ref: 769005d270a90642e3c53dc82c55589da8aa5cf7
dir: /maps/HallOfFame.asm/
HallOfFame_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x181445 ; trigger count db 2 ; triggers dw UnknownScript_0x18144f, $0000 dw UnknownScript_0x181453, $0000 ; callback count db 0 ; 0x18144f UnknownScript_0x18144f: ; 0x18144f priorityjump UnknownScript_0x181454 end ; 0x181453 UnknownScript_0x181453: ; 0x181453 end ; 0x181454 UnknownScript_0x181454: ; 0x181454 follow $2, $0 applymovement $2, MovementData_0x181499 stopfollow spriteface $0, $3 loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x1814a6 closetext loadmovesprites spriteface $2, $1 applymovement $0, MovementData_0x1814a4 dotrigger $1 pause 15 writebyte $2 special $003e setbit1 $0044 setbit1 $077c setbit1 $06c4 clearbit1 $0762 setbit1 $0737 clearbit1 $0738 domaptrigger GROUP_SPROUT_TOWER_3F, MAP_SPROUT_TOWER_3F, $1 special $001b checkbit1 $0024 iftrue UnknownScript_0x181497 specialphonecall $5 UnknownScript_0x181497: ; 0x181497 halloffame end ; 0x181499 MovementData_0x181499: ; 0x181499 step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_right turn_head_left step_end ; 0x1814a4 MovementData_0x1814a4: ; 0x1814a4 slow_step_up step_end ; 0x1814a6 UnknownText_0x1814a6: ; 0x1814a6 db $0, "LANCE: It's been a", $4f db "long time since I", $55 db "last came here.", $51 db "This is where we", $4f db "honor the LEAGUE", $51 db "CHAMPIONS for all", $4f db "eternity.", $51 db "Their courageous", $4f db "#MON are also", $55 db "inducted.", $51 db "Here today, we", $4f db "witnessed the rise", $51 db "of a new LEAGUE", $4f db "CHAMPION--a", $51 db "trainer who feels", $4f db "compassion for,", $51 db "and trust toward,", $4f db "all #MON.", $51 db "A trainer who", $4f db "succeeded through", $51 db "perseverance and", $4f db "determination.", $51 db "The new LEAGUE", $4f db "CHAMPION who has", $51 db "all the makings", $4f db "of greatness!", $51 db $14, ", allow me", $4f db "to register you", $51 db "and your partners", $4f db "as CHAMPIONS!", $57 ; 0x181678 HallOfFame_MapEventHeader: ; 0x181678 ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 2 warp_def $d, $4, 3, GROUP_LANCES_ROOM, MAP_LANCES_ROOM warp_def $d, $5, 4, GROUP_LANCES_ROOM, MAP_LANCES_ROOM ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 0 ; people-events db 1 person_event $1e, 16, 8, $7, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, ObjectEvent, $ffff ; 0x181695