shithub: pokecrystal

ref: 710b7ddd7f781d20afdf31e0aa9a6adfaa52cc26
dir: /data/pokedex/001-064.asm/

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BulbasaurPokedexEntry: ; 0x181695
	db "SEED@" ; species name
	dw 204, 150; height, width
	db "While it is young,", $4e, "it uses the", $4e, "nutrients that are@"
	db "stored in the", $4e, "seeds on its back", $4e, "in order to grow.@"
; 0x181702

IvysaurPokedexEntry: ; 0x181702
	db "SEED@" ; species name
	dw 303, 290; height, width
	db "The bulb on its", $4e, "back grows as it", $4e, "absorbs nutrients.@"
	db "The bulb gives off", $4e, "a pleasant aroma", $4e, "when it blooms.@"
; 0x181773

VenusaurPokedexEntry: ; 0x181773
	db "SEED@" ; species name
	dw 607, 2210; height, width
	db "As it warms it-", $4e, "self and absorbs", $4e, "the sunlight, its@"
	db "flower petals", $4e, "release a pleasant", $4e, "fragrance.@"
; 0x1817db

CharmanderPokedexEntry: ; 0x1817db
	db "LIZARD@" ; species name
	dw 200, 190; height, width
	db "If it's healthy,", $4e, "the flame on the", $4e, "tip of its tail@"
	db "will burn vigor-", $4e, "ously, even if it", $4e, "gets a bit wet.@"
; 0x18184a

CharmeleonPokedexEntry: ; 0x18184a
	db "FLAME@" ; species name
	dw 307, 420; height, width
	db "If it becomes", $4e, "agitated during", $4e, "battle, it spouts@"
	db "intense flames,", $4e, "incinerating its", $4e, "surroundings.@"
; 0x1818b3

CharizardPokedexEntry: ; 0x1818b3
	db "FLAME@" ; species name
	dw 507, 2000; height, width
	db "It uses its wings", $4e, "to fly high. The", $4e, "temperature of its@"
	db "fire increases as", $4e, "it gains exper-", $4e, "ience in battle.@"
; 0x181926

SquirtlePokedexEntry: ; 0x181926
	db "TINYTURTLE@" ; species name
	dw 108, 200; height, width
	db "When it feels", $4e, "threatened, it", $4e, "draws its legs@"
	db "inside its shell", $4e, "and sprays water", $4e, "from its mouth.@"
; 0x181993

WartortlePokedexEntry: ; 0x181993
	db "TURTLE@" ; species name
	dw 303, 500; height, width
	db "Its long, furry", $4e, "tail is a symbol", $4e, "of longevity,@"
	db "making it quite", $4e, "popular among", $4e, "older people.@"
; 0x1819f9

BlastoisePokedexEntry: ; 0x1819f9
	db "SHELLFISH@" ; species name
	dw 503, 1890; height, width
	db "It firmly plants", $4e, "its feet on the", $4e, "ground before@"
	db "shooting water", $4e, "from the jets on", $4e, "its back.@"
; 0x181a60

CaterpiePokedexEntry: ; 0x181a60
	db "WORM@" ; species name
	dw 100, 60; height, width
	db "It crawls into", $4e, "foliage where it", $4e, "camouflages itself@"
	db "among leaves that", $4e, "are the same color", $4e, "as its body.@"
; 0x181ace

MetapodPokedexEntry: ; 0x181ace
	db "COCOON@" ; species name
	dw 204, 220; height, width
	db "This is its pre-", $4e, "evolved form. At", $4e, "this stage, it can@"
	db "only harden, so it", $4e, "remains motionless", $4e, "to avoid attack.@"
; 0x181b45

ButterfreePokedexEntry: ; 0x181b45
	db "BUTTERFLY@" ; species name
	dw 307, 710; height, width
	db "It flits from", $4e, "flower to flower,", $4e, "collecting honey.@"
	db "It can even", $4e, "identify distant", $4e, "flowers in bloom.@"
; 0x181bb4

WeedlePokedexEntry: ; 0x181bb4
	db "HAIRY BUG@" ; species name
	dw 100, 70; height, width
	db "The barb on top of", $4e, "its head secretes", $4e, "a strong poison.@"
	db "It uses this toxic", $4e, "barb to protect", $4e, "itself.@"
; 0x181c23

