turn_head UP step DOWN step_end NewBarkTown_RivalShovesYouOutMovement: turn_head UP fix_facing jump_step DOWN remove_fixed_facing step_end NewBarkTown_RivalReturnsToTheShadowsMovement: step RIGHT step_end Text_GearIsImpressive: text "Wow, your #GEAR" line "is impressive!" para "Did your mom get" line "it for you?" done Text_WaitPlayer: text "Wait, <PLAY_G>!" done Text_WhatDoYouThinkYoureDoing: text "What do you think" line "you're doing?" done Text_ItsDangerousToGoAlone: text "It's dangerous to" line "go out without a" cont "#MON!" para "Wild #MON" line "jump out of the" para "grass on the way" line "to the next town." done Text_YourMonIsAdorable: text "Oh! Your #MON" line "is adorable!" cont "I wish I had one!" done Text_TellMomIfLeaving: text "Hi, <PLAY_G>!" line "Leaving again?" para "You should tell" line "your mom if you" cont "are leaving." done Text_CallMomOnGear: text "Call your mom on" line "your #GEAR to" para "let her know how" line "you're doing." done Text_ElmDiscoveredNewMon: text "Yo, <PLAYER>!" para "I hear PROF.ELM" line "discovered some" cont "new #MON." done NewBarkTownRivalText1: text "<……>" para "So this is the" line "famous ELM #MON" cont "LAB…" done NewBarkTownRivalText2: text "…What are you" line "staring at?" done NewBarkTownSignText: text "NEW BARK TOWN" para "The Town Where the" line "Winds of a New" cont "Beginning Blow" done NewBarkTownPlayersHouseSignText: text "<PLAYER>'s House" done NewBarkTownElmsLabSignText: text "ELM #MON LAB" done NewBarkTownElmsHouseSignText: text "ELM'S HOUSE" done NewBarkTown_MapEvents: db 0, 0 ; filler def_warp_events warp_event 6, 3, ELMS_LAB, 1 warp_event 13, 5, PLAYERS_HOUSE_1F, 1 warp_event 3, 11, PLAYERS_NEIGHBORS_HOUSE, 1 warp_event 11, 13, ELMS_HOUSE, 1 def_coord_events coord_event 1, 8, SCENE_NEWBARKTOWN_TEACHER_STOPS_YOU, NewBarkTown_TeacherStopsYouScene1 coord_event 1, 9, SCENE_NEWBARKTOWN_TEACHER_STOPS_YOU, NewBarkTown_TeacherStopsYouScene2 def_bg_events bg_event 8, 8, BGEVENT_READ, NewBarkTownSign bg_event 11, 5, BGEVENT_READ, NewBarkTownPlayersHouseSign bg_event 3, 3, BGEVENT_READ, NewBarkTownElmsLabSign bg_event 9, 13, BGEVENT_READ, NewBarkTownElmsHouseSign def_object_events object_event 6, 8, SPRITE_TEACHER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_SPINRANDOM_SLOW, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, NewBarkTownTeacherScript, -1 object_event 12, 9, SPRITE_FISHER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_WALK_UP_DOWN, 0, 1, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_GREEN, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, NewBarkTownFisherScript, -1 object_event 3, 2, SPRITE_RIVAL, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_RIGHT, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, NewBarkTownRivalScript, EVENT_RIVAL_NEW_BARK_TOWN