ref: 769005d270a90642e3c53dc82c55589da8aa5cf7
dir: /maps/TinTower1F.asm/
TinTower1F_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x18501a ; trigger count db 2 ; triggers dw UnknownScript_0x18502a, $0000 dw UnknownScript_0x18502e, $0000 ; callback count db 2 ; callbacks dbw 2, UnknownScript_0x18502f dbw 1, UnknownScript_0x185084 ; 0x18502a UnknownScript_0x18502a: ; 0x18502a priorityjump UnknownScript_0x18508f end ; 0x18502e UnknownScript_0x18502e: ; 0x18502e end ; 0x18502f UnknownScript_0x18502f: ; 0x18502f checkbit1 $0336 iftrue UnknownScript_0x185047 checkbit1 $0044 iffalse UnknownScript_0x185050 special $0096 iffalse UnknownScript_0x185050 clearbit1 $07c5 setbit1 $07b6 UnknownScript_0x185047: ; 0x185047 checkbit1 $0317 iffalse UnknownScript_0x18504f appear $5 UnknownScript_0x18504f: ; 0x18504f return ; 0x185050 UnknownScript_0x185050: ; 0x185050 checkbit1 $0335 iftrue UnknownScript_0x185077 appear $2 writebyte RAIKOU special $0097 iftrue UnknownScript_0x185065 appear $3 2jump UnknownScript_0x185067 ; 0x185065 UnknownScript_0x185065: ; 0x185065 disappear $3 UnknownScript_0x185067: ; 0x185067 writebyte ENTEI special $0097 iftrue UnknownScript_0x185074 appear $4 2jump UnknownScript_0x185076 ; 0x185074 UnknownScript_0x185074: ; 0x185074 disappear $4 UnknownScript_0x185076: ; 0x185076 return ; 0x185077 UnknownScript_0x185077: ; 0x185077 disappear $2 disappear $3 disappear $4 clearbit1 $07b6 setbit1 $07c5 return ; 0x185084 UnknownScript_0x185084: ; 0x185084 checkbit1 $0336 iftrue UnknownScript_0x18508e changeblock $a, $2, $9 UnknownScript_0x18508e: ; 0x18508e return ; 0x18508f UnknownScript_0x18508f: ; 0x18508f applymovement $0, MovementData_0x1851cb pause 15 writebyte RAIKOU special $0097 iftrue UnknownScript_0x1850b6 applymovement $3, MovementData_0x1851d0 spriteface $0, $2 cry RAIKOU pause 10 playsound $0014 applymovement $3, MovementData_0x1851d4 disappear $3 playsound $0023 waitbutton UnknownScript_0x1850b6: ; 0x1850b6 writebyte ENTEI special $0097 iftrue UnknownScript_0x1850d7 applymovement $4, MovementData_0x1851da spriteface $0, $3 cry ENTEI pause 10 playsound $0014 applymovement $4, MovementData_0x1851de disappear $4 playsound $0023 waitbutton UnknownScript_0x1850d7: ; 0x1850d7 spriteface $0, $1 pause 10 applymovement $0, MovementData_0x1851e8 applymovement $2, MovementData_0x1851e4 cry SUICUNE pause 20 loadpokedata SUICUNE, 40 writecode $3, $c startbattle reloadmapmusic disappear $2 setbit1 $0335 setbit1 $07af domaptrigger GROUP_ROUTE_42, MAP_ROUTE_42, $0 setbit1 $07b0 domaptrigger GROUP_ROUTE_36, MAP_ROUTE_36, $0 setbit1 $07ae domaptrigger GROUP_CIANWOOD_CITY, MAP_CIANWOOD_CITY, $0 dotrigger $1 clearbit1 $07b7 returnafterbattle pause 20 spriteface $0, $0 playmusic $0061 playsound $001f moveperson $5, $a, $f appear $5 applymovement $5, MovementData_0x1851ec playsound $001f moveperson $6, $9, $f appear $6 applymovement $6, MovementData_0x1851f5 playsound $001f moveperson $7, $9, $f appear $7 applymovement $7, MovementData_0x1851fb playsound $001f moveperson $8, $9, $f appear $8 applymovement $8, MovementData_0x1851fe moveperson $6, $7, $d moveperson $7, $9, $d moveperson $8, $b, $d spriteface $0, $3 loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x185203 closetext loadmovesprites applymovement $5, MovementData_0x1851f1 playsound $0023 disappear $5 waitbutton special $006a pause 20 playmapmusic end ; 0x185173 UnknownScript_0x185173: ; 0x185173 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x185386 ; 0x185176 UnknownScript_0x185176: ; 0x185176 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x185433 ; 0x185179 UnknownScript_0x185179: ; 0x185179 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x185544 ; 0x18517c UnknownScript_0x18517c: ; 0x18517c checkbit1 $0317 iftrue UnknownScript_0x185185 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x1855ee ; 0x185185 UnknownScript_0x185185: ; 0x185185 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x185765 ; 0x185188 UnknownScript_0x185188: ; 0x185188 faceplayer loadfont checkbit1 $0317 iftrue UnknownScript_0x1851b6 checkbit1 $0336 iftrue UnknownScript_0x1851b0 2writetext UnknownText_0x185629 keeptextopen verbosegiveitem RAINBOW_WING, 1 loadmovesprites refreshscreen $0 earthquake 72 waitbutton playsound $001b changeblock $a, $2, $20 reloadmappart setbit1 $0336 loadmovesprites loadfont UnknownScript_0x1851b0: ; 0x1851b0 2writetext UnknownText_0x18564a closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x1851b6 UnknownScript_0x1851b6: ; 0x1851b6 2writetext UnknownText_0x185803 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x1851bc UnknownScript_0x1851bc: ; 0x1851bc checkbit1 $0317 iftrue UnknownScript_0x1851c5 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x185654 ; 0x1851c5 UnknownScript_0x1851c5: ; 0x1851c5 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x1858d0 ; 0x1851c8 UnknownScript_0x1851c8: ; 0x1851c8 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x1856a3 ; 0x1851cb MovementData_0x1851cb: ; 0x1851cb slow_step_up slow_step_up slow_step_up slow_step_up step_end ; 0x1851d0 MovementData_0x1851d0: ; 0x1851d0 db $39 ; movement fast_jump_step_down db $38 ; movement step_end ; 0x1851d4 MovementData_0x1851d4: ; 0x1851d4 db $39 ; movement fast_jump_step_down fast_jump_step_right fast_jump_step_down db $38 ; movement step_end ; 0x1851da MovementData_0x1851da: ; 0x1851da db $39 ; movement fast_jump_step_down db $38 ; movement step_end ; 0x1851de MovementData_0x1851de: ; 0x1851de db $39 ; movement fast_jump_step_down fast_jump_step_left fast_jump_step_down db $38 ; movement step_end ; 0x1851e4 MovementData_0x1851e4: ; 0x1851e4 db $39 ; movement fast_jump_step_down db $38 ; movement step_end ; 0x1851e8 MovementData_0x1851e8: ; 0x1851e8 fix_facing big_step_down remove_fixed_facing step_end ; 0x1851ec MovementData_0x1851ec: ; 0x1851ec step_up step_up step_up turn_head_left step_end ; 0x1851f1 MovementData_0x1851f1: ; 0x1851f1 step_down step_down step_down step_end ; 0x1851f5 MovementData_0x1851f5: ; 0x1851f5 step_up step_up step_left step_left turn_head_up step_end ; 0x1851fb MovementData_0x1851fb: ; 0x1851fb step_up step_up step_end ; 0x1851fe MovementData_0x1851fe: ; 0x1851fe step_up step_right step_right step_up step_end ; 0x185203 UnknownText_0x185203: ; 0x185203 db $0, "EUSINE: Awesome!", $4f db "Too awesome, even!", $51 db "I've never seen a", $4f db "battle that great.", $51 db "That was truly", $4f db "inspiring to see.", $51 db "SUICUNE was tough,", $4f db "but you were even", $51 db "more incredible,", $4f db $52, ".", $51 db "I heard SUICUNE's", $4f db "mystic power", $51 db "summons a rainbow-", $4f db "colored #MON.", $51 db "Maybe, just maybe,", $4f db "what went on today", $51 db "will cause that", $4f db "#MON to appear.", $51 db "I'm going to study", $4f db "the legends more.", $51 db "Thanks for showing", $4f db "me that fantastic", $55 db "battle.", $51 db "Later, ", $52, "!", $57 ; 0x185386 UnknownText_0x185386: ; 0x185386 db $0, "According to", $4f db "legend…", $51 db "When the souls of", $4f db "#MON and humans", $51 db "commune, from the", $4f db "heavens descends a", $51 db "#MON of rainbow", $4f db "colors…", $51 db "Could it mean the", $4f db "legendary #MON", $51 db "are testing us", $4f db "humans?", $57 ; 0x185433 UnknownText_0x185433: ; 0x185433 db $0, "When the BRASS", $4f db "TOWER burned down,", $51 db "three nameless", $4f db "#MON were said", $51 db "to have perished.", $4f db "It was tragic.", $51 db "However…", $51 db "A