ref: 75d5cc3bb66b24fa23ad0c925a25cad8ff5d6c6e
dir: /extras/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # utilities to help disassemble pokémon crystal import os import sys import inspect import hashlib import json from copy import copy, deepcopy import subprocess from new import classobj import random # for capwords import string # for python2.6 if not hasattr(json, "dumps"): json.dumps = json.write # New versions of json don't have read anymore. if not hasattr(json, "read"): = json.loads from labels import ( remove_quoted_text, line_has_comment_address, line_has_label, get_label_from_line, get_address_from_line_comment ) spacing = "\t" lousy_dragon_shrine_hack = [0x18d079, 0x18d0a9, 0x18d061, 0x18d091] # table of pointers to map groups # each map group contains some number of map headers map_group_pointer_table = 0x94000 map_group_count = 26 map_group_offsets = [] map_header_byte_size = 9 second_map_header_byte_size = 12 # event segment sizes warp_byte_size = 5 trigger_byte_size = 8 signpost_byte_size = 5 people_event_byte_size = 13 # a message to show with NotImplementedErrors bryan_message = "bryan hasn't got to this yet" max_texts = 3 text_count = 0 texts = [] # these appear outside of quotes (see pokered/extras/ # this doesn't do anything but is still used in TextScript constant_abbreviation_bytes = {} # Import the characters from its module. from chars import chars, jap_chars from trainers import ( trainer_group_pointer_table_address, # 0x39999 trainer_group_pointer_table_address_gs, # 0x3993E trainer_group_names, ) from move_constants import moves # for fixing trainer_group_names import re from interval_map import IntervalMap from pksv import ( pksv_gs, pksv_crystal, pksv_crystal_unknowns, pksv_crystal_more_enders ) # ---- script_parse_table explanation ---- # This is an IntervalMap that keeps track of previously parsed scripts, texts # and other objects. Anything that has a location in the ROM should be mapped # to an interval (a range of addresses) in this structure. Each object that is # assigned to an interval should implement attributes or methods like: # ATTRIBUTE/METHOD EXPLANATION # label what the heck to call the object # address where it begins # to_asm() spit out asm (not including label) # keys are intervals "500..555" of byte addresses for each script # last byte is not inclusive(?) really? according to who?? # this is how to make sure scripts are not recalculated script_parse_table = IntervalMap() def is_script_already_parsed_at(address): """looks up whether or not a script is parsed at a certain address""" if script_parse_table[address] == None: return False return True def script_parse_table_pretty_printer(): """helpful debugging output""" for each in script_parse_table.items(): print each def map_name_cleaner(input): """generate a valid asm label for a given map name""" return input.replace(":", "").\ replace("(", "").\ replace(")", "").\ replace("'", "").\ replace("/", "").\ replace(",", "").\ replace(".", "").\ replace("Pokémon Center", "PokeCenter").\ replace("é", "e").\ replace("-", "").\ replace("Hooh", "HoOh").\ replace("hooh", "HoOh").\ replace(" ", "") from romstr import ( RomStr, AsmList, ) rom = RomStr(None) def direct_load_rom(filename="../baserom.gbc"): """loads bytes into memory""" global rom file_handler = open(filename, "rb") rom = RomStr( file_handler.close() return rom def load_rom(filename="../baserom.gbc"): """checks that the loaded rom matches the path and then loads the rom if necessary.""" global rom if rom != RomStr(None) and rom != None: return rom if not isinstance(rom, RomStr): return direct_load_rom(filename=filename) elif os.lstat(filename).st_size != len(rom): return direct_load_rom(filename) def direct_load_asm(filename="../main.asm"): """returns asm source code (AsmList) from a file""" asm = open(filename, "r").read().split("\n") asm = AsmList(asm) return asm def load_asm(filename="../main.asm"): """returns asm source code (AsmList) from a file (uses a global)""" global asm asm = direct_load_asm(filename=filename) return asm def grouper(some_list, count=2): """splits a list into sublists given: [1, 2, 3, 4] returns: [[1, 2], [3, 4]]""" return [some_list[i:i+count] for i in range(0, len(some_list), count)] def is_valid_address(address): """is_valid_rom_address""" if address == None: return False if type(address) == str: address = int(address, 16) if 0 <= address <= 2097152: return True else: return False def rom_interval(offset, length, strings=True, debug=True): """returns hex values for the rom starting at offset until offset+length""" global rom return rom.interval(offset, length, strings=strings, debug=debug) def rom_until(offset, byte, strings=True, debug=True): """returns hex values from rom starting at offset until the given byte""" global rom return rom.until(offset, byte, strings=strings, debug=debug) def how_many_until(byte, starting): index = rom.find(byte, starting) return index - starting def load_map_group_offsets(): """reads the map group table for the list of pointers""" global map_group_pointer_table, map_group_count, map_group_offsets global rom map_group_offsets = [] # otherwise this method can only be used once data = rom_interval(map_group_pointer_table, map_group_count*2, strings=False) data = grouper(data) for pointer_parts in data: pointer = pointer_parts[0] + (pointer_parts[1] << 8) offset = pointer - 0x4000 + map_group_pointer_table map_group_offsets.append(offset) return map_group_offsets from pointers import ( calculate_bank, calculate_pointer, ) def calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(address, bank=False): """calculates a pointer from 2 bytes at a location or 3-byte pointer [bank][2-byte pointer] if bank=True""" if bank == True: bank = ord(rom[address]) address += 1 elif bank == False or bank == None: bank = calculate_bank(address) elif bank == "reverse" or bank == "reversed": bank = ord(rom[address+2]) elif type(bank) == int: pass else: raise Exception("bad bank given to calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at") byte1 = ord(rom[address]) byte2 = ord(rom[address+1]) temp = byte1 + (byte2 << 8) if temp == 0: return None return calculate_pointer(temp, bank) def clean_up_long_info(long_info): """cleans up some data from parse_script_engine_script_at formatting issues""" long_info = str(long_info) # get rid of the first newline if long_info[0] == "\n": long_info = long_info[1:] # get rid of the last newline and any leftover space if long_info.count("\n") > 0: if long_info[long_info.rindex("\n")+1:].isspace(): long_info = long_info[:long_info.rindex("\n")] # remove spaces+hash from the front of each line new_lines = [] for line in long_info.split("\n"): line = line.strip() if line[0] == "#": line = line[1:] new_lines.append(line) long_info = "\n".join(new_lines) return long_info from pokemon_constants import pokemon_constants def get_pokemon_constant_by_id(id): if id == 0: return None else: return pokemon_constants[id] from item_constants import ( item_constants, find_item_label_by_id, generate_item_constants, ) def command_debug_information(command_byte=None, map_group=None, map_id=None, address=0, info=None, long_info=None, pksv_name=None): "used to help debug in parse_script_engine_script_at" info1 = "parsing command byte " + hex(command_byte) + " for map " + \ str(map_group) + "." + str(map_id) + " at " + hex(address) info1 += " pksv: " + str(pksv_name) #info1 += " info: " + str(info) #info1 += " long_info: " + long_info return info1 all_texts = [] class TextScript: """ A text is a sequence of bytes (and sometimes commands). It's not the same thing as a Script. The bytes are translated into characters based on the lookup table (see The in-text commands are for including values from RAM, playing sound, etc. see: """ base_label = "UnknownText_" def __init__(self, address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=False, label=None, force=False, show=None): self.address = address # $91, $84, $82, $54, $8c # 0x19768c is a a weird problem? if address in [0x26ef, 0x26f2, 0x6ee, 0x1071, 0x5ce33, 0x69523, 0x7ee98, 0x72176, 0x7a578, 0x19c09b, 0x19768c]: return None self.map_group, self.map_id, self.debug = map_group, map_id, debug self.dependencies = None self.commands = None self.force = force if is_script_already_parsed_at(address) and not force: raise Exception("TextScript already parsed at "+hex(address)) if not label: label = self.base_label + hex(address) self.label = Label(name=label, address=address, object=self) self.parse() def is_valid(self): return not (self.address in [0x26ef, 0x26f2, 0x6ee, 0x1071, 0x5ce33, 0x69523, 0x7ee98, 0x72176, 0x7a578, 0x19c09b, 0x19768c]) # hmm this looks exactly like Script.get_dependencies (which makes sense..) def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): if self.address in [0x26ef, 0x26f2, 0x6ee, 0x1071, 0x5ce33, 0x69523, 0x7ee98, 0x72176, 0x7a578, 0x19c09b, 0x19768c]: return [] if self.dependencies != None and not recompute: global_dependencies.update(self.dependencies) return self.dependencies dependencies = [] for command in self.commands: deps = command.get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies) dependencies.extend(deps) self.dependencies = dependencies return self.dependencies # this is almost an exact copy of Script.parse # with the exception of using text_command_classes instead of command_classes def parse(self): if self.address in [0x26ef, 0x26f2, 0x6ee, 0x1071, 0x5ce33, 0x69523, 0x7ee98, 0x72176, 0x7a578, 0x19c09b, 0x19768c]: return None global text_command_classes, script_parse_table current_address = copy(self.address) start_address = copy(current_address) # don't clutter up my screen if self.debug: print "NewTextScript.parse address="+hex(self.address)+" map_group="+str(self.map_group)+" map_id="+str(self.map_id) # load up the rom if it hasn't been loaded already load_rom() # in the event that the script parsing fails.. it would be nice to leave evidence script_parse_table[start_address:start_address+1] = "incomplete NewTextScript.parse" # start with a blank script commands = [] # use this to control the while loop end = False # for each command found... while not end: # get the current scripting byte cur_byte = ord(rom[current_address]) # reset the command class (last command was probably different) scripting_command_class = None # match the command id byte to a scripting command class like MainText for class_ in text_command_classes: if class_[1].id == cur_byte: scripting_command_class = class_[1] if self.address == 0x9c00e and self.debug: if current_address > 0x9c087: print "self.commands is: " + str(commands) print "command 0 address is: " + hex(commands[0].address) + " last_address="+hex(commands[0].last_address) print "command 1 address is: " + hex(commands[1].address) + " last_address="+hex(commands[1].last_address) raise Exception("going beyond the bounds for this text script") # no matching command found if scripting_command_class == None: raise Exception("unable to parse text command $%.2x in the text script at %s at %s" % (cur_byte, hex(start_address), hex(current_address))) # create an instance of the command class and let it parse its parameter bytes cls = scripting_command_class(address=current_address, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug, force=self.force) if self.debug: print cls.to_asm() # store it in this script object commands.append(cls) # certain commands will end the scripting engine end = cls.end # skip past the command's parameter bytes to go to the next command #current_address += cls.size current_address = cls.last_address # last byte belonging to script is last byte of last command, # or the last byte of the last command's last parameter # (actually i think this might be the next byte after??) self.last_address = current_address if self.debug: print "cls.address is: " + hex(cls.address) print "cls.size is: " + hex(cls.size) print "cls.last_address is: " + hex(cls.last_address) print "self.last_address is: " + hex(self.last_address) assert self.last_address == (cls.address + cls.size), "the last address should equal the last command's (address + size)" assert self.last_address == cls.last_address, "the last address of the TextScript should be the last_address of its last command" # just some debugging.. if self.debug: last_address = self.last_address print "TextScript last_address == " + hex(last_address) #assert last_address != 0x5db06, "TextScript.parse somehow has a text with a last_address of 0x5db06 instead of 0x5db07" # store the script in the global table/map thing script_parse_table[start_address:current_address] = self all_texts.append(self) if self.debug: asm_output = "\n".join([command.to_asm() for command in commands]) print "--------------\n"+asm_output # store the script self.commands = commands return commands def to_asm(self): if self.address in [0x26ef, 0x26f2, 0x6ee, 0x1071, 0x5ce33, 0x69523, 0x7ee98, 0x72176, 0x7a578, 0x19c09b, 0x19768c]: return None asm_output = "\n".join([command.to_asm() for command in self.commands]) return asm_output class OldTextScript: "a text is a sequence of commands different from a script-engine script" base_label = "UnknownText_" def __init__(self, address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True, show=True, force=False, label=None): self.address = address self.map_group, self.map_id, self.debug,, self.force = map_group, map_id, debug, show, force if not label: label = self.base_label + hex(address) self.label = Label(name=label, address=address, object=self) self.dependencies = [] self.parse_text_at(address) @staticmethod def find_addresses(): """returns a list of text pointers useful for testing parse_text_engine_script_at Note that this list is not exhaustive. There are some texts that are only pointed to from some script that a current script just points to. So find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script will have to recursively follow through each script to find those. .. it does this now :) """ addresses = set() # for each map group for map_group in map_names: # for each map id for map_id in map_names[map_group]: # skip the offset key if map_id == "offset": continue # dump this into smap smap = map_names[map_group][map_id] # signposts signposts = smap["signposts"] # for each signpost for signpost in signposts: if signpost["func"] in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]: # dump this into script script = signpost["script"] elif signpost["func"] in [05, 06]: script = signpost["script"] else: continue # skip signposts with no bytes if len(script) == 0: continue # find all text pointers in script texts = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(script, smap["event_bank"]) # dump these addresses in addresses.update(texts) # xy triggers xy_triggers = smap["xy_triggers"] # for each xy trigger for xy_trigger in xy_triggers: # dump this into script script = xy_trigger["script"] # find all text pointers in script texts = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(script, smap["event_bank"]) # dump these addresses in addresses.update(texts) # trigger scripts triggers = smap["trigger_scripts"] # for each trigger for (i, trigger) in triggers.items(): # dump this into script script = trigger["script"] # find all text pointers in script texts = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(script, calculate_bank(trigger["address"])) # dump these addresses in addresses.update(texts) # callback scripts callbacks = smap["callback_scripts"] # for each callback for (k, callback) in callbacks.items(): # dump this into script script = callback["script"] # find all text pointers in script texts = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(script, calculate_bank(callback["address"])) # dump these addresses in addresses.update(texts) # people-events events = smap["people_events"] # for each event for event in events: if event["event_type"] == "script": # dump this into script script = event["script"] # find all text pointers in script texts = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(script, smap["event_bank"]) # dump these addresses in addresses.update(texts) if event["event_type"] == "trainer": trainer_data = event["trainer_data"] addresses.update([trainer_data["text_when_seen_ptr"]]) addresses.update([trainer_data["text_when_trainer_beaten_ptr"]]) trainer_bank = calculate_bank(event["trainer_data_address"]) script1 = trainer_data["script_talk_again"] texts1 = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(script1, trainer_bank) addresses.update(texts1) script2 = trainer_data["script_when_lost"] texts2 = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(script2, trainer_bank) addresses.update(texts2) return addresses def parse_text_at(self, address): """parses a text-engine script ("in-text scripts") This is presently very broken. see parse_text_at2, parse_text_at, and process_00_subcommands """ global rom, text_count, max_texts, texts, script_parse_table if rom == None: direct_load_rom() if address == None: return "not a script" map_group, map_id, debug, show, force = self.map_group, self.map_id, self.debug,, self.force commands = {} if is_script_already_parsed_at(address) and not force: print "text is already parsed at this location: " + hex(address) raise Exception("text is already parsed, what's going on ?") return script_parse_table[address] total_text_commands = 0 command_counter = 0 original_address = address offset = address end = False script_parse_table[original_address:original_address+1] = "incomplete text" while not end: address = offset command = {} command_byte = ord(rom[address]) if debug: print "TextScript.parse_script_at has encountered a command byte " + hex(command_byte) + " at " + hex(address) end_address = address + 1 if command_byte == 0: # read until $57, $50 or $58 jump57 = how_many_until(chr(0x57), offset) jump50 = how_many_until(chr(0x50), offset) jump58 = how_many_until(chr(0x58), offset) # whichever command comes first jump = min([jump57, jump50, jump58]) end_address = offset + jump # we want the address before $57 lines = process_00_subcommands(offset+1, end_address, debug=debug) if show and debug: text = parse_text_at2(offset+1, end_address-offset+1, debug=debug) print text command = {"type": command_byte, "start_address": offset, "end_address": end_address, "size": jump, "lines": lines, } offset += jump elif command_byte == 0x17: # TX_FAR [pointer][bank] pointer_byte1 = ord(rom[offset+1]) pointer_byte2 = ord(rom[offset+2]) pointer_bank = ord(rom[offset+3]) pointer = (pointer_byte1 + (pointer_byte2 << 8)) pointer = extract_maps.calculate_pointer(pointer, pointer_bank) text = TextScript(pointer, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.amp_id, debug=self.debug, \ show=self.debug, force=self.debug, label="Target" if text.is_valid(): self.dependencies.append(text) command = {"type": command_byte, "start_address": offset, "end_address": offset + 3, # last byte belonging to this command "pointer": pointer, # parameter "text": text, } offset += 3 + 1 elif command_byte == 0x50 or command_byte == 0x57 or command_byte == 0x58: # end text command = {"type": command_byte, "start_address": offset, "end_address": offset, } # this byte simply indicates to end the script end = True # this byte simply indicates to end the script if command_byte == 0x50 and ord(rom[offset+1]) == 0x50: # $50$50 means end completely end = True commands[command_counter+1] = command # also save the next byte, before we quit commands[command_counter+1]["start_address"] += 1 commands[command_counter+1]["end_address"] += 1 add_command_byte_to_totals(command_byte) elif command_byte == 0x50: # only end if we started with $0 if len(commands.keys()) > 0: if commands[0]["type"] == 0x0: end = True elif command_byte == 0x57 or command_byte == 0x58: # end completely end = True offset += 1 # go past this 0x50 elif command_byte == 0x1: # 01 = text from RAM. [01][2-byte pointer] size = 3 # total size, including the command byte pointer_byte1 = ord(rom[offset+1]) pointer_byte2 = ord(rom[offset+2]) command = {"type": command_byte, "start_address": offset+1, "end_address": offset+2, # last byte belonging to this command "pointer": [pointer_byte1, pointer_byte2], # RAM pointer } # view near these bytes # subsection = rom[offset:offset+size+1] #peak ahead #for x in subsection: # print hex(ord(x)) #print "--" offset += 2 + 1 # go to the next byte # use this to look at the surrounding bytes if debug: print "next command is: " + hex(ord(rom[offset])) + " ... we are at command number: " + str(command_counter) + " near " + hex(offset) + " on map_id=" + str(map_id) elif command_byte == 0x7: # 07 = shift texts 1 row above (2nd line becomes 1st line); address for next text = 2nd line. [07] size = 1 command = {"type": command_byte, "start_address": offset, "end_address": offset, } offset += 1 elif command_byte == 0x3: # 03 = set new address in RAM for text. [03][2-byte RAM address] size = 3 command = {"type": command_byte, "start_address": offset, "end_address": offset+2} offset += size elif command_byte == 0x4: # draw box # 04 = draw box. [04][2-Byte pointer][height Y][width X] size = 5 # including the command command = { "type": command_byte, "start_address": offset, "end_address": offset + size, "pointer_bytes": [ord(rom[offset+1]), ord(rom[offset+2])], "y": ord(rom[offset+3]), "x": ord(rom[offset+4]), } offset += size + 1 elif command_byte == 0x5: # 05 = write text starting at 2nd line of text-box. [05][text][ending command] # read until $57, $50 or $58 jump57 = how_many_until(chr(0x57), offset) jump50 = how_many_until(chr(0x50), offset) jump58 = how_many_until(chr(0x58), offset) # whichever command comes first jump = min([jump57, jump50, jump58]) end_address = offset + jump # we want the address before $57 lines = process_00_subcommands(offset+1, end_address, debug=debug) if show and debug: text = parse_text_at2(offset+1, end_address-offset+1, debug=debug) print text command = {"type": command_byte, "start_address": offset, "end_address": end_address, "size": jump, "lines": lines, } offset = end_address + 1 elif command_byte == 0x6: # 06 = wait for keypress A or B (put blinking arrow in textbox). [06] command = {"type": command_byte, "start_address": offset, "end_address": offset} offset += 1 elif command_byte == 0x7: # 07 = shift texts 1 row above (2nd line becomes 1st line); address for next text = 2nd line. [07] command = {"type": command_byte, "start_address": offset, "end_address": offset} offset += 1 elif command_byte == 0x8: # 08 = asm until whenever command = {"type": command_byte, "start_address": offset, "end_address": offset} offset += 1 end = True elif command_byte == 0x9: # 09 = write hex-to-dec number from RAM to textbox [09][2-byte RAM address][byte bbbbcccc] # bbbb = how many bytes to read (read number is big-endian) # cccc = how many digits display (decimal) #(note: max of decimal digits is 7,i.e. max number correctly displayable is 9999999) ram_address_byte1 = ord(rom[offset+1]) ram_address_byte2 = ord(rom[offset+2]) read_byte = ord(rom[offset+3]) command = { "type": command_byte, "address": [ram_address_byte1, ram_address_byte2], "read_byte": read_byte, # split this up when we make a macro for this } offset += 4 else: #if len(commands) > 0: # print "Unknown text command " + hex(command_byte) + " at " + hex(offset) + ", script began with " + hex(commands[0]["type"]) if debug: print "Unknown text command at " + hex(offset) + " - command: " + hex(ord(rom[offset])) + " on map_id=" + str(map_id) # end at the first unknown command end = True commands[command_counter] = command command_counter += 1 total_text_commands += len(commands) text_count += 1 #if text_count >= max_texts: # sys.exit() self.commands = commands self.last_address = offset script_parse_table[original_address:offset] = self all_texts.append(self) self.size = self.byte_count = self.last_address - original_address return commands def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): #if recompute: # raise NotImplementedError(bryan_message) global_dependencies.update(self.dependencies) return self.dependencies def to_asm(self, label=None): address = self.address start_address = address if label == None: label = # using deepcopy because otherwise additional @s get appended each time # like to the end of the text for TextScript(0x5cf3a) commands = deepcopy(self.commands) # apparently this isn't important anymore? needs_to_begin_with_0 = True # start with zero please byte_count = 0 # where we store all output output = "" had_text_end_byte = False had_text_end_byte_57_58 = False had_db_last = False xspacing = "" # reset this pretty fast.. first_line = True # for each command.. for this_command in commands.keys(): if not "lines" in commands[this_command].keys(): command = commands[this_command] if not "type" in command.keys(): print "ERROR in command: " + str(command) continue # dunno what to do here? if command["type"] == 0x1: # TX_RAM p1 = command["pointer"][0] p2 = command["pointer"][1] # remember to account for big endian -> little endian output += "\n" + xspacing + "TX_RAM $%.2x%.2x" %(p2, p1) byte_count += 3 had_db_last = False elif command["type"] == 0x17: # TX_FAR #p1 = command["pointer"][0] #p2 = command["pointer"][1] output += "\n" + xspacing + "TX_FAR _" + label + " ; " + hex(command["pointer"]) byte_count += 4 # $17, bank, address word had_db_last = False elif command["type"] == 0x9: # TX_RAM_HEX2DEC # address, read_byte output += "\n" + xspacing + "TX_NUM $%.2x%.2x, $%.2x" % (command["address"][1], command["address"][0], command["read_byte"]) had_db_last = False byte_count += 4 elif command["type"] == 0x50 and not had_text_end_byte: # had_text_end_byte helps us avoid repeating $50s if had_db_last: output += ", $50" else: output += "\n" + xspacing + "db $50" byte_count += 1 had_db_last = True elif command["type"] in [0x57, 0x58] and not had_text_end_byte_57_58: if had_db_last: output += ", $%.2x" % (command["type"]) else: output += "\n" + xspacing + "db $%.2x" % (command["type"]) byte_count += 1 had_db_last = True elif command["type"] in [0x57, 0x58] and had_text_end_byte_57_58: pass # this is ok elif command["type"] == 0x50 and had_text_end_byte: pass # this is also ok elif command["type"] == 0x0b: if had_db_last: output += ", $0b" else: output += "\n" + xspacing + "db $0B" byte_count += 1 had_db_last = True elif command["type"] == 0x11: if had_db_last: output += ", $11" else: output += "\n" + xspacing + "db $11" byte_count += 1 had_db_last = True elif command["type"] == 0x6: # wait for keypress if had_db_last: output += ", $6" else: output += "\n" + xspacing + "db $6" byte_count += 1 had_db_last = True else: print "ERROR in command: " + hex(command["type"]) had_db_last = False # everything else is for $0s, really continue lines = commands[this_command]["lines"] # reset this in case we have non-$0s later had_db_last = False # add the ending byte to the last line- always seems $57 # this should already be in there, but it's not because of a bug in the text parser lines[len(lines.keys())-1].append(commands[len(commands.keys())-1]["type"]) first = True # first byte for line_id in lines: line = lines[line_id] output += xspacing + "db " if first and needs_to_begin_with_0: output += "$0, " first = False byte_count += 1 quotes_open = False first_byte = True was_byte = False for byte in line: if byte == 0x50: had_text_end_byte = True # don't repeat it if byte in [0x58, 0x57]: had_text_end_byte_57_58 = True if byte in chars: if not quotes_open and not first_byte: # start text output += ", \"" quotes_open = True first_byte = False if not quotes_open and first_byte: # start text output += "\"" quotes_open = True output += chars[byte] elif byte in constant_abbreviation_bytes: if quotes_open: output += "\"" quotes_open = False if not first_byte: output += ", " output += constant_abbreviation_bytes[byte] else: if quotes_open: output += "\"" quotes_open = False # if you want the ending byte on the last line #if not (byte == 0x57 or byte == 0x50 or byte == 0x58): if not first_byte: output += ", " output += "$" + hex(byte)[2:] was_byte = True # add a comma unless it's the end of the line #if byte_count+1 != len(line): # output += ", " first_byte = False byte_count += 1 # close final quotes if quotes_open: output += "\"" quotes_open = False output += "\n" #include_newline = "\n" #if len(output)!=0 and output[-1] == "\n": # include_newline = "" #output += include_newline + "; " + hex(start_address) + " + " + str(byte_count) + " bytes = " + hex(start_address + byte_count) if len(output) > 0 and output[-1] == "\n": output = output[:-1] self.size = self.byte_count = byte_count return output def parse_text_engine_script_at(address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True, show=True, force=False): """parses a text-engine script ("in-text scripts") see parse_text_at2, parse_text_at, and process_00_subcommands """ if is_script_already_parsed_at(address) and not force: return script_parse_table[address] return TextScript(address, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug, show=show, force=force) def find_text_addresses(): """returns a list of text pointers useful for testing parse_text_engine_script_at""" return TextScript.find_addresses() class EncodedText: """a sequence of bytes that, when decoded, represent readable text based on the chars table from and other places""" base_label = "UnknownRawText_" def __init__(self, address, bank=None, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True, label=None): self.address = address if bank: = bank else: = calculate_bank(address) self.map_group, self.map_id, self.debug = map_group, map_id, debug if not label: label = self.base_label + hex(address) self.label = Label(name=label, address=address, object=self) self.dependencies = None self.parse() script_parse_table[self.address : self.last_address] = self def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): return [] def parse(self): offset = self.address # read until $57, $50 or $58 jump57 = how_many_until(chr(0x57), offset) jump50 = how_many_until(chr(0x50), offset) jump58 = how_many_until(chr(0x58), offset) # whichever command comes first jump = min([jump57, jump50, jump58]) end_address = offset + jump # we want the address before $57 text = parse_text_at2(offset, end_address-offset, debug=self.debug) if jump == jump50: text += "@" self.text = text self.last_address = self.end_address = end_address def to_asm(self): return "\""+self.text+"\"" @staticmethod def process_00_subcommands(start_address, end_address, debug=True): """split this text up into multiple lines based on subcommands ending each line""" if debug: print "process_00_subcommands(" + hex(start_address) + ", " + hex(end_address) + ")" lines = {} subsection = rom[start_address:end_address] line_count = 0 current_line = [] for pbyte in subsection: byte = ord(pbyte) current_line.append(byte) if byte == 0x4f or byte == 0x51 or byte == 0x55: lines[line_count] = current_line current_line = [] line_count += 1 # don't forget the last line lines[line_count] = current_line line_count += 1 return lines @staticmethod def from_bytes(bytes, debug=True, japanese=False): """assembles a string based on bytes looked up in the chars table""" line = "" if japanese: charset = jap_chars else: charset = chars for byte in bytes: if type(byte) != int: byte = ord(byte) if byte in charset.keys(): line += charset[byte] elif debug: print "byte not known: " + hex(byte) return line @staticmethod def parse_text_at(address, count=10, debug=True, japanese=False): """returns a string of text from an address this does not handle text commands""" output = "" commands = process_00_subcommands(address, address+count, debug=debug) for (line_id, line) in commands.items(): output += parse_text_from_bytes(line, debug=debug, japanese=japanese) texts.append([address, output]) return output def process_00_subcommands(start_address, end_address, debug=True): """split this text up into multiple lines based on subcommands ending each line""" return EncodedText.process_00_subcommands(start_address, end_address, debug=debug) def parse_text_from_bytes(bytes, debug=True, japanese=False): """assembles a string based on bytes looked up in the chars table""" return EncodedText.from_bytes(bytes, debug=debug, japanese=japanese) def parse_text_at(address, count=10, debug=True): """returns a list of bytes from an address see parse_text_at2 for pretty printing""" return parse_text_from_bytes(rom_interval(address, count, strings=False), debug=debug) def parse_text_at2(address, count=10, debug=True, japanese=False): """returns a string of text from an address this does not handle text commands""" return EncodedText.parse_text_at(address, count, debug=debug, japanese=japanese) def parse_text_at3(address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=False): deh = script_parse_table[address] if deh: return deh else: text = TextScript(address, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) if text.is_valid(): return text else: return None def rom_text_at(address, count=10): """prints out raw text from the ROM like for 0x112110""" return "".join([chr(x) for x in rom_interval(address, count, strings=False)]) def get_map_constant_label(map_group=None, map_id=None): """returns PALLET_TOWN for some map group/id pair""" if map_group == None: raise Exception("need map_group") if map_id == None: raise Exception("need map_id") global map_internal_ids for (id, each) in map_internal_ids.items(): if each["map_group"] == map_group and each["map_id"] == map_id: return each["label"] return None def get_map_constant_label_by_id(global_id): """returns a map constant label for a particular map id""" global map_internal_ids return map_internal_ids[global_id]["label"] def get_id_for_map_constant_label(label): """returns some global id for a given map constant label PALLET_TOWN = 1, for instance.""" global map_internal_ids for (id, each) in map_internal_ids.items(): if each["label"] == label: return id return None def generate_map_constant_labels(): """generates the global for this script mapping ids to map groups/ids/labels""" global map_internal_ids map_internal_ids = {} i = 0 for map_group in map_names.keys(): for map_id in map_names[map_group].keys(): if map_id == "offset": continue cmap = map_names[map_group][map_id] name = cmap["name"] name = name.replace("Pokémon Center", "PokeCenter").