KakunaPokedexEntry: ; 0x181c23
	db "COCOON@" ; species name
	dw 200, 220; height, width
	db "Nearly incapable", $4e, "of movement, it", $4e, "leans against@"
	db "stout trees while", $4e, "waiting for its", $4e, "evolution.@"
; 0x181c8a

BeedrillPokedexEntry: ; 0x181c8a
	db "POISON BEE@" ; species name
	dw 303, 650; height, width
	db "It uses sharp,", $4e, "poisonous stings", $4e, "to defeat prey,@"
	db "then takes the", $4e, "victim back to its", $4e, "nest for food.@"
; 0x181cfa

PidgeyPokedexEntry: ; 0x181cfa
	db "TINY BIRD@" ; species name
	dw 100, 40; height, width
	db "It rapidly flaps", $4e, "its wings in the", $4e, "grass, stirring up@"
	db "a dust cloud that", $4e, "drives insect prey", $4e, "out into the open.@"
; 0x181d75

PidgeottoPokedexEntry: ; 0x181d75
	db "BIRD@" ; species name
	dw 307, 660; height, width
	db "It slowly flies in", $4e, "a circular pat-", $4e, "tern, all the@"
	db "while keeping a", $4e, "sharp lookout for", $4e, "prey.@"
; 0x181dd7

PidgeotPokedexEntry: ; 0x181dd7
	db "BIRD@" ; species name
	dw 411, 870; height, width
	db "Its outstanding", $4e, "vision allows it", $4e, "to spot splashing@"
	db "MAGIKARP, even", $4e, "while flying at", $4e, "3300 feet.@"
; 0x181e3d

RattataPokedexEntry: ; 0x181e3d
	db "RAT@" ; species name
	dw 100, 80; height, width
	db "This #MON's", $4e, "impressive vital-", $4e, "ity allows it to@"
	db "live anywhere. It", $4e, "also multiplies", $4e, "very quickly.@"
; 0x181ea3

RaticatePokedexEntry: ; 0x181ea3
	db "RAT@" ; species name
	dw 204, 410; height, width
	db "The webs on its", $4e, "hind legs enable", $4e, "it to cross@"
	db "rivers. It search-", $4e, "es wide areas for", $4e, "food.@"
; 0x181f03

SpearowPokedexEntry: ; 0x181f03
	db "TINY BIRD@" ; species name
	dw 100, 40; height, width
	db "To protect its", $4e, "territory, it", $4e, "flies around@"
	db "ceaselessly,", $4e, "making high-", $4e, "pitched cries.@"
; 0x181f64

FearowPokedexEntry: ; 0x181f64
	db "BEAK@" ; species name
	dw 311, 840; height, width
	db "It uses its long", $4e, "beak to attack. It", $4e, "has a surprisingly@"
	db "long reach, so it", $4e, "must be treated", $4e, "with caution.@"
; 0x181fd4

EkansPokedexEntry: ; 0x181fd4
	db "SNAKE@" ; species name
	dw 607, 150; height, width
	db "It flutters the", $4e, "tip of its tongue", $4e, "to seek out the@"
	db "scent of prey,", $4e, "then swallows the", $4e, "prey whole.@"
; 0x18203d

ArbokPokedexEntry: ; 0x18203d
	db "COBRA@" ; species name
	dw 1106, 1430; height, width
	db "To intimidate", $4e, "foes, it spreads", $4e, "its chest wide and@"
	db "makes eerie sounds", $4e, "by expelling air", $4e, "from its mouth.@"
; 0x1820ad

PikachuPokedexEntry: ; 0x1820ad
	db "MOUSE@" ; species name
	dw 104, 130; height, width
	db "When it is anger-", $4e, "ed, it immediately", $4e, "discharges the@"
	db "energy stored in", $4e, "the pouches in its", $4e, "cheeks.@"
; 0x182117

RaichuPokedexEntry: ; 0x182117
	db "MOUSE@" ; species name
	dw 207, 660; height, width
	db "If its electric", $4e, "pouches run empty,", $4e, "it raises its tail@"
	db "to gather electri-", $4e, "city from the", $4e, "atmosphere.@"
; 0x182184

