ref: 75a4b16a1824595a1671bdc68494f7ab1e0b05ed
dir: /maps/SlowpokeWellB1F.asm/
SlowpokeWellB1F_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x5a5d3 ; trigger count db 0 ; callback count db 0 ; 0x5a5d5 UnknownScript_0x5a5d5: ; 0x5a5d5 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x5a6b5 ; 0x5a5d8 TrainerGruntM29: ; 0x5a5d8 ; bit/flag number dw $50d ; trainer group && trainer id db GRUNTM, 29 ; text when seen dw GruntM29SeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw GruntM29BeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw GruntM29Script ; 0x5a5e4 GruntM29Script: ; 0x5a5e4 talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext TrainerGruntM29SlowpokeProfitText closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x5a5ec TrainerGruntM1: ; 0x5a5ec ; bit/flag number dw $4f1 ; trainer group && trainer id db GRUNTM, 1 ; text when seen dw GruntM1SeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw GruntM1BeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw GruntM1Script ; 0x5a5f8 GruntM1Script: ; 0x5a5f8 loadfont 2writetext TrainerGruntM1WhenTalkText closetext loadmovesprites special $0030 special $0033 disappear $2 disappear $3 disappear $4 disappear $5 pause 15 special $0032 disappear $8 moveperson $8, $b, $6 appear $8 applymovement $8, KurtSlowpokeWellVictoryMovementData spriteface $0, $3 loadfont 2writetext KurtLeaveSlowpokeWellText closetext loadmovesprites setbit1 $002b variablesprite $6, $4 domaptrigger GROUP_AZALEA_TOWN, MAP_AZALEA_TOWN, $1 clearbit1 $06f3 clearbit1 $06e9 setbit1 $06f5 setbit1 $06f6 setbit1 $06fb setbit1 $0740 clearbit1 $06f9 clearbit1 $06fd clearbit1 $073e special $002e special $001b pause 15 warp GROUP_KURTS_HOUSE, MAP_KURTS_HOUSE, $3, $3 end ; 0x5a659 TrainerGruntM2: ; 0x5a659 ; bit/flag number dw $4f2 ; trainer group && trainer id db GRUNTM, 2 ; text when seen dw GruntM2SeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw GruntM2BeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw GruntM2Script ; 0x5a665 GruntM2Script: ; 0x5a665 talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x5aaf2 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x5a66d TrainerGruntF1: ; 0x5a66d ; bit/flag number dw $510 ; trainer group && trainer id db GRUNTF, 1 ; text when seen dw GruntF1SeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw GruntF1BeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw GruntF1Script ; 0x5a679 GruntF1Script: ; 0x5a679 talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x5ab8d closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x5a681 UnknownScript_0x5a681: ; 0x5a681 faceplayer loadfont cry SLOWPOKE 2writetext UnknownText_0x5abcb yesorno iftrue UnknownScript_0x5a68f loadmovesprites end ; 0x5a68f UnknownScript_0x5a68f: ; 0x5a68f 2writetext UnknownText_0x5ac09 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x5a695 UnknownScript_0x5a695: ; 0x5a695 faceplayer loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x5ac61 cry SLOWPOKE closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x5a6a0 UnknownScript_0x5a6a0: ; 0x5a6a0 jumpstd $000e ; 0x5a6a3 ItemFragment_0x5a6a3: ; 0x5a6a3 db SUPER_POTION, 1 ; 0x5a6a5 KurtSlowpokeWellVictoryMovementData: ; 0x5a6a5 step_left step_left step_left step_left step_up accelerate_last accelerate_last accelerate_last step_left step_up step_up accelerate_last accelerate_last accelerate_last turn_head_left step_end ; 0x5a6b5 UnknownText_0x5a6b5: ; 0x5a6b5 db $0, "KURT: Hey there,", $4f db $52, "!", $51 db "The guard up top", $4f db "took off when I", $55 db "shouted at him.", $51 db "But then I took a", $4f db "tumble down the", $55 db "WELL.", $51 db "I slammed down", $4f db "hard on my back,", $55 db "so I can't move.", $51 db "Rats! If I were", $4f db "fit, my #MON", $51 db "would've punished", $4f db "them…", $51 db "Ah, it can't be", $4f