ref: 84a3b335aa119c536be8186a6c1b91a31a7963c1
dir: /engine/rtc/print_hours_mins.asm/
PrintFiveDigitNumber: ; unreferenced ; Debug function? ; Input: bc = value, de = destination ld a, b ld b, c ld c, a push bc ; de points to this on the stack for PrintNum push de ld hl, sp+2 ld d, h ld e, l pop hl lb bc, PRINTNUM_LEADINGZEROS | 2, 5 call PrintNum pop bc ret PrintHoursMins: ; Hours in b, minutes in c ld a, b cp 12 push af jr c, .AM jr z, .PM sub 12 jr .PM .AM: or a jr nz, .PM ld a, 12 .PM: ld b, a ; Crazy stuff happening with the stack push bc ld hl, sp+1 push de push hl pop de pop hl ld [hl], " " lb bc, 1, 2 call PrintNum ld [hl], ":" inc hl ld d, h ld e, l ld hl, sp+0 push de push hl pop de pop hl lb bc, PRINTNUM_LEADINGZEROS | 1, 2 call PrintNum pop bc ld de, String_AM pop af jr c, .place_am_pm ld de, String_PM .place_am_pm inc hl call PlaceString ret String_AM: db "AM@" String_PM: db "PM@"