Comments distinguish "move effects" and "effect commands"
Add member constants for the base data struct, same as most other structs
Factor out one more data table
Map dimensions are separate from other constants, same as pokemon_constants vs pokemon_data_constants
Move more data tables into data/ files.
Move lots of data tables into individual data/ files
Add constants for time-of-day boundaries
Rename overworld sprite files, consistent with their constants
Rename tilesets, consistent with constant names
PokeCenter → Pokecenter (consistent with the POKECENTER map constants)
Use MORN/DAY/NITE shifts for time-based person_events
Define more palette constants
Comment palette colors and roof map groups
All map triggers use the `maptrigger` macro, not `dw`
"Trainer*AfterBattleText" labels
Single files for tilesets/data.asm and maps/blockdata.asm
Consistent capitalization for map names, matching their constants
Merge pull request #409 from roukaour/master
Use correct WRAM labels for intro/title scenes
Consistent code formatting: no redundant `a`s and spaces after commas
Move some gfx/unknown/ files into meaningful directories
Move some gfx/misc/ files into meaningful directories
Consistent pointer labels in WRAM
Clarify which rgbds builds to use
Add constants for battle object colors
Separate file for mobile constants
Define more charmap characters and use them in place of hard-coded numbers
Document constants with comments, actual names, and more thorough usage
Merge pull request #405 from yenatch/fix-no-rule-error
Merge pull request #404 from surskitty/master
Merge pull request #403 from mid-kid/master
fix cryptic 'no rule' error when a prerequisite is missing
Merge pull request #400 from mid-kid/master
Fix some SPRITE_ANIM_FRAMESET_ constants
Making all Rocket Grunts call the constant.
Constants for Rocket Grunt rosters.
Rename all files in data/pokedex/entries/
Script_ChoseChallenge -> Script_ChooseChallenge
Merge pull request #395 from surskitty/master
Merge pull request #397 from mid-kid/master
PewterPokeCEnter2FBeta -> PewterPokeCenter2FBeta
Move LoadOverworldFont to main.asm
Move all of constants/sram_constants.asm into sram
DetermineMobileBattleResult -> DisplayLinkBattleResult
Labelled some battle tower-related functions
Define bank43 in main.asm instead of unused_title
CeruleanCaveNane -> CeruleanCaveName
Clean up labels in battle/moves/move_effects.asm
Fix comments in tilesets/roofs.asm
Label some functions in gfx/load_pics.asm
Full script labels for Fuchsia Gym.
Partially labelling Pokefan Derek.
Labelling triggers pointlessly.
Labelling some of Morty's scripts.
rename pokecrystal.ld ->
Merge pull request #394 from surskitty/master
Renaming labels for E4.
Merge pull request #390 from yenatch/remove-contents
Rebuild on changes to pokecrystal.ld
Align "Sprites" section to $100 bytes.