db "helped.", $51 db $52, ", show them", $4f db "how gutsy you are", $55 db "in my place!", $57 ; 0x5a7ca KurtLeaveSlowpokeWellText: ; 0x5a7ca db $0, "KURT: Way to go,", $4f db $52, "!", $51 db "TEAM ROCKET has", $4f db "taken off.", $51 db "My back's better", $4f db "too. Let's get out", $55 db "of here.", $57 ; 0x5a825 GruntM29SeenText: ; 0x5a825 db $0, "Darn! I was stand-", $4f db "ing guard up top", $51 db "when some old coot", $4f db "yelled at me.", $51 db "He startled me so", $4f db "much that I fell", $55 db "down here.", $51 db "I think I'll vent", $4f db "my anger by taking", $55 db "it out on you!", $57 ; 0x5a8cc GruntM29BeatenText: ; 0x5a8cc db $0, "Arrgh! This is NOT", $4f db "my day!", $57 ; 0x5a8e8 TrainerGruntM29SlowpokeProfitText: ; 0x5a8e8 db $0, "Sure, we've been", $4f db "hacking the tails", $51 db "off SLOWPOKE and", $4f db "selling them.", $51 db "Everything we do", $4f db "is for profit.", $51 db "That's right!", $4f db "We're TEAM ROCKET,", $51 db "and we'll do any-", $4f db "thing for money!", $57 ; 0x5a98b GruntM1SeenText: ; 0x5a98b db $0, "What do you want?", $51 db "If you interrupt", $4f db "our work, don't", $55 db "expect any mercy!", $57 ; 0x5a9d0 GruntM1BeatenText: ; 0x5a9d0 db $0, "You did OK today,", $4f db "but wait till next", $55 db "time!", $57 ; 0x5a9fc TrainerGruntM1WhenTalkText: ; 0x5a9fc db $0, "Yeah, TEAM ROCKET", $4f db "was broken up", $55 db "three years ago.", $51 db "But we continued", $4f db "our activities", $55 db "underground.", $51 db "Now you can have", $4f db "fun watching us", $55 db "stir up trouble!", $57 ; 0x5aa8d GruntM2SeenText: ; 0x5aa8d db $0, "Quit taking SLOW-", $4f db "POKETAILS?", $51 db "If we obeyed you,", $4f db "TEAM ROCKET's rep", $55 db "would be ruined!", $57 ; 0x5aadf GruntM2BeatenText: ; 0x5aadf db $0, "Just…", $4f db "Too strong…", $57 ; 0x5aaf2 UnknownText_0x5aaf2: ; 0x5aaf2 db $0, "We need the money,", $4f db "but selling SLOW-", $55 db "POKETAILS?", $51 db "It's tough being a", $4f db "ROCKET GRUNT!", $57 ; 0x5ab43 GruntF1SeenText: ; 0x5ab43 db $0, "Stop taking TAILS?", $51 db "Yeah, just try to", $4f db "defeat all of us!", $57 ; 0x5ab7b GruntF1BeatenText: ; 0x5ab7b db $0, "You rotten brat!", $57 ; 0x5ab8d UnknownText_0x5ab8d: ; 0x5ab8d db $0, "SLOWPOKETAILS", $4f db "grow back fast!", $51 db "What's wrong with", $4f db "selling them?", $57 ; 0x5abcb UnknownText_0x5abcb: ; 0x5abcb db $0, "A SLOWPOKE with", $4f db "its TAIL cut off…", $51 db "Huh? It has MAIL.", $4f db "Read it?", $57 ; 0x5ac09 UnknownText_0x5ac09: ; 0x5ac09 db $0, $52, " read the", $4f db "MAIL.", $51 db "Be good and look", $4f db "after the house", $51 db "with Grandpa and", $4f db "SLOWPOKE.", $51 db "Love, Dad", $57 ; 0x5ac61 UnknownText_0x5ac61: ; 0x5ac61 db $0, "A SLOWPOKE with", $4f db "its TAIL cut off…", $57 ; 0x5ac84 SlowpokeWellB1F_MapEventHeader: ; 0x5ac84 ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 2 warp_def $f, $11, 6, GROUP_AZALEA_TOWN, MAP_AZALEA_TOWN warp_def $b, $7, 1, GROUP_SLOWPOKE_WELL_B2F, MAP_SLOWPOKE_WELL_B2F ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 0 ; people-events db 9 person_event $35, 11, 19, $6, $0, 255, 255, $2, 3, TrainerGruntM29, $06fc person_event $35, 6, 9, $6, $0, 255, 255, $2, 1, TrainerGruntM1, $06fc person_event $35, 10, 9, $9, $0, 255, 255, $2, 2, TrainerGruntM2, $06fc person_event $36, 8, 14, $9, $0, 255, 255, $82, 4, TrainerGruntF1, $06fc person_event $45, 8, 11, $1, $0, 255, 255, $80, 0, UnknownScript_0x5a681, $06fb person_event $45, 6, 10, $1, $0, 255, 255, $80, 0, UnknownScript_0x5a695, $06fb person_event $b, 18, 20, $7, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x5a5d5, $0740 person_event $5a, 6, 7, $19, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x5a6a0, $ffff person_event $54, 7, 14, $1, $0, 255, 255, $1, 0, ItemFragment_0x5a6a3, $0662 ; 0x5ad09