SandshrewPokedexEntry: ; 0x182184
	db "MOUSE@" ; species name
	dw 200, 260; height, width
	db "It prefers dry,", $4e, "sandy places", $4e, "because it uses@"
	db "the sand to", $4e, "protect itself", $4e, "when threatened.@"
; 0x1821e7

SandslashPokedexEntry: ; 0x1821e7
	db "MOUSE@" ; species name
	dw 303, 650; height, width
	db "Adept at climbing", $4e, "trees, it rolls", $4e, "into a spiny ball,@"
	db "then attacks its", $4e, "enemies from", $4e, "above.@"
; 0x18224b

NidoranFPokedexEntry: ; 0x18224b
	db "POISON PIN@" ; species name
	dw 104, 150; height, width
	db "Small and very", $4e, "docile, it pro-", $4e, "tects itself with@"
	db "its small, poison-", $4e, "ous horn when", $4e, "attacked.@"
; 0x1822b6

NidorinaPokedexEntry: ; 0x1822b6
	db "POISON PIN@" ; species name
	dw 207, 440; height, width
	db "It has a docile", $4e, "nature. If it is", $4e, "threatened with@"
	db "attack, it raises", $4e, "the barbs that are", $4e, "all over its body.@"
; 0x18232e

NidoqueenPokedexEntry: ; 0x18232e
	db "DRILL@" ; species name
	dw 403, 1320; height, width
	db "The hard scales", $4e, "that cover its", $4e, "strong body serve@"
	db "as excellent", $4e, "protection from", $4e, "any attack.@"
; 0x182392

NidoranMPokedexEntry: ; 0x182392
	db "POISON PIN@" ; species name
	dw 108, 200; height, width
	db "It constantly", $4e, "moves its large", $4e, "ears in many@"
	db "directions in", $4e, "order to detect", $4e, "danger right away.@"
; 0x1823fd

NidorinoPokedexEntry: ; 0x1823fd
	db "POISON PIN@" ; species name
	dw 211, 430; height, width
	db "It is easily", $4e, "agitated and uses", $4e, "its horn for@"
	db "offense as soon as", $4e, "it notices an", $4e, "attacker.@"
; 0x182463

NidokingPokedexEntry: ; 0x182463
	db "DRILL@" ; species name
	dw 407, 1370; height, width
	db "It uses its thick", $4e, "arms, legs and", $4e, "tail to attack@"
	db "forcefully. Melee", $4e, "combat is its", $4e, "specialty.@"
; 0x1824c8

ClefairyPokedexEntry: ; 0x1824c8
	db "FAIRY@" ; species name
	dw 200, 170; height, width
	db "Though rarely", $4e, "seen, it becomes", $4e, "easier to spot,@"
	db "for some reason,", $4e, "on the night of a ", $4e, "full moon.@"
; 0x182530

ClefablePokedexEntry: ; 0x182530
	db "FAIRY@" ; species name
	dw 403, 880; height, width
	db "Said to live in", $4e, "quiet, remote", $4e, "mountains, this@"
	db "type of fairy has", $4e, "a strong aversion", $4e, "to being seen.@"
; 0x18259b

VulpixPokedexEntry: ; 0x18259b
	db "FOX@" ; species name
	dw 200, 220; height, width
	db "As its body grows", $4e, "larger, its six", $4e, "warm tails become@"
	db "more beautiful,", $4e, "with a more luxur-", $4e, "ious coat of fur.@"
; 0x18260c

NinetalesPokedexEntry: ; 0x18260c
	db "FOX@" ; species name
	dw 307, 440; height, width
	db "It is said to live", $4e, "a thousand years,", $4e, "and each of its@"
	db "tails is loaded", $4e, "with supernatural", $4e, "powers.@"
; 0x182673

JigglypuffPokedexEntry: ; 0x182673
	db "BALLOON@" ; species name
	dw 108, 120; height, width
	db "It rolls its cute", $4e, "eyes as it sings a", $4e, "soothing lullaby.@"
	db "Its gentle song", $4e, "puts anyone who", $4e, "hears it to sleep.@"
; 0x1826e9

