ref: 87c36ebbc0504cea089ef484b0c6d61b640ced1e
dir: /maps/Route27SandstormHouse.asm/
Route27SandstormHouse_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x7b392 ; trigger count db 0 ; callback count db 0 ; 0x7b394 UnknownScript_0x7b394: ; 0x7b394 faceplayer loadfont checkbit1 $0075 iftrue UnknownScript_0x7b3b7 special $0059 2writetext UnknownText_0x7b3c6 keeptextopen if_less_than $95, UnknownScript_0x7b3aa 2jump UnknownScript_0x7b3bd ; 0x7b3aa UnknownScript_0x7b3aa: ; 0x7b3aa 2writetext UnknownText_0x7b42b keeptextopen verbosegiveitem TM_37, 1 iffalse UnknownScript_0x7b3bb setbit1 $0075 UnknownScript_0x7b3b7: ; 0x7b3b7 2writetext UnknownText_0x7b48f closetext UnknownScript_0x7b3bb: ; 0x7b3bb loadmovesprites end ; 0x7b3bd UnknownScript_0x7b3bd: ; 0x7b3bd 2writetext UnknownText_0x7b51f closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x7b3c3 MapRoute27SandstormHouseSignpost1Script: ; 0x7b3c3 jumpstd $0003 ; 0x7b3c6 UnknownText_0x7b3c6: ; 0x7b3c6 db $0, "Where are you off", $4f db "to with #MON?", $51 db "#MON LEAGUE?", $51 db "Are your #MON", $4f db "loyal enough for", $55 db "you to win?", $51 db "Let me see…", $57 ; 0x7b42b UnknownText_0x7b42b: ; 0x7b42b db $0, "Ah! Your #MON", $4f db "trusts you very", $55 db "much.", $51 db "It's nice to see a", $4f db "good trainer.", $51 db "Here. A gift for", $4f db "your journey.", $57 ; 0x7b48f UnknownText_0x7b48f: ; 0x7b48f db $0, "TM37 happens to be", $4f db "SANDSTORM.", $51 db "It's a move that", $4f db "inflicts damage on", $55 db "both battlers.", $51 db "It's for advanced", $4f db "trainers only.", $51 db "Use it if you", $4f db "dare. Good luck!", $57 ; 0x7b51f UnknownText_0x7b51f: ; 0x7b51f db $0, "If it doesn't come", $4f db "to trust you some", $51 db "more, it could be", $4f db "tough going.", $51 db "Trust is the tie", $4f db "that binds #MON", $55 db "and trainers.", $57 ; 0x7b592 Route27SandstormHouse_MapEventHeader: ; 0x7b592 ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 2 warp_def $7, $2, 1, GROUP_ROUTE_27, MAP_ROUTE_27 warp_def $7, $3, 1, GROUP_ROUTE_27, MAP_ROUTE_27 ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 2 signpost 1, 0, $0, MapRoute27SandstormHouseSignpost1Script signpost 1, 1, $0, MapRoute27SandstormHouseSignpost1Script ; people-events db 1 person_event $30, 8, 6, $6, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x7b394, $ffff ; 0x7b5b9