ref: ab2677277e6f0b1d810507a9328f750e95ce74a6
dir: /engine/select_menu.asm/
SelectMenu:: ; 13327 call CheckRegisteredItem jr c, .NotRegistered jp UseRegisteredItem .NotRegistered: call OpenText ld b, BANK(ItemMayBeRegisteredText) ld hl, ItemMayBeRegisteredText call MapTextbox call WaitButton jp CloseText ; 13340 ItemMayBeRegisteredText: ; 13340 text_jump UnknownText_0x1c1cf3 db "@" ; 13345 CheckRegisteredItem: ; 13345 ld a, [wWhichRegisteredItem] and a jr z, .NoRegisteredItem and REGISTERED_POCKET rlca rlca ld hl, .Pockets rst JumpTable ret .Pockets: ; entries correspond to *_POCKET constants dw .CheckItem dw .CheckBall dw .CheckKeyItem dw .CheckTMHM .CheckItem: ld hl, wNumItems call .CheckRegisteredNo jr c, .NoRegisteredItem inc hl ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de add hl, de call .IsSameItem jr c, .NoRegisteredItem and a ret .CheckKeyItem: ld a, [wRegisteredItem] ld hl, wKeyItems ld de, 1 call IsInArray jr nc, .NoRegisteredItem ld a, [wRegisteredItem] ld [wCurItem], a and a ret .CheckBall: ld hl, wNumBalls call .CheckRegisteredNo jr nc, .NoRegisteredItem inc hl ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de add hl, de call .IsSameItem jr c, .NoRegisteredItem ret .CheckTMHM: jr .NoRegisteredItem .NoRegisteredItem: xor a ld [wWhichRegisteredItem], a ld [wRegisteredItem], a scf ret ; 133a6 .CheckRegisteredNo: ; 133a6 ld a, [wWhichRegisteredItem] and REGISTERED_NUMBER dec a cp [hl] jr nc, .NotEnoughItems ld [wCurItemQuantity], a and a ret .NotEnoughItems: scf ret ; 133b6 .IsSameItem: ; 133b6 ld a, [wRegisteredItem] cp [hl] jr nz, .NotSameItem ld [wCurItem], a and a ret .NotSameItem: scf ret ; 133c3 UseRegisteredItem: ; 133c3 farcall CheckItemMenu ld a, [wItemAttributeParamBuffer] ld hl, .SwitchTo rst JumpTable ret .SwitchTo: ; entries correspond to ITEMMENU_* constants dw .CantUse dw .NoFunction dw .NoFunction dw .NoFunction dw .Current dw .Party dw .Overworld ; 133df .NoFunction: ; 133df call OpenText call CantUseItem call CloseText and a ret ; 133ea .Current: ; 133ea call OpenText call DoItemEffect call CloseText and a ret ; 133f5 .Party: ; 133f5 call RefreshScreen call FadeToMenu call DoItemEffect call CloseSubmenu call CloseText and a ret ; 13406 .Overworld: ; 13406 call RefreshScreen ld a, 1 ld [wUsingItemWithSelect], a call DoItemEffect xor a ld [wUsingItemWithSelect], a ld a, [wItemEffectSucceeded] cp 1 jr nz, ._cantuse scf ld a, HMENURETURN_SCRIPT ld [hMenuReturn], a ret ; 13422 .CantUse: ; 13422 call RefreshScreen ._cantuse call CantUseItem call CloseText and a ret ; 1342d