ref: a32b6ccbb5b9ad15befa3b9893659f2ceabd1ba0
dir: /maps/DragonShrine.asm/
const_value set 2 const DRAGONSHRINE_ELDER1 const DRAGONSHRINE_ELDER2 const DRAGONSHRINE_ELDER3 const DRAGONSHRINE_CLAIR DragonShrine_MapScriptHeader: .MapTriggers: db 2 ; triggers maptrigger .Trigger0 maptrigger .Trigger1 .MapCallbacks: db 0 .Trigger0: priorityjump DragonShrineTestScript end .Trigger1: end DragonShrineTestScript: applymovement PLAYER, MovementData_0x18d2bf applymovement DRAGONSHRINE_ELDER1, MovementData_0x18d2c7 opentext writetext UnknownText_0x18d2ea buttonsound .Question1: setevent EVENT_RECEIVED_BALLS_FROM_KURT writetext UnknownText_0x18d3bc buttonsound loadmenudata MenuDataHeader_0x18d215 verticalmenu closewindow if_equal $1, .RightAnswer if_equal $2, .WrongAnswer if_equal $3, .RightAnswer end .Question2: setevent EVENT_DRAGON_SHRINE_QUESTION_2 writetext UnknownText_0x18d3d3 buttonsound loadmenudata MenuDataHeader_0x18d234 verticalmenu closewindow if_equal $1, .RightAnswer if_equal $2, .RightAnswer if_equal $3, .WrongAnswer .Question3: setevent EVENT_DRAGON_SHRINE_QUESTION_3 writetext UnknownText_0x18d3f3 buttonsound loadmenudata MenuDataHeader_0x18d258 verticalmenu closewindow if_equal $1, .WrongAnswer if_equal $2, .RightAnswer if_equal $3, .RightAnswer .Question4: setevent EVENT_DRAGON_SHRINE_QUESTION_4 writetext UnknownText_0x18d420 buttonsound loadmenudata MenuDataHeader_0x18d283 verticalmenu closewindow if_equal $1, .RightAnswer if_equal $2, .WrongAnswer if_equal $3, .RightAnswer .Question5: setevent EVENT_DRAGON_SHRINE_QUESTION_5 writetext UnknownText_0x18d44a buttonsound loadmenudata MenuDataHeader_0x18d2a5 verticalmenu closewindow if_equal $1, .WrongAnswer if_equal $2, .RightAnswer if_equal $3, .WrongAnswer .RightAnswer: checkevent EVENT_DRAGON_SHRINE_QUESTION_5 iftrue .PassedTheTest writetext UnknownText_0x18d82d buttonsound checkevent EVENT_DRAGON_SHRINE_QUESTION_4 iftrue .Question5 checkevent EVENT_DRAGON_SHRINE_QUESTION_3 iftrue .Question4 checkevent EVENT_DRAGON_SHRINE_QUESTION_2 iftrue .Question3 checkevent EVENT_RECEIVED_BALLS_FROM_KURT iftrue .Question2 .WrongAnswer: closetext spriteface DRAGONSHRINE_ELDER1, LEFT opentext writetext UnknownText_0x18d7f6 waitbutton closetext spriteface DRAGONSHRINE_ELDER1, DOWN opentext writetext UnknownText_0x18d816 waitbutton closetext setevent EVENT_ANSWERED_DRAGON_MASTER_QUIZ_WRONG opentext checkevent EVENT_DRAGON_SHRINE_QUESTION_5 iftrue .Question5 checkevent EVENT_DRAGON_SHRINE_QUESTION_4 iftrue .Question4 checkevent EVENT_DRAGON_SHRINE_QUESTION_3 iftrue .Question3 checkevent EVENT_DRAGON_SHRINE_QUESTION_2 iftrue .Question2 checkevent EVENT_RECEIVED_BALLS_FROM_KURT iftrue .Question1 .PassedTheTest: writetext UnknownText_0x18d47c waitbutton closetext playsound SFX_ENTER_DOOR showemote EMOTE_SHOCK, PLAYER, 15 playmusic MUSIC_CLAIR appear DRAGONSHRINE_CLAIR waitsfx spriteface PLAYER, DOWN pause 30 applymovement DRAGONSHRINE_CLAIR, MovementData_0x18d2d4 spriteface DRAGONSHRINE_CLAIR, RIGHT spriteface PLAYER, LEFT spriteface DRAGONSHRINE_ELDER1, LEFT opentext writetext UnknownText_0x18d916 waitbutton closetext special Special_FadeOutMusic applymovement DRAGONSHRINE_CLAIR, MovementData_0x18d2da opentext writetext UnknownText_0x18d974 waitbutton closetext applymovement DRAGONSHRINE_CLAIR, MovementData_0x18d2dd opentext writetext UnknownText_0x18d983 waitbutton closetext applymovement DRAGONSHRINE_ELDER1, MovementData_0x18d2c9 spriteface DRAGONSHRINE_CLAIR, UP opentext writetext UnknownText_0x18d520 waitbutton closetext showemote EMOTE_SHOCK, DRAGONSHRINE_CLAIR, 15 opentext writetext UnknownText_0x18d9ae waitbutton closetext applymovement DRAGONSHRINE_CLAIR, MovementData_0x18d2e0 opentext writetext UnknownText_0x18d9bf waitbutton setflag ENGINE_RISINGBADGE playsound SFX_GET_BADGE waitsfx special RestartMapMusic specialphonecall SPECIALCALL_MASTERBALL dotrigger $1 domaptrigger DRAGONS_DEN_B1F, $1 writetext UnknownText_0x18d9f2 buttonsound writetext UnknownText_0x18da0b waitbutton closetext applymovement DRAGONSHRINE_ELDER1, MovementData_0x18d2ce spriteface DRAGONSHRINE_CLAIR, UP applymovement