ref: a24b45ff89a405a3e66e69dff0a3ed4b15954729
dir: /maps/RuinsofAlphOutside.asm/
RuinsofAlphOutside_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x58000 ; trigger count db 2 ; triggers dw UnknownScript_0x5800d, $0000 dw UnknownScript_0x5800e, $0000 ; callback count db 1 ; callbacks dbw 2, UnknownScript_0x5800f ; 0x5800d UnknownScript_0x5800d: ; 0x5800d end ; 0x5800e UnknownScript_0x5800e: ; 0x5800e end ; 0x5800f UnknownScript_0x5800f: ; 0x5800f checkbit2 $000c iftrue UnknownScript_0x5802c checkbit1 $002e iftrue UnknownScript_0x5801e 2jump UnknownScript_0x5802c ; 0x5801e UnknownScript_0x5801e: ; 0x5801e checkcode $e if_less_than $2, UnknownScript_0x58027 2jump UnknownScript_0x5802c ; 0x58027 UnknownScript_0x58027: ; 0x58027 appear $3 dotrigger $1 return ; 0x5802c UnknownScript_0x5802c: ; 0x5802c disappear $3 dotrigger $0 return ; 0x58031 UnknownScript_0x58031: ; 0x58031 spriteface $3, $1 spriteface $0, $0 2jump UnknownScript_0x58044 ; 0x5803a UnknownScript_0x5803a: ; 0x5803a spriteface $3, $2 spriteface $0, $3 2jump UnknownScript_0x58044 ; 0x58043 UnknownScript_0x58043: ; 0x58043 faceplayer UnknownScript_0x58044: ; 0x58044 loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x580c7 closetext loadmovesprites playmusic $0011 follow $3, $0 applymovement $3, MovementData_0x580ba disappear $3 stopfollow applymovement $0, MovementData_0x580c5 domaptrigger GROUP_RUINS_OF_ALPH_RESEARCH_CENTER, MAP_RUINS_OF_ALPH_RESEARCH_CENTER, $1 warpcheck end ; 0x58061 UnknownScript_0x58061: ; 0x58061 faceplayer loadfont checkbit1 $00bc iftrue UnknownScript_0x58070 setbit1 $00bc 2writetext UnknownText_0x583a4 keeptextopen UnknownScript_0x58070: ;0x58070 2writetext UnknownText_0x58420 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x58076 UnknownScript_0x58076: ; 0x58076 faceplayer loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x58449 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x5807e UnknownScript_0x5807e: ; 0x5807e faceplayer loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x5848e closetext loadmovesprites spriteface $6, $1 end ; 0x58089 TrainerPsychicNathan: ; 0x58089 ; bit/flag number dw $43a ; trainer group && trainer id db PSYCHIC_T, NATHAN ; text when seen dw PsychicNathanSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw PsychicNathanBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw PsychicNathanScript ; 0x58095 PsychicNathanScript: ; 0x58095 talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x5830e closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x5809d UnknownScript_0x5809d: ; 0x5809d musicfadeout $2905, $1 ; 0x580a2 ; probably not a script? UnknownScript_0x580a2: ; 0x580a2 db $e5 itemtotext THUNDERSTONE, $42 2call $a900 pokenamemem EXEGGCUTE, $47 2writetext UnknownText_0x58250 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x580b1 MapRuinsofAlphOutsideSignpost0Script: ; 0x580b1 jumptext UnknownText_0x58325 ; 0x580b4 MapRuinsofAlphOutsideSignpost1Script: ; 0x580b4 jumptext UnknownText_0x58342 ; 0x580b7 MapRuinsofAlphOutsideSignpost2Script: ; 0x580b7 jumptext UnknownText_0x58362 ; 0x580ba MovementData_0x580ba: ; 0x580ba step_right step_right step_right step_right step_up step_up step_right step_right step_up step_up step_end ; 0x580c5 MovementData_0x580c5: ; 0x580c5 step_up step_end ; 0x580c7 UnknownText_0x580c7: ; 0x580c7 db $0, "Hm? That's a #-", $4f db "DEX, isn't it?", $55 db "May I see it?", $51 db "There are so many", $4f db "kinds of #MON.", $51 db "Hm? What's this?", $51 db "What is this", $4f db "#MON?", $51 db "It looks like the", $4f db "strange writing on", $51 db "the walls of the", $4f db "RUINS.", $51 db "If those drawings", $4f db "are really #-", $55 db "MON, there should", $55 db "be many