fix calls to $1078 (PlaceString)
add char 4b and cleanup surrounding chars
Merge pull request #136 from yenatch/master
mixed up connection y/x offset wram labels
connection wram labels for each direction
Merge pull request #135 from iimarckus/oakintro
Add more stuff related to player naming.
Merge pull request #134 from iimarckus/oakintro
Add pointers to Oak speech text.
Merge pull request #133 from iimarckus/oakintro
Merge pull request #132 from yenatch/master
Merge pull request #131 from Sanky/master
Merge pull request #130 from Sanky/master
Merge pull request #129 from yenatch/master
preprocessor: print macro automatically inserts newlines
touch graphic files during decmp so make doesnt try to replace them
Merge pull request #128 from yenatch/master
remove a couple item effect incbins
add extras/
make gbz80disasm understand bank:offset syntax
disable automatic line ending correction
Merge pull request #127 from yenatch/master
Merge pull request #126 from yenatch/master
additional trainer class id in wram
unused move effect constants are apparently used by the ai
Fix a wram mislabel (EnemyDisabledMove)
user/opponent party attribute functions
Clean up and add a couple functions in bank 0
downward triangle character 0xee
fix parsing errors in RuinsofAlphOutside
remove incbins in GoldenrodPokeComCenter2FMobile
remove incbins in GoldenrodDeptStore6F
remove incbins in EarlsPokemonAcademy
remove incbins in CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoom
remove incbins in GoldenrodGameCorner
remove incbins in CeladonDeptStore6F
remove incbins in CeladonDeptStoreElevator
remove incbins in GoldenrodDeptStoreElevator
remove incbins in BlackthornGym2F
Fix PointerLabelToScriptPointer class
i have a clue what most of this does