ref: a10ee4e9f1ee3d671b67e2e68531b1f851661000
dir: /maps/VermilionGym.asm/
VermilionGym_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x1920a3 ; trigger count db 0 ; callback count db 0 ; 0x1920a5 SurgeScript_0x1920a5: ; 0x1920a5 faceplayer loadfont checkflag $0025 iftrue UnknownScript_0x1920d9 2writetext UnknownText_0x192142 closetext loadmovesprites winlosstext UnknownText_0x192238, $0000 loadtrainer LT_SURGE, 1 startbattle returnafterbattle setevent EVENT_BEAT_LTSURGE setevent EVENT_BEAT_GENTLEMAN_GREGORY setevent EVENT_BEAT_GUITARIST_VINCENT setevent EVENT_BEAT_JUGGLER_HORTON loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x192277 playsound $009c waitbutton setflag $0025 2writetext UnknownText_0x192291 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x1920d9 UnknownScript_0x1920d9: ; 0x1920d9 2writetext UnknownText_0x192303 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x1920df TrainerGentlemanGregory: ; 0x1920df ; bit/flag number dw $49c ; trainer group && trainer id db GENTLEMAN, GREGORY ; text when seen dw GentlemanGregorySeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw GentlemanGregoryBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw GentlemanGregoryScript ; 0x1920eb GentlemanGregoryScript: ; 0x1920eb talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x1923b0 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x1920f3 TrainerGuitaristVincent: ; 0x1920f3 ; bit/flag number dw $494 ; trainer group && trainer id db GUITARIST, VINCENT ; text when seen dw GuitaristVincentSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw GuitaristVincentBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw GuitaristVincentScript ; 0x1920ff GuitaristVincentScript: ; 0x1920ff talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x19244b closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x192107 TrainerJugglerHorton: ; 0x192107 ; bit/flag number dw $497 ; trainer group && trainer id db JUGGLER, HORTON ; text when seen dw JugglerHortonSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw JugglerHortonBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw JugglerHortonScript ; 0x192113 JugglerHortonScript: ; 0x192113 talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x1924d6 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x19211b VermilionGymGuyScript: ; 0x19211b faceplayer loadfont checkevent EVENT_BEAT_LTSURGE iftrue .VermilionGymGuyWinScript 2writetext VermilionGymGuyText closetext loadmovesprites end .VermilionGymGuyWinScript 2writetext VermilionGymGuyWinText closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x19212f MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script: ; 0x19212f jumptext UnknownText_0x19261e ; 0x192132 MapVermilionGymSignpost16Script: ; 0x192132 checkflag $0025 iftrue UnknownScript_0x19213b jumpstd $002d ; 0x19213b UnknownScript_0x19213b: ; 0x19213b trainertotext LT_SURGE, 1, $1 jumpstd $002e ; 0x192142 UnknownText_0x192142: ; 0x192142 db $0, "SURGE: Hey, you", $4f db "little tyke!", $51 db "I have to hand it", $4f db "to you. It may not", $51 db "be very smart to", $4f db "challenge me, but", $55 db "it takes guts!", $51 db "When it comes to", $4f db "electric #MON,", $55 db "I'm number one!", $51 db "I've never lost on", $4f db "the battlefield.", $51 db "I'll zap you just", $4f db "like I did my", $55 db "enemies in war!", $57 ; 0x192238 UnknownText_0x192238: ; 0x192238 db $0, "SURGE: Arrrgh!", $4f db "You are strong!", $51 db "OK, kid. You get", $4f db "THUNDERBADGE!", $57 ; 0x192277 UnknownText_0x192277: ; 0x192277 db $0, $52, " received", $4f db "THUNDERBADGE.", $57 ; 0x192291 UnknownText_0x192291: ; 0x192291 db $0, "SURGE: THUNDER-", $4f db "BADGE increases", $55 db "#MON's speed. ", $51 db "Consider it proof", $4f db "that you defeated", $51 db "me. You wear it", $4f db "proudly, hear?", $57 ; 0x192303 UnknownText_0x192303: ; 0x192303 db $0, "SURGE: Hey, kid!", $4f db "Still slugging and", $55 db "chugging