\ replace(" ", "_").\ replace("-", "_").\ replace("é", "e") constant_label = map_name_cleaner(name).upper() map_internal_ids[i] = {"label": constant_label, "map_id": map_id, "map_group": map_group} i += 1 return map_internal_ids # see generate_map_constant_labels() later def generate_map_constants(): """generates content for constants.asm this will generate two macros: GROUP and MAP""" global map_internal_ids if map_internal_ids == None or map_internal_ids == {}: generate_map_constant_labels() globals, groups, maps = "", "", "" for (id, each) in map_internal_ids.items(): label = each["label"].replace("-", "_").replace("é", "e").upper() groups += "GROUP_"+ label + " EQU $%.2x" % (each["map_group"]) groups += "\n" maps += "MAP_"+ label + " EQU $%.2x" % (each["map_id"]) maps += "\n" globals += label + " EQU $%.2x" % (id) globals += "\n" #for multi-byte constants: #print each["label"] + " EQUS \"$%.2x,$%.2x\"" % (each["map_group"], each["map_id"]) print globals print groups print maps def generate_map_constants_dimensions(): """ Generate _WIDTH and _HEIGHT properties. """ global map_internal_ids output = "" if map_internal_ids == None or map_internal_ids == {}: generate_map_constant_labels() for (id, each) in map_internal_ids.items(): map_group = each["map_group"] map_id = each["map_id"] label = each["label"].replace("-", "_").replace("é", "e").upper() output += label + "_HEIGHT EQU %d\n" % (map_names[map_group][map_id]["header_new"].second_map_header.height.byte) output += label + "_WIDTH EQU %d\n" % (map_names[map_group][map_id]["header_new"].second_map_header.width.byte) return output def transform_wildmons(asm): """ Converts a wildmons section to use map constants. input: wildmons text. """ asmlines = asm.split("\n") returnlines = [] for line in asmlines: if "; " in line and not ("day" in line or "morn" in line or "nite" in line or "0x" in line or "encounter" in line) \ and line != "" and line.split("; ")[0] != "": map_group = int(line.split("\tdb ")[1].split(",")[0].replace("$", "0x"), base=16) map_id = int(line.split("\tdb ")[1].split(",")[1].replace("$", "0x").split("; ")[0], base=16) label = get_map_constant_label(map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id) returnlines.append("\tdb GROUP_"+label+", MAP_"+label) #+" ; " + line.split(";")[1]) else: returnlines.append(line) return "\n".join(returnlines) def parse_script_asm_at(*args, **kwargs): # XXX TODO return None def find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(script, bank=None, debug=False): """returns a list of text pointers based on each script-engine script command""" # TODO: recursively follow any jumps in the script if script == None: return [] addresses = set() for (k, command) in enumerate(script.commands): if debug: print "command is: " + str(command) if == 0x4B: addresses.add(command.params[0].parsed_address) elif == 0x4C: addresses.add(command.params[0].parsed_address) elif == 0x51: addresses.add(command.params[0].parsed_address) elif == 0x53: addresses.add(command.params[0].parsed_address) elif == 0x64: addresses.add(command.params[0].parsed_address) addresses.add(command.params[1].parsed_address) return addresses def translate_command_byte(crystal=None, gold=None): """takes a command byte from either crystal or gold returns the command byte in the other (non-given) game The new commands are values 0x52 and 0x9F. This means: Crystal's 0x00–0x51 correspond to Gold's 0x00–0x51 Crystal's 0x53–0x9E correspond to Gold's 0x52–0x9D Crystal's 0xA0–0xA5 correspond to Gold's 0x9E–0xA3 see: """ if crystal != None: # convert to gold if crystal <= 0x51: return crystal if crystal == 0x52: return None if 0x53 <= crystal <= 0x9E: return crystal-1 if crystal == 0x9F: return None if 0xA0 <= crystal <= 0xA5: return crystal-2 if crystal > 0xA5: raise Exception("dunno yet if crystal has new insertions after crystal:0xA5 (gold:0xA3)") elif gold != None: # convert to crystal if gold <= 0x51: return gold if 0x52 <= gold <= 0x9D: return gold+1 if 0x9E <= gold <= 0xA3: return gold+2 if gold > 0xA3: raise Exception("dunno yet if crystal has new insertions after gold:0xA3 (crystal:0xA5)") else: raise Exception("translate_command_byte needs either a crystal or gold command") class SingleByteParam(): """or SingleByte(CommandParam)""" size = 1 should_be_decimal = False byte_type = "db" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): for (key, value) in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) # check address if not hasattr(self, "address"): raise Exception("an address is a requirement") elif self.address == None: raise Exception("address must not be None") elif not is_valid_address(self.address): raise Exception("address must be valid") # check size if not hasattr(self, "size") or self.size == None: raise Exception("size is probably 1?") # parse bytes from ROM self.parse() def parse(self): self.byte = ord(rom[self.address]) def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): return [] def to_asm(self): if not self.should_be_decimal: return hex(self.byte).replace("0x", "$") else: return str(self.byte) class DollarSignByte(SingleByteParam): def to_asm(self): return hex(self.byte).replace("0x", "$") HexByte=DollarSignByte class ItemLabelByte(DollarSignByte): def to_asm(self): label = find_item_label_by_id(self.byte) if label: return label elif not label: return DollarSignByte.to_asm(self) class DecimalParam(SingleByteParam): should_be_decimal = True class MultiByteParam(): """or MultiByte(CommandParam)""" size = 2 should_be_decimal = False byte_type = "dw" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.prefix = "$" # default.. feel free to set 0x in kwargs for (key, value) in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) # check address if not hasattr(self, "address") or self.address == None: raise Exception("an address is a requirement") elif not is_valid_address(self.address): raise Exception("address must be valid") # check size if not hasattr(self, "size") or self.size == None: raise Exception("don't know how many bytes to read (size)") self.parse() def parse(self): self.bytes = rom_interval(self.address, self.size, strings=False) self.parsed_number = self.bytes[0] + (self.bytes[1] << 8) if hasattr(self, "bank"): self.parsed_address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(self.address, else: self.parsed_address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(self.address, bank=None) def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): return [] # you won't actually use this to_asm because it's too generic #def to_asm(self): return ", ".join([(self.prefix+"%.2x")%x for x in self.bytes]) def to_asm(self): if not self.should_be_decimal: return self.prefix+"".join([("%.2x")%x for x in reversed(self.bytes)]) elif self.should_be_decimal: decimal = int("0x"+"".join([("%.2x")%x for x in reversed(self.bytes)]), 16) return str(decimal) class PointerLabelParam(MultiByteParam): # default size is 2 bytes default_size = 2 size = 2 # default is to not parse out a bank bank = False force = False debug = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.dependencies = None # bank can be overriden if "bank" in kwargs.keys(): if kwargs["bank"] != False and kwargs["bank"] != None and kwargs["bank"] in [True, "reverse"]: # not +=1 because child classes set size=3 already self.size = self.default_size + 1 self.given_bank = kwargs["bank"] #if kwargs["bank"] not in [None, False, True, "reverse"]: # raise Exception("bank cannot be: " + str(kwargs["bank"])) if self.size > 3: raise Exception("param size is too large") # continue instantiation.. will be set down the road MultiByteParam.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def parse(self): self.parsed_address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(self.address, MultiByteParam.parse(self) def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): dependencies = [] if self.parsed_address == self.address: return dependencies if self.dependencies != None and not recompute: global_dependencies.update(self.dependencies) return self.dependencies thing = script_parse_table[self.parsed_address] if thing and thing.address == self.parsed_address and not (thing is self): #if self.debug: # print "parsed address is: " + hex(self.parsed_address) + " with label: " + + " of type: " + str(thing.__class__) dependencies.append(thing) if not thing in global_dependencies: global_dependencies.add(thing) more = thing.get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies) dependencies.extend(more) self.dependencies = dependencies return dependencies def to_asm(self): bank = # we pass bank= for whether or not to include a bank byte when reading #.. it's not related to caddress caddress = None if not (hasattr(self, "parsed_address") and self.parsed_address != None): caddress = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(self.address, else: caddress = self.parsed_address label = get_label_for(caddress) pointer_part = label # use the label, if it is found # check that the label actually points to the right place result = script_parse_table[caddress] if result != None and hasattr(result, "label"): if != label: label = None elif result.address != caddress: label = None elif result != None: label = None # setup output bytes if the label was not found if not label: #pointer_part = (", ".join([(self.prefix+"%.2x")%x for x in reversed(self.bytes[1:])])) pointer_part = self.prefix+("%.2x"%self.bytes[1])+("%.2x"%self.bytes[0]) # bank positioning matters! if bank == True or bank == "reverse": # bank, pointer # possibly use BANK(LABEL) if we know the bank if not label: bank_part = ((self.prefix+"%.2x")%bank) else: if "$" in label: if 0x4000 <= caddress <= 0x7FFF: #bank_part = "$%.2x" % (calculate_bank(self.parent.parent.address)) bank_part = "1" else: bank_part = "$%.2x" % (calculate_bank(caddress)) else: bank_part = "BANK("+label+")" # return the asm based on the order the bytes were specified to be in if bank == "reverse": # pointer, bank return pointer_part+", "+bank_part elif bank == True: # bank, pointer return bank_part+", "+pointer_part else: raise Exception("this should never happen") raise Exception("this should never happen") # this next one will either return the label or the raw bytes elif bank == False or bank == None: # pointer return pointer_part # this could be the same as label else: #raise Exception("this should never happen") return pointer_part # probably in the same bank ? raise Exception("this should never happen") class PointerLabelBeforeBank(PointerLabelParam): bank = True # bank appears first, see calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at size = 3 byte_type = "dw" class PointerLabelAfterBank(PointerLabelParam): bank = "reverse" # bank appears last, see calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at size = 3 class ScriptPointerLabelParam(PointerLabelParam): pass class ScriptPointerLabelBeforeBank(PointerLabelBeforeBank): pass class ScriptPointerLabelAfterBank(PointerLabelAfterBank): pass def _parse_script_pointer_bytes(self, debug = False): PointerLabelParam.parse(self) if debug: print "_parse_script_pointer_bytes - calculating the pointer located at " + hex(self.address) address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(self.address, if address != None and address > 0x4000: if debug: print "_parse_script_pointer_bytes - the pointer is: " + hex(address) self.script = parse_script_engine_script_at(address, debug=self.debug, force=self.force, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id) ScriptPointerLabelParam.parse = _parse_script_pointer_bytes ScriptPointerLabelBeforeBank.parse = _parse_script_pointer_bytes ScriptPointerLabelAfterBank.parse = _parse_script_pointer_bytes class PointerLabelToScriptPointer(PointerLabelParam): def parse(self): PointerLabelParam.parse(self) address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(self.parsed_address, address2 = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(address, bank=True) self.script = parse_script_engine_script_at(address2, origin=False, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, force=self.force, debug=self.debug) class AsmPointerParam(PointerLabelBeforeBank): def parse(self): PointerLabelBeforeBank.parse(self) address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(self.address, # 3-byte pointer self.asm = parse_script_asm_at(address, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, force=self.force, debug=self.debug) # might end in some specific way? class PointerToAsmPointerParam(PointerLabelParam): def parse(self): PointerLabelParam.parse(self) address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(self.address, # 2-byte pointer address2 = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(address, bank="reverse") # maybe not "reverse"? self.asm = parse_script_asm_at(address, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, force=self.force, debug=self.debug) # might end in some specific way? class RAMAddressParam(MultiByteParam): def to_asm(self): address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(self.address, bank=False) label = get_ram_label(address) if label: return label else: return "$"+"".join(["%.2x"%x for x in reversed(self.bytes)])+"" class MoneyByteParam(MultiByteParam): size = 3 max_value = 0x0F423F should_be_decimal = True def parse(self): MultiByteParam.parse(self) # in the rom as xxyyzz self.x = self.bytes[2] self.y = self.bytes[1] self.z = self.bytes[0] def to_asm(self): return str(self.x + (self.y << 8) + (self.z << 16)) # this is used by the preprocessor @staticmethod def from_asm(value): # max is 0F423F # z = 0x0F ; y = 0x42 ; x = 0x3F # 999999 = x + (y << 8) + (z << 16) value = int(value) x = (value & 0x0000FF) y = (value & 0x00FF00) >> 8 z = (value & 0xFF0000) >> 16 return str(z) + "\ndb "+str(y)+"\ndb "+str(x) def read_money(address, dohex=False): z = ord(rom[address]) y = ord(rom[address+1]) x = ord(rom[address+2]) answer = x + (y << 8) + (z << 16) if not dohex: return answer else: return hex(answer) def write_money(money): value = money x = (value & 0x0000FF) y = (value & 0x00FF00) >> 8 z = (value & 0xFF0000) >> 16 return "db "+str(z)+"\ndb "+str(y)+"\ndb "+str(x) class CoinByteParam(MultiByteParam): size = 2 max_value = 0x270F should_be_decimal = True class MapGroupParam(SingleByteParam): def to_asm(self): map_id = ord(rom[self.address+1]) map_constant_label = get_map_constant_label(map_id=map_id, map_group=self.byte) # like PALLET_TOWN if map_constant_label == None: return str(self.byte) #else: return "GROUP("+map_constant_label+")" else: return "GROUP_"+map_constant_label class MapIdParam(SingleByteParam): def parse(self): SingleByteParam.parse(self) self.map_group = ord(rom[self.address-1]) def to_asm(self): map_group = ord(rom[self.address-1]) map_constant_label = get_map_constant_label(map_id=self.byte, map_group=map_group) if map_constant_label == None: return str(self.byte) #else: return "MAP("+map_constant_label+")" else: return "MAP_"+map_constant_label class MapGroupIdParam(MultiByteParam): def parse(self): MultiByteParam.parse(self) self.map_group = self.bytes[0] self.map_id = self.bytes[1] def to_asm(self): map_group = self.map_group map_id = self.map_id label = get_map_constant_label(map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id) return label class PokemonParam(SingleByteParam): def to_asm(self): pokemon_constant = get_pokemon_constant_by_id(self.byte) if pokemon_constant: return pokemon_constant else: return str(self.byte) class PointerParamToItemAndLetter(MultiByteParam): # [2F][2byte pointer to item no + 0x20 bytes letter text] #raise NotImplementedError(bryan_message) pass class TrainerIdParam(SingleByteParam): def to_asm(self): # find the group id by first finding the param type id i = 0 foundit = None for (k, v) in self.parent.param_types.items(): if v["class"] == TrainerGroupParam: foundit = i break i += 1 if foundit == None: raise Exception("didn't find a TrainerGroupParam in this command??") # now get the trainer group id trainer_group_id = self.parent.params[foundit].byte # check the rule to see whether to use an id or not if ("uses_numeric_trainer_ids" in trainer_group_names[trainer_group_id].keys()) or \ (not "trainer_names" in trainer_group_names[trainer_group_id].keys()): return str(self.byte) else: return trainer_group_names[trainer_group_id]["trainer_names"][self.byte-1] class TrainerGroupParam(SingleByteParam): def to_asm(self): trainer_group_id = self.byte return trainer_group_names[trainer_group_id]["constant"] class MoveParam(SingleByteParam): def to_asm(self): if self.byte in moves.keys(): return moves[self.byte] else: # this happens for move=0 (no move) in trainer headers return str(self.byte) class MenuDataPointerParam(PointerLabelParam): # read menu data at the target site #raise NotImplementedError(bryan_message) pass string_to_text_texts = [] class RawTextPointerLabelParam(PointerLabelParam): # not sure if these are always to a text script or raw text? def parse(self): PointerLabelParam.parse(self) #bank = calculate_bank(self.address) address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(self.address, bank=False) self.calculated_address = address #self.text = parse_text_at3(address, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug) #self.text = TextScript(address, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug) self.text = parse_text_engine_script_at(address, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug) def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): global_dependencies.add(self.text) return [self.text] class EncodedTextLabelParam(PointerLabelParam): def parse(self): PointerLabelParam.parse(self) address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(self.address, bank=False) self.parsed_address = address self.text = EncodedText(address, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug) if isinstance(self.text, EncodedText): string_to_text_texts.append(self.text) def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): global_dependencies.add(self.text) return [self.text] class TextPointerLabelParam(PointerLabelParam): """this is a pointer to a text script""" bank = False text = None def parse(self): PointerLabelParam.parse(self) address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(self.address, if address != None and address != 0: self.text = parse_text_engine_script_at(address, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, force=self.force, debug=self.debug) if not self.text: self.text = script_parse_table[address] def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): if self.text: global_dependencies.add(self.text) return [self.text] else: return [] class TextPointerLabelAfterBankParam(PointerLabelAfterBank): text = None def parse(self): PointerLabelAfterBank.parse(self) address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(self.address, if address != None and address != 0: self.text = parse_text_engine_script_at(address, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, force=self.force, debug=self.debug) if not self.text: self.text = script_parse_table[address] def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): if self.text: global_dependencies.add(self.text) return [self.text] else: return [] class MovementPointerLabelParam(PointerLabelParam): def parse(self): PointerLabelParam.parse(self) if is_script_already_parsed_at(self.parsed_address): self.movement = script_parse_table[self.parsed_address] else: self.movement = ApplyMovementData(self.parsed_address, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug) def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): if hasattr(self, "movement") and self.movement: global_dependencies.add(self.movement) return [self.movement] + self.movement.get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies) else: raise Exception("MovementPointerLabelParam hasn't been parsed yet") class MapDataPointerParam(PointerLabelParam): pass class Command: """ Note: when dumping to asm, anything in script_parse_table that directly inherits Command should not be .to_asm()'d. """ # use this when the "byte id" doesn't matter # .. for example, a non-script command doesn't use the "byte id" override_byte_check = False base_label = "UnseenLabel_" def __init__(self, address=None, *pargs, **kwargs): """params: address - where the command starts force - whether or not to force the script to be parsed (default False) debug - are we in debug mode? default False map_group map_id """ defaults = {"force": False, "debug": False, "map_group": None, "map_id": None} if not is_valid_address(address): raise Exception("address is invalid") # set up some variables self.address = address self.last_address = None # setup the label based on base_label if available label = self.base_label + hex(self.address) self.label = Label(name=label, address=address, object=self) # params are where this command's byte parameters are stored self.params = {} self.dependencies = None # override default settings defaults.update(kwargs) # set everything for (key, value) in defaults.items(): setattr(self, key, value) # but also store these kwargs self.args = defaults # start parsing this command's parameter bytes self.parse() def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): dependencies = [] #if self.dependencies != None and not recompute: # global_dependencies.update(self.dependencies) # return self.dependencies for (key, param) in self.params.items(): if hasattr(param, "get_dependencies") and param != self: deps = param.get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies) if deps != None and not self in deps: dependencies.extend(deps) self.dependencies = dependencies return dependencies def to_asm(self): # start with the rgbasm macro name for this command output = "" #if len(self.macro_name) > 0 and self.macro_name[0].isdigit(): # output += "_" output += self.macro_name # return if there are no params if len(self.param_types.keys()) == 0: return output # first one will have no prefixing comma first = True # start reading the bytes after the command byte if not self.override_byte_check: current_address = self.address+1 else: current_address = self.address #output = self.macro_name + ", ".join([param.to_asm() for (key, param) in self.params.items()]) # add each param for (key, param) in self.params.items(): name = # the first param shouldn't have ", " prefixed if first: output += " " first = False # but all other params should else: output += ", " # now add the asm-compatible param string output += param.to_asm() current_address += param.size #for param_type in self.param_types: # name = param_type["name"] # klass = param_type["klass"] # # create an instance of this type # # tell it to begin parsing at this latest byte # obj = klass(address=current_address) # # the first param shouldn't have ", " prefixed # if first: first = False # # but all other params should # else: output += ", " # # now add the asm-compatible param string # output += obj.to_asm() # current_address += obj.size return output def parse(self): # id, size (inclusive), param_types #param_type = {"name": each[1], "class": each[0]} if not self.override_byte_check: current_address = self.address+1 else: current_address = self.address byte = ord(rom[self.address]) if not self.override_byte_check and (not byte == raise Exception("byte ("+hex(byte)+") != ("+hex(")") i = 0 for (key, param_type) in self.param_types.items(): name = param_type["name"] klass = param_type["class"] # make an instance of this class, like SingleByteParam() # or ItemLabelByte.. by making an instance, obj.parse() is called obj = klass(address=current_address, name=name, parent=self, **dict([(k,v) for (k, v) in self.args.items() if k not in ["parent"]])) # save this for later self.params[i] = obj # increment our counters current_address += obj.size i += 1 self.last_address = current_address return True class GivePoke(Command): id = 0x2D macro_name = "givepoke" size = 4 # minimum end = False param_types = { 0: {"name": "pokemon", "class": PokemonParam}, 1: {"name": "level", "class": DecimalParam}, 2: {"name": "item", "class": ItemLabelByte}, 3: {"name": "trainer", "class": DecimalParam}, 4: {"name": "trainer_name_pointer", "class": MultiByteParam}, # should probably use TextLabelParam 5: {"name": "pkmn_nickname", "class": MultiByteParam}, # XXX TextLabelParam ? } allowed_lengths = [4, 6] def parse(self): self.params = {} byte = ord(rom[self.address]) if not byte == raise Exception("this should never happen") current_address = self.address+1 i = 0 self.size = 1 for (key, param_type) in self.param_types.items(): # stop executing after the 4th byte unless it == 0x1 if i == 4: print "self.params[3].byte is: " + str(self.params[3].byte) if i == 4 and self.params[3].byte != 1: break name = param_type["name"] klass = param_type["class"] # make an instance of this class, like SingleByteParam() # or ItemLabelByte.. by making an instance, obj.parse() is called obj = klass(address=current_address, name=name) # save this for later self.params[i] = obj # increment our counters current_address += obj.size self.size += obj.size i += 1 self.last_address = current_address return True class DataByteWordMacro(Command): """ Only used by the preprocessor. """ id = None macro_name = "dbw" size = 3 override_byte_check = True param_types = { 0: {"name": "db value", "class": DecimalParam}, 1: {"name": "dw value", "class": PointerLabelParam}, } def __init__(self): pass def parse(self): pass def to_asm(self): pass class MovementCommand(Command): # the vast majority of movement commands do not end the movement script end = False # this is only used for e.g. macros that don't appear as a byte in the ROM # don't use the override because all movements are specified with a byte override_byte_check = False # most commands have size=1 but one or two have a single parameter (gasp) size = 1 param_types = {} params = [] # most movement commands won't have any dependencies # get_dependencies on Command will look at the values of params # so this doesn't need to be specified by MovementCommand as long as it extends Command #def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): # return [] def parse(self): if ord(rom[self.address]) < 0x45: # this is mostly handled in to_asm pass else: Command.parse(self) def to_asm(self): # return "db $%.2x"%(self.byte) return Command.to_asm(self) class MovementDBCommand(Command): end = False macro_name = "db" override_byte_check = True id = None byte = None size = 1 param_types = { 0: {"name": "db value", "class": SingleByteParam}, } params = [] def to_asm(self): asm = Command.to_asm(self) return asm + " ; movement" # down, up, left, right movement_command_bases = { 0x00: "turn_head", 0x04: "half_step", 0x08: "slow_step", # small_step? 0x0C: "step", 0x10: "big_step", # fast_step? 0x14: "slow_slide_step", 0x18: "slide_step", 0x1C: "fast_slide_step", 0x20: "turn_away", 0x24: "turn_in", # towards? 0x28: "turn_waterfall", # what?? 0x2C: "slow_jump_step", 0x30: "jump_step", 0x34: "fast_jump_step", # tauwasser says the pattern stops at $45 but $38 looks more realistic? 0x3A: "remove_fixed_facing", 0x3B: "fix_facing", 0x3D: "hide_person", 0x3E: "show_person", 0x45: "accelerate_last", 0x46: ["step_sleep", ["duration", DecimalParam]], 0x47: "step_end", 0x49: "remove_person", # do these next two have any params ?? 