ref: ae78ee6cc8c8f47f0d7ada56848dd7a04129bf61
dir: /maps/BurnedTower1F.asm/
const_value set 2 const BURNEDTOWER1F_ROCK const BURNEDTOWER1F_EUSINE const BURNEDTOWER1F_SILVER const BURNEDTOWER1F_MORTY const BURNEDTOWER1F_POKE_BALL BurnedTower1F_MapScriptHeader: .SceneScripts: db 3 scene_script .EusineScene scene_script .DummyScene1 scene_script .DummyScene2 .MapCallbacks: db 1 dbw MAPCALLBACK_TILES, .HoleAndLadder .EusineScene: priorityjump .MeetEusine end .DummyScene1: end .DummyScene2: end .HoleAndLadder: checkevent EVENT_HOLE_IN_BURNED_TOWER iftrue .Next changeblock $a, $8, $32 ; hole .Next: checkevent EVENT_RELEASED_THE_BEASTS iftrue .Done changeblock $6, $e, $9 ; ladder .Done: return .MeetEusine: spriteface BURNEDTOWER1F_EUSINE, DOWN showemote EMOTE_SHOCK, BURNEDTOWER1F_EUSINE, 15 applymovement BURNEDTOWER1F_EUSINE, BurnedTower1FEusineMovement opentext writetext BurnedTower1FEusineIntroText waitbutton closetext moveobject BURNEDTOWER1F_EUSINE, $9, $e setscene $1 end BurnedTowerRivalBattleScript: showemote EMOTE_SHOCK, BURNEDTOWER1F_SILVER, 15 special Special_FadeOutMusic pause 15 spriteface BURNEDTOWER1F_SILVER, RIGHT pause 15 applymovement PLAYER, BurnedTowerMovement_PlayerWalksToSilver applymovement BURNEDTOWER1F_SILVER, BurnedTowerMovement_SilverWalksToPlayer playmusic MUSIC_RIVAL_ENCOUNTER opentext writetext BurnedTowerSilver_BeforeText waitbutton closetext checkevent EVENT_GOT_TOTODILE_FROM_ELM iftrue .totodile checkevent EVENT_GOT_CHIKORITA_FROM_ELM iftrue .chikorita winlosstext BurnedTowerSilver_WinText, BurnedTowerSilver_LossText setlasttalked BURNEDTOWER1F_SILVER loadtrainer RIVAL1, RIVAL1_3_TOTODILE startbattle dontrestartmapmusic reloadmapafterbattle jump .returnfrombattle .totodile winlosstext BurnedTowerSilver_WinText, BurnedTowerSilver_LossText setlasttalked BURNEDTOWER1F_SILVER loadtrainer RIVAL1, RIVAL1_3_CHIKORITA startbattle dontrestartmapmusic reloadmapafterbattle jump .returnfrombattle .chikorita winlosstext BurnedTowerSilver_WinText, BurnedTowerSilver_LossText setlasttalked BURNEDTOWER1F_SILVER loadtrainer RIVAL1, RIVAL1_3_CYNDAQUIL startbattle dontrestartmapmusic reloadmapafterbattle jump .returnfrombattle .returnfrombattle playmusic MUSIC_RIVAL_AFTER opentext writetext BurnedTowerSilver_AfterText1 waitbutton closetext setscene $2 setevent EVENT_RIVAL_BURNED_TOWER special Special_FadeOutMusic pause 15 earthquake 50 showemote EMOTE_SHOCK, PLAYER, 15 playsound SFX_ENTER_DOOR waitsfx changeblock $a, $8, $25 reloadmappart pause 15 applymovement PLAYER, BurnedTower1FMovement_PlayerStartsToFall playsound SFX_KINESIS showemote EMOTE_SHOCK, BURNEDTOWER1F_SILVER, 20 opentext writetext BurnedTowerSilver_AfterText2 waitbutton closetext setevent EVENT_HOLE_IN_BURNED_TOWER pause 15 warpcheck end BurnedTower1FEusineScript: jumptextfaceplayer BurnedTower1FEusineText BurnedTower1FMortyScript: jumptextfaceplayer BurnedTower1FMortyText BurnedTower1FRock: jumpstd smashrock BurnedTower1FHiddenEther: dwb EVENT_BURNED_TOWER_1F_HIDDEN_ETHER, ETHER BurnedTower1FHiddenUltraBall: dwb EVENT_BURNED_TOWER_1F_HIDDEN_ULTRA_BALL, ULTRA_BALL BurnedTower1FHPUp: itemball HP_UP BurnedTowerMovement_PlayerWalksToSilver: step LEFT step_end BurnedTowerMovement_SilverWalksToPlayer: step RIGHT step_end BurnedTower1FMovement_PlayerStartsToFall: skyfall_top step_end BurnedTower1FEusineMovement: step DOWN step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step DOWN step_end BurnedTowerSilver_BeforeText: text "<......