ref: a45b56a8c1b09b55033c3e23cdcdccf506f39022
dir: /maps/BillsHouse.asm/
const_value set 2 const BILLSHOUSE_GRAMPS BillsHouse_MapScriptHeader: .MapTriggers: db 0 .MapCallbacks: db 0 BillsGrandpa: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_GAVE_KURT_APRICORNS iftrue .JustShowedSomething checkevent EVENT_GOT_THUNDERSTONE_FROM_BILLS_GRANDPA iftrue .GotThunderstone checkevent EVENT_MET_BILLS_GRANDPA iftrue .MetGrandpa writetext BillsGrandpaIntroText buttonsound setevent EVENT_MET_BILLS_GRANDPA .MetGrandpa: checkevent EVENT_SHOWED_PICHU_TO_BILLS_GRANDPA iftrue .ShowedPichu checkevent EVENT_SHOWED_GROWLITHE_VULPIX_TO_BILLS_GRANDPA iftrue .ShowedGrowlitheVulpix checkevent EVENT_SHOWED_STARYU_TO_BILLS_GRANDPA iftrue .ShowedStaryu checkevent EVENT_SHOWED_ODDISH_TO_BILLS_GRANDPA iftrue .ShowedOddish checkevent EVENT_SHOWED_LICKITUNG_TO_BILLS_GRANDPA iftrue .ShowedLickitung writetext BillsGrandpaLickitungText buttonsound writetext BillsGrandpaAskToSeeMonText yesorno iffalse .SaidNo scall .ExcitedToSee special Special_BillsGrandfather iffalse .SaidNo if_not_equal LICKITUNG, .WrongPokemon scall .CorrectPokemon setevent EVENT_SHOWED_LICKITUNG_TO_BILLS_GRANDPA jump .ShowedLickitung .GotEverstone: writetext BillsGrandpaOddishText buttonsound writetext BillsGrandpaAskToSeeMonText yesorno iffalse .SaidNo scall .ExcitedToSee special Special_BillsGrandfather iffalse .SaidNo if_not_equal ODDISH, .WrongPokemon scall .CorrectPokemon setevent EVENT_SHOWED_ODDISH_TO_BILLS_GRANDPA jump .ShowedOddish .GotLeafStone: writetext BillsGrandpaStaryuText buttonsound writetext BillsGrandpaAskToSeeMonText yesorno iffalse .SaidNo scall .ExcitedToSee special Special_BillsGrandfather iffalse .SaidNo if_not_equal STARYU, .WrongPokemon scall .CorrectPokemon setevent EVENT_SHOWED_STARYU_TO_BILLS_GRANDPA jump .ShowedStaryu .GotWaterStone: checkver iftrue .AskVulpix writetext BillsGrandpaGrowlitheText buttonsound writetext BillsGrandpaAskToSeeMonText yesorno iffalse .SaidNo scall .ExcitedToSee special Special_BillsGrandfather iffalse .SaidNo if_not_equal GROWLITHE, .WrongPokemon scall .CorrectPokemon setevent EVENT_SHOWED_GROWLITHE_VULPIX_TO_BILLS_GRANDPA jump .ShowedGrowlitheVulpix .AskVulpix: writetext BillsGrandpaVulpixText buttonsound writetext BillsGrandpaAskToSeeMonText yesorno iffalse .SaidNo scall .ExcitedToSee special Special_BillsGrandfather iffalse .SaidNo if_not_equal VULPIX, .WrongPokemon scall .CorrectPokemon setevent EVENT_SHOWED_GROWLITHE_VULPIX_TO_BILLS_GRANDPA jump .ShowedGrowlitheVulpix .GotFireStone: writetext BillsGrandpaPichuText buttonsound writetext BillsGrandpaAskToSeeMonText yesorno iffalse .SaidNo scall .ExcitedToSee special Special_BillsGrandfather iffalse .SaidNo if_not_equal PICHU, .WrongPokemon scall .CorrectPokemon setevent EVENT_SHOWED_PICHU_TO_BILLS_GRANDPA jump .ShowedPichu .ShowedLickitung: checkevent EVENT_GOT_EVERSTONE_FROM_BILLS_GRANDPA iftrue .GotEverstone scall .ReceiveItem verbosegiveitem EVERSTONE iffalse .BagFull setevent EVENT_GOT_EVERSTONE_FROM_BILLS_GRANDPA setevent EVENT_GAVE_KURT_APRICORNS closetext end .ShowedOddish: checkevent EVENT_GOT_LEAF_STONE_FROM_BILLS_GRANDPA iftrue .GotLeafStone scall .ReceiveItem verbosegiveitem LEAF_STONE iffalse .BagFull setevent EVENT_GOT_LEAF_STONE_FROM_BILLS_GRANDPA setevent EVENT_GAVE_KURT_APRICORNS closetext end .ShowedStaryu: checkevent EVENT_GOT_WATER_STONE_FROM_BILLS_GRANDPA iftrue .GotWaterStone scall .ReceiveItem verbosegiveitem WATER_STONE iffalse .BagFull setevent EVENT_GOT_WATER_STONE_FROM_BILLS_GRANDPA setevent EVENT_GAVE_KURT_APRICORNS closetext