rainbow-colored", $4f db "#MON…", $51 db "In other words…", $51 db "HO-OH descended", $4f db "from the sky and", $51 db "gave new life to", $4f db "the three #MON.", $51 db "They are…", $51 db "SUICUNE, ENTEI and", $4f db "RAIKOU.", $51 db "That is what they", $4f db "say.", $57 ; 0x185544 UnknownText_0x185544: ; 0x185544 db $0, "The two TOWERS are", $4f db "said to have been", $51 db "built to foster", $4f db "friendship and", $51 db "hope between #-", $4f db "MON and people.", $51 db "That was 700 years", $4f db "ago, but the ideal", $51 db "still remains", $4f db "important today.", $57 ; 0x1855ee UnknownText_0x1855ee: ; 0x1855ee db $0, "HO-OH appears to", $4f db "have descended", $51 db "upon this, the TIN", $4f db "TOWER!", $57 ; 0x185629 UnknownText_0x185629: ; 0x185629 db $0, "This will protect", $4f db "you. Take it.", $57 ; 0x18564a UnknownText_0x18564a: ; 0x18564a db $0, "Now, go.", $57 ; 0x185654 UnknownText_0x185654: ; 0x185654 db $0, "I believe you are", $4f db "being tested.", $51 db "Free your mind", $4f db "from uncertainty,", $55 db "and advance.", $57 ; 0x1856a3 UnknownText_0x1856a3: ; 0x1856a3 db $0, "I knew it.", $51 db "I knew you'd get", $4f db "to see the #MON", $51 db "of rainbow colors,", $4f db $52, ".", $51 db "It happened just", $4f db "as I envisioned.", $51 db "My research isn't", $4f db "bad, I might say.", $51 db "I'm going to keep", $4f db "studying #MON", $51 db "to become a famous", $4f db "#MANIAC!", $57 ; 0x185765 UnknownText_0x185765: ; 0x185765 db $0, "The legendary", $4f db "#MON are said", $51 db "to embody three", $4f db "powers…", $51 db "The lightning that", $4f db "struck the TOWER.", $51 db "The fire that", $4f db "burned the TOWER.", $51 db "And the rain that", $4f db "put out the fire…", $57 ; 0x185803 UnknownText_0x185803: ; 0x185803 db $0, "When the legendary", $4f db "#MON appeared…", $51 db "They struck terror", $4f db "in those who saw", $55 db "their rise.", $51 db "And…", $51 db "Some even took to", $4f db "futile attacks.", $51 db "The legendary", $4f db "#MON, knowing", $51 db "their own power,", $4f db "fled, ignoring the", $55 db "frightened people.", $57 ; 0x1858d0 UnknownText_0x1858d0: ; 0x1858d0 db $0, "Of the legendary", $4f db "#MON, SUICUNE", $51 db "is said to be the", $4f db "closest to HO-OH.", $51 db "I hear there may", $4f db "also be a link to", $51 db "#MON known as", $4f db "UNOWN.", $51 db "The #MON UNOWN", $4f db "must be sharing a", $51 db "cooperative bond", $4f db "with SUICUNE.", $57 ; 0x18598c TinTower1F_MapEventHeader: ; 0x18598c ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 3 warp_def $f, $9, 12, GROUP_ECRUTEAK_CITY, MAP_ECRUTEAK_CITY warp_def $f, $a, 12, GROUP_ECRUTEAK_CITY, MAP_ECRUTEAK_CITY warp_def $2, $a, 2, GROUP_TIN_TOWER_2F, MAP_TIN_TOWER_2F ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 0 ; people-events db 10 person_event $63, 13, 13, $1, $0, 255, 255, $90, 0, ObjectEvent, $07b2 person_event $65, 13, 11, $1, $0, 255, 255, $b0, 0, ObjectEvent, $07b4 person_event $64, 13, 16, $1, $0, 255, 255, $80, 0, ObjectEvent, $07b3 person_event $2b, 7, 12, $3, $0, 255, 255, $90, 0, UnknownScript_0x1851c8, $07b5 person_event $3e, 13, 9, $3, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x185173, $07b6 person_event $3e, 15, 15, $3, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x185176, $07b6 person_event $3e, 10, 18, $3, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x185179, $07b6 person_event $3e, 6, 8, $4, $10, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x18517c, $07c5 person_event $3e, 5, 13, $6, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x185188, $07c5 person_event $3e, 6, 18, $5, $1, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x1851bc, $07c5 ; 0x185a23