Player backpic and consistent names for player characters
mistook sprout tower pillar for minecart graphics
Merge pull request #140 from yenatch/master
Merge pull request #139 from iimarckus/peecee
ilex forest tree tile animations
gbz80disasm: rgbds uses brackets for ld hl, sp+x
cave water + park fountain tile animations
Merge pull request #138 from yenatch/master
get rid of windows build components
confident enough in lz make target to include it in general compile
gfx: safer alternating-byte detection in compression
gfx: lz to png from command line
load labels only once in gbz80disasm
fix data-handling errors in
Merge pull request #137 from yenatch/master
gbz80disasm: include comments on unresolved backward relative jumps
gbz80disasm: don't look for outstanding labels that are behind the origin
preprocessor: minor optimization in separate_comment
gbz80disasm: don't include comments on relative jumps
gbz80disasm: space out blocks of asm
gbz80disasm: clean up $ff00+x handling
gbz80disasm: read labels from wram/gbhw/hram
gbz80disasm: bank 1 was being read as bank 0 bss and constant parsing
transition gbz80disasm to use a bytearray instead of RomStr
remove redundant code from find_label in gbz80disasm
fix bank-checking for labels in gbz80disasm
fix calls to $1078 (PlaceString)
add char 4b and cleanup surrounding chars
Merge pull request #136 from yenatch/master
mixed up connection y/x offset wram labels
connection wram labels for each direction
Merge pull request #135 from iimarckus/oakintro
Add more stuff related to player naming.
Merge pull request #134 from iimarckus/oakintro
Add pointers to Oak speech text.
Merge pull request #133 from iimarckus/oakintro
Merge pull request #132 from yenatch/master
Merge pull request #131 from Sanky/master
Merge pull request #130 from Sanky/master
Merge pull request #129 from yenatch/master
preprocessor: print macro automatically inserts newlines
touch graphic files during decmp so make doesnt try to replace them
Merge pull request #128 from yenatch/master
remove a couple item effect incbins
add extras/
make gbz80disasm understand bank:offset syntax
disable automatic line ending correction
Merge pull request #127 from yenatch/master
Merge pull request #126 from yenatch/master
additional trainer class id in wram
unused move effect constants are apparently used by the ai
Fix a wram mislabel (EnemyDisabledMove)