0x4C: "teleport_from", 0x4D: "teleport_to", 0x4E: "skyfall", 0x4F: "step_wait5", 0x53: "hide_emote", 0x54: "show_emote", 0x55: ["step_shake", ["displacement", DecimalParam]], } # create MovementCommands from movement_command_bases def create_movement_commands(debug=False): """ Creates MovementCommands from movement_command_bases. This is just a cheap trick instead of manually defining all of those classes. """ #movement_command_classes = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], \ # lambda obj: inspect.isclass(obj) and \ # issubclass(obj, MovementCommand) and \ # not (obj is MovementCommand)) movement_command_classes2 = [] for (byte, cmd) in movement_command_bases.items(): if type(cmd) == str: cmd = [cmd] cmd_name = cmd[0].replace(" ", "_") params = {"id": byte, "size": 1, "end": byte is 0x47, "macro_name": cmd_name} params["param_types"] = {} if len(cmd) > 1: param_types = cmd[1:] for (i, each) in enumerate(param_types): thing = {"name": each[0], "class": each[1]} params["param_types"][i] = thing if debug: print "each is: " + str(each) print "thing[class] is: " + str(thing["class"]) params["size"] += thing["class"].size if byte <= 0x34: for x in range(0, 4): direction = None if x == 0: direction = "down" elif x == 1: direction = "up" elif x == 2: direction = "left" elif x == 3: direction = "right" else: raise Exception("this should never happen") cmd_name = cmd[0].replace(" ", "_") + "_" + direction klass_name = cmd_name+"Command" params["id"] = copy(byte) params["macro_name"] = cmd_name klass = classobj(copy(klass_name), (MovementCommand,), deepcopy(params)) globals()[klass_name] = klass movement_command_classes2.append(klass) byte += 1 del cmd_name del params del klass_name else: klass_name = cmd_name+"Command" klass = classobj(klass_name, (MovementCommand,), params) globals()[klass_name] = klass movement_command_classes2.append(klass) # later an individual klass will be instantiated to handle something return movement_command_classes2 movement_command_classes = create_movement_commands() all_movements = [] class ApplyMovementData: base_label = "MovementData_" def __init__(self, address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=False, label=None, force=False): self.address = address self.map_group = map_group self.map_id = map_id self.debug = debug self.force = force if not label: label = self.base_label + hex(address) self.label = Label(name=label, address=address, object=self) self.dependencies = [] self.commands = [] self.parse() # this is almost an exact copy of Script.parse # with the exception of using text_command_classes instead of command_classes def parse(self): global movement_command_classes, script_parse_table address = self.address # i feel like checking myself assert is_valid_address(address), "ApplyMovementData.parse must be given a valid address" current_address = copy(self.address) start_address = copy(current_address) # don't clutter up my screen if self.debug: print "ApplyMovementData.parse address="+hex(self.address)+" map_group="+str(self.map_group)+" map_id="+str(self.map_id) # load up the rom if it hasn't been loaded already load_rom() # in the event that the script parsing fails.. it would be nice to leave evidence script_parse_table[start_address:start_address+1] = "incomplete ApplyMovementData.parse" # start with a blank script commands = [] # use this to control the while loop end = False # for each command found... while not end: # get the current scripting byte cur_byte = ord(rom[current_address]) # reset the command class (last command was probably different) scripting_command_class = None # match the command id byte to a scripting command class like "step half" for class_ in movement_command_classes: # allow lists of ids if (type( == list and cur_byte in \ or == cur_byte: scripting_command_class = class_ # temporary fix for applymovement scripts if ord(rom[current_address]) == 0x47: end = True # no matching command found xyz = None if scripting_command_class == None: scripting_command_class = MovementDBCommand #scripting_command_class = deepcopy(MovementCommand) = scripting_command_class.byte = ord(rom[current_address]) #scripting_command_class.macro_name = "db" #scripting_command_class.size = 1 #scripting_command_class.override_byte_check = True = None #scripting_command_class.param_types = {0: {"name": "db value", "class": DecimalParam}} xyz = True # create an instance of the command class and let it parse its parameter bytes cls = scripting_command_class(address=current_address, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug, force=self.force) if self.debug: print cls.to_asm() # store it in this script object commands.append(cls) # certain commands will end the movement engine end = cls.end # skip past the command's parameter bytes to go to the next command current_address += cls.size # last byte belonging to script is last byte of last command, # or the last byte of the last command's last parameter # (actually i think this might be the next byte after??) self.last_address = current_address # store the script in the global table/map thing all_movements.append(self) script_parse_table[start_address:current_address] = self if self.debug: asm_output = "\n".join([command.to_asm() for command in commands]) print "--------------\n"+asm_output # store the script self.commands = commands return commands def to_asm(self): asm_output = "\n".join([command.to_asm() for command in self.commands]) return asm_output # TODO: get_dependencies doesn't work if ApplyMovementData uses labels in the future def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): return [] def print_all_movements(): for each in all_movements: print each.to_asm() print "------------------" print "done" class TextCommand(Command): # an individual text command will not end it end = False # this is only used for e.g. macros that don't appear as a byte in the ROM # don't use the override because all text commands are specified with a byte override_byte_check = False # in the case of text/asm commands, size is unknown until after parsing # some text commands can specify this upfront but not $0 size = None param_types = {} params = [] # most text commands won't have any dependencies # .. except for that one that points to another location for text # get_dependencies on Command will look at the values of params # so this doesn't need to be specified by TextCommand as long as it extends Command #def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): # return [] # this is a regular command in a TextScript for writing text # but unlike other macros that handles, # the preprocessor-parser is custom and MainText is not # used as a macro by main.asm - however, MainText is # treated as a macro for the sake of parsing the ROM because # it is called with $0. This is very similar to how Script # is parsed and handled. But again, script command macros # are quite different.. allows some of them # to handle how they should be parsed from main.asm, in # addition to their regular "parse()" method. class MainText(TextCommand): "Write text. Structure: [00][Text][0x50 (ends code)]" id = 0x0 macro_name = "do_text" use_zero = True def parse(self): offset = self.address # the code below assumes we're jumping past a $0 byte if self.use_zero == False: offset = offset else: offset = offset + 1 # read until $50, $57 or $58 (not sure about $58...) jump57 = how_many_until(chr(0x57), offset) jump50 = how_many_until(chr(0x50), offset) jump58 = how_many_until(chr(0x58), offset) # pick whichever one comes first jump = min([jump57, jump50, jump58]) # if $57 appears first then this command is the last in this text script if jump == jump57 or jump == jump58: self.end = True jump += 1 # we want the address after the $57 # ("last_address" is misnamed everywhere) end_address = offset + jump self.last_address = self.end_address = end_address # read the text bytes into a structure # skip the first offset byte because that's the command byte self.bytes = rom_interval(offset, jump, strings=False) # include the original command in the size calculation self.size = jump if self.use_zero: self.last_address = self.address + jump + 1 self.size = self.last_address - self.address if self.address == 0x9c00e and self.debug: if self.last_address != 0x9c086: print "self.address is: " + hex(self.address) print "jump is: " + str(jump) print "bytes are: " + str(self.bytes) print "self.size is: " + str(self.size) print "self.last_address is: " + hex(self.last_address) raise Exception("last_address is wrong for 0x9c00e") def to_asm(self): if self.size < 2 or len(self.bytes) < 1: raise Exception("$0 text command can't end itself with no follow-on bytes") if self.use_zero: output = "db $0" else: output = "" # db $0, $57 or db $0, $50 or w/e if self.size == 2 and len(self.bytes) == 1: output += ", $%.2x" % (self.bytes[0]) return output # whether or not quotes are open in_quotes = False # whether or not to print "db " next new_line = False # whether or not there was a ", " last.. # this is useful outside of quotes was_comma = False # has a $50 or $57 been passed yet? end = False if not self.use_zero: new_line = True was_comma = False for byte in self.bytes: if end: raise Exception("the text ended due to a $50 or $57 but there are more bytes?") if new_line: if in_quotes: raise Exception("can't be in_quotes on a newline") elif was_comma: raise Exception("last line's last character can't be a comma") output += "db " # $4f, $51 and $55 can end a line if byte in [0x4f, 0x51, 0x55]: assert not new_line, "can't have $4f, $51, $55 as the first character on a newline" if in_quotes: output += "\", $%.2x\n" % (byte) elif not in_quotes: if not was_comma: output += ", " output += "$%.2x\n" % (byte) # reset everything in_quotes = False new_line = True was_comma = False elif byte == 0x50: # technically you could have this i guess... db "@" # but in most situations it will be added to the end of the previous line #assert not new_line, "can't have $50 or '@' as the first character on a newline in the text at "+hex(self.address) if in_quotes: output += "@\"\n" new_line = True elif not in_quotes: if not was_comma and not new_line: output += ", " output += "\"@\"\n" # reset everything in_quotes = False new_line = True was_comma = False end = True # self.end should be set in parse or constructor # so this is very useless here.. but it's a truism i guess self.end = True elif byte == 0x57 or byte == 0x58: # close any quotes if in_quotes: output += "\"" was_comma = False if not was_comma and not new_line: output += ", " output += "$%.2x\n" % (byte) in_quotes = False new_line = True was_comma = False end = True # dunno if $58 should end a text script or not # also! self.end should be set in parse not in to_asm # so this is pretty useless overall... if byte == 0x58: self.end = True elif byte in chars.keys(): # figure out what the character actually is char = chars[byte] # oh wait.. quotes isn't a valid character in the first place :( if char == "\"": if in_quotes: output += "\"" in_quotes = False elif not in_quotes: if new_line: output += "\"" elif not new_line: if not was_comma: output += ", " output += "\"" in_quotes = True # the above if statement is probably never called else: if not in_quotes: if not new_line and not was_comma: output += ", " output += "\"" in_quotes = True output += char new_line = False was_comma = False end = False else: # raise Exception("unknown byte in text script ($%.2x)" % (byte)) # just add an unknown byte directly to the text.. what's the worse that can happen? if in_quotes: output += "\", $%.2x" % (byte) in_quotes = False was_comma = False new_line = False elif not in_quotes: if not was_comma and not new_line: output += ", " output += "$%.2x" % (byte) # reset things in_quotes = False new_line = False was_comma = False # this shouldn't happen because of the rom_until calls in the parse method if not end: raise Exception("ran out of bytes without the script ending? starts at "+hex(self.address)) # last character may or may not be allowed to be a newline? # Script.to_asm() has command.to_asm()+"\n" if output[-1] == "\n": output = output[:-1] return output class PokedexText(MainText): use_zero = False class WriteTextFromRAM(TextCommand): """ Write text from ram. Structure: [01][Ram address (2byte)] For valid ram addresses see Glossary. This enables use of variable text strings. """ id = 0x1 macro_name = "text_from_ram" size = 3 param_types = { 0: {"name": "pointer", "class": MultiByteParam}, } class WriteNumberFromRAM(TextCommand): """ 02 = Write number from ram. Structure: [02][Ram address (2byte)][Byte] Byte: Bit5:Bit6:Bit7 1: 1: 1 = PokéDollar| Don’t write zeros 0: 1: 1 = Don’t write zeros 0: 0: 1 = Spaces instead of zeros 0: 0: 0 = Write zeros 0: 1: 0 = Write zeros 1: 0: 0 = PokéDollar 1: 1: 0 = PokéDollar 1: 0: 1 = Spaces instead of zeros| PokéDollar Number of figures = Byte AND 0x1F *2 No Hex --> Dec Conversio """ id = 0x2 macro_name = "number_from_ram" size = 4 param_types = { 0: {"name": "pointer", "class": PointerLabelParam}, 1: {"name": "config", "class": HexByte}, } class SetWriteRAMLocation(TextCommand): "Define new ram address to write to. Structure: [03][Ram address (2byte)]" id = 0x3 macro_name = "store_at" size = 3 param_types = { 0: {"name": "ram address", "class": PointerLabelParam}, } class ShowBoxWithValueAt(TextCommand): "04 = Write a box. Structure: [04][Ram address (2byte)][Y][X]" id = 0x4 macro_name = "text_box" size = 5 param_types = { 0: {"name": "ram address", "class": PointerLabelParam}, 1: {"name": "y", "class": DecimalParam}, 2: {"name": "x", "class": DecimalParam}, } class Populate2ndLineOfTextBoxWithRAMContents(TextCommand): "05 = New ram address to write to becomes 2nd line of a text box. Structure: [05]" id = 0x5 macro_name = "text_dunno1" size = 1 class ShowArrowsAndButtonWait(TextCommand): "06 = Wait for key down + show arrows. Structure: [06]" id = 0x6 macro_name = "text_waitbutton" size = 1 class Populate2ndLine(TextCommand): """ 07 = New ram address to write to becomes 2nd line of a text box Textbox + show arrows. Structure: [07] """ id = 0x7 macro_name = "text_dunno2" size = 1 class TextInlineAsm(TextCommand): "08 = After the code an ASM script starts. Structure: [08][Script]" id = 0x8 macro_name = "start_asm" end = True size = 1 # TODO: parse the following asm with gbz80disasm class WriteDecimalNumberFromRAM(TextCommand): """ 09 = Write number from rom/ram in decimal. Structure: [09][Ram address/Pointer (2byte)][Byte] Byte: Is split: 1. 4 bits = Number of bytes to load. 0 = 3, 1 = 1, 2 = 2 2. 4 bits = Number of figures of displayed number 0 = Don’t care 1 = Don’t care >=2 = Number """ id = 0x9 macro_name = "deciram" size = 4 param_types = { 0: {"name": "pointer?", "class": PointerLabelParam}, 1: {"name": "config", "class": HexByte}, } class InterpretDataStream(TextCommand): """ 0A = Interpret Data stream. Structure: [0A] see: """ id = 0xA macro_name = "interpret_data" size = 1 class Play0thSound(TextCommand): "0B = Play sound 0x0000. Structure: [0B]" id = 0xB sound_num = 0 macro_name = "sound0" size = 1 class LimitedIntrepretDataStream(TextCommand): """ 0C = Interpret Data stream. Structure: [0C][Number of codes to interpret] For every interpretation there is a“…“ written """ id = 0xC macro_name = "limited_interpret_data" size = 2 param_types = { 0: {"name": "number of codes to interpret", "class": DecimalParam}, } class WaitForKeyDownDisplayArrow(ShowArrowsAndButtonWait): """ 0D = Wait for key down display arrow. Structure: [0D] """ id = 0xD macro_name = "waitbutton2" size = 1 class Play9thSound(Play0thSound): id = 0xE sound_num = 9 macro_name = "sound0x09" size = 1 class Play1stSound(Play0thSound): id = 0xF sound_num = 1 macro_name = "sound0x0F" size = 1 class Play2ndSound(Play0thSound): id = 0x10 sound_num = 2 macro_name = "sound0x02" size = 1 class Play10thSound(Play0thSound): id = 0x11 sound_num = 10 macro_name = "sound0x0A" size = 1 class Play45thSound(Play0thSound): id = 0x12 sound_num = 0x2D macro_name = "sound0x2D" size = 1 class Play44thSound(Play0thSound): id = 0x13 sound_num = 0x2C macro_name = "sound0x2C" size = 1 class DisplayByteFromRAMAt(TextCommand): """ 14 = Display MEMORY. Structure: [14][Byte] Byte: 00 = MEMORY1 01 = MEMORY2 02 = MEMORY 04 = TEMPMEMORY2 05 = TEMPMEMORY1 """ id = 0x14 macro_name = "show_byte_at" size = 2 param_types = { 1: {"name": "memory byte id", "class": DecimalParam}, } class WriteCurrentDay(TextCommand): "15 = Write current day. Structure: [15]" id = 0x15 macro_name = "current_day" size = 1 class TextJump(TextCommand): "16 = 3byte pointer to new text follows. Structure: [16][2byte pointer][bank]" id = 0x16 macro_name = "text_jump" size = 4 param_types = { 0: {"name": "text", "class": TextPointerLabelAfterBankParam}, } # this is needed because sometimes a script ends with $50 $50 class TextEndingCommand(TextCommand): id = 0x50 macro_name = "db" override_byte_check = False size = 1 end = True def to_asm(self): return "db $50" text_command_classes = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], \ lambda obj: inspect.isclass(obj) and \ issubclass(obj, TextCommand) and \ obj != TextCommand and obj != PokedexText) # byte: [name, [param1 name, param1 type], [param2 name, param2 type], ...] # 0x9E: ["verbosegiveitem", ["item", ItemLabelByte], ["quantity", SingleByteParam]], pksv_crystal_more = { 0x00: ["2call", ["pointer", ScriptPointerLabelParam]], 0x01: ["3call", ["pointer", ScriptPointerLabelBeforeBank]], 0x02: ["2ptcall", ["pointer", RAMAddressParam]], 0x03: ["2jump", ["pointer", ScriptPointerLabelParam]], 0x04: ["3jump", ["pointer", ScriptPointerLabelBeforeBank]], 0x05: ["2ptjump", ["pointer", RAMAddressParam]], 0x06: ["if equal", ["byte", SingleByteParam], ["pointer", ScriptPointerLabelParam]], 0x07: ["if not equal", ["byte", SingleByteParam], ["pointer", ScriptPointerLabelParam]], 0x08: ["iffalse", ["pointer", ScriptPointerLabelParam]], 0x09: ["iftrue", ["pointer", ScriptPointerLabelParam]], 0x0A: ["if less than", ["byte", SingleByteParam], ["pointer", ScriptPointerLabelParam]], 0x0B: ["if greater than", ["byte", SingleByteParam], ["pointer", ScriptPointerLabelParam]], 0x0C: ["jumpstd", ["predefined_script", MultiByteParam]], 0x0D: ["callstd", ["predefined_script", MultiByteParam]], 0x0E: ["3callasm", ["asm", AsmPointerParam]], 0x0F: ["special", ["predefined_script", MultiByteParam]], 0x10: ["2ptcallasm", ["asm", RAMAddressParam]], # should map_group/map_id be dealt with in some special way in the asm? 0x11: ["checkmaptriggers", ["map_group", SingleByteParam], ["map_id", SingleByteParam]], 0x12: ["domaptrigger", ["map_group", MapGroupParam], ["map_id", MapIdParam], ["trigger_id", SingleByteParam]], 0x13: ["checktriggers"], 0x14: ["dotrigger", ["trigger_id", SingleByteParam]], 0x15: ["writebyte", ["value", SingleByteParam]], 0x16: ["addvar", ["value", SingleByteParam]], 0x17: ["random", ["input", SingleByteParam]], 0x18: ["checkver"], 0x19: ["copybytetovar", ["address", RAMAddressParam]], 0x1A: ["copyvartobyte", ["address", RAMAddressParam]], 0x1B: ["loadvar", ["address", RAMAddressParam], ["value", SingleByteParam]], 0x1C: ["checkcode", ["variable_id", SingleByteParam]], 0x1D: ["writevarcode", ["variable_id", SingleByteParam]], 0x1E: ["writecode", ["variable_id", SingleByteParam], ["value", SingleByteParam]], 0x1F: ["giveitem", ["item", ItemLabelByte], ["quantity", SingleByteParam]], 0x20: ["takeitem", ["item", ItemLabelByte], ["quantity", DecimalParam]], 0x21: ["checkitem", ["item", ItemLabelByte]], 0x22: ["givemoney", ["account", SingleByteParam], ["money", MoneyByteParam]], 0x23: ["takemoney", ["account", SingleByteParam], ["money", MoneyByteParam]], 0x24: ["checkmoney", ["account", SingleByteParam], ["money", MoneyByteParam]], 0x25: ["givecoins", ["coins", CoinByteParam]], 0x26: ["takecoins", ["coins", CoinByteParam]], 0x27: ["checkcoins", ["coins", CoinByteParam]], # 0x28-0x2A not from pksv 0x28: ["addcellnum", ["person", SingleByteParam]], 0x29: ["delcellnum", ["person", SingleByteParam]], 0x2A: ["checkcellnum", ["person", SingleByteParam]], # back on track... 0x2B: ["checktime", ["time", SingleByteParam]], 0x2C: ["checkpoke", ["pkmn", PokemonParam]], #0x2D: ["givepoke", ], .... see GivePoke class 0x2E: ["giveegg", ["pkmn", PokemonParam], ["level", DecimalParam]], 0x2F: ["givepokeitem", ["pointer", PointerParamToItemAndLetter]], 0x30: ["checkpokeitem", ["pointer", PointerParamToItemAndLetter]], # not pksv 0x31: ["checkbit1", ["bit_number", MultiByteParam]], 0x32: ["clearbit1", ["bit_number", MultiByteParam]], 0x33: ["setbit1", ["bit_number", MultiByteParam]], 0x34: ["checkbit2", ["bit_number", MultiByteParam]], 0x35: ["clearbit2", ["bit_number", MultiByteParam]], 0x36: ["setbit2", ["bit_number", MultiByteParam]], 0x37: ["wildoff"], 0x38: ["wildon"], 0x39: ["xycompare", ["pointer", MultiByteParam]], 0x3A: ["warpmod", ["warp_id", SingleByteParam], ["map_group", MapGroupParam], ["map_id", MapIdParam]], 0x3B: ["blackoutmod", ["map_group", MapGroupParam], ["map_id", MapIdParam]], 0x3C: ["warp", ["map_group", MapGroupParam], ["map_id", MapIdParam], ["x", SingleByteParam], ["y", SingleByteParam]], 0x3D: ["readmoney", ["account", SingleByteParam], ["memory", SingleByteParam]], # not pksv 0x3E: ["readcoins", ["memory", SingleByteParam]], # not pksv 0x3F: ["RAM2MEM", ["memory", SingleByteParam]], # not pksv 0x40: ["pokenamemem", ["pokemon", PokemonParam], ["memory", SingleByteParam]], # not pksv 0x41: ["itemtotext", ["item", ItemLabelByte], ["memory", SingleByteParam]], 0x42: ["mapnametotext", ["memory", SingleByteParam]], # not pksv 0x43: ["trainertotext", ["trainer_id", TrainerGroupParam], ["trainer_group", TrainerIdParam], ["memory", SingleByteParam]], 0x44: ["stringtotext", ["text_pointer", EncodedTextLabelParam], ["memory", SingleByteParam]], 0x45: ["itemnotify"], 0x46: ["pocketisfull"], 0x47: ["loadfont"], 0x48: ["refreshscreen", ["dummy", SingleByteParam]], 0x49: ["loadmovesprites"], 0x4A: ["loadbytec1ce", ["byte", SingleByteParam]], # not pksv 0x4B: ["3writetext", ["text_pointer", PointerLabelBeforeBank]], 0x4C: ["2writetext", ["text_pointer", RawTextPointerLabelParam]], 0x4D: ["repeattext", ["byte", SingleByteParam], ["byte", SingleByteParam]], # not pksv 0x4E: ["yesorno"], 0x4F: ["loadmenudata", ["data", MenuDataPointerParam]], 0x50: ["writebackup"], 0x51: ["jumptextfaceplayer", ["text_pointer", RawTextPointerLabelParam]], 0x52: ["3jumptext", ["text_pointer", PointerLabelBeforeBank]], 0x53: ["jumptext", ["text_pointer", RawTextPointerLabelParam]], 0x54: ["closetext"], 0x55: ["keeptextopen"], 0x56: ["pokepic", ["pokemon", PokemonParam]], 0x57: ["pokepicyesorno"], 0x58: ["interpretmenu"], 0x59: ["interpretmenu2"], # not pksv 0x5A: ["loadpikachudata"], 0x5B: ["battlecheck"], 0x5C: ["loadtrainerdata"], # back to pksv.. 0x5D: ["loadpokedata", ["pokemon", PokemonParam], ["level", DecimalParam]], 0x5E: ["loadtrainer", ["trainer_group", TrainerGroupParam], ["trainer_id", TrainerIdParam]], 0x5F: ["startbattle"], 0x60: ["returnafterbattle"], 0x61: ["catchtutorial", ["byte", SingleByteParam]], # not pksv 0x62: ["trainertext", ["which_text", SingleByteParam]], 0x63: ["trainerstatus", ["action", SingleByteParam]], # back to pksv.. 0x64: ["winlosstext", ["win_text_pointer", TextPointerLabelParam], ["loss_text_pointer", TextPointerLabelParam]], 0x65: ["scripttalkafter"], # not pksv 0x66: ["talkaftercancel"], 0x67: ["talkaftercheck"], 0x68: ["setlasttalked", ["person", SingleByteParam]], 0x69: ["applymovement", ["person", SingleByteParam], ["data", MovementPointerLabelParam]], 0x6A: ["applymovement2", ["data", MovementPointerLabelParam]], # not pksv 0x6B: ["faceplayer"], 0x6C: ["faceperson", ["person1", SingleByteParam], ["person2", SingleByteParam]], 0x6D: ["variablesprite", ["byte", SingleByteParam], ["sprite", SingleByteParam]], 0x6E: ["disappear", ["person", SingleByteParam]], # hideperson 0x6F: ["appear", ["person", SingleByteParam]], # showperson 0x70: ["follow", ["person2", SingleByteParam], ["person1", SingleByteParam]], 0x71: ["stopfollow"], 0x72: ["moveperson", ["person", SingleByteParam], ["x", SingleByteParam], ["y", SingleByteParam]], 0x73: ["writepersonxy", ["person", SingleByteParam]], # not pksv 0x74: ["loademote", ["bubble", SingleByteParam]], 0x75: ["showemote", ["bubble", SingleByteParam], ["person", SingleByteParam], ["time", DecimalParam]], 0x76: ["spriteface", ["person", SingleByteParam], ["facing", SingleByteParam]], 0x77: ["follownotexact", ["person2", SingleByteParam], ["person1", SingleByteParam]], 0x78: ["earthquake", ["param", DecimalParam]], 0x79: ["changemap", ["map_data_pointer", MapDataPointerParam]], 0x7A: ["changeblock", ["x", SingleByteParam], ["y", SingleByteParam], ["block", SingleByteParam]], 0x7B: ["reloadmap"], 0x7C: ["reloadmappart"], 0x7D: ["writecmdqueue", ["queue_pointer", MultiByteParam]], 0x7E: ["delcmdqueue", ["byte", SingleByteParam]], 0x7F: ["playmusic", ["music_pointer", MultiByteParam]], 0x80: ["playrammusic"], 0x81: ["musicfadeout", ["music", MultiByteParam], ["fadetime", SingleByteParam]], 0x82: ["playmapmusic"], 0x83: ["reloadmapmusic"], 0x84: ["cry", ["cry_id", MultiByteParam]], # XXX maybe it should use PokemonParam 0x85: ["playsound", ["sound_pointer", MultiByteParam]], 0x86: ["waitbutton"], 0x87: ["warpsound"], 0x88: ["specialsound"], 0x89: ["passtoengine", ["data_pointer", PointerLabelBeforeBank]], 0x8A: ["newloadmap", ["which_method", SingleByteParam]], 0x8B: ["pause", ["length", DecimalParam]], 0x8C: ["deactivatefacing", ["time", SingleByteParam]], 0x8D: ["priorityjump", ["pointer", ScriptPointerLabelParam]], 0x8E: ["warpcheck"], 0x8F: ["ptpriorityjump", ["pointer", ScriptPointerLabelParam]], 0x90: ["return"], 0x91: ["end"], 0x92: ["reloadandreturn", ["which_method", SingleByteParam]], 0x93: ["resetfuncs"], 0x94: ["pokemart", ["dialog_id", SingleByteParam], ["mart_id", MultiByteParam]], # maybe it should be a pokemark constant id/label? 0x95: ["elevator", ["floor_list_pointer", PointerLabelParam]], 0x96: ["trade", ["trade_id", SingleByteParam]], 0x97: ["askforphonenumber", ["number", SingleByteParam]], 0x98: ["phonecall", ["caller_name", RawTextPointerLabelParam]], 0x99: ["hangup"], 0x9A: ["describedecoration", ["byte", SingleByteParam]], 0x9B: ["fruittree", ["tree_id", SingleByteParam]], 0x9C: ["specialphonecall", ["call_id", MultiByteParam]], 0x9D: ["checkphonecall"], 0x9E: ["verbosegiveitem", ["item", ItemLabelByte], ["quantity", DecimalParam]], 0x9F: ["verbosegiveitem2", ["item", ItemLabelByte], ["var", SingleByteParam]], 0xA0: ["loadwilddata", ["map_group", MapGroupParam], ["map_id", MapIdParam]], 0xA1: ["halloffame"], 0xA2: ["credits"], 0xA3: ["warpfacing", ["facing", SingleByteParam], ["map_group", MapGroupParam], ["map_id", MapIdParam], ["x", SingleByteParam], ["y", SingleByteParam]], 0xA4: ["storetext", ["pointer", PointerLabelBeforeBank], ["memory", SingleByteParam]], 0xA5: ["displaylocation", ["id", SingleByteParam]], 0xA6: ["unknown0xa6"], 0xA7: ["unknown0xa7"], 0xA8: ["unknown0xa8", ["unknown", SingleByteParam]], 0xA9: ["unknown0xa9"], 0xAA: ["unknown0xaa"], } def create_command_classes(debug=False): """creates some classes for each command byte""" # don't forget to add any manually created script command classes # .. except for Warp, Signpost and some others that aren't found in scripts klasses = [GivePoke] for (byte, cmd) in pksv_crystal_more.items(): cmd_name = cmd[0].replace(" ", "_") params = {"id": byte, "size": 1, "end": byte in pksv_crystal_more_enders, "macro_name": cmd_name} params["param_types"] = {} if len(cmd) > 1: param_types = cmd[1:] for (i, each) in enumerate(param_types): thing = {"name": each[0], "class": each[1]} params["param_types"][i] = thing if debug: print "each is: " + str(each) print "thing[class] is: " + str(thing["class"]) params["size"] += thing["class"].size klass_name = cmd_name+"Command" klass = classobj(klass_name, (Command,), params) globals()[klass_name] = klass klasses.append(klass) # later an individual klass will be instantiated to handle something return klasses command_classes = create_command_classes() music_commands_new = { 0xD0: ["octave8"], 0xD1: ["octave7"], 0xD2: ["octave6"], 0xD3: ["octave5"], 0xD4: ["octave4"], 0xD5: ["octave3"], 0xD6: ["octave2"], 0xD7: ["octave1"], 0xD8: ["notetype", ["note_length", SingleByteParam], ["intensity", SingleByteParam]], # only 1 param on ch3 0xD9: ["forceoctave", ["octave", SingleByteParam]], 0xDA: ["tempo", ["tempo", MultiByteParam]], 0xDB: ["dutycycle", ["duty_cycle", SingleByteParam]], 0xDC: ["intensity", ["intensity", SingleByteParam]], 0xDD: ["soundinput", ["input", SingleByteParam]], 0xDE: ["unknownmusic0xde", ["unknown", SingleByteParam]], # also updates duty cycle 0xDF: ["unknownmusic0xdf"], 0xE0: ["unknownmusic0xe0", ["unknown", SingleByteParam], ["unknown", SingleByteParam]], 0xE1: ["vibrato", ["delay", SingleByteParam], ["extent", SingleByteParam]], 0xE2: ["unknownmusic0xe2", ["unknown", SingleByteParam]], 0xE3: ["togglenoise", ["id", SingleByteParam]], # this can have 0-1 params! 0xE4: ["panning", ["tracks", SingleByteParam]], 0xE5: ["volume", ["volume", SingleByteParam]], 0xE6: ["tone", ["tone", MultiByteParam]], # big endian 0xE7: ["unknownmusic0xe7", ["unknown", SingleByteParam]], 0xE8: ["unknownmusic0xe8", ["unknown", SingleByteParam]], 0xE9: ["globaltempo", ["value", MultiByteParam]], 0xEA: ["restartchannel", ["address", PointerLabelParam]], 0xEB: ["newsong", ["id", MultiByteParam]], 0xEC: ["sfxpriorityon"], 0xED: ["sfxpriorityoff"], 0xEE: ["unknownmusic0xee", ["address", PointerLabelParam]], 0xEF: ["stereopanning", ["tracks", SingleByteParam]], 0xF0: ["sfxtogglenoise", ["id", SingleByteParam]], # 0-1 params 0xF1: ["music0xf1"], # nothing 0xF2: ["music0xf2"], # nothing 0xF3: ["music0xf3"], # nothing 0xF4: ["music0xf4"], # nothing 0xF5: ["music0xf5"], # nothing 0xF6: ["music0xf6"], # nothing 0xF7: ["music0xf7"], # nothing 0xF8: ["music0xf8"], # nothing 0xF9: ["unknownmusic0xf9"], 0xFA: ["setcondition", ["condition", SingleByteParam]], 0xFB: ["jumpif", ["condition", SingleByteParam], ["address", PointerLabelParam]], 0xFC: ["jumpchannel", ["address", PointerLabelParam]], 0xFD: ["loopchannel", ["count", SingleByteParam], ["address", PointerLabelParam]], 0xFE: ["callchannel", ["address", PointerLabelParam]], 0xFF: ["endchannel"], } music_command_enders = [0xEA, 0xEB, 0xEE, 0xFC, 0xFF,] # special case for 0xFD (if loopchannel.count = 0, break) def create_music_command_classes(debug=False): klasses = [] for (byte, cmd) in music_commands_new.items(): cmd_name = cmd[0].replace(" ", "_") params = {"id": byte, "size": 1, "end": byte in music_command_enders, "macro_name": cmd_name} params["param_types"] = {} if len(cmd) > 1: param_types = cmd[1:] for (i, each) in enumerate(param_types): thing = {"name": each[0], "class": each[1]} params["param_types"][i] = thing if debug: print "each is: " + str(each) print "thing[class] is: " + str(thing["class"]) params["size"] += thing["class"].size klass_name = cmd_name+"Command" klass = classobj(klass_name, (Command,), params) globals()[klass_name] = klass if klass.macro_name == "notetype": klass.allowed_lengths = [1, 2] elif klass.macro_name in ["togglenoise", "sfxtogglenoise"]: klass.allowed_lengths = [0, 1] klasses.append(klass) # later an individual klass will be instantiated to handle something return klasses music_classes = create_music_command_classes() effect_commands = { 0x1: ['checkturn'], 0x2: ['checkobedience'], 0x3: ['usedmovetext'], 0x4: ['doturn'], 0x5: ['critical'], 0x6: ['damagestats'], 0x7: ['stab'], 0x8: ['damagevariation'], 0x9: ['checkhit'], 0xa: ['effect0x0a'], 0xb: ['effect0x0b'], 0xc: ['effect0x0c'], 0xd: ['resulttext'], 0xe: ['checkfaint'], 0xf: ['criticaltext'], 0x10: ['supereffectivetext'], 0x11: ['checkdestinybond'], 0x12: ['buildopponentrage'], 0x13: ['poisontarget'], 0x14: ['sleeptarget'], 0x15: ['draintarget'], 0x16: ['eatdream'], 0x17: ['burntarget'], 0x18: ['freezetarget'], 0x19: ['paralyzetarget'], 0x1a: ['selfdestruct'], 0x1b: ['mirrormove'], 0x1c: ['statup'], 0x1d: ['statdown'], 0x1e: ['payday'], 0x1f: ['conversion'], 0x20: ['resetstats'], 0x21: ['storeenergy'], 0x22: ['unleashenergy'], 0x23: ['forceswitch'], 0x24: ['endloop'], 0x25: ['flinchtarget'], 0x26: ['ohko'], 0x27: ['recoil'], 0x28: ['mist'], 0x29: ['focusenergy'], 0x2a: ['confuse'], 0x2b: ['confusetarget'], 0x2c: ['heal'], 0x2d: ['transform'], 0x2e: ['screen'], 0x2f: ['poison'], 0x30: ['paralyze'], 0x31: ['substitute'], 0x32: ['rechargenextturn'], 0x33: ['mimic'], 0x34: ['metronome'], 0x35: ['leechseed'], 0x36: ['splash'], 0x37: ['disable'], 0x38: ['cleartext'], 0x39: ['charge'], 0x3a: ['checkcharge'], 0x3b: ['traptarget'], 0x3c: ['effect0x3c'], 0x3d: ['rampage'], 0x3e: ['checkrampage'], 0x3f: ['constantdamage'], 0x40: ['counter'], 0x41: ['encore'], 0x42: ['painsplit'], 0x43: ['snore'], 0x44: ['conversion2'], 0x45: ['lockon'], 0x46: ['sketch'], 0x47: ['defrostopponent'], 0x48: ['sleeptalk'], 0x49: ['destinybond'], 0x4a: ['spite'], 0x4b: ['falseswipe'], 0x4c: ['healbell'], 0x4d: ['kingsrock'], 0x4e: ['triplekick'], 0x4f: ['kickcounter'], 0x50: ['thief'], 0x51: ['arenatrap'], 0x52: ['nightmare'], 0x53: ['defrost'], 0x54: ['curse'], 0x55: ['protect'], 0x56: ['spikes'], 0x57: ['foresight'], 0x58: ['perishsong'], 0x59: ['startsandstorm'], 0x5a: ['endure'], 0x5b: ['checkcurl'], 0x5c: ['rolloutpower'], 0x5d: ['effect0x5d'], 0x5e: ['furycutter'], 0x5f: ['attract'], 0x60: ['happinesspower'], 0x61: ['present'], 0x62: ['damagecalc'], 0x63: ['frustrationpower'], 0x64: ['safeguard'], 0x65: ['checksafeguard'], 0x66: ['getmagnitude'], 0x67: ['batonpass'], 0x68: ['pursuit'], 0x69: ['clearhazards'], 0x6a: ['healmorn'], 0x6b: ['healday'], 0x6c: ['healnite'], 0x6d: ['hiddenpower'], 0x6e: ['startrain'], 0x6f: ['startsun'], 0x70: ['attackup'], 0x71: ['defenseup'], 0x72: ['speedup'], 0x73: ['specialattackup'], 0x74: ['specialdefenseup'], 0x75: ['accuracyup'], 0x76: ['evasionup'], 0x77: ['attackup2'], 0x78: ['defenseup2'], 0x79: ['speedup2'], 0x7a: ['specialattackup2'], 0x7b: ['specialdefenseup2'], 0x7c: ['accuracyup2'], 0x7d: ['evasionup2'], 0x7e: ['attackdown'], 0x7f: ['defensedown'], 0x80: ['speeddown'], 0x81: ['specialattackdown'], 0x82: ['specialdefensedown'], 0x83: ['accuracydown'], 0x84: ['evasiondown'], 0x85: ['attackdown2'], 0x86: ['defensedown2'], 0x87: ['speeddown2'], 0x88: ['specialattackdown2'], 0x89: ['specialdefensedown2'], 0x8a: ['accuracydown2'], 0x8b: ['evasiondown2'], 0x8c: ['statmessageuser'], 0x8d: ['statmessagetarget'], 0x8e: ['statupfailtext'], 0x8f: ['statdownfailtext'], 0x90: ['effectchance'], 0x91: ['effect0x91'], 0x92: ['effect0x92'], 0x93: ['switchturn'], 0x94: ['fakeout'], 0x95: ['bellydrum'], 0x96: ['psychup'], 0x97: ['rage'], 0x98: ['doubleflyingdamage'], 0x99: ['doubleundergrounddamage'], 0x9a: ['mirrorcoat'], 0x9b: ['checkfuturesight'], 0x9c: ['futuresight'], 0x9d: ['doubleminimizedamage'], 0x9e: ['skipsuncharge'], 0x9f: ['thunderaccuracy'], 0xa0: ['teleport'], 0xa1: ['beatup'], 0xa2: ['ragedamage'], 0xa3: ['effect0xa3'], 0xa4: ['allstatsup'], 0xa5: ['effect0xa5'], 0xa6: ['effect0xa6'], 0xa7: ['effect0xa7'], 0xa8: ['effect0xa8'], 0xa9: ['clearmissdamage'], 0xaa: ['wait'], 0xab: ['hittarget'], 0xac: ['tristatuschance'], 0xad: ['supereffectivelooptext'], 0xae: ['startloop'], 0xaf: ['curl'], 0xfe: ['endturn'], 0xff: ['endmove'], } effect_command_enders = [0xFF,] def create_effect_command_classes(debug=False): klasses = [] for (byte, cmd) in effect_commands.items(): cmd_name = cmd[0].replace(" ", "_") params = { "id": byte, "size": 1, "end": byte in effect_command_enders, "macro_name": cmd_name } params["param_types"] = {} if len(cmd) > 1: param_types = cmd[1:] for (i, each) in enumerate(param_types): thing = {"name": each[0], "class": each[1]} params["param_types"][i] = thing if debug: print "each is: " + str(each) print "thing[class] is: " + str(thing["class"]) params["size"] += thing["class"].size klass_name = cmd_name+"Command" klass = classobj(klass_name, (Command,), params) globals()[klass_name] = klass klasses.append(klass) # later an individual klass will be instantiated to handle something return klasses effect_classes = create_effect_command_classes() def generate_macros(filename="../script_macros.asm"): """generates all macros based on commands this is dumped into script_macros.asm""" output = "; This file is generated by generate_macros.