ref: 8e2f5f00aa91b9bcd33a45756035de509c86ed6d
dir: /maps/RadioTower1F.asm/
const_def 2 ; object constants const RADIOTOWER1F_RECEPTIONIST const RADIOTOWER1F_LASS const RADIOTOWER1F_YOUNGSTER const RADIOTOWER1F_ROCKET const RADIOTOWER1F_GENTLEMAN const RADIOTOWER1F_COOLTRAINER_F RadioTower1F_MapScripts: db 0 ; scene scripts db 0 ; callbacks RadioTower1FReceptionistScript: faceplayer opentext checkflag ENGINE_ROCKETS_IN_RADIO_TOWER iftrue .Rockets writetext UnknownText_0x5ce77 waitbutton closetext end .Rockets: writetext UnknownText_0x5ce81 waitbutton closetext end RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManScript: faceplayer opentext writetext UnknownText_0x5ceba buttonsound special CheckLuckyNumberShowFlag iffalse .skip special ResetLuckyNumberShowFlag .skip special PrintTodaysLuckyNumber checkflag ENGINE_LUCKY_NUMBER_SHOW iftrue .GameOver writetext UnknownText_0x5cf3a buttonsound closetext applymovement RADIOTOWER1F_GENTLEMAN, MovementData_0x5ce71 opentext writetext UnknownText_0x5cf5a buttonsound waitsfx writetext UnknownText_0x5cf79 playsound SFX_DEX_FANFARE_20_49 waitsfx buttonsound special CheckForLuckyNumberWinners closetext applymovement RADIOTOWER1F_GENTLEMAN, MovementData_0x5ce74 opentext ifequal 1, .FirstPlace ifequal 2, .SecondPlace ifequal 3, .ThirdPlace sjump .NoPrize .GameOver: writetext UnknownText_0x5cf7e waitbutton closetext end .FirstPlace: writetext UnknownText_0x5cfb5 playsound SFX_1ST_PLACE waitsfx buttonsound giveitem MASTER_BALL iffalse .BagFull itemnotify setflag ENGINE_LUCKY_NUMBER_SHOW sjump .GameOver .SecondPlace: writetext UnknownText_0x5d023 playsound SFX_2ND_PLACE waitsfx buttonsound giveitem EXP_SHARE iffalse .BagFull itemnotify setflag ENGINE_LUCKY_NUMBER_SHOW sjump .GameOver .ThirdPlace: writetext UnknownText_0x5d076 playsound SFX_3RD_PLACE waitsfx buttonsound giveitem PP_UP iffalse .BagFull itemnotify setflag ENGINE_LUCKY_NUMBER_SHOW sjump .GameOver .NoPrize: writetext UnknownText_0x5d0c0 waitbutton closetext end .BagFull: writetext UnknownText_0x5d0e6 waitbutton closetext end RadioTower1FRadioCardWomanScript: faceplayer opentext checkflag ENGINE_RADIO_CARD iftrue .GotCard writetext UnknownText_0x5d12d yesorno iffalse .NoQuiz writetext UnknownText_0x5d1f2 yesorno iffalse .WrongAnswer playsound SFX_ELEVATOR_END waitsfx writetext UnknownText_0x5d231 yesorno iffalse .WrongAnswer playsound SFX_ELEVATOR_END waitsfx writetext UnknownText_0x5d282 yesorno iftrue .WrongAnswer playsound SFX_ELEVATOR_END waitsfx writetext UnknownText_0x5d2bc yesorno iffalse .WrongAnswer playsound SFX_ELEVATOR_END waitsfx writetext UnknownText_0x5d30e yesorno iftrue .WrongAnswer playsound SFX_ELEVATOR_END waitsfx writetext UnknownText_0x5d37b buttonsound getstring STRING_BUFFER_4, .RadioCardText scall .ReceiveItem writetext UnknownText_0x5d3c0 buttonsound setflag ENGINE_RADIO_CARD .GotCard: writetext UnknownText_0x5d3e5 waitbutton closetext end .RadioCardText: db "RADIO CARD@" .ReceiveItem: jumpstd receiveitem end .WrongAnswer: playsound SFX_WRONG writetext UnknownText_0x5d409 waitbutton closetext end .NoQuiz: writetext UnknownText_0x5d443 waitbutton closetext end RadioTower1FLassScript: jumptextfaceplayer RadioTower1FLassText RadioTower1FYoungsterScript: jumptextfaceplayer RadioTower1FYoungsterText TrainerGruntM3: trainer GRUNTM, GRUNTM_3, EVENT_BEAT_ROCKET_GRUNTM_3, GruntM3SeenText, GruntM3BeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: endifjustbattled opentext writetext GruntM3AfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end RadioTower1FDirectory: jumptext RadioTower1FDirectoryText RadioTower1FLuckyChannelSign: jumptext RadioTower1FLuckyChannelSignText MovementData_0x5ce71: step RIGHT turn_head UP step_end MovementData_0x5ce74: step LEFT turn_head UP step_end UnknownText_0x5ce77: text "Welcome!" done UnknownText_0x5ce81: text "Hello. I'm sorry," line "but we're not" cont "offering any tours" cont "today." done UnknownText_0x5ceba: text "Hi, are you here" line "for the LUCKY NUM-" cont "BER SHOW?" para "Want me to check" line "the ID numbers of" cont "your #MON?" para "If you get lucky," line "you win a prize." done UnknownText_0x5cf3a: text "This week's ID" line "number is @" text_ram wStringBuffer3 text "." done UnknownText_0x5cf5a: text "Let's see if you" line "have a match." done UnknownText_0x5cf79: text "<……>" line "<……>" done UnknownText_0x5cf7e: text "Please come back" line "next week for the" cont "next LUCKY NUMBER." done UnknownText_0x5cfb5: text "Wow! You have a" line "perfect match of" cont "all five numbers!" para "We have a grand" line "prize winner!" para "You have won a" line "MASTER BALL!" done