ref: a18f83b911afa94f4f3522204cd404c3e92df58e
dir: /macros/scripts/maps.asm/
map_id: MACRO ;\1: map id assert DEF(GROUP_\1) && DEF(MAP_\1), \ "Missing 'map_const \1' in constants/map_constants.asm" db GROUP_\1, MAP_\1 ENDM object_const_def EQUS "const_def 2" def_scene_scripts: MACRO REDEF _NUM_SCENE_SCRIPTS EQUS "_NUM_SCENE_SCRIPTS_\@" db {_NUM_SCENE_SCRIPTS} {_NUM_SCENE_SCRIPTS} = 0 ENDM scene_script: MACRO ;\1: script pointer dw \1 dw 0 ; filler {_NUM_SCENE_SCRIPTS} = {_NUM_SCENE_SCRIPTS} + 1 ENDM def_callbacks: MACRO REDEF _NUM_CALLBACKS EQUS "_NUM_CALLBACKS_\@" db {_NUM_CALLBACKS} {_NUM_CALLBACKS} = 0 ENDM callback: MACRO ;\1: type: a MAPCALLBACK_* constant ;\2: script pointer dbw \1, \2 {_NUM_CALLBACKS} = {_NUM_CALLBACKS} + 1 ENDM def_warp_events: MACRO REDEF _NUM_WARP_EVENTS EQUS "_NUM_WARP_EVENTS_\@" db {_NUM_WARP_EVENTS} {_NUM_WARP_EVENTS} = 0 ENDM warp_event: MACRO ;\1: x: left to right, starts at 0 ;\2: y: top to bottom, starts at 0 ;\3: map id: from constants/map_constants.asm ;\4: warp destination: starts at 1 db \2, \1, \4 map_id \3 {_NUM_WARP_EVENTS} = {_NUM_WARP_EVENTS} + 1 ENDM def_coord_events: MACRO REDEF _NUM_COORD_EVENTS EQUS "_NUM_COORD_EVENTS_\@" db {_NUM_COORD_EVENTS} {_NUM_COORD_EVENTS} = 0 ENDM coord_event: MACRO ;\1: x: left to right, starts at 0 ;\2: y: top to bottom, starts at 0 ;\3: scene id: a SCENE_* constant; controlled by setscene/setmapscene ;\4: script pointer db \3, \2, \1 db 0 ; filler dw \4 dw 0 ; filler {_NUM_COORD_EVENTS} = {_NUM_COORD_EVENTS} + 1 ENDM def_bg_events: MACRO REDEF _NUM_BG_EVENTS EQUS "_NUM_BG_EVENTS_\@" db {_NUM_BG_EVENTS} {_NUM_BG_EVENTS} = 0 ENDM bg_event: MACRO ;\1: x: left to right, starts at 0 ;\2: y: top to bottom, starts at 0 ;\3: function: a BGEVENT_* constant ;\4: script pointer db \2, \1, \3 dw \4 {_NUM_BG_EVENTS} = {_NUM_BG_EVENTS} + 1 ENDM def_object_events: MACRO REDEF _NUM_OBJECT_EVENTS EQUS "_NUM_OBJECT_EVENTS_\@" db {_NUM_OBJECT_EVENTS} {_NUM_OBJECT_EVENTS} = 0 ENDM object_event: MACRO ;\1: x: left to right, starts at 0 ;\2: y: top to bottom, starts at 0 ;\3: sprite: a SPRITE_* constant ;\4: movement function: a SPRITEMOVEDATA_* constant ;\5, \6: movement radius: x, y ;\7, \8: hour limits: h1, h2 (0-23) ; * if h1 < h2, the object_event will only appear from h1 to h2 ; * if h1 > h2, the object_event will not appear from h2 to h1 ; * if h1 == h2, the object_event will always appear ; * if h1 == -1, h2 is treated as a time-of-day value: ; a combo of MORN, DAY, and/or NITE, or -1 to always appear ;\9: color: a PAL_NPC_* constant, or 0 for sprite default ;\<10>: function: a OBJECTTYPE_* constant ;\<11>: sight range: applies to OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER ;\<12>: script pointer ;\<13>: event flag: an EVENT_* constant, or -1 to always appear db \3, \2 + 4, \1 + 4, \4 dn \6, \5 db \7, \8 dn \9, \<10> db \<11> dw \<12>, \<13> ; the dummy PlayerObjectTemplate object_event has no def_object_events if DEF(_NUM_OBJECT_EVENTS) {_NUM_OBJECT_EVENTS} = {_NUM_OBJECT_EVENTS} + 1 endc ENDM trainer: MACRO ;\1: trainer group ;\2: trainer id ;\3: flag: an EVENT_BEAT_* constant ;\4: seen text ;\5: win text ;\6: loss text ;\7: after-battle text dw \3 db \1, \2 dw \4, \5, \6, \7 ENDM itemball: MACRO ;\1: item: from constants/item_constants.asm ;\2: quantity: default 1 if _NARG == 1 itemball \1, 1 else db \1, \2 endc ENDM hiddenitem: MACRO ;\1: item: from constants/item_constants.asm ;\2: flag: an EVENT_* constant dwb \2, \1 ENDM elevfloor: MACRO ;\1: floor: a FLOOR_* constant ;\2: warp destination: starts at 1 ;\3: map id db \1, \2 map_id \3 ENDM conditional_event: MACRO ;\1: flag: an EVENT_* constant ;\2: script pointer dw \1, \2 ENDM cmdqueue: MACRO ;\1: type: a CMDQUEUE_* constant ;\2: data pointer dbw \1, \2 dw 0 ; filler ENDM stonetable: MACRO ;\1: warp id ;\2: object_event id ;\3: script pointer db \1, \2 dw \3 ENDM