\n" for command in command_classes: output += "\n" #if command.macro_name[0].isdigit(): # output += "_" output += command.macro_name + ": MACRO\n" output += spacing + "db $%.2x\n"%( current_param = 1 for (index, each) in command.param_types.items(): if issubclass(each["class"], SingleByteParam): output += spacing + "db \\" + str(current_param) + "\n" elif issubclass(each["class"], MultiByteParam): output += spacing + "dw \\" + str(current_param) + "\n" current_param += 1 output += spacing + "ENDM\n" fh = open(filename, "w") fh.write(output) fh.close() return output # use this to keep track of commands without pksv names pksv_no_names = {} def pretty_print_pksv_no_names(): """just some nice debugging output use this to keep track of commands without pksv names pksv_no_names is created in parse_script_engine_script_at""" for (command_byte, addresses) in pksv_no_names.items(): if command_byte in pksv_crystal_unknowns: continue print hex(command_byte) + " appearing in these scripts: " for address in addresses: print " " + hex(address) recursive_scripts = set([]) def rec_parse_script_engine_script_at(address, origin=None, debug=True): """this is called in parse_script_engine_script_at for recursion when this works it should be flipped back to using the regular parser.""" recursive_scripts.add((address, origin)) return parse_script_engine_script_at(address, origin=origin, debug=debug) def find_broken_recursive_scripts(output=False, debug=True): """well.. these at least have a chance of maybe being broken?""" for r in list(recursive_scripts): script = {} length = "not counted here" if is_script_already_parsed_at(r[0]): script = script_parse_table[r[0]] length = str(len(script)) if len(script) > 20 or script == {}: print "******************* begin" print "script at " + hex(r[0]) + " from main script " + hex(r[1]) + " with length: " + length if output: parse_script_engine_script_at(r[0], force=True, debug=True) print "==================== end" stop_points = [0x1aafa2, 0x9f58f, # battle tower 0x9f62f, # battle tower ] class Script: base_label = "UnknownScript_" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.address = None self.commands = None if len(kwargs) == 0 and len(args) == 0: raise Exception("Script.__init__ must be given some arguments") # first positional argument is address if len(args) == 1: address = args[0] if type(address) == str: address = int(address, 16) elif type(address) != int: raise Exception("address must be an integer or string") self.address = address elif len(args) > 1: raise Exception("don't know what to do with second (or later) positional arguments") self.dependencies = None if "label" in kwargs.keys(): label = kwargs["label"] else: label = None if not label: label = self.base_label + hex(self.address) self.label = Label(name=label, address=address, object=self) if "map_group" in kwargs.keys(): self.map_group = kwargs["map_group"] if "map_id" in kwargs.keys(): self.map_id = kwargs["map_id"] if "parent" in kwargs.keys(): self.parent = kwargs["parent"] # parse the script at the address if "use_old_parse" in kwargs.keys() and kwargs["use_old_parse"] == True: self.old_parse(**kwargs) else: self.parse(self.address, **kwargs) def pksv_list(self): """shows a list of pksv names for each command in the script""" items = [] if type(self.commands) == dict: for (id, command) in self.commands.items(): if command["type"] in pksv_crystal: items.append(pksv_crystal[command["type"]]) else: items.append(hex(command["type"])) else: for command in self.commands: items.append(command.macro_name) return items def to_pksv(self): """returns a string of pksv command names""" pksv = self.pksv_list() output = "script starting at: "+hex(self.address)+" .. " first = True for item in pksv: item = str(item) if first: output += item first = False else: output += ", "+item return output def show_pksv(self): """prints a list of pksv command names in this script""" print self.to_pksv() def parse(self, start_address, force=False, map_group=None, map_id=None, force_top=True, origin=True, debug=False): """parses a script using the Command classes as an alternative to the old method using hard-coded commands force_top just means 'force the main script to get parsed, but not any subscripts' """ global command_classes, rom, script_parse_table current_address = start_address if debug: print "Script.parse address="+hex(self.address) +" map_group="+str(map_group)+" map_id="+str(map_id) if start_address in stop_points and force == False: if debug: print "script parsing is stopping at stop_point=" + hex(start_address) + " at map_group="+str(map_group)+" map_id="+str(map_id) return None if start_address < 0x4000 and start_address not in [0x26ef, 0x114, 0x1108]: if debug: print "address is less than 0x4000.. address is: " + hex(start_address) sys.exit(1) if is_script_already_parsed_at(start_address) and not force and not force_top: raise Exception("this script has already been parsed before, please use that instance ("+hex(start_address)+")") # load up the rom if it hasn't been loaded already load_rom() # in the event that the script parsing fails.. it would be nice to leave evidence script_parse_table[start_address:start_address+1] = "incomplete parse_script_with_command_classes" # start with a blank script commands = [] # use this to control the while loop end = False # for each command found.. while not end: # get the current scripting byte cur_byte = ord(rom[current_address]) # reset the command class (last command was probably different) scripting_command_class = None # match the command id byte to a scripting command class like GivePoke for class_ in command_classes: if == cur_byte: scripting_command_class = class_ # no matching command found (not implemented yet)- just end this script # NOTE: might be better to raise an exception and end the program? if scripting_command_class == None: if debug: print "parsing script; current_address is: " + hex(current_address) current_address += 1 asm_output = "\n".join([command.to_asm() for command in commands]) end = True continue # maybe the program should exit with failure instead? #raise Exception("no command found? id: " + hex(cur_byte) + " at " + hex(current_address) + " asm is:\n" + asm_output) # create an instance of the command class and let it parse its parameter bytes #print "about to parse command(script@"+hex(start_address)+"): " + str(scripting_command_class.macro_name) cls = scripting_command_class(address=current_address, force=force, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, parent=self) #if self.debug: # print cls.to_asm() # store it in this script object commands.append(cls) # certain commands will end the scripting engine end = cls.end # skip past the command's parameter bytes to go to the next command #current_address = cls.last_address + 1 current_address += cls.size # last byte belonging to script is last byte of last command, # or the last byte of the last command's last parameter self.last_address = current_address # store the script in the global table/map thing script_parse_table[start_address:current_address] = self asm_output = "\n".join([command.to_asm() for command in commands]) if debug: print "--------------\n"+asm_output # store the script self.commands = commands return commands def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): if self.dependencies != None and not recompute: global_dependencies.update(self.dependencies) return self.dependencies dependencies = [] for command in self.commands: deps = command.get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies) dependencies.extend(deps) self.dependencies = dependencies return dependencies def to_asm(self): asm_output = "".join([command.to_asm()+"\n" for command in self.commands]) if asm_output[-1] == "\n": asm_output = asm_output[:-1] return asm_output def old_parse(self, *args, **kwargs): """included from old_parse_scripts""" from old_parse_scripts import old_parse Script.old_parse = old_parse def parse_script_engine_script_at(address, map_group=None, map_id=None, force=False, debug=True, origin=True): if is_script_already_parsed_at(address) and not force: return script_parse_table[address] return Script(address, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, force=force, debug=debug, origin=origin) def compare_script_parsing_methods(address): """ compares the parsed scripts using the new method and the old method The new method is Script.parse, the old method is Script.old_parse. There are likely to be problems with the new script parser, the one that uses the command classes to parse bytes. To look for these problems, you can compare the output of one parsing method to the output of the other. When there's a difference, there is something worth correcting. Probably by each command's "macro_name" attribute. """ load_rom() separator = "################ compare_script_parsing_methods" # first do it the old way print separator print "parsing the script at " + hex(address) + " using the old method" oldscript = Script(address, debug=True, force=True, origin=True, use_old_parse=True) # and now the old way print separator print "parsing the script at " + hex(address) + " using the new method" newscript = Script(address, debug=True, force=True, origin=True) # let the comparison begin.. errors = 0 print separator + " COMPARISON RESULTS" if not len(oldscript.commands.keys()) == len(newscript.commands): print "the two scripts don't have the same number of commands" errors += 1 for (id, oldcommand) in oldscript.commands.items(): newcommand = newscript.commands[id] oldcommand_pksv_name = pksv_crystal[oldcommand["type"]].replace(" ", "_") if oldcommand["start_address"] != newcommand.address: print "the two addresses (command id="+str(id)+") do not match old="+hex(oldcommand["start_address"]) + " new="+hex(newcommand.address) errors += 1 if oldcommand_pksv_name != newcommand.macro_name: print "the two commands (id="+str(id)+") do not have the same name old="+oldcommand_pksv_name+" new="+newcommand.macro_name errors += 1 print "total comparison errors: " + str(errors) return oldscript, newscript class Warp(Command): """only used outside of scripts""" size = warp_byte_size macro_name = "warp_def" param_types = { 0: {"name": "y", "class": HexByte}, 1: {"name": "x", "class": HexByte}, 2: {"name": "warp_to", "class": DecimalParam}, 3: {"name": "map_bank", "class": MapGroupParam}, 4: {"name": "map_id", "class": MapIdParam}, } override_byte_check = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): = kwargs["id"] script_parse_table[kwargs["address"] : kwargs["address"] + self.size] = self Command.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): return [] all_warps = [] def parse_warps(address, warp_count, bank=None, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True): warps = [] current_address = address for each in range(warp_count): warp = Warp(address=current_address, id=each, bank=bank, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) current_address += warp_byte_size warps.append(warp) all_warps.extend(warps) return warps def old_parse_warp_bytes(some_bytes, debug=True): """parse some number of warps from the data""" assert len(some_bytes) % warp_byte_size == 0, "wrong number of bytes" warps = [] for bytes in grouper(some_bytes, count=warp_byte_size): y = int(bytes[0], 16) x = int(bytes[1], 16) warp_to = int(bytes[2], 16) map_group = int(bytes[3], 16) map_id = int(bytes[4], 16) warps.append({ "y": y, "x": x, "warp_to": warp_to, "map_group": map_group, "map_id": map_id, }) return warps class XYTrigger(Command): size = trigger_byte_size macro_name = "xy_trigger" param_types = { 0: {"name": "number", "class": DecimalParam}, 1: {"name": "y", "class": HexByte}, 2: {"name": "x", "class": HexByte}, 3: {"name": "unknown1", "class": SingleByteParam}, 4: {"name": "script", "class": ScriptPointerLabelParam}, 5: {"name": "unknown2", "class": SingleByteParam}, 6: {"name": "unknown3", "class": SingleByteParam}, } override_byte_check = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): = kwargs["id"] self.dependencies = None Command.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): dependencies = [] if self.dependencies != None and not recompute: global_dependencies.update(self.dependencies) return self.dependencies thing = script_parse_table[self.params[4].parsed_address] if thing and thing != self.params[4]: dependencies.append(thing) global_dependencies.add(thing) self.dependencies = dependencies return dependencies all_xy_triggers = [] def parse_xy_triggers(address, trigger_count, bank=None, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True): xy_triggers = [] current_address = address for each in range(trigger_count): xy_trigger = XYTrigger(address=current_address, id=each, bank=bank, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) current_address += trigger_byte_size xy_triggers.append(xy_trigger) all_xy_triggers.extend(xy_triggers) return xy_triggers def old_parse_xy_trigger_bytes(some_bytes, bank=None, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True): """parse some number of triggers from the data""" assert len(some_bytes) % trigger_byte_size == 0, "wrong number of bytes" triggers = [] for bytes in grouper(some_bytes, count=trigger_byte_size): trigger_number = int(bytes[0], 16) y = int(bytes[1], 16) x = int(bytes[2], 16) unknown1 = int(bytes[3], 16) # XXX probably 00? script_ptr_byte1 = int(bytes[4], 16) script_ptr_byte2 = int(bytes[5], 16) script_ptr = script_ptr_byte1 + (script_ptr_byte2 << 8) script_address = None script = None if bank: script_address = calculate_pointer(script_ptr, bank) print "******* parsing xy trigger byte scripts... x=" + str(x) + " y=" + str(y) script = parse_script_engine_script_at(script_address, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id) triggers.append({ "trigger_number": trigger_number, "y": y, "x": x, "unknown1": unknown1, # probably 00 "script_ptr": script_ptr, "script_pointer": {"1": script_ptr_byte1, "2": script_ptr_byte2}, "script_address": script_address, "script": script, }) return triggers class ItemFragment(Command): """used by ItemFragmentParam and PeopleEvent (for items placed on a map)""" size = 2 macro_name = "db" base_label = "ItemFragment_" override_byte_check = True param_types = { 0: {"name": "item", "class": ItemLabelByte}, 1: {"name": "quantity", "class": DecimalParam}, } def __init__(self, address=None, bank=None, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=False, label=None): assert is_valid_address(address), "PeopleEvent must be given a valid address" self.address = address self.last_address = address + self.size = bank if not label: label = self.base_label + hex(address) self.label = Label(name=label, address=address, object=self) self.map_group = map_group self.map_id = map_id self.debug = debug self.params = {} self.dependencies = None self.args = {"debug": debug, "map_group": map_group, "map_id": map_id, "bank": bank} script_parse_table[self.address : self.last_address] = self self.parse() class ItemFragmentParam(PointerLabelParam): """used by PeopleEvent""" def parse(self): PointerLabelParam.parse(self) address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(self.address, self.calculated_address = address itemfrag = ItemFragment(address=address, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug) self.itemfrag = itemfrag def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): if self.dependencies != None and not recompute: global_dependencies.update(self.dependencies) return self.dependencies self.dependencies = [self.itemfrag].extend(self.itemfrag.get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies)) global_dependencies.add(self.itemfrag) return self.dependencies trainer_group_maximums = {} class TrainerFragment(Command): """used by TrainerFragmentParam and PeopleEvent for trainer data Maybe this shouldn't be a Command. The output might sprawl over multiple lines, and maybe it should be commented in to_asm? [Bit no. (2byte)][Trainer group][Trainer] [2byte pointer to Text when seen] [2byte pointer to text when trainer beaten] [2byte pointer to script when lost (0000=Blackout)] [2byte pointer to script if won/talked to again] The bit number tell the game later on if the trainer has been beaten already (bit = 1) or not (bit = 0). All Bit number of BitTable1. 03 = Nothing 04 = Nothing 05 = Nothing 06 = Nothing """ size = 12 macro_name = "trainer_def" base_label = "Trainer_" override_byte_check = True param_types = { 0: {"name": "bit_number", "class": MultiByteParam}, 1: {"name": "trainer_group", "class": TrainerGroupParam}, 2: {"name": "trainer_id", "class": TrainerIdParam}, 3: {"name": "text_when_seen", "class": TextPointerLabelParam}, 4: {"name": "text_when_trainer_beaten", "class": TextPointerLabelParam}, 5: {"name": "script_when_lost", "class": ScriptPointerLabelParam}, 6: {"name": "script_talk_again", "class": ScriptPointerLabelParam}, } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): address = kwargs["address"] print "TrainerFragment address=" + hex(address) self.address = address self.last_address = self.address + self.size if not is_valid_address(address) or address in [0x26ef]: self.include_in_asm = False return script_parse_table[self.address : self.last_address] = self self.dependencies = None Command.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): deps = [] if not is_valid_address(self.address): return deps if self.dependencies != None and not recompute: global_dependencies.update(self.dependencies) return self.dependencies #deps.append(self.params[3]) deps.extend(self.params[3].get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies)) #deps.append(self.params[4]) deps.extend(self.params[4].get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies)) #deps.append(self.params[5]) deps.extend(self.params[5].get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies)) #deps.append(self.params[6]) deps.extend(self.params[6].get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies)) self.dependencies = deps return deps def parse(self): Command.parse(self) # get the trainer group id trainer_group = self.params[1].byte # get the trainer id trainer_id = self.params[2].byte if not trainer_group in trainer_group_maximums.keys(): trainer_group_maximums[trainer_group] = set([trainer_id]) else: trainer_group_maximums[trainer_group].add(trainer_id) # give this object a possibly better label label = "Trainer" if ("uses_numeric_trainer_ids" in trainer_group_names[trainer_group].keys()) \ or ("trainer_names" not in trainer_group_names[trainer_group].keys()): label += string.capwords(trainer_group_names[trainer_group]["constant"]) if "trainer_names" in trainer_group_names[trainer_group].keys() \ and len(trainer_group_names[trainer_group]["trainer_names"]) > 1: label += str(trainer_id) else: label += string.capwords(trainer_group_names[trainer_group]["constant"]) + \ string.capwords(trainer_group_names[trainer_group]["trainer_names"][trainer_id-1]) label = label.replace("Gruntm", "GruntM").replace("Gruntf", "GruntF").replace("Lt_surge", "LtSurge") self.label = Label(name=label, address=self.address, object=self) # ---- give better labels to the objects created by TrainerFragment ---- text_when_seen_text = script_parse_table[self.params[3].parsed_address] if text_when_seen_text != None: text_when_seen_label = Label(name=label + "WhenSeenText", address=text_when_seen_text.address, object=text_when_seen_text) text_when_seen_text.label = text_when_seen_label text_when_beaten_text = script_parse_table[self.params[4].parsed_address] if text_when_beaten_text != None: text_when_beaten_label = Label(name=label + "WhenBeatenText", address=text_when_beaten_text.address, object=text_when_beaten_text) text_when_beaten_text.label = text_when_beaten_label script_when_lost = script_parse_table[self.params[5].parsed_address] if script_when_lost != None: script_when_lost_label = Label(name=label + "WhenLostScript", address=script_when_lost.address, object=script_when_lost) script_when_lost.label = script_when_lost_label script_talk_again = script_parse_table[self.params[6].parsed_address] if script_talk_again != None: script_talk_again_label = Label(name=label + "WhenTalkScript", address=script_talk_again.address, object=script_talk_again) script_talk_again.label = script_talk_again_label def to_asm(self): xspacing = "" output = "" output += xspacing + "; bit/flag number\n" output += xspacing + "dw $%.2x"%(self.params[0].parsed_number) output += "\n\n"+xspacing+"; trainer group && trainer id\n" output += xspacing + "db %s, %s" % (self.params[1].to_asm(), self.params[2].to_asm()) output += "\n\n"+xspacing+"; text when seen\n" output += xspacing + "dw " + self.params[3].to_asm() output += "\n\n"+xspacing+"; text when trainer beaten\n" output += xspacing + "dw " + self.params[4].to_asm() output += "\n\n"+xspacing+"; script when lost\n" output += xspacing + "dw " + self.params[5].to_asm() output += "\n\n"+xspacing+"; script when talk again\n" output += xspacing + "dw " + self.params[6].to_asm() return output class TrainerFragmentParam(PointerLabelParam): """used by PeopleEvent to point to trainer data""" def parse(self): address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(self.address, self.calculated_address = address if address == 0x26ef: self.trainerfrag = None else: trainerfrag = TrainerFragment(address=address, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug) self.trainerfrag = trainerfrag PointerLabelParam.parse(self) def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): deps = [] if self.dependencies != None and not recompute: global_dependencies.update(self.dependencies) return self.dependencies if self.trainerfrag: global_dependencies.add(self.trainerfrag) deps.append(self.trainerfrag) deps.extend(self.trainerfrag.get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies)) self.dependencies = deps return deps trainer_group_table = None class TrainerGroupTable: """ A list of pointers. This should probably be called TrainerGroupPointerTable. """ def __init__(self): assert 0x43 in trainer_group_maximums.keys(), "TrainerGroupTable should onyl be created after all the trainers have been found" self.address = trainer_group_pointer_table_address = calculate_bank(trainer_group_pointer_table_address) self.label = Label(name="TrainerGroupPointerTable", address=self.address, object=self) self.size = None self.last_address = None self.dependencies = None self.headers = [] self.parse() script_parse_table[self.address : self.last_address] = self def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): global_dependencies.update(self.headers) if recompute == True and self.dependencies != None and self.dependencies != []: return self.dependencies dependencies = copy(self.headers) for header in self.headers: dependencies.extend(header.get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies)) return dependencies def parse(self): size = 0 for (key, kvalue) in trainer_group_names.items(): # calculate the location of this trainer group header from its pointer pointer_bytes_location = kvalue["pointer_address"] parsed_address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(pointer_bytes_location, trainer_group_names[key]["parsed_address"] = parsed_address # parse the trainer group header at this location name = kvalue["name"] trainer_group_header = TrainerGroupHeader(address=parsed_address, group_id=key, group_name=name) trainer_group_names[key]["header"] = trainer_group_header self.headers.append(trainer_group_header) # keep track of the size of this pointer table size += 2 self.size = size self.last_address = self.address + self.size def to_asm(self): output = "".join([str("dw "+get_label_for(header.address)+"\n") for header in self.headers]) return output class TrainerGroupHeader: """ A trainer group header is a repeating list of individual trainer headers. <Trainer Name> <0x50> <Data type> <Pokémon Data>+ <0xFF> Data type <0x00>: Pokémon Data is <Level> <Species>. Used by most trainers. Data type <0x01>: Pokémon Data is <Level> <Pokémon> <Move1> <Move2> <Move3> <Move4>. Used often for Gym Leaders. Data type <0x02>: Pokémon Data is <Level> <Pokémon> <Held Item>. Used mainly by Pokéfans. Data type <0x03>: Pokémon Data is <Level> <Pokémon> <Held Item> <Move1> <Move2> <Move3> <Move4>. Used by a few Cooltrainers. """ def __init__(self, address=None, group_id=None, group_name=None): assert address!=None, "TrainerGroupHeader requires an address" assert group_id!=None, "TrainerGroupHeader requires a group_id" assert group_name!=None, "TrainerGroupHeader requires a group_name" self.address = address self.group_id = group_id self.group_name = group_name self.dependencies = None self.individual_trainer_headers = [] self.label = Label(name=group_name+"TrainerGroupHeader", address=self.address, object=self) self.parse() script_parse_table[address : self.last_address] = self def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): """ TrainerGroupHeader has no dependencies. """ # TODO: possibly include self.individual_trainer_headers if recompute or self.dependencies == None: self.dependencies = [] return self.dependencies def parse(self): """ how do i know when there's no more data for this header? do a global analysis of the rom and figure out the max ids this wont work for rom hacks of course see find_trainer_ids_from_scripts """ size = 0 current_address = self.address if self.group_id not in trainer_group_maximums.keys(): self.size = 0 self.last_address = current_address return # create an IndividualTrainerHeader for each id in range(min id, max id + 1) min_id = min(trainer_group_maximums[self.group_id]) max_id = max(trainer_group_maximums[self.group_id]) if self.group_id == 0x0C: # CAL appears a third time with third-stage evos (meganium, typhlosion, feraligatr) max_id += 1 elif self.group_id == 0x29: # there's a missing supernerd :( max_id += 1 elif self.group_id == 0x2D: # missing bikers max_id += 2 elif self.group_id == 0x31: # missing jugglers max_id += 3 elif self.group_id == 0x32: # blackbelt wai max_id += 1 elif self.group_id == 0x3C: # kimono girl miki max_id += 1 elif self.group_id == 0x3D: # twins lea & pia max_id += 1 for trainer_id in range(min_id, max_id+1): trainer_header = TrainerHeader(address=current_address, trainer_group_id=self.group_id, trainer_id=trainer_id, parent=self) self.individual_trainer_headers.append(trainer_header) # current_address += trainer_header.size current_address = trainer_header.last_address size += trainer_header.size self.last_address = current_address self.size = size def to_asm(self): output = "\n\n".join(["; "+header.make_constant_name()+" ("+str(header.trainer_id)+") at "+hex(header.address)+"\n"+header.to_asm() for header in self.individual_trainer_headers]) return output class TrainerHeader: """ <Trainer Name> <0x50> <Data type> <Pokémon Data>+ <0xFF> Data type <0x00>: Pokémon Data is <Level> <Species>. Used by most trainers. Data type <0x01>: Pokémon Data is <Level> <Pokémon> <Move1> <Move2> <Move3> <Move4>. Used often for Gym Leaders. Data type <0x02>: Pokémon Data is <Level> <Pokémon> <Held Item>. Used mainly by Pokéfans. Data type <0x03>: Pokémon Data is <Level> <Pokémon> <Held Item> <Move1> <Move2> <Move3> <Move4>. Used by a few Cooltrainers. """ def __init__(self, address=None, trainer_group_id=None, trainer_id=None, parent=None): self.parent = parent self.address = address self.trainer_group_id = trainer_group_id self.trainer_id = trainer_id self.dependencies = [] self.size = None self.last_address = None self.parse() self.label = Label(name=self.make_name(), address=self.address, object=self) # this shouldn't be added to script_parse_table because # TrainerGroupHeader covers its address range def make_name(self): """ Must occur after parse() is called. Constructs a name based on self.parent.group_name and """ if self.trainer_group_id in [0x14, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1B, 0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2B, 0x2C, 0x2D, 0x2F, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3A, 0x3B, 0x3C, 0x3D, 0x3E, 0x41]: return self.parent.group_name.upper() + "_" +[:-1] else: return self.parent.group_name + "_" + str(self.trainer_id) def make_constant_name(self): if hasattr(self, "seed_constant_name"): seed = self.seed_constant_name else: seed = if "?" in seed: if seed[-2].isdigit(): x = 2 else: x = 1 seed = trainer_group_names[self.trainer_group_id]["name"]+"_"+seed[-x:] elif self.trainer_group_id == 0x1f and "EXECUTIVE" in seed: seed = "GRUNT_"+seed elif self.trainer_group_id == 0x2d and "BENNY" in seed.upper(): seed = "BIKER_BENNY" elif self.trainer_group_id == 0x24 and "BENNY" in seed.upper(): seed = "BUG_CATCHER_BENNY" return string.capwords(seed).\ replace("@", "").\ replace(" & ", "AND").\ replace(" ", "").\ replace(".", "_").