UnknownText_0x5d023: text "Hey! You've" line "matched the last" cont "three numbers!" para "You've won second" line "prize, an EXP." cont "SHARE!" done UnknownText_0x5d076: text "Ooh, you've" line "matched the last" cont "two numbers." para "You've won third" line "prize, a PP UP." done UnknownText_0x5d0c0: text "Nope, none of your" line "ID numbers match." done UnknownText_0x5d0e6: text "You've got no room" line "for your prize." para "Make room and come" line "back right away." done UnknownText_0x5d12d: text "We have a special" line "quiz campaign on" cont "right now." para "Answer five ques-" line "tions correctly to" cont "win a RADIO CARD." para "Slide it into your" line "#GEAR to play" para "the radio anytime," line "anywhere." para "Would you like to" line "take the quiz?" done UnknownText_0x5d1f2: text "Question 1:" para "Is there a #MON" line "that appears only" cont "in the morning?" done UnknownText_0x5d231: text "Correct!" line "Question 2:" para "Is this statement" line "correct?" para "You can't buy a" line "BERRY at a MART." done UnknownText_0x5d282: text "Bull's-eye!" line "Question 3:" para "Does HM01 contain" line "the move FLASH?" done UnknownText_0x5d2bc: text "So far so good!" line "Question 4:" para "Is FALKNER the" line "VIOLET GYM LEADER" para "who uses bird" line "#MON?" done UnknownText_0x5d30e: text "Wow! Right again!" line "Here's the final" cont "question:" para "Do GOLDENROD GAME" line "CORNER's slots" para "have CHARMANDER" line "on their reels?" done UnknownText_0x5d37b: text "Bingo! You got it!" line "Congratulations!" para "Here's your prize," line "a RADIO CARD!" done UnknownText_0x5d3c0: text "<PLAYER>'s #GEAR" line "can now double as" cont "a radio!" done UnknownText_0x5d3e5: text "Please tune in to" line "our radio shows." done UnknownText_0x5d409: text "Oh, dear." line "Sorry, but you" para "got it wrong." line "Please try again!" done UnknownText_0x5d443: text "Oh. I see. Please" line "see me if you" cont "change your mind." done RadioTower1FLassText: text "BEN is a fabulous" line "DJ." para "His sweet voice" line "makes me melt!" done RadioTower1FYoungsterText: text "I love MARY, from" line "#MON TALK." para "I only know what" line "she sounds like," cont "though." done GruntM3SeenText: text "We've finally" line "taken over the" cont "RADIO TOWER!" para "Now everyone will" line "get to experience" para "the true terror of" line "TEAM ROCKET!" para "We'll show you" line "how scary we are!" done GruntM3BeatenText: text "Too strong! We" line "must watch you…" done GruntM3AfterBattleText: text "You're too strong." para "Our plan could be" line "ruined. I must" cont "warn the others…" done RadioTower1FDirectoryText: text "1F RECEPTION" line "2F SALES" para "3F PERSONNEL" line "4F PRODUCTION" para "5F DIRECTOR'S" line " OFFICE" done RadioTower1FLuckyChannelSignText: text "LUCKY CHANNEL!" para "Win with #MON" line "ID numbers!" para "Trade your #MON" line "to collect differ-" cont "ent ID numbers!" done RadioTower1F_MapEvents: db 0, 0 ; filler db 3 ; warp events warp_event 2, 7, GOLDENROD_CITY, 11 warp_event 3, 7, GOLDENROD_CITY, 11 warp_event 15, 0, RADIO_TOWER_2F, 2 db 0 ; coord events db 2 ; bg events bg_event 3, 0, BGEVENT_READ, RadioTower1FDirectory bg_event 13, 0, BGEVENT_READ, RadioTower1FLuckyChannelSign db 6 ; object events object_event 5, 6, SPRITE_RECEPTIONIST, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_LEFT, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_RED, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, RadioTower1FReceptionistScript, -1 object_event 16, 4, SPRITE_LASS, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_LEFT, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_RED, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, RadioTower1FLassScript, EVENT_GOLDENROD_CITY_CIVILIANS object_event 15, 4, SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_RIGHT, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, RadioTower1FYoungsterScript, EVENT_GOLDENROD_CITY_CIVILIANS object_event 14, 1, SPRITE_ROCKET, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 3, TrainerGruntM3, EVENT_RADIO_TOWER_ROCKET_TAKEOVER object_event 8, 6, SPRITE_GENTLEMAN, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_UP, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManScript, EVENT_GOLDENROD_CITY_CIVILIANS object_event 12, 6, SPRITE_COOLTRAINER_F, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_UP, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_GREEN, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, RadioTower1FRadioCardWomanScript, EVENT_GOLDENROD_CITY_CIVILIANS