DRAGONSHRINE_ELDER1, MovementData_0x18d2d1 spriteface PLAYER, UP opentext writetext UnknownText_0x18d5a3 waitbutton closetext opentext writetext UnknownText_0x18dab4 waitbutton closetext applymovement DRAGONSHRINE_CLAIR, MovementData_0x18d2e3 playsound SFX_ENTER_DOOR disappear DRAGONSHRINE_CLAIR waitsfx setevent EVENT_GAVE_KURT_APRICORNS end ElderScript_0x18d1a5: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_GAVE_KURT_APRICORNS iftrue .DontGiveDratiniYet checkevent EVENT_JUST_RECEIVED_DRATINI iftrue .ReceivedDratini checkevent EVENT_GOT_DRATINI iffalse .GiveDratini checkevent EVENT_BEAT_RIVAL_IN_MT_MOON iftrue .BeatRivalInMtMoon writetext UnknownText_0x18d724 waitbutton closetext end .GiveDratini: writetext UnknownText_0x18d604 waitbutton checkcode VAR_PARTYCOUNT if_equal 6, .PartyFull writetext UnknownText_0x18d697 playsound SFX_CAUGHT_MON waitsfx givepoke DRATINI, 15 checkevent EVENT_ANSWERED_DRAGON_MASTER_QUIZ_WRONG special SpecialDratini setevent EVENT_GOT_DRATINI setevent EVENT_JUST_RECEIVED_DRATINI writetext UnknownText_0x18d6ca waitbutton closetext end .PartyFull: writetext UnknownText_0x18d6ac waitbutton closetext end .BeatRivalInMtMoon: writetext UnknownText_0x18d782 waitbutton closetext end .DontGiveDratiniYet: writetext UnknownText_0x18d5e5 waitbutton closetext end .ReceivedDratini: writetext UnknownText_0x18d6ca waitbutton closetext end ElderScript_0x18d205: faceplayer opentext writetext UnknownText_0x18d840 waitbutton closetext end ElderScript_0x18d20d: faceplayer opentext writetext UnknownText_0x18d8b1 waitbutton closetext end MenuDataHeader_0x18d215: db $40 ; flags db 04, 08 ; start coords db 11, 19 ; end coords dw MenuData2_0x18d21d db 1 ; default option MenuData2_0x18d21d: db $81 ; flags db 3 ; items db "Pal@" db "Underling@" db "Friend@" MenuDataHeader_0x18d234: db $40 ; flags db 04, 09 ; start coords db 11, 19 ; end coords dw MenuData2_0x18d23c db 1 ; default option MenuData2_0x18d23c: db $81 ; flags db 3 ; items db "Strategy@" db "Raising@" db "Cheating@" MenuDataHeader_0x18d258: db $40 ; flags db 04, 05 ; start coords db 11, 19 ; end coords dw MenuData2_0x18d260 db 1 ; default option MenuData2_0x18d260: db $81 ; flags db 3 ; items db "Weak person@" db "Tough person@" db "Anybody@" MenuDataHeader_0x18d283: db $40 ; flags db 04, 08 ; start coords db 11, 19 ; end coords dw MenuData2_0x18d28b db 1 ; default option MenuData2_0x18d28b: db $81 ; flags db 3 ; items db "Love@" db "Violence@" db "Knowledge@" MenuDataHeader_0x18d2a5: db $40 ; flags db 04, 12 ; start coords db 11, 19 ; end coords dw MenuData2_0x18d2ad db 1 ; default option MenuData2_0x18d2ad: db $81 ; flags db 3 ; items db "Tough@" db "Both@" db "Weak@" MovementData_0x18d2bf: slow_step UP slow_step UP slow_step UP slow_step RIGHT slow_step UP slow_step UP slow_step UP step_end MovementData_0x18d2c7: slow_step DOWN step_end MovementData_0x18d2c9: slow_step LEFT slow_step LEFT slow_step LEFT turn_head DOWN step_end MovementData_0x18d2ce: slow_step RIGHT slow_step RIGHT step_end MovementData_0x18d2d1: slow_step RIGHT turn_head DOWN step_end MovementData_0x18d2d4: slow_step UP slow_step UP slow_step UP slow_step UP slow_step UP step_end MovementData_0x18d2da: fix_facing big_step LEFT step_end MovementData_0x18d2dd: slow_step LEFT remove_fixed_facing step_end MovementData_0x18d2e0: slow_step RIGHT slow_step RIGHT step_end MovementData_0x18d2e3: step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step DOWN step_end UnknownText_0x18d2ea: text "Hm… Good to see" line "you here." para "No need to explain" line "why you came." para "CLAIR sent you" line "here, didn't she?" para "That girl is a" line "handful…" para "I am sorry, but I" line "must test you." para "Not to worry, you" line "are to answer only" cont "a few questions." para "Ready?" done UnknownText_0x18d3bc: text "What are #MON" line "to you?" done UnknownText_0x18d3d3: text "What helps you to" line "win battles?" done UnknownText_0x18d3f3: text "What kind of" line "trainer do you" cont "wish to battle?" done UnknownText_0x18d420: text "What is most" line "important for" cont "raising #MON?" done UnknownText_0x18d44a: text "Strong #MON." line "Weak #MON." para "Which is more" line "important?" done UnknownText_0x18d47c: text "Hm… I see…" para "You care deeply" line "for #MON." para "Very commendable." para "That conviction is" line "what is important!" para "<PLAYER>, don't" line "lose that belief." para "It will see you" line "through at the" cont "#MON LEAGUE." done UnknownText_0x18d520: text "CLAIR!" para "This child is" line "impeccable, in" cont "skill and spirit!" para "Admit defeat and" line "confer the RISING-" cont "BADGE!" para "…Or must I inform" line "LANCE of this?" done UnknownText_0x18d5a3: text "CLAIR…" para "Reflect upon what" line "it is that you" para "lack and this" line "child has." done UnknownText_0x18d5e5: text "Come again, if you" line "so desire." done UnknownText_0x18d604: text "Hm… Good to see" line "you here." para "Your arrival is" line "most fortunate." para "I have something" line "for you." para "Take this DRATINI" line "as proof that I" para "have recognized" line "your worth." done UnknownText_0x18d697: text "<PLAYER> received" line "DRATINI!" done UnknownText_0x18d6ac: text "Hm? Your #MON" line "party is full." done UnknownText_0x18d6ca: text "Dragon #MON are" line "symbolic of our" cont "clan." para "You have shown" line "that you can be" para "entrusted with" line "one." done UnknownText_0x18d724: text "CLAIR appears to" line "have learned an" para "invaluable lesson" line "from you." para "I thank you as her" line "grandfather." done UnknownText_0x18d782: text "A boy close to" line "your age is in" cont "training here." para "He is much like" line "CLAIR when she was" para "younger. It is a" line "little worrisome…" done UnknownText_0x18d7f6: text "Hah? I didn't" line "quite catch that…" done UnknownText_0x18d816: text "What was it you" line "said?" done UnknownText_0x18d82d: text "Oh, I understand…" done UnknownText_0x18d840: text "It's been quite" line "some time since a" para "trainer has gained" line "our MASTER's rare" cont "approval." para "In fact, not since" line "Master LANCE." done UnknownText_0x18d8b1: text "You know young" line "Master LANCE?" para "He looks so much" line "like our MASTER" cont "did in his youth." para "It's in their" line "blood." done UnknownText_0x18d916: text "So how did it go?" para "I guess there's no" line "point in asking." para "You did fail?" para $56, $56, $56, $56, $56, $56 para "…What? You passed?" done UnknownText_0x18d974: text "That can't be!" done UnknownText_0x18d983: text "You're lying!" para "Even I haven't" line "been approved!" done UnknownText_0x18d9ae: text "I-I understand…" done UnknownText_0x18d9bf: text "Here, this is the" line "RISINGBADGE…" para "Hurry up! Take it!" done UnknownText_0x18d9f2: text "<PLAYER> received" line "RISINGBADGE." done UnknownText_0x18da0b: text "RISINGBADGE will" line "enable your" para "#MON to use the" line "move for climbing" cont "waterfalls." para "Also, all #MON" line "will recognize you" para "as a trainer and" line "obey your every" para "command without" line "question." done UnknownText_0x18dab4: text $56, $56, $56, $56, $56, $56 done DragonShrine_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 .Warps: db 2 warp_def $9, $4, 2, DRAGONS_DEN_B1F warp_def $9, $5, 2, DRAGONS_DEN_B1F .XYTriggers: db 0 .Signposts: db 0 .PersonEvents: db 4 person_event SPRITE_ELDER, 1, 5, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, ElderScript_0x18d1a5, EVENT_GAVE_KURT_APRICORNS person_event SPRITE_ELDER, 4, 2, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_RIGHT, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, ElderScript_0x18d205, EVENT_GAVE_KURT_APRICORNS person_event SPRITE_ELDER, 4, 7, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_LEFT, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, ElderScript_0x18d20d, EVENT_GAVE_KURT_APRICORNS person_event SPRITE_CLAIR, 8, 4, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_UP, 0, 0, -1, -1, (1 << 3) | PAL_OW_BLUE, PERSONTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, ObjectEvent, EVENT_DRAGON_SHRINE_CLAIR