\ upper() def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): if recompute or self.dependencies == None: self.dependencies = [] return self.dependencies def parse(self): address = self.address # figure out how many bytes until 0x50 "@" jump = how_many_until(chr(0x50), address) # parse the "@" into the name = parse_text_at(address, jump+1) # where is the next byte? current_address = address + jump + 1 # figure out the pokemon data type self.data_type = ord(rom[current_address]) current_address += 1 # figure out which partymon parser to use for this trainer header party_mon_parser = None for monparser in trainer_party_mon_parsers: if == self.data_type: party_mon_parser = monparser break if party_mon_parser == None: raise Exception("no trainer party mon parser found to parse data type " + hex(self.data_type)) self.party_mons = party_mon_parser(address=current_address, group_id=self.trainer_group_id, trainer_id=self.trainer_id, parent=self) # let's have everything in trainer_party_mon_parsers handle the last $FF #self.size = self.party_mons.size + 1 + len( self.size = self.party_mons.last_address - self.address self.last_address = self.party_mons.last_address def to_asm(self): output = "db \"""\"\n" output += "db $%.2x ; data type\n" % (self.data_type) output += self.party_mons.to_asm() output += "\n; last_address="+hex(self.last_address)+" size="+str(self.size) return output class TrainerPartyMonParser: """ Just a generic trainer party mon parser. Don't use this directly. Only use the child classes. """ id = None dependencies = None param_types = None # could go either way on this one.. TrainerGroupHeader.parse would need to be changed # so as to not increase current_address by one after reading "data_type" override_byte_check = True def __init__(self, address=None, group_id=None, trainer_id=None, parent=None): self.address = address self.group_id = group_id self.trainer_id = trainer_id self.parent = parent self.args = {} self.mons = {} self.parse() # pick up the $FF at the end self.last_address += 1 def parse(self): current_address = self.address pkmn = 0 continuer = True while continuer: self.mons[pkmn] = {} i = 0 for (key, param_type) in self.param_types.items(): name = param_type["name"] klass = param_type["class"] # make an instance of this class, like SingleByteParam() # or ItemLabelByte.. by making an instance, obj.parse() is called obj = klass(address=current_address, name=name, parent=self, **dict([(k,v) for (k, v) in self.args.items() if k not in ["parent"]])) # save this for later self.mons[pkmn][i] = obj # increment our counters current_address += obj.size i += 1 pkmn += 1 if ord(rom[current_address]) == 0xFF: break self.last_address = current_address return True def to_asm(self): output = "" #output = "; " + ", ".join([param_type["name"] for (key, param_type) in self.param_types.items()]) + "\n" for mon in self.mons: output += "db " + ", ".join([param.to_asm() for (name, param) in self.mons[mon].items()]) output += "\n" output += "db $ff ; end trainer party mons" return output class TrainerPartyMonParser0(TrainerPartyMonParser): """ Data type <0x00>: Pokémon Data is <Level> <Species>. Used by most trainers. """ id = 0 size = 2 + 1 param_types = { 0: {"name": "level", "class": DecimalParam}, 1: {"name": "species", "class": PokemonParam}, } class TrainerPartyMonParser1(TrainerPartyMonParser): """ Data type <0x01>: Pokémon Data is <Level> <Pokémon> <Move1> <Move2> <Move3> <Move4>. Used often for Gym Leaders. """ id = 1 size = 6 + 1 param_types = { 0: {"name": "level", "class": DecimalParam}, 1: {"name": "species", "class": PokemonParam}, 2: {"name": "move1", "class": MoveParam}, 3: {"name": "move2", "class": MoveParam}, 4: {"name": "move3", "class": MoveParam}, 5: {"name": "move4", "class": MoveParam}, } class TrainerPartyMonParser2(TrainerPartyMonParser): """ Data type <0x02>: Pokémon Data is <Level> <Pokémon> <Held Item>. Used mainly by Pokéfans. """ id = 2 size = 3 + 1 param_types = { 0: {"name": "level", "class": DecimalParam}, 1: {"name": "species", "class": PokemonParam}, 2: {"name": "item", "class": ItemLabelByte}, } class TrainerPartyMonParser3(TrainerPartyMonParser): """ Data type <0x03>: Pokémon Data is <Level> <Pokémon> <Held Item> <Move1> <Move2> <Move3> <Move4>. Used by a few Cooltrainers. """ id = 3 size = 7 + 1 param_types = { 0: {"name": "level", "class": DecimalParam}, 1: {"name": "species", "class": PokemonParam}, 2: {"name": "item", "class": ItemLabelByte}, 3: {"name": "move1", "class": MoveParam}, 4: {"name": "move2", "class": MoveParam}, 5: {"name": "move3", "class": MoveParam}, 6: {"name": "move4", "class": MoveParam}, } trainer_party_mon_parsers = [TrainerPartyMonParser0, TrainerPartyMonParser1, TrainerPartyMonParser2, TrainerPartyMonParser3] def find_trainer_ids_from_scripts(): """ Looks through all scripts to find trainer group numbers and trainer numbers. This can be used with trainer_group_maximums to figure out the current number of trainers in each of the originating trainer groups. """ total_unreferenced_trainers = 0 # look at each possibly relevant script for item in script_parse_table.items(): object = item[1] if isinstance(object, Script): check_script_has_trainer_data(object) # make a set of each list of trainer ids to avoid dupes # this will be used later in TrainerGroupTable for item in trainer_group_maximums.items(): key = item[0] value = set(item[1]) trainer_group_maximums[key] = value def report_unreferenced_trainer_ids(): """ Reports on the number of unreferenced trainer ids in each group. This should be called after find_trainer_ids_from_scripts. These are trainer groups with "unused" trainer ids. The "find_trainer_ids_from_scripts" function analyzes each script in the game, and each map header in the game (because of code in TrainerFragment), and finds all references to trainers. But, if there are any trainers that are referenced in raw ASM, this method does not detect them. Each instance of a trainer reference is added to a global table called "trainer_group_maximums". Next, "find_trainer_ids_from_scripts" looks at the trainer IDs referenced for each group and takes the minimum number and the maximum number. To find whether or not there are any unused trainers, it takes the minimum and maximum ids and then sees which intermediate numbers are missing from the list of "referenced" trainer ids. """ for item in trainer_group_maximums.items(): key = item[0] value = item[1] # i'm curious: are there any missing trainer ids in this group? min_id = min(value) max_id = max(value) expectables = range(min_id, max_id+1) unreferenced = set() for expectable in expectables: if not expectable in value: unreferenced.add(expectable) if len(unreferenced) > 0: total_unreferenced_trainers += len(unreferenced) output = "trainer group "+hex(key)+" (\""+trainer_group_names[key]["name"]+"\")" output += " (min="+str(min_id)+", max="+str(max_id)+")" output += " has "+str(len(unreferenced))+" unreferenced trainer ids" output += ": " + str(unreferenced) print output print "total unreferenced trainers: " + str(total_unreferenced_trainers) def check_script_has_trainer_data(script): """ see find_trainer_ids_from_scripts """ for command in script.commands: trainer_group = None trainer_id = None if == 0x43: trainer_group = command.params[0].byte trainer_id = command.params[1].byte elif == 0x5E: trainer_group = command.params[0].byte trainer_id = command.params[1].byte if trainer_group != None and trainer_id != None: if trainer_group in trainer_group_maximums.keys(): trainer_group_maximums[trainer_group].add(trainer_id) else: trainer_group_maximums[trainer_group] = set([trainer_id]) def trainer_name_from_group(group_id, trainer_id=0): """This doesn't actually work for trainer_id > 0.""" bank = calculate_bank(0x39999) ptr_address = 0x39999 + ((group_id - 1)*2) address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(ptr_address, bank=bank) text = parse_text_at2(address, how_many_until(chr(0x50), address)) return text def trainer_group_report(): """ Reports how many trainer ids are used in each trainer group. """ output = "" total = 0 for trainer_group_id in trainer_group_maximums.keys(): group_name = trainer_group_names[trainer_group_id]["name"] first_name = trainer_name_from_group(trainer_group_id).replace("\n", "") trainers = len(trainer_group_maximums[trainer_group_id]) total += trainers output += "group "+hex(trainer_group_id)+":\n" output += "\tname: "+group_name+"\n" output += "\tfirst: "+first_name+"\n" output += "\ttrainer count:\t"+str(trainers)+"\n\n" output += "total trainers: " + str(total) return output def make_trainer_group_name_trainer_ids(trainer_group_table, debug=True): """ Edits trainer_group_names and sets the trainer names. For instance, "AMY & MAY" becomes "AMY_AND_MAY1" and "AMY_AND_MAY2" This should only be used after TrainerGroupTable.parse has been called. """ assert trainer_group_table != None, "TrainerGroupTable must be called before setting the trainer names" if debug: print "starting to make trainer names and give ids to repeated trainer names" i = 1 for header in trainer_group_table.headers: trainer_names = [] # (name, trainer_header) dupes = set() group_id = i group_name = header.group_name for trainer_header in header.individual_trainer_headers: if in [x[0] for x in trainer_names]: dupes.add( trainer_names.append([, trainer_header]) # now fix trainers with duplicate names by appending an id if len(dupes) > 0: for dupe in dupes: culprits = [trainer_header for trainer_header in header.individual_trainer_headers if == dupe] for (id, culprit) in enumerate(culprits): culprit.seed_constant_name ="@", "") + str(id+1) culprit.constant_name = culprit.make_constant_name() # now add the trainer names to trainer_group_names trainer_group_names[i]["trainer_names"] = [theader.make_constant_name() for theader in header.individual_trainer_headers] i += 1 if debug: print "done improving trainer names" def pretty_print_trainer_id_constants(): """ Prints out some constants for trainer ids, for "constants.asm". make_trainer_group_name_trainer_ids must be called prior to this. """ assert trainer_group_table != None, "must make trainer_group_table first" assert trainer_group_names != None, "must have trainer_group_names available" assert "trainer_names" in trainer_group_names[1].keys(), "trainer_names must be set in trainer_group_names" output = "" for (key, value) in trainer_group_names.items(): if "uses_numeric_trainer_ids" in trainer_group_names[key].keys(): continue id = key group = value header = group["header"] name = group["name"] trainer_names = group["trainer_names"] output += "; " + name + "\n" for (id, name) in enumerate(trainer_names): output += name.upper() + " EQU $%.2x"%(id+1) + "\n" output += "\n" return output class PeopleEvent(Command): size = people_event_byte_size macro_name = "person_event" base_label = "PeopleEvent_" override_byte_check = True param_types = { 0: {"name": "sprite", "class": HexByte}, 1: {"name": "y from top+4", "class": DecimalParam}, 2: {"name": "x from top+4", "class": DecimalParam}, 3: {"name": "facing", "class": HexByte}, 4: {"name": "movement", "class": HexByte}, 5: {"name": "clock_hour", "class": DecimalParam}, 6: {"name": "clock_daytime", "class": DecimalParam}, 7: {"name": "color_function", "class": HexByte}, 8: {"name": "sight_range", "class": DecimalParam}, 9: {"name": "pointer", "class": PointerLabelParam}, # or ScriptPointerLabelParam or ItemLabelParam 10: {"name": "BitTable1 bit number", "class": MultiByteParam}, } def xto_asm(self): output = "\n; person-event\n; picture, y, x, facing, movement, clock_hour, clock_daytime, color_function, sight_range\n" output += "db $%.2x, %d, %d, $%.2x, $%.2x, %d, %d, $%.2x, %d\n" % (self.params[0].byte, self.params[1].byte, self.params[2].byte, self.params[3].byte, self.params[4].byte, self.params[5].byte, self.params[6].byte, self.params[7].byte, self.params[8].byte) output += "; pointer\ndw %s\n" % (self.params[9].to_asm()) output += "; BitTable1 bit number\ndw %s" % (self.params[10].to_asm()) return output def __init__(self, address, id, bank=None, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=False, label=None, force=False): assert is_valid_address(address), "PeopleEvent must be given a valid address" self.address = address self.last_address = address + people_event_byte_size = id = bank if not label: label = self.base_label + hex(address) self.label = Label(name=label, address=address, object=self) self.map_group = map_group self.map_id = map_id self.debug = debug self.force = force self.params = {} self.dependencies = None # PeopleEvent should probably not be in the global script_parse_table #script_parse_table[self.address : self.last_address] = self self.parse() def parse(self): address = self.address bank = color_function_byte = None lower_bits = None higher_bits = None is_regular_script = None is_give_item = None is_trainer = None self.params = {} current_address = self.address i = 0 self.size = 1 color_function_byte = None for (key, param_type) in self.param_types.items(): if i == 9: if is_give_item: name = "item_fragment_pointer" klass = ItemFragmentParam elif is_regular_script: name = "script_pointer" klass = ScriptPointerLabelParam elif is_trainer: name = "trainer" #klass = MultiByteParam klass = TrainerFragmentParam else: name = "unknown" klass = MultiByteParam else: name = param_type["name"] klass = param_type["class"] obj = klass(address=current_address, name=name, debug=self.debug, force=self.force, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, self.params[i] = obj if i == 7: color_function_byte = ord(rom[current_address]) lower_bits = color_function_byte & 0xF higher_bits = color_function_byte >> 4 is_regular_script = lower_bits == 00 is_give_item = lower_bits == 01 is_trainer = lower_bits == 02 current_address += obj.size self.size += obj.size i += 1 self.last_address = current_address self.is_trainer = is_trainer self.is_give_item = is_give_item self.is_regular_script = is_regular_script self.y = self.params[1].byte self.x = self.params[2].byte self.facing = self.params[3].byte self.movement = self.params[4].byte self.clock_hour = self.params[5].byte self.clock_daytime = self.params[6].byte self.color_function = self.params[7].byte self.sight_range = self.params[8].byte self.pointer = self.params[9].bytes self.bit_number = self.params[10].bytes return True all_people_events = [] def parse_people_events(address, people_event_count, bank=None, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=False, force=False): # people_event_byte_size people_events = [] current_address = address id = 0 for each in range(people_event_count): pevent = PeopleEvent(address=current_address, id=id, bank=bank, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug, force=force) current_address += people_event_byte_size people_events.append(pevent) id += 1 all_people_events.extend(people_events) return people_events def old_parse_people_event_bytes(some_bytes, address=None, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True): """parse some number of people-events from the data see For example, map 1.1 (group 1 map 1) has four person-events. 37 05 07 06 00 FF FF 00 00 02 40 FF FF 3B 08 0C 05 01 FF FF 00 00 05 40 FF FF 3A 07 06 06 00 FF FF A0 00 08 40 FF FF 29 05 0B 06 00 FF FF 00 00 0B 40 FF FF """ assert len(some_bytes) % people_event_byte_size == 0, "wrong number of bytes" # address is not actually required for this function to work... bank = None if address: bank = calculate_bank(address) people_events = [] for bytes in grouper(some_bytes, count=people_event_byte_size): pict = int(bytes[0], 16) y = int(bytes[1], 16) # y from top + 4 x = int(bytes[2], 16) # x from left + 4 face = int(bytes[3], 16) # 0-4 for regular, 6-9 for static facing move = int(bytes[4], 16) clock_time_byte1 = int(bytes[5], 16) clock_time_byte2 = int(bytes[6], 16) color_function_byte = int(bytes[7], 16) # Color|Function trainer_sight_range = int(bytes[8], 16) lower_bits = color_function_byte & 0xF #lower_bits_high = lower_bits >> 2 #lower_bits_low = lower_bits & 3 higher_bits = color_function_byte >> 4 #higher_bits_high = higher_bits >> 2 #higher_bits_low = higher_bits & 3 is_regular_script = lower_bits == 00 # pointer points to script is_give_item = lower_bits == 01 # pointer points to [Item no.][Amount] is_trainer = lower_bits == 02 # pointer points to trainer header # goldmap called these next two bytes "text_block" and "text_bank"? script_pointer_byte1 = int(bytes[9], 16) script_pointer_byte2 = int(bytes[10], 16) script_pointer = script_pointer_byte1 + (script_pointer_byte2 << 8) # calculate the full address by assuming it's in the current bank # but what if it's not in the same bank? extra_portion = {} if bank: ptr_address = calculate_pointer(script_pointer, bank) if is_regular_script: print "parsing a person-script at x=" + str(x-4) + " y=" + str(y-4) + " address="+hex(ptr_address) script = parse_script_engine_script_at(ptr_address, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id) extra_portion = { "script_address": ptr_address, "script": script, "event_type": "script", } if is_give_item: print "... not parsing give item event... [item id][quantity]" extra_portion = { "event_type": "give_item", "give_item_data_address": ptr_address, "item_id": ord(rom[ptr_address]), "item_qty": ord(rom[ptr_address+1]), } if is_trainer: print "parsing a trainer (person-event) at x=" + str(x) + " y=" + str(y) parsed_trainer = parse_trainer_header_at(ptr_address, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id) extra_portion = { "event_type": "trainer", "trainer_data_address": ptr_address, "trainer_data": parsed_trainer, } # XXX not sure what's going on here # bit no. of bit table 1 (hidden if set) # note: FFFF for none when_byte = int(bytes[11], 16) hide = int(bytes[12], 16) bit_number_of_bit_table1_byte2 = int(bytes[11], 16) bit_number_of_bit_table1_byte1 = int(bytes[12], 16) bit_number_of_bit_table1 = bit_number_of_bit_table1_byte1 + (bit_number_of_bit_table1_byte2 << 8) people_event = { "pict": pict, "y": y, # y from top + 4 "x": x, # x from left + 4 "face": face, # 0-4 for regular, 6-9 for static facing "move": move, "clock_time": {"1": clock_time_byte1, "2": clock_time_byte2}, # clock/time setting byte 1 "color_function_byte": color_function_byte, # Color|Function "trainer_sight_range": trainer_sight_range, # trainer range of sight "script_pointer": {"1": script_pointer_byte1, "2": script_pointer_byte2}, #"text_block": text_block, # script pointer byte 1 #"text_bank": text_bank, # script pointer byte 2 "when_byte": when_byte, # bit no. of bit table 1 (hidden if set) "hide": hide, # note: FFFF for none "is_trainer": is_trainer, "is_regular_script": is_regular_script, "is_give_item": is_give_item, } people_event.update(extra_portion) people_events.append(people_event) return people_events class SignpostRemoteBase: def __init__(self, address, bank=None, map_group=None, map_id=None, signpost=None, debug=False, label=None): self.address = address self.last_address = address + self.size script_parse_table[self.address : self.last_address] = self = bank self.map_group = map_group self.map_id = map_id self.signpost = signpost self.debug = debug self.params = [] if not label: label = self.base_label + hex(address) self.label = Label(name=label, address=address, object=self) self.dependencies = None self.parse() def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): dependencies = [] if self.dependencies != None and not recompute: global_dependencies.update(self.dependencies) return self.dependencies for p in self.params: deps = p.get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies) dependencies.extend(deps) self.dependencies = dependencies return dependencies def to_asm(self): """very similar to Command.to_asm""" if len(self.params) == 0: return "" #output = ", ".join([p.to_asm() for p in self.params]) output = "" for param in self.params: if issubclass(param.__class__, SingleByteParam): output += "db " else: output += "dw " output += param.to_asm() + "\n" return output class SignpostRemoteScriptChunk(SignpostRemoteBase): """ a signpost might point to [Bit-Nr. (2byte)][2byte pointer to script] """ base_label = "SignpostRemoteScript_" size = 4 def parse(self): address = self.address bank = #bit_table_byte1 = ord(rom[address]) #bit_table_byte2 = ord(rom[address+1]) bit_table = MultiByteParam(address=address, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug) self.params.append(bit_table) #script_address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(address+2, bank=bank) #script = parse_script_engine_script_at(script_address, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug) script_param = ScriptPointerLabelParam(address=address+2, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug, force=False) self.params.append(script_param) self.script = script_param.script self.signpost.remote_script = self.script #self.bit_table_bytes = [bit_table_byte1, bit_table_byte2] #self.script_address = script_address #self.script = script class SignpostRemoteItemChunk(SignpostRemoteBase): """ a signpost might point to [Bit-Nr. (2byte)][Item no.] """ base_label = "SignpostRemoteItem_" size = 3 def parse(self): address = self.address bank = bit_table = MultiByteParam(address=address, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug) self.params.append(bit_table) item = ItemLabelByte(address=address+2) self.params.append(item) self.item = item class SignpostRemoteUnknownChunk(SignpostRemoteBase): """ a signpost might point to [Bit-Nr. (2byte)][??] """ base_label = "SignpostRemoteUnknown_" size = 3 def parse(self): address = self.address bank = bit_table = MultiByteParam(address=address,, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug) self.params.append(bit_table) byte = SingleByteParam(address=address+2) self.params.append(byte) # this could potentially extend Command # see how class Warp does this class Signpost(Command): """parse some number of signposts from the data [Y position][X position][Function][Script pointer (2byte)] functions: 00 Sign can be read from all directions script pointer to: script 01 Sign can only be read from below script pointer to: script 02 Sign can only be read from above script pointer to: script 03 Sign can only be read from right script pointer to: script 04 Sign can only be read from left script pointer to: script 05 If bit of BitTable1 is set then pointer is interpreted script pointer to: [Bit-Nr. (2byte)][2byte pointer to script] 06 If bit of BitTable1 is not set then pointer is interpreted script pointer to: [Bit-Nr. (2byte)][2byte pointer to script] 07 If bit of BitTable1 is set then item is given script pointer to: [Bit-Nr. (2byte)][Item no.] 08 No Action script pointer to: [Bit-Nr. (2byte)][??] """ size = 5 macro_name = "signpost" override_byte_check = True # preprocessor uses this param_types = { 0: {"name": "y", "class": DecimalParam}, 1: {"name": "x", "class": DecimalParam}, 2: {"name": "function", "class": HexByte}, 3: {"name": "pointer", "class": PointerLabelParam}, } def __init__(self, address, id, bank=None, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True, label=None): self.address = address = id if label == None: label = "UnknownSignpost_"+str(map_group)+"Map"+str(map_id)+"_"+hex(address) self.label = Label(name=label, address=address, object=self) self.map_group = map_group self.map_id = map_id self.debug = debug = bank self.last_address = self.address + self.size self.y, self.x, self.func = None, None, None # Signpost should probably not be in the globals #script_parse_table[self.address : self.last_address] = self self.remotes = [] self.params = [] self.dependencies = None self.parse() def parse(self): """parse just one signpost""" address = self.address bank = self.last_address = self.address + self.size bytes = rom_interval(self.address, self.size) #, signpost_byte_size) self.y = int(bytes[0], 16) self.x = int(bytes[1], 16) self.func = int(bytes[2], 16) y, x, func = self.y, self.x, self.func # y self.params.append(DecimalParam(address=address,, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug)) # x self.params.append(DecimalParam(address=address+1,, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug)) # func self.params.append(HexByte(address=address+2,, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug)) output = "******* parsing signpost "+str(" at: " output += "x="+str(x)+" y="+str(y)+" on map_group=" output += str(self.map_group)+" map_id="+str(self.map_id) if func in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]: # signpost's script pointer points to a script script_ptr_byte1 = int(bytes[3], 16) script_ptr_byte2 = int(bytes[4], 16) script_pointer = script_ptr_byte1 + (script_ptr_byte2 << 8) script_address = calculate_pointer(script_pointer, bank) output += " script@"+hex(script_address) print output param = ScriptPointerLabelParam(address=self.address+3, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug, force=False) self.params.append(param) param = script_parse_table[param.parsed_address] param.label = Label(address=param.address, object=param, name="Map"+map_names[self.map_group][self.map_id]["label"]+"Signpost"+str("Script") #self.script_address = script_address #self.script = script elif func in [5, 6]: # signpost's script pointer points to [Bit-Nr. (2byte)][2byte pointer to script] ptr_byte1 = int(bytes[3], 16) ptr_byte2 = int(bytes[4], 16) pointer = ptr_byte1 + (ptr_byte2 << 8) address = calculate_pointer(pointer, bank) bit_table_byte1 = ord(rom[address]) bit_table_byte2 = ord(rom[address+1]) script_ptr_byte1 = ord(rom[address+2]) script_ptr_byte2 = ord(rom[address+3]) script_address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(address+2, bank=bank) output += " remote_chunk@"+hex(address)+" remote_script@"+hex(script_address) print output r1 = SignpostRemoteScriptChunk(address, signpost=self, \, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, \ debug=self.debug) self.remotes.append(r1) # give a better label to the SignpostRemoteScriptChunk r1.label = Label(address=r1.address, object=r1, name="Map"+map_names[self.map_group][self.map_id]["label"]+"SignpostPtr"+str( mb = PointerLabelParam(address=self.address+3, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug) self.params.append(mb) # update the remote script address param = script_parse_table[script_address] param.label = Label(address=param.address, object=param, name="Map"+map_names[self.map_group][self.map_id]["label"]+"Signpost"+str("Script") elif func == 7: # signpost's script pointer points to [Bit-Nr. (2byte)][Item no.] ptr_byte1 = int(bytes[3], 16) ptr_byte2 = int(bytes[4], 16) pointer = ptr_byte1 + (ptr_byte2 << 8) address = calculate_pointer(pointer, bank) item_id = ord(rom[address+2]) output += " item_id="+str(item_id) print output r1 = SignpostRemoteItemChunk(address, signpost=self, \, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, \ debug=self.debug) self.remotes.append(r1) r1.label = Label(address=r1.address, object=r1, name="Map"+map_names[self.map_group][self.map_id]["label"]+"SignpostItem"+str( mb = PointerLabelParam(address=self.address+3, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug) self.params.append(mb) #bit_table_byte1 = ord(rom[address]) #bit_table_byte2 = ord(rom[address+1]) #self.bit_table_bytes = [bit_table_byte1, bit_table_byte2] #self.item_id = item_id elif func == 8: # signpost's script pointer points to [Bit-Nr. (2byte)][??] ptr_byte1 = int(bytes[3], 16) ptr_byte2 = int(bytes[4], 16) pointer = ptr_byte1 + (ptr_byte2 << 8) address = calculate_pointer(pointer, bank) output += " remote unknown chunk at="+hex(address) print output r1 = SignpostRemoteUnknownChunk(address, signpost=self, \, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, \ debug=self.debug) self.remotes.append(r1) mb = PointerLabelParam(address=self.address+3, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug) self.params.append(mb) else: raise Exception("unknown signpost type byte="+hex(func) + " signpost@"+hex(self.address)) def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): dependencies = [] if self.dependencies != None and not recompute: global_dependencies.update(self.dependencies) return self.dependencies for p in self.params: dependencies.extend(p.get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies)) self.dependencies = dependencies return dependencies def to_asm(self): output = self.macro_name + " " if self.params == []: raise Exception("signpost has no params?") output += ", ".join([p.to_asm() for p in self.params]) return output all_signposts = [] def parse_signposts(address, signpost_count, bank=None, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True): if bank == None: raise Exception("signposts need to know their bank") signposts = [] current_address = address id = 0 for each in range(signpost_count): signpost = Signpost(current_address, id, bank=bank, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) current_address += signpost_byte_size # i think ?? signposts.append(signpost) id += 1 all_signposts.extend(signposts) return signposts def old_parse_signpost_bytes(some_bytes, bank=None, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True): assert len(some_bytes) % signpost_byte_size == 0, "wrong number of bytes" signposts = [] for bytes in grouper(some_bytes, count=signpost_byte_size): y = int(bytes[0], 16) x = int(bytes[1], 16) func = int(bytes[2], 16) additional = {} if func in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]: print "******* parsing signpost script.. signpost is at: x=" + str(x) + " y=" + str(y) script_ptr_byte1 = int(bytes[3], 16) script_ptr_byte2 = int(bytes[4], 16) script_pointer = script_ptr_byte1 + (script_ptr_byte2 << 8) script_address = None script = None script_address = calculate_pointer(script_pointer, bank) script = parse_script_engine_script_at(script_address, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id) additional = { "script_ptr": script_pointer, "script_pointer": {"1": script_ptr_byte1, "2": script_ptr_byte2}, "script_address": script_address, "script": script, } elif func in [5, 6]: print "******* parsing signpost script.. signpost is at: x=" + str(x) + " y=" + str(y) ptr_byte1 = int(bytes[3], 16) ptr_byte2 = int(bytes[4], 16) pointer = ptr_byte1 + (ptr_byte2 << 8) address = calculate_pointer(pointer, bank) bit_table_byte1 = ord(rom[address]) bit_table_byte2 = ord(rom[address+1]) script_ptr_byte1 = ord(rom[address+2]) script_ptr_byte2 = ord(rom[address+3]) script_address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(address+2, bank=bank) script = parse_script_engine_script_at(script_address, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id) additional = { "bit_table_bytes": {"1": bit_table_byte1, "2": bit_table_byte2}, "script_ptr": script_ptr_byte1 + (script_ptr_byte2 << 8), "script_pointer": {"1": script_ptr_byte1, "2": script_ptr_byte2}, "script_address": script_address, "script": script, } else: print ".. type 7 or 8 signpost not parsed yet." spost = { "y": y, "x": x, "func": func, } spost.update(additional) signposts.append(spost) return signposts class MapHeader: base_label = "MapHeader_" def __init__(self, address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True, label=None, bank=0x25): print "creating a MapHeader at "+hex(address)+" map_group="+str(map_group)+" map_id="+str(map_id) self.address = address self.map_group = map_group self.map_id = map_id = bank self.debug = debug self.dependencies = None label = self.make_label() self.label = Label(name=label, address=address, object=self) self.last_address = address + 9 script_parse_table[address : self.last_address] = self self.parse() def make_label(self): return map_names[self.map_group][self.map_id]["label"] + "_MapHeader" def parse(self): address = self.address print "parsing a MapHeader at " + hex(address) = HexByte(address=address) self.tileset = HexByte(address=address+1) self.permission = DecimalParam(address=address+2) self.second_map_header_address = calculate_pointer(ord(rom[address+3])+(ord(rom[address+4])<<8), # TODO: is the bank really supposed to be 0x25 all the time ?? self.second_map_header = SecondMapHeader(self.second_map_header_address, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug) all_second_map_headers.append(self.second_map_header) self.location_on_world_map = HexByte(address=address+5) = HexByte(address=address+6) self.time_of_day = DecimalParam(address=address+7) self.fishing_group = DecimalParam(address=address+8) def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): if self.dependencies != None and not recompute: global_dependencies.update(self.dependencies) return self.dependencies dependencies = [self.second_map_header] global_dependencies.add(self.second_map_header) dependencies.append(self.second_map_header.get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies)) self.dependencies = dependencies return dependencies def to_asm(self): output = "; bank, tileset, permission\n" output += "db " + ", ".join(["BANK(" + + ")", self.tileset.to_asm(), self.permission.to_asm()]) output += "\n\n; second map header\n" output += "dw " + PointerLabelParam(address=self.address+3).to_asm() # TODO: should we include ?? output += "\n\n; location on world map, music, time of day, fishing group\n" output += "db " + ", ".join([self.location_on_world_map.to_asm(),, self.time_of_day.to_asm(), self.fishing_group.to_asm()]) return output all_map_headers = [] def parse_map_header_at(address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True): """parses an arbitrary map header at some address""" print "parsing a map header at: " + hex(address) map_header = MapHeader(address, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) all_map_headers.append(map_header) return map_header def old_parse_map_header_at(address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True): """parses an arbitrary map header at some address""" print "parsing a map header at: " + hex(address) bytes = rom_interval(address, map_header_byte_size, strings=False, debug=debug) bank = bytes[0] tileset = bytes[1] permission = bytes[2] second_map_header_address = calculate_pointer(bytes[3] + (bytes[4] << 8), 0x25) location_on_world_map = bytes[5] # pokegear world map location music = bytes[6] time_of_day = bytes[7] fishing_group = bytes[8] map_header = { "bank": bank, "tileset": tileset, "permission": permission, # map type? "second_map_header_pointer": {"1": bytes[3], "2": bytes[4]}, "second_map_header_address": second_map_header_address, "location_on_world_map": location_on_world_map, # area "music": music, "time_of_day": time_of_day, "fishing": fishing_group, } print "second map header address is: " + hex(second_map_header_address) map_header["second_map_header"] = old_parse_second_map_header_at(second_map_header_address, debug=debug) event_header_address = map_header["second_map_header"]["event_address"] script_header_address = map_header["second_map_header"]["script_address"] # maybe event_header and script_header should be put under map_header["second_map_header"] map_header["event_header"] = old_parse_map_event_header_at(event_header_address, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) map_header["script_header"] = old_parse_map_script_header_at(script_header_address, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) return map_header def get_direction(connection_byte, connection_id): """ Given a connection byte and a connection id, which direction is this connection? example: The 0th connection of $5 is SOUTH and the 1st connection is EAST. """ connection_options = [0b1000, 0b0100, 0b0010, 0b0001] results = ["NORTH", "SOUTH", "WEST", "EAST"] for option in connection_options: if (option & connection_byte) == 0: results[connection_options.index(option)] = "" # prune results while "" in results: results.remove("") return results[connection_id] class SecondMapHeader: base_label = "SecondMapHeader_" def __init__(self, address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True, bank=None, label=None): print "creating a SecondMapHeader at " + hex(address) self.address = address self.map_group = map_group self.map_id = map_id self.debug = debug = bank self.dependencies = None label = self.make_label() self.label = Label(name=label, address=address, object=self) # the minimum number of bytes is 12 self.last_address = address+12 self.size = 12 script_parse_table[address : self.last_address] = self self.parse() def make_label(self): return map_names[self.map_group][self.map_id]["label"] + "_SecondMapHeader" def parse(self): address = self.address bytes = rom_interval(address, second_map_header_byte_size, strings=False) size = second_map_header_byte_size # for later self.connections = [] self.border_block = HexByte(address=address) self.height = DecimalParam(address=address+1) self.width = DecimalParam(address=address+2) # bank appears first ###self.blockdata_address = PointerLabelBeforeBank(address+3) self.blockdata_address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(address+3, bank=True) xyz = script_parse_table[self.blockdata_address] if xyz == None: self.blockdata = MapBlockData(self.blockdata_address, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug, width=self.width, height=self.height) else: self.blockdata = xyz # bank appears first ###self.script_address = PointerLabelBeforeBank(address+6) self.script_header_address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(address+6, bank=True) self.script_header = MapScriptHeader(self.script_header_address, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug) all_map_script_headers.append(self.script_header) self.event_bank = ord(rom[address+6]) self.event_header_address = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(address+9, bank=ord(rom[address+6])) self.event_header = MapEventHeader(self.event_header_address, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug) self.connection_byte = DecimalParam(address=address+11) all_map_event_headers.append(self.event_header) self.size = size if self.connection_byte == 0: return True current_address = address+12 # short alias cb = self.connection_byte.byte # east = 1, west = 2, south = 4, north = 8 (or'd together) east = ((cb & 0x1) != 0) west = ((cb & 0x2) != 0) south = ((cb & 0x4) != 0) north = ((cb & 0x8) != 0) directions = [east, west, south, north] connection_count = directions.count(True) for connection in range(0, connection_count): direction = get_direction(self.connection_byte.byte, connection) connection = Connection(current_address, direction=direction, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug, smh=self) self.connections.append(connection) # 12 bytes each? current_address += connection.size self.last_address = current_address return True def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): if self.dependencies != None and not recompute: global_dependencies.update(self.dependencies) return self.dependencies dependencies = [self.script_header, self.event_header, self.blockdata] global_dependencies.update(dependencies) dependencies.append(self.script_header.get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies)) dependencies.append(self.event_header.get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies)) self.dependencies = dependencies return dependencies def to_asm(self): self_constant_label = get_map_constant_label(map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id) output = "; border block\n" output += "db " + self.border_block.to_asm() + "\n\n" output += "; height, width\n" output += "db " + self_constant_label + "_HEIGHT, " + self_constant_label + "_WIDTH\n\n" output += "; blockdata (bank-then-pointer)\n" thing = ScriptPointerLabelBeforeBank(address=self.address+3, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug).to_asm() output += "dbw " + thing.split(", ")[0] + ", "+thing.split(", ")[1] + "\n\n" output += "; script header (bank-then-pointer)\n" thing = ScriptPointerLabelBeforeBank(address=self.address+6, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug).to_asm() output += "dbw " + thing.split(", ")[0] + ", " + thing.split(", ")[1] + "\n\n" output += "; map event header (bank-then-pointer)\n" output += "dw " + PointerLabelParam(address=self.address+9, bank=self.event_bank, map_group=self.map_group, map_id=self.map_id, debug=self.debug).to_asm() + "\n\n" output += "; connections\n" dir_results = [] connection_options = [0b1000, 0b0100, 0b0010, 0b0001] dirs = ["NORTH", "SOUTH", "WEST", "EAST"] for (id, each) in enumerate(dirs): if ((connection_options[id] & self.connection_byte.byte) != 0): dir_results.append(each) output += "db " + " | ".join(dir_results) if len(dir_results) == 0: output += "0" if self.connection_byte.byte == 0 or len(dir_results) == 0: return output else: output += "\n\n" connections = "\n\n".join([connection.to_asm() for connection in self.connections]) output += connections return output strip_pointer_data = [] strip_destination_data = [] connections = [] wrong_norths = [] wrong_easts = [] wrong_souths = [] wrong_wests = [] class Connection: size = 12 def __init__(self, address, direction=None, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True, smh=None): self.address = address self.direction = direction.lower() self.map_group = map_group self.map_id = map_id self.debug = debug self.smh = smh self.last_address = address + self.size connections.append(self) self.parse() def parse(self): current_address = self.address is_vertical = ((self.direction == "north") or (self.direction == "south")) is_horizontal = ((self.direction == "east") or (self.direction == "west")) connected_map_group_id = ord(rom[current_address]) self.connected_map_group_id = connected_map_group_id current_address += 1 connected_map_id = ord(rom[current_address]) self.connected_map_id = connected_map_id current_address += 1 # window (use JohtoMap's calculation, not this) # up: C701h + height_of_connected_map * (width_of_connected_map + 6) # left: C706h + 2 * width_of_connected_map # down/right: C707h + width_of_connected_map # # 2 bytes (flipped) - X position of starting point for intermediate # tiles (scrolls through connected map line-by-line. this way you can # change Y position also) # # According to JohtoMap, the calculation for tile data pointer is: # int p = otherMap.tileDataLocation; # int h = (otherMap.width - otherMap.height) # if (h > 0) # p += (h * otherMap.height) + (otherMap.height * 3) + (otherMap.height + 3) # else # p += (otherMap.height * otherMap.width) - (otherMap.width * 3); # c.tileDataPointer = gb.Get2BytePointer(p); # # tauwasser calls this "connection strip pointer" tile_data_pointer = ord(rom[current_address]) + (ord(rom[current_address+1]) << 8) strip_pointer = tile_data_pointer self.strip_pointer = tile_data_pointer current_address += 2 # 10:19 <comet> memoryotherpointer is <comet> what johtomap calls OMDL (in ram where the tiles start getting pulled from the other map) memory_other_pointer = ord(rom[current_address]) + (ord(rom[current_address+1]) << 8) # 10:42 <comet> it would be a good idea to rename otherpointer strippointer or striploc # 10:42 <comet> since thats more accurate # 11:05 <comet> Above: C803h + xoffset # 11:05 <comet> Below: C803h + (m.height + 3) * (m.width + 6) + xoffset # 11:05 <comet> Left: C800h + (m.width + 6) * (yoffset + 3) # 11:05 <comet> Right: C7FDh + (m.width + 6) * (yoffset + 4) # # tauwasser calls this "connection strip destination" and lin calls this "memoryOtherPointer" # Points to the upper left block of the connection strip # (The bank the Blockdata is in, is loaded out of the Mapheader of the connected Map.) # The connection strip is always 3 Blocks high resp. wide # (depending on the connection's direction) strip_destination = memory_other_pointer self.strip_destination = memory_other_pointer current_address += 2 # length of the connection strip in blocks connection_strip_length = ord(rom[current_address]) current_address += 1 connected_map_width = ord(rom[current_address]) current_address += 1 self.connection_strip_length = connection_strip_length self.connected_map_width = connected_map_width y_position_after_map_change = ord(rom[current_address]) yoffset = y_position_after_map_change current_address += 1 x_position_after_map_change = ord(rom[current_address]) xoffset = x_position_after_map_change current_address += 1 # in pokered these were called alignments? same thing? self.yoffset = y_position_after_map_change self.xoffset = x_position_after_map_change # tauwasser calls this "window" and lin calls this "memoryCurrentPointer" # Position of the upper left block after entering the Map # # tauwasser's formula for windows: # Above: C701h + Height_of_connected_map * (Width_of_connected_map + 6) # Left: C706h + 2 * Width_of_connected_map # Below/Right: C707h + Width_of_connected_map window = ord(rom[current_address]) + (ord(rom[current_address+1]) << 8) current_address += 2 self.window = window current_map_height = self.smh.height.byte current_map_width = self.smh.width.byte if "header_new" in map_names[connected_map_group_id][connected_map_id].keys(): # the below code ensures that there's an equation to handle strip_pointer ldirection = self.direction.lower() connected_map_header = map_names[connected_map_group_id][connected_map_id]["header_new"] connected_second_map_header = connected_map_header.second_map_header connected_map_height = connected_second_map_header.height.byte connected_map_width = connected_second_map_header.width.byte p = connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address h = None method = "default" if ldirection == "north": h = connected_map_width - self.smh.width.byte if ((p + ((connected_map_height * connected_map_width) - (connected_map_width * 3)))%0x4000)+0x4000 == strip_pointer: # lin's equation: # p += (otherMap.height * otherMap.width) - (otherMap.width * 3) p += (connected_map_height * connected_map_width) - (connected_map_width * 3) method = "north1" elif ((p + connected_map_width + xoffset + (16 * connected_map_height) - 16)%0x4000)+0x4000 == strip_pointer: p += connected_map_width + xoffset + (16 * connected_map_height) - 16 method = "north2" elif p != strip_pointer: # worst case scenario: we don't know how to calculate p, so we'll just set it as a constant # example: Route10North north to Route9 (strip_pointer=0x7eae, connected map's blockdata=0x7de9) p = strip_pointer method = "north3" else: # this doesn't seem to ever happen # or just do nothing (value is already ok) method = "north4" elif ldirection == "west": h = connected_map_height - self.smh.height.byte if ((p + (h * connected_map_width) - (connected_map_width * 3) + (connected_map_width - 1) - 2)%0x4000)+0x4000 == strip_pointer: # lin's method: # p += (h * otherMap.width) - (otherMap.width * 3) + (otherMap.width - 3) p += (h * connected_map_width) - (connected_map_width * 3) + (connected_map_width - 1) - 2 method = "west1" elif ((p + connected_map_width - 3)%0x4000)+0x4000 == strip_pointer: print "west h <= 0" # lin's method: # p += otherMap.width - 3 p += connected_map_width - 3 method = "west2" elif ((p + xoffset + (current_map_height * 2))%0x4000 + 0x4000) == strip_pointer: method = "west3" p += xoffset + (current_map_height * 2) elif (p%0x4000)+0x4000 != strip_pointer: # worst case scenario: dunno what to do method = "west4" p = strip_pointer else: # this doesn't seem to ever happen # do nothing method = "west5" elif ldirection == "south": print "south.. dunno what to do?" if (p%0x4000)+0x4000 == strip_pointer: # do nothing method = "south1" elif ((p + (xoffset - connection_strip_length + self.smh.width.byte) / 2)%0x4000)+0x4000 == strip_pointer: # comet's method method = "south2" p += (xoffset - connection_strip_length + self.smh.width.byte) / 2 elif ((p + ((xoffset - connection_strip_length + self.smh.width.byte) / 2) - 1)%0x4000)+0x4000 == strip_pointer: method = "south3" p += ((xoffset - connection_strip_length + self.smh.width.byte) / 2) - 1 elif ldirection == "east": if (p%0x4000)+0x4000 == strip_pointer: # do nothing method = "east1" elif ((p + (connected_map_height - connection_strip_length) * connected_map_width)%0x4000)+0x4000 == strip_pointer: p += (connected_map_height - connection_strip_length) * connected_map_width method = "east2" elif ((p + 100 - 4 * connected_map_width)%0x4000) + 0x4000 == strip_pointer: method = "east3" p += 100 - 4 * connected_map_width elif ((p + 2 * (100 - 4 * connected_map_width))%0x4000) + 0x4000 == strip_pointer: method = "east4" # the "2" is possibly ( connected_map_height / current_map_height ) # or current_map_width/yoffset or connected_map_width/yoffset p += 2 * (100 - 4 * connected_map_width) # convert the address to a 2-byte pointer intermediate_p = p p = (p % 0x4000) + 0x4000 data = { "strip_pointer": strip_pointer, "strip_length": connection_strip_length, "other_blockdata_address": connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address, "other_blockdata_pointer": (connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address%0x4000)+0x4000, "xoffset": xoffset, "yoffset": yoffset, "connected_map_height": connected_map_height, "connected_map_width": connected_map_width, "connected_map_group_id": connected_map_group_id, "connected_map_id": connected_map_id, "connected_map_label": map_names[connected_map_group_id][connected_map_id]["label"], "current_map_width": self.smh.width.byte, "current_map_height": self.smh.height.byte, "current_map_label": map_names[self.smh.map_group][self.smh.map_id]["label"], "current_map_group_id": self.smh.map_group, "current_map_id": self.smh.map_id, "difference": strip_pointer - ((connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address%0x4000)+0x4000), "direction": ldirection, "method": method, } strip_pointer_data.append(data) if p != strip_pointer: print "method: " + method + " direction: " + ldirection print "other map blockdata address: " + hex(connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address) print "h = " + str(h) print "initial p = " + hex(connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address) print "intermediate p = " + hex(intermediate_p) print "final p = " + hex(p) print "connection length = " + str(connection_strip_length) print "strip_pointer = " + hex(strip_pointer) print "other map height = " + str(connected_map_height) print "other map width = " + str(connected_map_width) o = "other map group_id="+hex(connected_map_group_id) + " map_id="+hex(connected_map_id)+" "+map_names[connected_map_group_id][connected_map_id]["label"] + " smh="+hex(connected_second_map_header.address) o += " width="+str(connected_second_map_header.width.byte)+" height="+str(connected_second_map_header.height.byte) print o o = "current map group_id="+hex(self.map_group)+" map_id="+hex(self.map_id)+" "+map_names[self.map_group][self.map_id]["label"]+" smh="+hex(self.smh.address) o += " width="+str(self.smh.width.byte)+" height="+str(self.smh.height.byte) print o if ldirection == "east": wrong_easts.append(data) elif ldirection == "west": wrong_wests.append(data) elif ldirection == "south": wrong_souths.append(data) elif ldirection == "north": wrong_norths.append(data) # this will only happen if there's a bad formula raise Exception("tauwasser strip_pointer calculation was wrong? strip_pointer="+hex(strip_pointer) + " p="+hex(p)) calculated_destination = None method = "strip_destination_default" x_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks = None y_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks = None # the below code makes sure there's an equation to calculate strip_destination # 11:05 <comet> Above: C803h + xoffset # 11:05 <comet> Below: C803h + (m.height + 3) * (m.width + 6) + xoffset # 11:05 <comet> Left: C800h + (m.width + 6) * (yoffset + 3) # 11:05 <comet> Right: C7FDh + (m.width + 6) * (yoffset + 4) # # tauwasser calls this "connection strip destination" and lin calls this "memoryOtherPointer" # Points to the upper left block of the connection strip # (The bank the Blockdata is in, is loaded out of the Mapheader of the connected Map.) # The connection strip is always 3 Blocks high resp. wide # (depending on the connection's direction) if ldirection == "north": x_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks = strip_destination - 0xC703 print "(north) x_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks is: " + str(x_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks) if x_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks < 0: raise Exception("x_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks is wrong? " + str(x_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks)) elif ldirection == "south": # strip_destination = # 0xc703 + (current_map_height + 3) * (current_map_width + 6) + x_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks x_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks = strip_destination - (0xc703 + (current_map_height + 3) * (current_map_width + 6)) print "(south) x_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks is: " + str(x_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks) elif ldirection == "east": # strip_destination = # 0xc700 + (current_map_width + 6) * (y_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks + 3) y_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks = (strip_destination - 0xc700) / (current_map_width + 6) - 3 print "(east) y_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks is: " + str(y_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks) elif ldirection == "west": # strip_destination = # 0xc6fd + (current_map_width + 6) * (y_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks + 4) y_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks = (strip_destination - 0xc6fd) / (current_map_width + 6) - 4 print "(west) y_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks is: " + str(y_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks) # let's also check the window equations # tauwasser calls this "window" and lin calls this "memoryCurrentPointer" # Position of the upper left block after entering the Map # # tauwasser's formula for windows: # Above: C701h + Height_of_connected_map * (Width_of_connected_map + 6) # Left: C706h + 2 * Width_of_connected_map # Below/Right: C707h + Width_of_connected_map window_worked = False if ldirection == "north": # tauwasser's formula: 0xc701 + connected_map_height * (connected_map_width + 6) window_start = 0xc801 if window == window_start + (connected_map_height * 6) + (connected_map_height * connected_map_width): window_worked = True elif ldirection == "east": window_start = 0xc807 if window == (window_start + connected_map_width): window_worked = True elif ldirection == "south": window_start = 0xc807 if window == (window_start + connected_map_width): window_worked = True elif ldirection == "west": window_start = 0xc807 if window == (window_start + xoffset): window_worked = True data = { "window": window, "window_start": window_start, "window_diff": window - window_start, "window_worked": window_worked, "strip_destination": strip_destination, "strip_length": connection_strip_length, "other_blockdata_address": connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address, "other_blockdata_pointer": (connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address%0x4000)+0x4000, "xoffset": xoffset, "yoffset": yoffset, "connected_map_height": connected_map_height, "connected_map_width": connected_map_width, "connected_map_group_id": connected_map_group_id, "connected_map_id": connected_map_id, "connected_map_label": map_names[connected_map_group_id][connected_map_id]["label"], "current_map_width": self.smh.width.byte, "current_map_height": self.smh.height.byte, "current_map_label": map_names[self.smh.map_group][self.smh.map_id]["label"], "current_map_group_id": self.smh.map_group, "current_map_id": self.smh.map_id, "y_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks": y_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks, "x_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks": x_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks, "direction": ldirection, "method": method, } strip_destination_data.append(data) def to_asm(self): output = "" ldirection = self.direction.lower() connected_map_group_id = self.connected_map_group_id connected_map_id = self.connected_map_id connected_map_header = map_names[connected_map_group_id][connected_map_id]["header_new"] connected_second_map_header = connected_map_header.second_map_header connected_map_height = connected_second_map_header.height.byte connected_map_width = connected_second_map_header.width.byte connection_strip_length = self.connection_strip_length connected_map_width = self.connected_map_width current_map_height = self.smh.height.byte current_map_width = self.smh.width.byte map_constant_label = get_map_constant_label(map_group=connected_map_group_id, map_id=connected_map_id) self_constant_label = get_map_constant_label(map_group=self.smh.map_group, map_id=self.smh.map_id) if map_constant_label != None: map_group_label = "GROUP_" + map_constant_label map_label = "MAP_" + map_constant_label else: map_group_label = str(connected_map_group_id) map_label = str(connected_map_id) output += "; " + self.direction.upper() + " to " \ + map_names[connected_map_group_id][connected_map_id]["name"] \ + "\n" output += "db %s, %s ; connected map (group, id)\n" % (map_group_label, map_label) yoffset = self.yoffset xoffset = self.xoffset # According to JohtoMap, the calculation for tile data pointer is: # int p = otherMap.tileDataLocation; # int h = (otherMap.width - otherMap.height) # if (h > 0) # p += (h * otherMap.height) + (otherMap.height * 3) + (otherMap.height + 3) # else # p += (otherMap.height * otherMap.width) - (otherMap.width * 3); # c.tileDataPointer = gb.Get2BytePointer(p); strip_pointer = self.strip_pointer p = connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address output += "dw " if ldirection == "north": h = connected_map_width - self.smh.width.byte if ((p + ((connected_map_height * connected_map_width) - (connected_map_width * 3)))%0x4000)+0x4000 == strip_pointer: # lin's equation: # p += (otherMap.height * otherMap.width) - (otherMap.width * 3) p += (connected_map_height * connected_map_width) - (connected_map_width * 3) method = "north1" output += "(" + get_label_for(connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address) + " + (" + map_constant_label + "_HEIGHT * " + map_constant_label + "_WIDTH) - (" + map_constant_label + "_WIDTH * 3))" elif ((p + connected_map_width + xoffset + (16 * connected_map_height) - 16)%0x4000)+0x4000 == strip_pointer: p += connected_map_width + xoffset + (16 * connected_map_height) - 16 method = "north2" output += "(" + get_label_for(connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address) + " + " + map_constant_label + "_WIDTH + " + str(xoffset) + " + (16 * " + map_constant_label + "_HEIGHT) - 16)" elif p != strip_pointer: # worst case scenario: we don't know how to calculate p, so we'll just set it as a constant # example: Route10North north to Route9 (strip_pointer=0x7eae, connected map's blockdata=0x7de9) p = strip_pointer method = "north3" output += "$%.2x" % (p) else: # this doesn't seem to ever happen # or just do nothing (value is already ok) method = "north4" output += "(" + get_label_for(connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address) + ")" elif ldirection == "west": h = connected_map_height - self.smh.height.byte h_out = "(" + map_constant_label +"_HEIGHT - " + self_constant_label +"_HEIGHT)" if ((p + (h * connected_map_width) - (connected_map_width * 3) + (connected_map_width - 1) - 2)%0x4000)+0x4000 == strip_pointer: # lin's method: # p += (h * otherMap.width) - (otherMap.width * 3) + (otherMap.width - 3) p += (h * connected_map_width) - (connected_map_width * 3) + (connected_map_width - 1) - 2 method = "west1" this_part = "((" + h_out + " * " + map_constant_label + "_WIDTH) - (" + map_constant_label + "_WIDTH * 3) + (" + map_constant_label + "_WIDTH - 1) - 2)" output += "(" + get_label_for(connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address) + " + " + this_part + ")" elif ((p + connected_map_width - 3)%0x4000)+0x4000 == strip_pointer: print "west h <= 0" # lin's method: # p += otherMap.width - 3 p += connected_map_width - 3 method = "west2" output += "(" + get_label_for(connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address) + " + " + map_constant_label + "_WIDTH - 3)" elif ((p + xoffset + (current_map_height * 2))%0x4000 + 0x4000) == strip_pointer: method = "west3" p += xoffset + (current_map_height * 2) output += "(" + get_label_for(connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address) + " + " + str(xoffset) + " + (" + map_constant_label + "_HEIGHT * 2))" elif (p%0x4000)+0x4000 != strip_pointer: # worst case scenario: dunno what to do method = "west4" p = strip_pointer output += "$%.2x" % ((p%0x4000)+0x4000) else: # this doesn't seem to ever happen # do nothing method = "west5" output += "(" + get_label_for(connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address) + ")" elif ldirection == "south": if (p%0x4000)+0x4000 == strip_pointer: # do nothing method = "south1" output += "(" + get_label_for(connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address) + ")" elif ((p + (xoffset - connection_strip_length + self.smh.width.byte) / 2)%0x4000)+0x4000 == strip_pointer: # comet's method method = "south2" p += (xoffset - connection_strip_length + self.smh.width.byte) / 2 this_part = "((" + str(xoffset) + " - " + str(connection_strip_length) + " + " + self_constant_label + "_WIDTH) / 2)" output += "(" + get_label_for(connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address) + " + " + this_part + ")" elif ((p + ((xoffset - connection_strip_length + self.smh.width.byte) / 2) - 1)%0x4000)+0x4000 == strip_pointer: method = "south3" p += ((xoffset - connection_strip_length + self.smh.width.byte) / 2) - 1 this_part = "(((" + str(xoffset) + " - " + str(connection_strip_length) + " + " + self_constant_label + "_WIDTH) / 2) - 1)" output += "(" + get_label_for(connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address) + " + " + this_part + ")" elif ldirection == "east": if (p%0x4000)+0x4000 == strip_pointer: # do nothing method = "east1" output += "(" + get_label_for(connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address) + ")" elif ((p + (connected_map_height - connection_strip_length) * connected_map_width)%0x4000)+0x4000 == strip_pointer: p += (connected_map_height - connection_strip_length) * connected_map_width method = "east2" this_part = "((" + map_constant_label + "_HEIGHT - " + str(connection_strip_length) + ") * " + map_constant_label + "_WIDTH)" output += "(" + get_label_for(connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address) + " + " + this_part + ")" elif ((p + 100 - 4 * connected_map_width)%0x4000) + 0x4000 == strip_pointer: method = "east3" p += 100 - 4 * connected_map_width output += "(" + get_label_for(connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address) + " + 100 - (" + map_constant_label + "_WIDTH * 4))" elif ((p + 2 * (100 - 4 * connected_map_width))%0x4000) + 0x4000 == strip_pointer: method = "east4" # the "2" is possibly ( connected_map_height / current_map_height ) # or current_map_width/yoffset or connected_map_width/yoffset p += 2 * (100 - 4 * connected_map_width) output += "(" + get_label_for(connected_second_map_header.blockdata.address) + " + ((100 - (" + map_constant_label + "_WIDTH * 4)) * 2))" output += " ; strip pointer\n" # tauwasser calls this "connection strip destination" and lin calls this "memoryOtherPointer" # Points to the upper left block of the connection strip # (The bank the Blockdata is in, is loaded out of the Mapheader of the connected Map.) # The connection strip is always 3 Blocks high resp. wide # (depending on the connection's direction) strip_destination = self.strip_destination output += "dw " # i am not convinced about these calculations if ldirection == "north": x_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks = strip_destination - 0xC703 xmov = x_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks output += "($C703 + " + str(xmov) + ")" elif ldirection == "south": # strip_destination = # 0xc703 + (current_map_height + 3) * (current_map_width + 6) + x_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks x_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks = strip_destination - (0xc703 + (current_map_height + 3) * (current_map_width + 6)) xmov = x_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks #output += "($C703 + (((" + self_constant_label + "_HEIGHT + 3) * (" + self_constant_label + "_WIDTH + 6)) + " + str(xmov) + "))" # xmov = strip_destination - (0xc703 + (current_map_height + 3) * (current_map_width + 6)) #difference = 0xC715 + xmov + 6*current_map_height + 3*current_map_width + current_map_width*current_map_height #difference = 50965 + ymov + 6*current_map_height + 3*current_map_width + current_map_width*current_map_height output += "($C703 + " + str(xmov) + " + ((" + self_constant_label + "_HEIGHT + 3) * (" + self_constant_label + "_WIDTH + 6)))" elif ldirection == "east": # strip_destination = # 0xc700 + (current_map_width + 6) * (y_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks + 3) y_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks = (strip_destination - 0xc700) / (current_map_width + 6) - 3 ymov = y_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks #output += "($C700 + ((" + self_constant_label + "_WIDTH + 6) * (" + str(ymov) + " + 3)) + "+str(ymov)+")" output += "$%.2x" % (strip_destination) elif ldirection == "west": # strip_destination = # 0xc6fd + (current_map_width + 6) * (y_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks + 4) y_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks = (strip_destination - 0xc700) / (current_map_width + 6) - 3 ymov = y_movement_of_the_connection_strip_in_blocks #output += "($C700 + ((" + self_constant_label + "_WIDTH + 6) * (" + str(ymov) + " + 4)) - 4)" output += "$%.2x" % (strip_destination) output += " ; strip destination\n" output += "db " + str(connection_strip_length,) + ", " + map_constant_label + "_WIDTH ; (connection strip length, connected map width)\n" #if ldirection in ["east", "west"]: # Y_movement_of_connection_strip_in_blocks = #elif direction in ["north", "south"]: # X_movement_of_connection_strip_in_blocks = # Above: (Height_of_connected_map * 2) - 1 # Below: 0 # Left/Right: (Y_movement_of_connection_strip_in_blocks * -2) yoffset = self.yoffset # y_position_after_map_change if ldirection == "south" and yoffset != 0: raise Exception("tauwasser was wrong about yoffset=0 for south? it's: " + str(yoffset)) elif ldirection == "north" and yoffset != ((connected_map_height * 2) - 1): raise Exception("tauwasser was wrong about yoffset for north? it's: " + str(yoffset)) #elif not ((yoffset % -2) == 0): # raise Exception("tauwasser was wrong about yoffset for west/east? it's not divisible by -2: " + str(yoffset)) # Left: (Width_of_connected_map * 2) - 1 # Right: 0 # Above/Below: (X_movement_of_connection_strip_in_blocks * -2) xoffset = self.xoffset # x_position_after_map_change if ldirection == "east" and xoffset != 0: raise Exception("tauwasser was wrong about xoffset=0 for east? it's: " + str(xoffset)) elif ldirection == "west" and xoffset != ((connected_map_width * 2) - 1): raise Exception("tauwasser was wrong about xoffset for west? it's: " + str(xoffset)) #elif not ((xoffset % -2) == 0): # raise Exception("tauwasser was wrong about xoffset for north/south? it's not divisible by -2: " + str(xoffset)) output += "db " if ldirection == "south": output += "0" elif ldirection == "north": output += "((" + map_constant_label + "_HEIGHT * 2) - 1)" else: output += str(yoffset) output += ", " if ldirection == "east": output += "0" elif ldirection == "west": output += "((" + map_constant_label + "_WIDTH * 2) - 1)" else: output += str(xoffset) output += " ; yoffset, xoffset\n" window = self.window output += "dw " # let's also check the window equations # tauwasser calls this "window" and lin calls this "memoryCurrentPointer" # Position of the upper left block after entering the Map # # tauwasser's formula for windows: # Above: C701h + Height_of_connected_map * (Width_of_connected_map + 6) # Left: C706h + 2 * Width_of_connected_map # Below/Right: C707h + Width_of_connected_map window_worked = False if ldirection == "north": # tauwasser's formula: 0xc701 + connected_map_height * (connected_map_width + 6) window_start = 0xc801 if window == window_start + (connected_map_height * 6) + (connected_map_height * connected_map_width): window_worked = True output += "($C801 + ((" + map_constant_label + "_HEIGHT * 6) + (" + map_constant_label + "_HEIGHT * " + map_constant_label + "_WIDTH)))" elif ldirection == "east": window_start = 0xc807 if window == (window_start + connected_map_width): window_worked = True output += "($C807 + " + map_constant_label + "_WIDTH)" elif ldirection == "south": window_start = 0xc807 if window == (window_start + connected_map_width): window_worked = True output += "($C807 + " + map_constant_label + "_WIDTH)" elif ldirection == "west": window_start = 0xc807 if window == (window_start + xoffset): window_worked = True output += "($C807 + " + str(xoffset) + ")" output += " ; window" return output all_second_map_headers = [] def parse_second_map_header_at(address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True): """each map has a second map header""" smh = SecondMapHeader(address, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) all_second_map_headers.append(smh) return smh def old_parse_second_map_header_at(address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True): """each map has a second map header""" bytes = rom_interval(address, second_map_header_byte_size, strings=False) border_block = bytes[0] height = bytes[1] width = bytes[2] blockdata_bank = bytes[3] blockdata_pointer = bytes[4] + (bytes[5] << 8) blockdata_address = calculate_pointer(blockdata_pointer, blockdata_bank) script_bank = bytes[6] script_pointer = bytes[7] + (bytes[8] << 8) script_address = calculate_pointer(script_pointer, script_bank) event_bank = script_bank event_pointer = bytes[9] + (bytes[10] << 8) event_address = calculate_pointer(event_pointer, event_bank) connections = bytes[11] return { "border_block": border_block, "height": height, "width": width, "blockdata_bank": blockdata_bank, "blockdata_pointer": {"1": bytes[4], "2": bytes[5]}, "blockdata_address": blockdata_address, "script_bank": script_bank, "script_pointer": {"1": bytes[7], "2": bytes[8]}, "script_address": script_address, "event_bank": event_bank, "event_pointer": {"1": bytes[9], "2": bytes[10]}, "event_address": event_address, "connections": connections, } class MapBlockData: base_label = "MapBlockData_" maps_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.realpath("."), "../maps")) def __init__(self, address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True, bank=None, label=None, width=None, height=None): self.address = address self.map_group = map_group self.map_id = map_id self.map_name = map_names[map_group][map_id]["label"] self.map_path = os.path.join(self.maps_path, self.map_name + ".blk") self.debug = debug = bank if width and height: self.width = width self.height = height else: raise Exception("MapBlockData needs to know the width/height of its map") label = self.make_label() self.label = Label(name=label, address=address, object=self) self.last_address = self.address + (self.width.byte * self.height.byte) script_parse_table[address : self.last_address] = self self.parse() def make_label(self): return map_names[self.map_group][self.map_id]["label"] + "_BlockData" def save_to_file(self): # check if the file exists already map_path = self.map_path if not os.path.exists(self.maps_path): os.mkdir(self.maps_path) if not os.path.exists(map_path): # dump to file #bytes = rom_interval(self.address, self.width.byte*self.height.byte, strings=True) bytes = rom[self.address : self.address + self.width.byte*self.height.byte] file_handler = open(map_path, "w") file_handler.write(bytes) file_handler.close() def parse(self): self.save_to_file() def to_asm(self): return "INCBIN \"maps/"+self.map_name+".blk\"" class MapEventHeader: base_label = "MapEventHeader_" def __init__(self, address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True, bank=None, label=None): print "making a MapEventHeader at "+hex(address)+" map_group="+str(map_group)+" map_id="+str(map_id) self.address = address self.map_group = map_group self.map_id = map_id self.debug = debug = bank self.dependencies = None label = self.make_label() self.label = Label(name=label, address=address, object=self) self.parse() script_parse_table[address : self.last_address] = self def make_label(self): return map_names[self.map_group][self.map_id]["label"] + "_MapEventHeader" def parse(self): map_group, map_id, debug = self.map_group, self.map_id, self.debug address = self.address bank = calculate_bank(self.address) # or use print "event header address is: " + hex(address) filler1 = ord(rom[address]) filler2 = ord(rom[address+1]) self.fillers = [filler1, filler2] # warps warp_count = ord(rom[address+2]) warp_byte_count = warp_byte_size * warp_count after_warps = address + 3 + warp_byte_count warps = parse_warps(address+3, warp_count, bank=bank, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) self.warp_count = warp_count self.warps = warps # triggers (based on xy location) xy_trigger_count = ord(rom[after_warps]) trigger_byte_count = trigger_byte_size * xy_trigger_count xy_triggers = parse_xy_triggers(after_warps+1, xy_trigger_count, bank=bank, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) after_triggers = after_warps + 1 + trigger_byte_count self.xy_trigger_count = xy_trigger_count self.xy_triggers = xy_triggers # signposts signpost_count = ord(rom[after_triggers]) signpost_byte_count = signpost_byte_size * signpost_count # signposts = rom_interval(after_triggers+1, signpost_byte_count) signposts = parse_signposts(after_triggers+1, signpost_count, bank=bank, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) after_signposts = after_triggers + 1 + signpost_byte_count self.signpost_count = signpost_count self.signposts = signposts # people events people_event_count = ord(rom[after_signposts]) people_event_byte_count = people_event_byte_size * people_event_count # people_events_bytes = rom_interval(after_signposts+1, people_event_byte_count) # people_events = parse_people_event_bytes(people_events_bytes, address=after_signposts+1, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id) people_events = parse_people_events(after_signposts+1, people_event_count, bank=calculate_bank(after_signposts+2), map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) self.people_event_count = people_event_count self.people_events = people_events if people_event_count > 0: self.last_address = people_events[-1].last_address else: self.last_address = after_signposts+1 return True def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): if self.dependencies != None and not recompute: global_dependencies.update(self.dependencies) return self.dependencies bases = [] bases += self.people_events bases += self.signposts bases += self.xy_triggers bases += self.warps dependencies = [] for p in bases: dependencies.extend(p.get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies)) self.dependencies = dependencies return dependencies def to_asm(self): xspacing = "" # was =spacing output = "; filler\n" output += "db %d, %d\n\n" % (self.fillers[0], self.fillers[1]) output += xspacing + "; warps\n" output += xspacing + "db %d"%(self.warp_count) if len(self.warps) > 0: output += "\n" output += "\n".join([xspacing+warp.to_asm() for warp in self.warps]) output += "\n\n" output += xspacing + "; xy triggers\n" output += xspacing + "db %d"%(self.xy_trigger_count) if len(self.xy_triggers) > 0: output += "\n" output += "\n".join([xspacing+xy_trigger.to_asm() for xy_trigger in self.xy_triggers]) output += "\n\n" output += xspacing + "; signposts\n" output += xspacing + "db %d"%(self.signpost_count) if len(self.signposts) > 0: output += "\n" output += "\n".join([xspacing+signpost.to_asm() for signpost in self.signposts]) output += "\n\n" output += xspacing + "; people-events\n" output += xspacing + "db %d"%(self.people_event_count) if len(self.people_events) > 0: output += "\n" for people_event in self.people_events: output += xspacing output += people_event.to_asm() output += "\n" if output[-1] == "\n": output = output[:-1] return output all_map_event_headers = [] def parse_map_event_header_at(address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True, bank=None): """parse crystal map event header byte structure thing""" ev = MapEventHeader(address, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug, bank=bank) all_map_event_headers.append(ev) return ev def old_parse_map_event_header_at(address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True): """parse crystal map event header byte structure thing""" returnable = {} bank = calculate_bank(address) print "event header address is: " + hex(address) filler1 = ord(rom[address]) filler2 = ord(rom[address+1]) returnable.update({"1": filler1, "2": filler2}) # warps warp_count = ord(rom[address+2]) warp_byte_count = warp_byte_size * warp_count warps = rom_interval(address+3, warp_byte_count) after_warps = address + 3 + warp_byte_count returnable.update({"warp_count": warp_count, "warps": old_parse_warp_bytes(warps)}) # triggers (based on xy location) trigger_count = ord(rom[after_warps]) trigger_byte_count = trigger_byte_size * trigger_count triggers = rom_interval(after_warps+1, trigger_byte_count) after_triggers = after_warps + 1 + trigger_byte_count returnable.update({"xy_trigger_count": trigger_count, "xy_triggers": old_parse_xy_trigger_bytes(triggers, bank=bank, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id)}) # signposts signpost_count = ord(rom[after_triggers]) signpost_byte_count = signpost_byte_size * signpost_count signposts = rom_interval(after_triggers+1, signpost_byte_count) after_signposts = after_triggers + 1 + signpost_byte_count returnable.update({"signpost_count": signpost_count, "signposts": old_parse_signpost_bytes(signposts, bank=bank, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id)}) # people events people_event_count = ord(rom[after_signposts]) people_event_byte_count = people_event_byte_size * people_event_count people_events_bytes = rom_interval(after_signposts+1, people_event_byte_count) people_events = old_parse_people_event_bytes(people_events_bytes, address=after_signposts+1, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id) returnable.update({"people_event_count": people_event_count, "people_events": people_events}) return returnable class MapScriptHeader: """parses a script header This structure allows the game to have e.g. one-time only events on a map or first enter events or permanent changes to the map or permanent script calls. This header a combination of a trigger script section and a callback script section. I don't know if these 'trigger scripts' are the same as the others referenced in the map event header, so this might need to be renamed very soon. The scripts in MapEventHeader are called XYTrigger. trigger scripts: [[Number1 of pointers] Number1 * [2byte pointer to script][00][00]] callback scripts: [[Number2 of pointers] Number2 * [hook number][2byte pointer to script]] hook byte choices: 01 - map data has already been loaded to ram, tileset and sprites still missing map change (3rd step) loading (2nd step) map connection (3rd step) after battle (1st step) 02 - map data, tileset and sprites are all loaded map change (5th step) 03 - neither map data not tilesets nor sprites are loaded map change (2nd step) loading (1st step) map connection (2nd step) 04 - map data and tileset loaded, sprites still missing map change (4th step) loading (3rd step) sprite reload (1st step) map connection (4th step) after battle (2nd step) 05 - neither map data not tilesets nor sprites are loaded map change (1st step) map connection (1st step) When certain events occur, the call backs will be called in this order (same info as above): map change: 05, 03, 01, 04, 02 loading: 03, 01, 04 sprite reload: 04 map connection: 05, 03, 01, 04 note that #2 is not called (unlike "map change") after battle: 01, 04 """ base_label = "MapScriptHeader_" def __init__(self, address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True, bank=None, label=None): print "creating a MapScriptHeader at " + hex(address) + " map_group="+str(map_group)+" map_id="+str(map_id) self.address = address self.map_group = map_group self.map_id = map_id self.debug = debug = bank self.dependencies = None label = self.make_label() self.label = Label(name=label, address=address, object=self) self.parse() script_parse_table[address : self.last_address] = self def make_label(self): return map_names[self.map_group][self.map_id]["label"] + "_MapScriptHeader" def parse(self): address = self.address map_group = self.map_group map_id = self.map_id debug = self.debug #[[Number1 of pointers] Number1 * [2byte pointer to script][00][00]] self.trigger_count = ord(rom[address]) self.triggers = [] ptr_line_size = 4 groups = grouper(rom_interval(address+1, self.trigger_count * ptr_line_size, strings=False), count=ptr_line_size) current_address = address+1 for (index, trigger_bytes) in enumerate(groups): print "parsing a map trigger script at "+hex(current_address)+" map_group="+str(map_group)+" map_id="+str(map_id) script = ScriptPointerLabelParam(address=current_address, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) extra_bytes = MultiByteParam(address=current_address+2, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) self.triggers.append([script, extra_bytes]) current_address += ptr_line_size current_address = address + (self.trigger_count * ptr_line_size) + 1 #[[Number2 of pointers] Number2 * [hook number][2byte pointer to script]] callback_ptr_line_size = 3 self.callback_count = DecimalParam(address=current_address) self.callback_count = self.callback_count.byte current_address += 1 self.callbacks = [] for index in range(self.callback_count): print "parsing a callback script at "+hex(current_address)+" map_group="+str(map_group)+" map_id="+str(map_id) hook_byte = HexByte(address=current_address) callback = ScriptPointerLabelParam(address=current_address+1, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) self.callbacks.append({"hook": hook_byte, "callback": callback}) current_address += 3 # i think? self.last_address = current_address print "done parsing a MapScriptHeader map_group="+str(map_group)+" map_id="+str(map_id) return True def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): if self.dependencies != None and not recompute: global_dependencies.update(self.dependencies) return self.dependencies dependencies = [] for p in list(self.triggers): # dependencies.append(p[0]) dependencies.extend(p[0].get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies)) for callback in self.callbacks: dependencies.append(callback["callback"]) global_dependencies.add(callback["callback"]) dependencies.extend(callback["callback"].get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies)) self.dependencies = dependencies return dependencies def to_asm(self): output = "" output += "; trigger count\n" output += "db %d\n"%self.trigger_count if len(self.triggers) > 0: output += "\n; triggers\n" output += "\n".join([str("dw "+p[0].to_asm()+", "+p[1].to_asm()) for p in self.triggers]) output += "\n" output += "\n; callback count\n" output += "db %d"%self.callback_count if len(self.callbacks) > 0: output += "\n\n; callbacks\n\n" output += "\n\n".join(["dbw "+str(p["hook"].byte)+", "+p["callback"].to_asm() for p in self.callbacks]) return output all_map_script_headers = [] def parse_map_script_header_at(address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True): evv = MapScriptHeader(address, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) all_map_script_headers.append(evv) return evv def old_parse_map_script_header_at(address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True): print "starting to parse the map's script header.." #[[Number1 of pointers] Number1 * [2byte pointer to script][00][00]] ptr_line_size = 4 #[2byte pointer to script][00][00] trigger_ptr_cnt = ord(rom[address]) trigger_pointers = grouper(rom_interval(address+1, trigger_ptr_cnt * ptr_line_size, strings=False), count=ptr_line_size) triggers = {} for index, trigger_pointer in enumerate(trigger_pointers): print "parsing a trigger header..." byte1 = trigger_pointer[0] byte2 = trigger_pointer[1] ptr = byte1 + (byte2 << 8) trigger_address = calculate_pointer(ptr, calculate_bank(address)) trigger_script = parse_script_engine_script_at(trigger_address, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id) triggers[index] = { "script": trigger_script, "address": trigger_address, "pointer": {"1": byte1, "2": byte2}, } # bump ahead in the byte stream address += trigger_ptr_cnt * ptr_line_size + 1 #[[Number2 of pointers] Number2 * [hook number][2byte pointer to script]] callback_ptr_line_size = 3 callback_ptr_cnt = ord(rom[address]) callback_ptrs = grouper(rom_interval(address+1, callback_ptr_cnt * callback_ptr_line_size, strings=False), count=callback_ptr_line_size) callback_pointers = {} callbacks = {} for index, callback_line in enumerate(callback_ptrs): print "parsing a callback header..." hook_byte = callback_line[0] # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 callback_byte1 = callback_line[1] callback_byte2 = callback_line[2] callback_ptr = callback_byte1 + (callback_byte2 << 8) callback_address = calculate_pointer(callback_ptr, calculate_bank(address)) callback_script = parse_script_engine_script_at(callback_address) callback_pointers[len(callback_pointers.keys())] = [hook_byte, callback_ptr] callbacks[index] = { "script": callback_script, "address": callback_address, "pointer": {"1": callback_byte1, "2": callback_byte2}, } # XXX do these triggers/callbacks call asm or script engine scripts? return { #"trigger_ptr_cnt": trigger_ptr_cnt, "trigger_pointers": trigger_pointers, #"callback_ptr_cnt": callback_ptr_cnt, #"callback_ptr_scripts": callback_ptrs, "callback_pointers": callback_pointers, "trigger_scripts": triggers, "callback_scripts": callbacks, } def old_parse_trainer_header_at(address, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True): bank = calculate_bank(address) bytes = rom_interval(address, 12, strings=False) bit_number = bytes[0] + (bytes[1] << 8) trainer_group = bytes[2] trainer_id = bytes[3] text_when_seen_ptr = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(address+4, bank=bank) text_when_seen = parse_text_engine_script_at(text_when_seen_ptr, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) text_when_trainer_beaten_ptr = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(address+6, bank=bank) text_when_trainer_beaten = parse_text_engine_script_at(text_when_trainer_beaten_ptr, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) if [ord(rom[address+8]), ord(rom[address+9])] == [0, 0]: script_when_lost_ptr = 0 script_when_lost = None else: print "parsing script-when-lost" script_when_lost_ptr = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(address+8, bank=bank) script_when_lost = None silver_avoids = [0xfa53] if script_when_lost_ptr > 0x4000 and not script_when_lost_ptr in silver_avoids: script_when_lost = parse_script_engine_script_at(script_when_lost_ptr, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) print "parsing script-talk-again" # or is this a text? script_talk_again_ptr = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(address+10, bank=bank) script_talk_again = None if script_talk_again_ptr > 0x4000: script_talk_again = parse_script_engine_script_at(script_talk_again_ptr, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) return { "bit_number": bit_number, "trainer_group": trainer_group, "trainer_id": trainer_id, "text_when_seen_ptr": text_when_seen_ptr, "text_when_seen": text_when_seen, "text_when_trainer_beaten_ptr": text_when_trainer_beaten_ptr, "text_when_trainer_beaten": text_when_trainer_beaten, "script_when_lost_ptr": script_when_lost_ptr, "script_when_lost": script_when_lost, "script_talk_again_ptr": script_talk_again_ptr, "script_talk_again": script_talk_again, } def old_parse_people_event_bytes(some_bytes, address=None, map_group=None, map_id=None, debug=True): """parse some number of people-events from the data see PeopleEvent see For example, map 1.1 (group 1 map 1) has four person-events. 37 05 07 06 00 FF FF 00 00 02 40 FF FF 3B 08 0C 05 01 FF FF 00 00 05 40 FF FF 3A 07 06 06 00 FF FF A0 00 08 40 FF FF 29 05 0B 06 00 FF FF 00 00 0B 40 FF FF max of 14 people per map? """ assert len(some_bytes) % people_event_byte_size == 0, "wrong number of bytes" # address is not actually required for this function to work... bank = None if address: bank = calculate_bank(address) people_events = [] for bytes in grouper(some_bytes, count=people_event_byte_size): pict = int(bytes[0], 16) y = int(bytes[1], 16) # y from top + 4 x = int(bytes[2], 16) # x from left + 4 face = int(bytes[3], 16) # 0-4 for regular, 6-9 for static facing move = int(bytes[4], 16) clock_time_byte1 = int(bytes[5], 16) clock_time_byte2 = int(bytes[6], 16) color_function_byte = int(bytes[7], 16) # Color|Function trainer_sight_range = int(bytes[8], 16) lower_bits = color_function_byte & 0xF #lower_bits_high = lower_bits >> 2 #lower_bits_low = lower_bits & 3 higher_bits = color_function_byte >> 4 #higher_bits_high = higher_bits >> 2 #higher_bits_low = higher_bits & 3 is_regular_script = lower_bits == 00 # pointer points to script is_give_item = lower_bits == 01 # pointer points to [Item no.][Amount] is_trainer = lower_bits == 02 # pointer points to trainer header # goldmap called these next two bytes "text_block" and "text_bank"? script_pointer_byte1 = int(bytes[9], 16) script_pointer_byte2 = int(bytes[10], 16) script_pointer = script_pointer_byte1 + (script_pointer_byte2 << 8) # calculate the full address by assuming it's in the current bank # but what if it's not in the same bank? extra_portion = {} if bank: ptr_address = calculate_pointer(script_pointer, bank) if is_regular_script: print "parsing a person-script at x=" + str(x-4) + " y=" + str(y-4) + " address="+hex(ptr_address) script = parse_script_engine_script_at(ptr_address, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id) extra_portion = { "script_address": ptr_address, "script": script, "event_type": "script", } if is_give_item: print "... not parsing give item event... [item id][quantity]" extra_portion = { "event_type": "give_item", "give_item_data_address": ptr_address, "item_id": ord(rom[ptr_address]), "item_qty": ord(rom[ptr_address+1]), } if is_trainer: print "parsing a trainer (person-event) at x=" + str(x) + " y=" + str(y) parsed_trainer = old_parse_trainer_header_at(ptr_address, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id) extra_portion = { "event_type": "trainer", "trainer_data_address": ptr_address, "trainer_data": parsed_trainer, } # XXX not sure what's going on here # bit no. of bit table 1 (hidden if set) # note: FFFF for none when_byte = int(bytes[11], 16) hide = int(bytes[12], 16) bit_number_of_bit_table1_byte2 = int(bytes[11], 16) bit_number_of_bit_table1_byte1 = int(bytes[12], 16) bit_number_of_bit_table1 = bit_number_of_bit_table1_byte1 + (bit_number_of_bit_table1_byte2 << 8) people_event = { "pict": pict, "y": y, # y from top + 4 "x": x, # x from left + 4 "face": face, # 0-4 for regular, 6-9 for static facing "move": move, "clock_time": {"1": clock_time_byte1, "2": clock_time_byte2}, # clock/time setting byte 1 "color_function_byte": color_function_byte, # Color|Function "trainer_sight_range": trainer_sight_range, # trainer range of sight "script_pointer": {"1": script_pointer_byte1, "2": script_pointer_byte2}, #"text_block": text_block, # script pointer byte 1 #"text_bank": text_bank, # script pointer byte 2 "when_byte": when_byte, # bit no. of bit table 1 (hidden if set) "hide": hide, # note: FFFF for none "is_trainer": is_trainer, "is_regular_script": is_regular_script, "is_give_item": is_give_item, } people_event.update(extra_portion) people_events.append(people_event) return people_events def parse_map_header_by_id(*args, **kwargs): """convenience function to parse a specific map""" map_group, map_id = None, None if "map_group" in kwargs.keys(): map_group = kwargs["map_group"] if "map_id" in kwargs.keys(): map_id = kwargs["map_id"] if (map_group == None and map_id != None) or \ (map_group != None and map_id == None): raise Exception("map_group and map_id must both be provided") elif map_group == None and map_id == None and len(args) == 0: raise Exception("must be given an argument") elif len(args) == 1 and type(args[0]) == str: map_group = int(args[0].split(".")[0]) map_id = int(args[0].split(".")