add trainer id to trainer fragment headers for grunts
improvements to map_name_cleaner
add the labels to the scripts, not to the params pointing to scripts
use better label for MapEventHeader
reuse pre-existing/pre-inserted MapBlockData objects when possible
make map header labels use better rules
don't add TrainerGroupTable to future dumps
give better labels to TrainerFragment subobjects like texts and scripts
create better labels for TrainerFragments
rename cal's header to PKMN Trainer
remove extra spacing in
make TrainerFragment.to_asm() use trainer constants
insert trainer headers into main.asm
better asm output for TrainerHeader and TrainerGroupHeader
improve MoveParam to handle zeroed-out moves - store moves for MoveParam
update TrainerGroupParam and TrainerIdParam to use better constant/number rules
update the constants for BLACKBELT_T and PSYCHIC_T in
add trainer group constants
fix duplicate BENNY trainer name
fix RIVAL1 trainer id labeling
spit out trainer id constants
move around the import line
add 'trainer_names' key to each trainer header in trainer_group_names
add default constants to trainer_group_names
use GruntM/GruntF for the trainer group names
setup rules for which trainer groups should use which naming scheme
fix TrainerGroupTable.get_dependencies()
update trainer group names for the new rules
add missing trainer header for twins lea & pia
add missing trainer header for kimono girl miki
add two missing biker trainer headers
fix missing supernerd markus
pick up the third CAL trainer header
add TrainerGroupHeaders to script_parse_table
parse multiple party mons per trainer
move trainer parsing classes into
finish up the classes related to TrainerGroupHeader
better comments on trainer_group_report
use report_unreferenced_trainer_ids to show which ids are probably valid but unused
parse TrainerGroupTable in run_main after everything else
add charset encoding for
find last trainer id in each trainer group
extract trainer group id and trainer id from TrainerFragment objects
work towards parsable trainer group headers
initial work on trainer name parsing
generate helpful labels for maps
use db instead of item_frag on ItemFragment remote chunks
add a 'correction' to preprocessor to account for storetext issues
don't repeat-parse movement scripts, and set bank=1 for $4000 <= x <= $7FFF
handle dragon shrine recursion (but not others?)
tool to help narrow down the problem in a bank
correct for two route 10 maps
make overwrite the previous hexdump
fix preprocessor/givepoke for variable-number-of-parameter macros
fix zzyyxx output for MoneyByteParam (checkmoney, takemoney)
only recalculate a PointerLabelParam parsed_address if necessary
Merge pull request #5 from Zhorken/master
Add a byte fill function.
a simple script to compare the baserom and generated rom
improve extras/ opening sentence
better asm output for SignpostRemoteItem
fix PointerLabelParams in signposts
fix movement param get_dependencies
remove some output that clutters up the preprocessor output
better movement command/macro support
fix unknown MovementCommand parsing
use deepcopy to create applymovement commands
let create_movement_commands access a debug parameter
slightly better applymovement parsing
apply_movement_command classes doesn't exist
quick tool for dumping a segment of ApplyMovementData objects into a bank
set dependencies and get_dependencies on ApplyMovementData for asm dumping
waitbutton in scripts is not the same as waitbutton in texts
never show a comma in front of a 7 on a newline
fix a TextScript/MainText bug where '@' on a newline had an extra comma/param to db
text_from_ram isn't limited to <$8000 like in the text at 0x549a3
fix TextScript bug - to_asm should not modify self.size
insert_blah_with -> insert_with in extras/
debugging to figure out the TextScript at 0x5daf1
consolidate insert_multiple and insert_single on the Asm class
tool to dump texts from a particular bank into asm
fix $58 parsing in texts for the text at 0x192f34
preprocessor compatibility with text commands
looks like text commands might mess up the preprocessor?
set TextInlineAsm to size=1 for now
possible fix for movement scripts (many broken?)
temporary and horrible fix to applymovement scripts
make a broken MovementCommand parser
by default allow MovementCommand to handle <$45s
fix MovementCommand.to_asm return value for id>$45