away?", $51 db "My #MON and I", $4f db "are still at it!", $57 ; 0x192356 GentlemanGregorySeenText: ; 0x192356 db $0, "You're here to", $4f db "defeat LT.SURGE?", $51 db "Not if I can help", $4f db "it!", $57 ; 0x19238c GentlemanGregoryBeatenText: ; 0x19238c db $0, "Sorry I failed", $4f db "you, LT.SURGE,", $55 db "sir!", $57 ; 0x1923b0 UnknownText_0x1923b0: ; 0x1923b0 db $0, "When I was still", $4f db "in the army, LT.", $51 db "SURGE saved my", $4f db "life.", $57 ; 0x1923e8 GuitaristVincentSeenText: ; 0x1923e8 db $0, "LT.SURGE recog-", $4f db "nized my potential", $51 db "with electric", $4f db "#MON.", $51 db "Think you can beat", $4f db "me?", $57 ; 0x192437 GuitaristVincentBeatenText: ; 0x192437 db $0, "Ooh, how shocking!", $57 ; 0x19244b UnknownText_0x19244b: ; 0x19244b db $0, "If the GYM's traps", $4f db "were working, you", $51 db "would have been", $4f db "toast…", $57 ; 0x192487 JugglerHortonSeenText: ; 0x192487 db $0, "I'm going to take", $4f db "you down! Prepare", $55 db "to be shocked!", $57 ; 0x1924ba JugglerHortonBeatenText: ; 0x1924ba db $0, "Gwaaah!", $4f db "I was overpowered…", $57 ; 0x1924d6 UnknownText_0x1924d6: ; 0x1924d6 db $0, "Don't get too com-", $4f db "fortable about", $51 db "beating me…", $4f db "LT.SURGE is tough.", $57 ; 0x192517 VermilionGymGuyText: ; 0x192517 db $0, "Yo! CHAMP in", $4f db "making!", $51 db "You lucked out", $4f db "this time.", $51 db "LT.SURGE is very", $4f db "cautious. He has", $51 db "traps set all over", $4f db "the GYM.", $51 db "But--he-heh--the", $4f db "traps aren't", $55 db "active right now.", $51 db "You'll have no", $4f db "problem getting to", $55 db "LT.SURGE.", $57 ; 0x1925df VermilionGymGuyWinText: ; 0x1925df db $0, "Whew! That was an", $4f db "electrifying bout!", $51 db "It sure made me", $4f db "nervous.", $57 ; 0x19261e UnknownText_0x19261e: ; 0x19261e db $0, "Nope! Nothing here", $4f db "but trash.", $57 ; 0x19263d VermilionGym_MapEventHeader: ; 0x19263d ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 2 warp_def $11, $4, 7, GROUP_VERMILION_CITY, MAP_VERMILION_CITY warp_def $11, $5, 7, GROUP_VERMILION_CITY, MAP_VERMILION_CITY ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 17 signpost 7, 1, $0, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script signpost 7, 3, $0, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script signpost 7, 5, $0, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script signpost 7, 7, $0, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script signpost 7, 9, $0, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script signpost 9, 1, $0, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script signpost 9, 3, $0, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script signpost 9, 5, $0, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script signpost 9, 7, $0, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script signpost 9, 9, $0, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script signpost 11, 1, $0, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script signpost 11, 3, $0, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script signpost 11, 5, $0, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script signpost 11, 7, $0, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script signpost 11, 9, $0, MapVermilionGymSignpost14Script signpost 15, 3, $0, MapVermilionGymSignpost16Script signpost 15, 6, $0, MapVermilionGymSignpost16Script ; people-events db 5 person_event SPRITE_SURGE, 6, 9, $6, $0, 255, 255, $b0, 0, SurgeScript_0x1920a5, $ffff person_event SPRITE_GENTLEMAN, 12, 12, $8, $0, 255, 255, $92, 4, TrainerGentlemanGregory, $ffff person_event SPRITE_ROCKER, 11, 8, $6, $3, 255, 255, $82, 3, TrainerGuitaristVincent, $ffff person_event SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, 14, 4, $9, $0, 255, 255, $92, 4, TrainerJugglerHorton, $ffff person_event SPRITE_GYM_GUY, 19, 11, $6, $0, 255, 255, $90, 1, VermilionGymGuyScript, $ffff ; 0x1926e3