more.", $51 db "I know! Let me up-", $4f db "grade your #-", $55 db "DEX. Follow me.", $57 ; 0x581e5 UnknownText_0x581e5: ; 0x581e5 db $0, "What do you want?", $4f db "I'm studying--", $55 db "don't disturb me!", $57 ; 0x58217 UnknownText_0x58217: ; 0x58217 db $0, "Sorry…", $4f db "I'm frustrated by", $51 db "our lack of real", $4f db "understanding…", $57 ; 0x58250 UnknownText_0x58250: ; 0x58250 db $0, "The RUINS are from", $4f db "about 1500 years", $55 db "ago.", $51 db "Nobody knows who", $4f db "built them.", $51 db "It's also not", $4f db "known if the #-", $55 db "MON statues have", $55 db "any meaning.", $51 db "It's all one big", $4f db "mystery…", $57 ; 0x582eb PsychicNathanSeenText: ; 0x582eb db $0, "Hmmm… This is a", $4f db "strange place.", $57 ; 0x5830b PsychicNathanBeatenText: ; 0x5830b db $0, "…", $57 ; 0x5830e UnknownText_0x5830e: ; 0x5830e db $0, "I like thinking", $4f db "here.", $57 ; 0x58325 UnknownText_0x58325: ; 0x58325 db $0, "MYSTERY STONE", $4f db "PANEL CHAMBER", $57 ; 0x58342 UnknownText_0x58342: ; 0x58342 db $0, "RUINS OF ALPH", $4f db "VISITORS WELCOME", $57 ; 0x58362 UnknownText_0x58362: ; 0x58362 db $0, "RUINS OF ALPH", $4f db "RESEARCH CENTER", $51 db "THE AUTHORITY ON", $4f db "THE RUINS OF ALPH", $57 ; 0x583a4 UnknownText_0x583a4: ; 0x583a4 db $0, "While exploring", $4f db "the RUINS, we", $51 db "suddenly noticed", $4f db "an odd presence.", $51 db "We all got scared", $4f db "and ran away.", $51 db "You should be", $4f db "careful too.", $57 ; 0x58420 UnknownText_0x58420: ; 0x58420 db $0, "The RUINS hide a", $4f db "huge secret!", $51 db "…I think…", $57 ; 0x58449 UnknownText_0x58449: ; 0x58449 db $0, "There are many", $4f db "kinds of UNOWN, so", $51 db "we use them for", $4f db "our secret codes.", $57 ; 0x5848e UnknownText_0x5848e: ; 0x5848e db $0, "A… H… E… A… D…", $4f db "Hmm…", $51 db "What?", $51 db "I'm decoding this", $4f db "message!", $57 ; 0x584c3 RuinsofAlphOutside_MapEventHeader: ; 0x584c3 ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 11 warp_def $11, $2, 1, GROUP_RUINS_OF_ALPH_HO_OH_CHAMBER, MAP_RUINS_OF_ALPH_HO_OH_CHAMBER warp_def $7, $e, 1, GROUP_RUINS_OF_ALPH_KABUTO_CHAMBER, MAP_RUINS_OF_ALPH_KABUTO_CHAMBER warp_def $1d, $2, 1, GROUP_RUINS_OF_ALPH_OMANYTE_CHAMBER, MAP_RUINS_OF_ALPH_OMANYTE_CHAMBER warp_def $21, $10, 1, GROUP_RUINS_OF_ALPH_AERODACTYL_CHAMBER, MAP_RUINS_OF_ALPH_AERODACTYL_CHAMBER warp_def $d, $a, 1, GROUP_RUINS_OF_ALPH_INNER_CHAMBER, MAP_RUINS_OF_ALPH_INNER_CHAMBER warp_def $b, $11, 1, GROUP_RUINS_OF_ALPH_RESEARCH_CENTER, MAP_RUINS_OF_ALPH_RESEARCH_CENTER warp_def $13, $6, 1, GROUP_UNION_CAVE_B1F, MAP_UNION_CAVE_B1F warp_def $1b, $6, 2, GROUP_UNION_CAVE_B1F, MAP_UNION_CAVE_B1F warp_def $5, $7, 3, GROUP_ROUTE_36_RUINS_OF_ALPH_GATE, MAP_ROUTE_36_RUINS_OF_ALPH_GATE warp_def $14, $d, 1, GROUP_ROUTE_32_RUINS_OF_ALPH_GATE, MAP_ROUTE_32_RUINS_OF_ALPH_GATE warp_def $15, $d, 2, GROUP_ROUTE_32_RUINS_OF_ALPH_GATE, MAP_ROUTE_32_RUINS_OF_ALPH_GATE ; xy triggers db 2 xy_trigger 1, $e, $b, $0, UnknownScript_0x58031, $0, $0 xy_trigger 1, $f, $a, $0, UnknownScript_0x5803a, $0, $0 ; signposts db 3 signpost 8, 16, $0, MapRuinsofAlphOutsideSignpost0Script signpost 16, 12, $0, MapRuinsofAlphOutsideSignpost1Script signpost 12, 18, $0, MapRuinsofAlphOutsideSignpost2Script ; people-events db 5 person_event $27, 24, 8, $6, $0, 255, 255, $2, 1, TrainerPsychicNathan, $ffff person_event $3c, 19, 15, $7, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x58043, $0703 person_event $3a, 21, 17, $3, $0, 255, 255, $a0, 0, UnknownScript_0x58061, $078e person_event $27, 15, 18, $2, $11, 255, 255, $b0, 0, UnknownScript_0x58076, $078f person_event $27, 12, 16, $7, $0, 255, 255, $80, 0, UnknownScript_0x5807e, $078f ; 0x58560