end .ShowedGrowlitheVulpix: checkevent EVENT_GOT_FIRE_STONE_FROM_BILLS_GRANDPA iftrue .GotFireStone scall .ReceiveItem verbosegiveitem FIRE_STONE iffalse .BagFull setevent EVENT_GOT_FIRE_STONE_FROM_BILLS_GRANDPA setevent EVENT_GAVE_KURT_APRICORNS closetext end .ShowedPichu: scall .ReceiveItem verbosegiveitem THUNDERSTONE iffalse .BagFull setevent EVENT_GOT_THUNDERSTONE_FROM_BILLS_GRANDPA closetext end .ExcitedToSee: writetext BillsGrandpaExcitedToSeeText buttonsound end .SaidNo: writetext BillsGrandpaYouDontHaveItTextText waitbutton closetext end .CorrectPokemon: writetext BillsGrandpaShownPokemonText buttonsound end .ReceiveItem: writetext BillsGrandpaTokenOfAppreciationText buttonsound end .JustShowedSomething: writetext BillsGrandpaComeAgainText waitbutton closetext end .GotThunderstone: writetext BillsGrandpaShownAllThePokemonText waitbutton closetext end .WrongPokemon: writetext BillsGrandpaWrongPokemonText waitbutton closetext end .BagFull: closetext end BillsGrandpaIntroText: text "Hm? You know BILL?" line "He's my grandson." para "He's in JOHTO. He" line "does something" para "with PCs, so I'm" line "house-sitting." done BillsGrandpaAskToSeeMonText: text "If you have that" line "#MON, may I see" cont "it, please?" done BillsGrandpaExcitedToSeeText: text "You will show me?" line "How good of you!" done BillsGrandpaYouDontHaveItTextText: text "You don't have it?" line "That's too bad…" done BillsGrandpaShownPokemonText: text "Ah, so that is" line "@" text_from_ram StringBuffer3 text "?" para "Isn't it cute!" line "That's so kind of" cont "you." done BillsGrandpaTokenOfAppreciationText: text "Thanks!" para "This is a token of" line "my appreciation." done BillsGrandpaComeAgainText: text "Come visit again" line "sometime." done BillsGrandpaShownAllThePokemonText: text "Thanks for showing" line "me so many cute" cont "#MON." para "I really enjoyed" line "myself. I'm glad" para "I've lived such a" line "long life." done BillsGrandpaWrongPokemonText: text "Hm?" para "That's not the" line "#MON that I was" cont "told about." done BillsGrandpaLickitungText: text "My grandson BILL" line "told me about a" para "#MON that has a" line "long tongue." done BillsGrandpaOddishText: text "Ah, my grandson" line "mentioned a round," para "green #MON that" line "has leaves growing" cont "on its head." done BillsGrandpaStaryuText: text "Do you know of a" line "sea #MON that" para "has a red sphere" line "in its body?" para "You know, the one" line "that's shaped like" cont "a star?" para "I heard that it" line "appears at night." para "I would surely" line "like to see it." done BillsGrandpaGrowlitheText: text "BILL told me about" line "a #MON that is" para "very loyal to its" line "trainer." para "It's supposed to" line "ROAR well." done BillsGrandpaVulpixText: text "I heard about a" line "cute #MON that" cont "has six tails." para "I would love to" line "hug a cute #MON" cont "like that." done BillsGrandpaPichuText: text "Do you know that" line "hugely popular" cont "#MON?" para "The #MON that" line "has a yellow body" cont "and red cheeks." para "I would love to" line "see what it looks" para "like before it" line "evolves." done BillsHouse_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 .Warps: db 2 warp_def $7, $2, 1, ROUTE_25 warp_def $7, $3, 1, ROUTE_25 .XYTriggers: db 0 .Signposts: db 0 .PersonEvents: db 1 person_event SPRITE_GRAMPS, 3, 2, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_UP, 2, 0, -1, -1, (1 << 3) | PAL_OW_BLUE, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, BillsGrandpa, -1