[1]) elif map_group == None and map_id == None: raise Exception("dunno what to do with input") offset = map_names[map_group]["offset"] map_header_offset = offset + ((map_id - 1) * map_header_byte_size) return parse_map_header_at(map_header_offset, map_group=map_group, map_id=map_id) def parse_all_map_headers(debug=True): """calls parse_map_header_at for each map in each map group""" global map_names if not map_names[1].has_key("offset"): raise Exception("dunno what to do - map_names should have groups with pre-calculated offsets by now") for group_id, group_data in map_names.items(): offset = group_data["offset"] # we only care about the maps #del group_data["offset"] for map_id, map_data in group_data.items(): if map_id == "offset": continue # skip the "offset" address for this map group if debug: print "map_group is: " + str(group_id) + " map_id is: " + str(map_id) map_header_offset = offset + ((map_id - 1) * map_header_byte_size) map_names[group_id][map_id]["header_offset"] = map_header_offset new_parsed_map = parse_map_header_at(map_header_offset, map_group=group_id, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) map_names[group_id][map_id]["header_new"] = new_parsed_map old_parsed_map = old_parse_map_header_at(map_header_offset, map_group=group_id, map_id=map_id, debug=debug) map_names[group_id][map_id]["header_old"] = old_parsed_map class PokedexEntryPointerTable: """ A list of pointers. """ def __init__(self): self.address = 0x44378 self.target_bank = calculate_bank(0x181695) self.label = Label(name="PokedexDataPointerTable", address=self.address, object=self) self.size = None self.last_address = None self.dependencies = None self.entries = [] self.parse() script_parse_table[self.address : self.last_address] = self def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): global_dependencies.update(self.entries) dependencies = [] [dependencies.extend(entry.get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies)) for entry in self.entries] return dependencies def parse(self): size = 0 lastpointer = 0 for i in range(251): # Those are consecutive in GS! if i == 0x40: self.target_bank = 0x6e elif i == 0x80: self.target_bank = 0x73 elif i == 0xc0: self.target_bank = 0x74 loc = self.address+(i*2) pointer = calculate_pointer_from_bytes_at(loc, bank=self.target_bank) #print(hex(pointer)) #if pointer < lastpointer: # self.target_bank += 1 # pointer += 0x4000 self.entries.append(PokedexEntry(pointer, i+1)) size += 2 self.size = size self.last_address = self.address + self.size def to_asm(self): output = "".join([str("dw "+get_label_for(entry.address)+"\n") for entry in self.entries]) return output class PokedexEntry: def __init__(self, address, pokemon_id): self.address = address self.dependencies = None #label = self.make_label() if pokemon_id in pokemon_constants: pokename = string.capwords(pokemon_constants[pokemon_id].replace("__", " ").replace("_", " ")).replace(" ", "") else: pokename = "Pokemon{0}".format(pokemon_id) self.label = Label(name=pokename+"PokedexEntry", address=self.address, object=self) self.parse() script_parse_table[address : self.last_address] = self def get_dependencies(self, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): return [] def parse(self): # eww. address = self.address jump = how_many_until(chr(0x50), address) self.species = parse_text_at(address, jump+1) address = address + jump + 1 self.weight = ord(rom[address ]) + (ord(rom[address+1]) << 8) self.height = ord(rom[address+2]) + (ord(rom[address+3]) << 8) address += 4 jump = how_many_until(chr(0x50), address) self.page1 = PokedexText(address) address = address + jump + 1 jump = how_many_until(chr(0x50), address) self.page2 = PokedexText(address) self.last_address = address + jump + 1 #print(self.to_asm()) return True def to_asm(self): output = """\ db "{0}" ; species name dw {1}, {2} ; height, weight {3} {4}""".format(self.species, self.weight, self.height, self.page1.to_asm(), self.page2.to_asm()) return output from map_names import map_names # map names with no labels will be generated # generate labels for each map name for map_group_id in map_names.keys(): map_group = map_names[map_group_id] for map_id in map_group.keys(): # skip if we maybe already have the 'offset' label set in this map group if map_id == "offset": continue # skip if we provided a pre-set value for the map's label if map_group[map_id].has_key("label"): continue # convience alias map_data = map_group[map_id] # clean up the map name to be an asm label cleaned_name = map_name_cleaner(map_data["name"]) # set the value in the original dictionary map_names[map_group_id][map_id]["label"] = cleaned_name # generate map constants (like 1=PALLET_TOWN) generate_map_constant_labels() #### asm utilities #### # these are pulled in from pokered/extras/ # store each line of source code here asm = None # store each incbin line separately incbin_lines = [] # storage for processed incbin lines processed_incbins = {} def to_asm(some_object, use_asm_rules=False): """shows an object's asm with a label and an ending comment showing the next byte address""" if isinstance(some_object, int): some_object = script_parse_table[some_object] # add one to the last_address to show where the next byte is in the file last_address = some_object.last_address # create a line like "label: ; 0x10101" asm = + ": ; " + hex(some_object.address) + "\n" # now add the inner/actual asm #asm += spacing + some_object.to_asm().replace("\n", "\n"+spacing).replace("\n"+spacing+"\n"+spacing, "\n\n"+spacing) asmr = some_object.to_asm() asmr = asmr.replace("\n", "\n"+spacing) asmr = asmr.replace("\n"+spacing+"\n", "\n\n"+spacing) asmr = asmr.replace("\n\n"+spacing+spacing, "\n\n"+spacing) asm += spacing + asmr if use_asm_rules: asm = asm.replace("\n" + spacing + "; ", "\n; ") asm = asm.replace("\n" + spacing + ".asm_", "\n.asm_") # show the address of the next byte below this asm += "\n; " + hex(last_address) return asm def flattener(x): "flattens a list of sublists into just one list (generator)" try: it = iter(x) except TypeError: yield x else: for i in it: for j in flattener(i): yield j def flatten(x): "flattens a list of sublists into just one list" return list(flattener(x)) def get_dependencies_for(some_object, recompute=False, global_dependencies=set()): """ calculates which labels need to be satisfied for an object to be inserted into the asm and compile successfully. You could also choose to not insert labels into the asm, but then you're losing out on the main value of having asm in the first place. """ try: if isinstance(some_object, int): some_object = script_parse_table[some_object] if some_object.dependencies != None and not recompute: global_dependencies.update(some_object.dependencies) else: some_object.get_dependencies(recompute=recompute, global_dependencies=global_dependencies) return global_dependencies except RuntimeError, e: # 1552, 1291, 2075, 1552, 1291... print "some_object is: " + str(some_object) print "class type: " + str(some_object.__class__) print "label name: " + str( print "address: " + str(some_object.address) print "asm is: \n\n" + to_asm(some_object) raise e def isolate_incbins(): "find each incbin line" global incbin_lines, asm incbin_lines = [] for line in asm: if line == "": continue if line.count(" ") == len(line): continue # clean up whitespace at beginning of line while line[0] == " ": line = line[1:] if line[0:6] == "INCBIN" and "baserom.gbc" in line: incbin_lines.append(line) return incbin_lines def process_incbins(): "parse incbin lines into memory" global asm, incbin_lines, processed_incbins # load asm if it isn't ready yet if asm == [] or asm == None: load_asm() # get a list of incbins if that hasn't happened yet if incbin_lines == [] or incbin_lines == None: isolate_incbins() # reset the global that this function creates processed_incbins = {} # for each incbin.. for incbin in incbin_lines: # reset this entry processed_incbin = {} # get the line number from the global asm line list line_number = asm.index(incbin) # forget about all the leading characters partial_start = incbin[21:] start = partial_start.split(",")[0].replace("$", "0x") start = eval(start) start_hex = hex(start).replace("0x", "$") partial_interval = incbin[21:].split(",")[1] partial_interval = partial_interval.replace(";", "#") partial_interval = partial_interval.replace("$", "0x").replace("0xx", "0x") interval = eval(partial_interval) interval_hex = hex(interval).replace("0x", "$").replace("x", "") end = start + interval end_hex = hex(end).replace("0x", "$") processed_incbin = {"line_number": line_number, "line": incbin, "start": start, "interval": interval, "end": end, } # don't add this incbin if the interval is 0 if interval != 0: processed_incbins[line_number] = processed_incbin return processed_incbins def reset_incbins(): "reset asm before inserting another diff" global asm, incbin_lines, processed_incbins asm = None incbin_lines = [] processed_incbins = {} load_asm() isolate_incbins() process_incbins() def find_incbin_to_replace_for(address, debug=False, rom_file="../baserom.gbc"): """returns a line number for which incbin to edit if you were to insert bytes into main.asm""" if type(address) == str: address = int(address, 16) if not (0 <= address <= os.lstat(rom_file).st_size): raise IndexError("address is out of bounds") for incbin_key in processed_incbins.keys(): incbin = processed_incbins[incbin_key] start = incbin["start"] end = incbin["end"] if debug: print "start is: " + str(start) print "end is: " + str(end) print "address is: " + str(type(address)) print "checking.... " + hex(start) + " <= " + hex(address) + " <= " + hex(end) if start <= address <= end: return incbin_key return None def split_incbin_line_into_three(line, start_address, byte_count, rom_file="../baserom.gbc"): """ splits an incbin line into three pieces. you can replace the middle one with the new content of length bytecount start_address: where you want to start inserting bytes byte_count: how many bytes you will be inserting """ if type(start_address) == str: start_address = int(start_address, 16) if not (0 <= start_address <= os.lstat(rom_file).st_size): raise IndexError("start_address is out of bounds") if len(processed_incbins) == 0: raise Exception("processed_incbins must be populated") original_incbin = processed_incbins[line] start = original_incbin["start"] end = original_incbin["end"] # start, end1, end2 (to be printed as start, end1 - end2) if start_address - start > 0: first = (start, start_address, start) else: first = (None) # skip this one because we're not including anything # this is the one you will replace with whatever content second = (start_address, byte_count) third = (start_address + byte_count, end - (start_address + byte_count)) output = "" if first: output += "INCBIN \"baserom.gbc\",$" + hex(first[0])[2:] + ",$" + hex(first[1])[2:] + " - $" + hex(first[2])[2:] + "\n" output += "INCBIN \"baserom.gbc\",$" + hex(second[0])[2:] + "," + str(byte_count) + "\n" output += "INCBIN \"baserom.gbc\",$" + hex(third[0])[2:] + ",$" + hex(third[1])[2:] # no newline return output def generate_diff_insert(line_number, newline, debug=False): """generates a diff between the old main.asm and the new main.asm note: requires python2.7 i think? b/c of subprocess.check_output""" global asm original = "\n".join(line for line in asm) newfile = deepcopy(asm) newfile[line_number] = newline # possibly inserting multiple lines newfile = "\n".join(line for line in newfile) # make sure there's a newline at the end of the file if newfile[-1] != "\n": newfile += "\n" original_filename = "ejroqjfoad.temp" newfile_filename = "fjiqefo.temp" original_fh = open(original_filename, "w") original_fh.write(original) original_fh.close() newfile_fh = open(newfile_filename, "w") newfile_fh.write(newfile) newfile_fh.close() try: from subprocess import CalledProcessError except ImportError: CalledProcessError = None try: diffcontent = subprocess.check_output("diff -u ../main.asm " + newfile_filename, shell=True) except (AttributeError, CalledProcessError): p = subprocess.Popen(["diff", "-u", "../main.asm", newfile_filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() diffcontent = out os.system("rm " + original_filename) os.system("rm " + newfile_filename) if debug: print diffcontent return diffcontent def apply_diff(diff, try_fixing=True, do_compile=True): print "... Applying diff." # write the diff to a file fh = open("temp.patch", "w") fh.write(diff) fh.close() # apply the patch os.system("cp ../main.asm ../main1.asm") os.system("patch ../main.asm temp.patch") # remove the patch os.system("rm temp.patch") # confirm it's working if do_compile: try: subprocess.check_call("cd ../; make clean; make", shell=True) return True except Exception, exc: if try_fixing: os.system("mv ../main1.asm ../main.asm") return False class AsmLine: # TODO: parse label lines def __init__(self, line, bank=None): self.line = line = bank def to_asm(self): return self.line class Incbin: def __init__(self, line, bank=None, debug=False): self.line = line = bank self.replace_me = False self.debug = debug self.parse() def parse(self): incbin = self.line partial_start = incbin[21:] start = partial_start.split(",")[0].replace("$", "0x") if self.debug: print "Incbin.parse -- line is: " + self.line print "Incbin.parse -- partial_start is: " + partial_start print "Incbin.parse -- start is: " + start try: start = eval(start) except Exception, e: print "start is: " + str(start) raise Exception("problem with evaluating interval range: " + str(e)) start_hex = hex(start).replace("0x", "$") partial_interval = incbin[21:].split(",")[1] partial_interval = partial_interval.replace(";", "#") partial_interval = partial_interval.replace("$", "0x").replace("0xx", "0x") interval = eval(partial_interval) interval_hex = hex(interval).replace("0x", "$").replace("x", "") end = start + interval end_hex = hex(end).replace("0x", "$") self.address = start self.start_address = start self.end_address = end self.last_address = end self.interval = interval def to_asm(self): if self.interval > 0: return self.line else: return "" def split(self, start_address, byte_count): """splits this incbin into three separate incbins""" if start_address < self.start_address or start_address > self.end_address: raise Exception("this incbin doesn't handle this address") incbins = [] if self.debug: print "splitting an incbin ("+self.line+") into three at "+hex(start_address)+" for "+str(byte_count)+" bytes" # start, end1, end2 (to be printed as start, end1 - end2) if (start_address - self.start_address) > 0: first = (self.start_address, start_address, self.start_address) incbins.append(Incbin("INCBIN \"baserom.gbc\",$%.2x,$%.2x - $%.2x" % (first[0], first[1], first[2]))) if self.debug: print " " + incbins[0].line else: # skip this one because we're not including anything first = None # this is the one you will replace with whatever content second = (start_address, byte_count) incbins.append(Incbin("INCBIN \"baserom.gbc\",$%.2x,$%.2x" % (start_address, byte_count))) incbins[-1].replace_me = True if self.debug: print " " + incbins[-1].line if (self.last_address - (start_address + byte_count)) > 0: third = (start_address + byte_count, self.last_address - (start_address + byte_count)) incbins.append(Incbin("INCBIN \"baserom.gbc\",$%.2x,$%.2x" % (third[0], third[1]))) if self.debug: print " " + incbins[-1].line return incbins class AsmSection: def __init__(self, line): self.bank_id = None self.line = line self.parse() def parse(self): line = self.line if not "bank" in line: self.bank_id = -1 self.address = -1 self.last_address = None self.end_address = None return bank_id = int(line.split("\"")[1].split("bank")[1], 16) self.bank_id = bank_id start_address = bank_id * 0x4000 end_address = (bank_id * 0x4000) + 0x4000 - 1 self.address = self.start_address = start_address self.last_address = None self.end_address = None # this entity doesn't actually take up this space.. # although it could be argued that lines should exist under this object #self.address = self.start_address = start_address #self.last_address = self.end_address = end_address def to_asm(self): return self.line new_asm = None def load_asm2(filename="../main.asm", force=False): """loads the asm source code into memory""" global new_asm if new_asm == None or force: new_asm = Asm(filename=filename) return new_asm class Asm: """controls the overall asm output""" def __init__(self, filename="../main.asm", debug=True): = [] self.labels = [] self.filename = filename self.debug = debug self.load_and_parse() def load_and_parse(self): = [] asm = open(self.filename, "r").read().split("\n") asm_list = AsmList(asm) bank = 0 for line in asm_list: if (line[0:6] == "INCBIN" or line[1:6] == "INCBIN") and not any([contaminant+"\"" in line for contaminant in [".2bpp", ".1bpp", ".asm", ".lz"]]): thing = Incbin(line, bank=bank) elif line[0:7] == "SECTION": thing = AsmSection(line) bank = thing.bank_id else: thing = AsmLine(line, bank=bank) label = get_label_from_line(line) if label: laddress = get_address_from_line_comment(line) thing.label = Label(name=label, address=laddress, object=thing, add_to_globals=False) self.labels.append(thing.label) def is_label_name_in_file(self, label_name): for llabel in self.labels: if == label_name: return llabel return False def does_address_have_label(self, address): """ Checks if an address has a label. """ # either something will directly have the address # or- it's possibel that no label was given # or there will be an Incbin that covers the range for part in if isinstance(part, Incbin) and part.start_address <= address <= part.end_address: return False elif hasattr(part, "address") and part.address == address and hasattr(part, "label"): return part.label return None def insert(self, new_object): if isinstance(new_object, ScriptPointerLabelParam): # its' probably being injected in some get_dependencies() somewhere print "don't know why ScriptPointerLabelParam is getting to this point?" return # first some validation if not hasattr(new_object, "address"): print "object needs to have an address property: " + str(new_object) return start_address = new_object.address # skip this dragon shrine script calling itself # what about other scripts that call themselves ? if start_address in lousy_dragon_shrine_hack: print "skipping 0x18d079 in dragon shrine for a lousy hack" return if not hasattr(new_object, "label") and hasattr(new_object, "is_valid") and not new_object.is_valid(): return debugmsg = "object is " + + " type="+str(new_object.__class__)+" new_object="+str(new_object) debugmsg += " label = " + debugmsg += " start_address="+hex(start_address)#+" end_address="+hex(end_address) if not hasattr(new_object, "last_address"): print debugmsg raise Exception("object needs to have a last_address property") end_address = new_object.last_address debugmsg += " last_address="+hex(end_address) # check if the object is already inserted if new_object in print "object was previously inserted ("+str(new_object)+"; " + hex(new_object.address) + ")" return # check by label other_obj = self.is_label_name_in_file( if other_obj: other_obj = other_obj.object print "object was previously inserted ("" at "+hex(new_object.address)+") by "" at "+hex(other_obj.address) return # check by address #if self.does_address_have_label(new_object.address): # print "object's address is already used ("+str(new_object)+") at "+hex(new_object.address)+" label=" # return if self.debug: print debugmsg del debugmsg if (end_address < start_address) or ((end_address - start_address) < 0): if not self.debug: print "object is new_object="+str(new_object) print "start_address="+hex(start_address)+" end_address="+hex(end_address) if hasattr(new_object, "to_asm"): print to_asm(new_object) raise Exception("Asm.insert was given an object with a bad address range") # 1) find which object needs to be replaced # or # 2) find which object goes after it found = False for object in list( # skip objects without a defined interval (like a comment line) if not hasattr(object, "address") or not hasattr(object, "last_address"): continue # skip an AsmSection if isinstance(object, AsmSection): continue # replace an incbin with three incbins, replace middle incbin with whatever elif isinstance(object, Incbin) and (object.address <= start_address < object.last_address): # split up the incbin into three segments incbins = object.split(start_address, end_address - start_address) # figure out which incbin to replace with the new object if incbins[0].replace_me: index = 0 else: # assume incbins[1].replace_me (the middle one) index = 1 # replace that index with the new_object incbins[index] = new_object # insert these incbins into gindex = =[:gindex] + incbins +[gindex:] found = True break elif object.address <= start_address < object.last_address: print "this is probably a script that is looping back on itself?" found = True break # insert before the current object elif object.address > end_address: #insert_before = index of object index =, new_object) found = True break if not found: raise Exception("unable to insert object into Asm") self.labels.append(new_object.label) return True def insert_with_dependencies(self, input): if type(input) == list: input_objects = input else: input_objects = [input] for object0 in input_objects: global_dependencies = set([object0]) poopbutt = get_dependencies_for(object0, global_dependencies=global_dependencies, recompute=False) objects = global_dependencies objects.update(poopbutt) new_objects = copy(objects) for object in objects: if hasattr(object, "dependencies") and object.dependencies == None: new_objects.update(object.get_dependencies()) for object in new_objects: if isinstance(object, ScriptPointerLabelParam): continue #if object in # if self.debug: # print "already inserted -- object.__class__="+str(object.__class__)+" object is: "+str(object)+\ # " for object.__class__="+str(object0.__class__)+" object="+str(object0) # continue if self.debug: print " object is: " + str(object) self.insert(object) # just some old debugging #if == "UnknownText_0x60128": # raise Exception("debugging...") #elif == "UnknownScript_0x60011": # raise Exception("debugging.. dependencies are: " + str(object.dependencies) + " versus: " + str(object.get_dependencies())) def insert_single_with_dependencies(self, object): self.insert_with_dependencies(object) def insert_multiple_with_dependencies(self, objects): self.insert_with_dependencies(objects) def insert_all(self, limit=100): count = 0 for each in script_parse_table.items(): if count == limit: break object = each[1] if type(object) == str: continue self.insert_single_with_dependencies(object) count += 1 def insert_and_dump(self, limit=100, filename="output.txt"): self.insert_all(limit=limit) self.dump(filename=filename) def dump(self, filename="output.txt"): fh = open(filename, "w") newlines_before_next_obj_requested = 0 newlines_before_next_obj_given = 0 current_requested_newlines_before = 0 current_requested_newlines_after = 0 previous_requested_newlines_before = 0 previous_requested_newlines_after = 0 written_newlines = 0 write_something = False first = True last = None for each in asm = "" previous_requested_newlines_after = current_requested_newlines_after current_requested_newlines_before = current_requested_newlines_after write_something = True if (isinstance(each, str) and each == "") or (isinstance(each, AsmLine) and each.line == ""): current_requested_newlines_before = 0 if current_requested_newlines_after < 2: current_requested_newlines_after += 1 write_something = False elif (isinstance(each, str) and each != "") or (isinstance(each, AsmLine) and each.line != ""): if isinstance(each, AsmLine): asm = each.to_asm() elif isinstance(each, str): asm = each current_requested_newlines_before = 0 current_requested_newlines_after = 1 elif isinstance(each, AsmSection) or isinstance(each, Incbin) or hasattr(each, "to_asm"): if isinstance(each, AsmSection) or isinstance(each, Incbin): asm = each.to_asm() else: asm = to_asm(each) current_requested_newlines_before = 2 current_requested_newlines_after = 2 else: raise Exception("dunno what to do with("+str(each)+") in") if write_something: if not first: newlines_before = max([current_requested_newlines_before, previous_requested_newlines_after]) while written_newlines < newlines_before: fh.write("\n") written_newlines += 1 else: first = False fh.write(asm) written_newlines = 0 last = each # make sure the file ends with a newline fh.write("\n") def list_things_in_bank(bank): objects = [] for blah in script_parse_table.items(): object = blah[1] if hasattr(object, "address") and calculate_bank(object.address) == bank: objects.append(object) return objects def list_texts_in_bank(bank): """ Narrows down the list of objects that you will be inserting into Asm. """ if len(all_texts) == 0: raise Exception("all_texts is blank.. run_main() will populate it") assert bank != None, "list_texts_in_banks must be given a particular bank" assert 0 <= bank < 0x80, "bank doesn't exist in the ROM" texts = [] for text in all_texts: if calculate_bank(text.address) == bank: texts.append(text) return texts def list_movements_in_bank(bank): """ Narrows down the list of objects to speed up Asm insertion. """ if len(all_movements) == 0: raise Exception("all_movements is blank.. run_main() will populate it") assert bank != None, "list_movements_in_bank must be given a particular bank" assert 0 <= bank < 0x80, "bank doesn't exist in the ROM (out of bounds)" movements = [] for movement in all_movements: if calculate_bank(movement.address) == bank: movements.append(movement) return movements def dump_asm_for_texts_in_bank(bank, start=50, end=100): """ Simple utility to help with dumping texts into a particular bank. This is helpful for figuring out which text is breaking that bank. """ # load and parse the ROM if necessary if rom == None or len(rom) <= 4: load_rom() run_main() # get all texts # first 100 look okay? texts = list_texts_in_bank(bank)[start:end] # create a new dump asm = Asm() # start the insertion process asm.insert_multiple_with_dependencies(texts) # start dumping asm.dump() print "done dumping texts for bank $%.2x" % (bank) def dump_asm_for_movements_in_bank(bank, start=0, end=100): if rom == None or len(rom) <= 4: load_rom() run_main() movements = list_movements_in_bank(bank)[start:end] asm = Asm() asm.insert_with_dependencies(movements) asm.dump() print "done dumping movements for bank $%.2x" % (bank) def dump_things_in_bank(bank, start=50, end=100): """ is helpful for figuring out which object is breaking that bank. """ # load and parse the ROM if necessary if rom == None or len(rom) <= 4: load_rom() run_main() things = list_things_in_bank(bank)[start:end] # create a new dump asm = Asm() # start the insertion process asm.insert_with_dependencies(things) # start dumping asm.dump() print "done dumping things for bank $%.2x" % (bank) def index(seq, f): """return the index of the first item in seq where f(item) == True.""" return next((i for i in xrange(len(seq)) if f(seq[i])), None) def analyze_intervals(): """find the largest baserom.gbc intervals""" global asm, processed_incbins if asm == None: load_asm() if processed_incbins == {}: isolate_incbins() process_incbins() results = [] ordered_keys = sorted(processed_incbins, key=lambda entry: processed_incbins[entry]["interval"]) ordered_keys.reverse() for key in ordered_keys: results.append(processed_incbins[key]) return results all_labels = [] def write_all_labels(all_labels, filename="labels.json"): fh = open(filename, "w") fh.write(json.dumps(all_labels)) fh.close() return True from wram import wram_labels def get_ram_label(address): """returns a label assigned to a particular ram address""" if address in wram_labels.keys(): return wram_labels[address][-1] return None def get_label_for(address): """returns a label assigned to a particular rom address""" global all_labels if address == None: return None if type(address) != int: raise Exception("get_label_for requires an integer address, got: " + str(type(address))) # lousy hack to get around recursive scripts in dragon shrine if address in lousy_dragon_shrine_hack: return None # the old way for thing in all_labels: if thing["address"] == address: return thing["label"] # the new way obj = script_parse_table[address] if obj: if hasattr(obj, "label"): return else: return "AlreadyParsedNoDefaultUnknownLabel_" + hex(address) #return "NotYetParsed_"+hex(address) if address > 0x7FFF: value = 0x4000 + (address % 0x4000) return "$%.2x"%(value) else: return "$%.2x"%(address) # all_new_labels is a temporary replacement for all_labels, # at least until the two approaches are merged in the code base. all_new_labels = [] class Label: """ Every object in script_parse_table is given a label. This label is simply a way to keep track of what objects have been previously written to file. """ def __init__(self, name=None, address=None, line_number=None, object=None, is_in_file=None, address_is_in_file=None, add_to_globals=True): assert address != None, "need an address" assert is_valid_address(address), "address must be valid" assert object != None, "need an object to relate with" self.address = address self.object = object # label might not be in the file yet self.line_number = line_number # -- These were some old attempts to check whether the label # -- was already in use. They work, but the other method is # -- better. # # check if the label is in the file already # check if the address of this label is already in use self.is_in_file = is_in_file self.address_is_in_file = address_is_in_file if name == None: name = object.base_label + "_" + hex(object.address) = name if add_to_globals: all_new_labels.append(self) def check_is_in_file(self): """ This method checks if the label appears in the file based on the entries to the list. """ # assert new_asm != None, "new_asm should be an instance of Asm" load_asm2() is_in_file = new_asm.is_label_name_in_file( self.is_in_file = is_in_file return is_in_file def check_address_is_in_file(self): """ Checks if the address is in use by another label. """ load_asm2() self.address_is_in_file = new_asm.does_address_have_label(self.address) return self.address_is_in_file def old_check_address_is_in_file(self): """ Checks whether or not the address of the object is already in the file. This might happen if the label name is different but the address is the same. Another scenario is that the label is already used, but at a different address. This method works by looking at the INCBINs. When there is an INCBIN that covers this address in the file, then there is no label at this address yet (or there is, but we can easily add another label in front of the incbin or something), and when there is no INCBIN that has this address, then we know that something is already using this address. """ if processed_incbins == {}: process_incbins() incbin = find_incbin_to_replace_for(self.address) if incbin == None: return True else: return False def make_label(self): """ Generates a label name based on parents and self.object. """ object = self.object name = object.make_label() return name def find_labels_without_addresses(): """scans the asm source and finds labels that are unmarked""" without_addresses = [] for (line_number, line) in enumerate(asm): if line_has_label(line): label = get_label_from_line(line) if not line_has_comment_address(line): without_addresses.append({"line_number": line_number, "line": line, "label": label}) return without_addresses label_errors = "" def get_labels_between(start_line_id, end_line_id, bank): labels = [] #label = { # "line_number": 15, # "bank": 32, # "label": "PalletTownText1", # "offset": 0x5315, # "address": 0x75315, #} if asm == None: load_asm() sublines = asm[start_line_id : end_line_id + 1] for (current_line_offset, line) in enumerate(sublines): # skip lines without labels if not line_has_label(line): continue # reset some variables line_id = start_line_id + current_line_offset line_label = get_label_from_line(line) address = None offset = None # setup a place to store return values from line_has_comment_address returnable = {} # get the address from the comment has_comment = line_has_comment_address(line, returnable=returnable, bank=bank) # skip this line if it has no address in the comment if not has_comment: continue # parse data from line_has_comment_address address = returnable["address"] bank = returnable["bank"] offset = returnable["offset"] # dump all this info into a single structure label = { "line_number": line_id, "bank": bank, "label": line_label, "offset": offset, "address": address, } # store this structure labels.append(label) return labels def scan_for_predefined_labels(debug=False): """looks through the asm file for labels at specific addresses, this relies on the label having its address after. ex: ViridianCity_h: ; 0x18357 to 0x18384 (45 bytes) (bank=6) (id=1) PalletTownText1: ; 4F96 0x18f96 ViridianCityText1: ; 0x19102 It would be more productive to use rgbasm to spit out all label addresses, but faster to write this script. rgbasm would be able to grab all label addresses better than this script.. """ global all_labels all_labels = [] bank_intervals = {} if asm == None: load_asm() # figure out line numbers for each bank for bank_id in range(0x7F+1): abbreviation = ("%.x" % (bank_id)).upper() abbreviation_next = ("%.x" % (bank_id+1)).upper() if bank_id == 0: abbreviation = "0" abbreviation_next = "1" # calculate the start/stop line numbers for this bank start_line_id = index(asm, lambda line: "\"bank" + abbreviation.lower() + "\"" in line.lower()) if bank_id != 0x7F: end_line_id = index(asm, lambda line: "\"bank" + abbreviation_next.lower() + "\"" in line.lower()) end_line_id += 1 else: end_line_id = len(asm) - 1 if debug: output = "bank" + abbreviation + " starts at " output += str(start_line_id) output += " to " output += str(end_line_id) print output # store the start/stop line number for this bank bank_intervals[bank_id] = {"start": start_line_id, "end": end_line_id,} # for each bank.. for bank_id in bank_intervals.keys(): # get the start/stop line number bank_data = bank_intervals[bank_id] start_line_id = bank_data["start"] end_line_id = bank_data["end"] # get all labels between these two lines labels = get_labels_between(start_line_id, end_line_id, bank_id) # bank_intervals[bank_id]["labels"] = labels all_labels.extend(labels) write_all_labels(all_labels) return all_labels def run_main(): # read the rom and figure out the offsets for maps direct_load_rom() load_map_group_offsets() # add the offsets into our map structure, why not (johto maps only) [map_names[map_group_id+1].update({"offset": offset}) for map_group_id, offset in enumerate(map_group_offsets)] # parse map header bytes for each map parse_all_map_headers() # find trainers based on scripts and map headers # this can only happen after parsing the entire map and map scripts find_trainer_ids_from_scripts() # and parse the main TrainerGroupTable once we know the max number of trainers #global trainer_group_table trainer_group_table = TrainerGroupTable() # improve duplicate trainer names make_trainer_group_name_trainer_ids(trainer_group_table) # just a helpful alias main = run_main # when you load the module.. parse everything if __name__ == "crystal": pass