> <......> <......>" para "…Oh, it's you." para "I came looking for" line "some legendary" para "#MON that they" line "say roosts here." para "But there's" line "nothing here!" para "Nothing after all" line "the trouble of" para "coming to this" line "dump? No way!" para "It's all your" line "fault!" done BurnedTowerSilver_WinText: text "…Humph!" para "This is why I hate" line "battling wimps." para "There's no" line "challenge in it." done BurnedTowerSilver_AfterText1: text "…Aw, whatever." para "You would never be" line "able to catch a" para "legendary #MON" line "anyway." done BurnedTowerSilver_LossText: text "…Humph!" para "This is why I hate" line "battling wimps." para "It's just a waste" line "of my time." done BurnedTowerSilver_AfterText2: text "Humph!" para "What are you doing" line "falling into a" para "hole? Some genius" line "you are!" para "Serves you right!" done BurnedTower1FEusineIntroText: text "EUSINE: My name's" line "EUSINE." para "I'm on the trail" line "of a #MON named" cont "SUICUNE." para "And you are…?" para "<PLAYER>? Glad to" line "meet you!" para "I heard rumors" line "that SUICUNE is in" para "this BURNED TOWER," line "so I came to look." para "But where exactly" line "could it be?" done BurnedTower1FEusineText: text "EUSINE: I heard" line "that SUICUNE is in" para "this BURNED TOWER," line "so I came to look." para "But where exactly" line "could it be?" done BurnedTower1FMortyText: text "MORTY: ECRUTEAK's" line "GYM LEADER has to" para "study what are" line "said to be the" para "legendary #MON" line "--SUICUNE, ENTEI" cont "and RAIKOU." para "EUSINE is here, so" line "I've decided to" para "investigate the" line "TOWER with him." done BurnedTower1F_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 .Warps: db 14 warp_def 9, 15, 13, ECRUTEAK_CITY warp_def 10, 15, 13, ECRUTEAK_CITY warp_def 10, 9, 1, BURNED_TOWER_B1F warp_def 5, 5, 1, BURNED_TOWER_B1F warp_def 5, 6, 1, BURNED_TOWER_B1F warp_def 4, 6, 1, BURNED_TOWER_B1F warp_def 15, 4, 2, BURNED_TOWER_B1F warp_def 15, 5, 2, BURNED_TOWER_B1F warp_def 10, 7, 3, BURNED_TOWER_B1F warp_def 5, 14, 4, BURNED_TOWER_B1F warp_def 4, 14, 4, BURNED_TOWER_B1F warp_def 14, 14, 5, BURNED_TOWER_B1F warp_def 15, 14, 5, BURNED_TOWER_B1F warp_def 7, 15, 6, BURNED_TOWER_B1F .CoordEvents: db 1 coord_event 11, 9, 1, BurnedTowerRivalBattleScript .BGEvents: db 2 bg_event 8, 7, BGEVENT_ITEM, BurnedTower1FHiddenEther bg_event 13, 11, BGEVENT_ITEM, BurnedTower1FHiddenUltraBall .ObjectEvents: db 5 object_event 15, 4, SPRITE_ROCK, SPRITEMOVEDATA_SMASHABLE_ROCK, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, BurnedTower1FRock, -1 object_event 12, 12, SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, SPRITEMOVEDATA_SPINRANDOM_SLOW, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, BurnedTower1FEusineScript, EVENT_BURNED_TOWER_1F_EUSINE object_event 8, 9, SPRITE_SILVER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_LEFT, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 3, ObjectEvent, EVENT_RIVAL_BURNED_TOWER object_event 14, 14, SPRITE_MORTY, SPRITEMOVEDATA_WANDER, 1, 1, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BROWN, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, BurnedTower1FMortyScript, EVENT_BURNED_TOWER_MORTY object_event 14, 2, SPRITE_POKE_BALL, SPRITEMOVEDATA_ITEM_TREE, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_ITEMBALL, 0, BurnedTower1FHPUp, EVENT_BURNED_TOWER_1F_HP_UP