WigglytuffPokedexEntry: ; 0x1826e9
	db "BALLOON@" ; species name
	dw 303, 260; height, width
	db "The rich, fluffy", $4e, "fur that covers", $4e, "its body feels so@"
	db "good that anyone", $4e, "who feels it can't", $4e, "stop touching it.@"
; 0x18275d

ZubatPokedexEntry: ; 0x18275d
	db "BAT@" ; species name
	dw 207, 170; height, width
	db "During the day, it", $4e, "gathers with", $4e, "others and hangs@"
	db "from the ceilings", $4e, "of old buildings", $4e, "and caves.@"
; 0x1827c4

GolbatPokedexEntry: ; 0x1827c4
	db "BAT@" ; species name
	dw 503, 1210; height, width
	db "When it plunges", $4e, "its fangs into its", $4e, "prey, it instantly@"
	db "draws and gulps", $4e, "down more than ten", $4e, "ounces of blood.@"
; 0x182836

OddishPokedexEntry: ; 0x182836
	db "WEED@" ; species name
	dw 108, 120; height, width
	db "During the day, it", $4e, "stays in the cold", $4e, "underground to@"
	db "avoid the sun.", $4e, "It grows by bath-", $4e, "ing in moonlight.@"
; 0x1828a6

GloomPokedexEntry: ; 0x1828a6
	db "WEED@" ; species name
	dw 207, 190; height, width
	db "The smell from its", $4e, "drool-like syrup", $4e, "and the pollen on@"
	db "its petals is so", $4e, "bad, it may make", $4e, "opponents faint.@"
; 0x182918

VileplumePokedexEntry: ; 0x182918
	db "FLOWER@" ; species name
	dw 311, 410; height, width
	db "By shaking its big", $4e, "petals, it scat-", $4e, "ters toxic pollen@"
	db "into the air,", $4e, "turning the air", $4e, "yellow.@"
; 0x18297f

ParasPokedexEntry: ; 0x18297f
	db "MUSHROOM@" ; species name
	dw 100, 120; height, width
	db "The tochukaso", $4e, "growing on this", $4e, "#MON's back@"
	db "orders it to", $4e, "extract juice from", $4e, "tree trunks.@"
; 0x1829e2

ParasectPokedexEntry: ; 0x1829e2
	db "MUSHROOM@" ; species name
	dw 303, 650; height, width
	db "When nothing's", $4e, "left to extract", $4e, "from the bug, the@"
	db "mushrooms on its", $4e, "back leave spores", $4e, "on the bug's egg.@"
; 0x182a53

VenonatPokedexEntry: ; 0x182a53
	db "INSECT@" ; species name
	dw 303, 660; height, width
	db "The small bugs it", $4e, "eats appear only", $4e, "at night, so it@"
	db "sleeps in a hole", $4e, "in a tree until", $4e, "night falls.@"
; 0x182abf

VenomothPokedexEntry: ; 0x182abf
	db "POISONMOTH@" ; species name
	dw 411, 280; height, width
	db "The scales it", $4e, "scatters will", $4e, "paralyze anyone@"
	db "who touches them,", $4e, "making that person", $4e, "unable to stand.@"
; 0x182b30

DiglettPokedexEntry: ; 0x182b30
	db "MOLE@" ; species name
	dw 8, 20; height, width
	db "It digs under-", $4e, "ground and chews", $4e, "on tree roots,@"
	db "sticking its head", $4e, "out only when the", $4e, "sun isn't bright.@"
; 0x182b9d

DugtrioPokedexEntry: ; 0x182b9d
	db "MOLE@" ; species name
	dw 204, 730; height, width
	db "These DIGLETT", $4e, "triplets dig over", $4e, "60 miles below sea@"
	db "level. No one", $4e, "knows what it's", $4e, "like underground.@"
; 0x182c08

MeowthPokedexEntry: ; 0x182c08
	db "SCRATCHCAT@" ; species name
	dw 104, 90; height, width
	db "It loves things", $4e, "that sparkle. When", $4e, "it sees a shiny@"
	db "object, the gold", $4e, "coin on its head", $4e, "shines too.@"
; 0x182c78

PersianPokedexEntry: ; 0x182c78
	db "CLASSY CAT@" ; species name
	dw 303, 710; height, width
	db "Behind its lithe,", $4e, "elegant appearance", $4e, "lies a barbaric@"
	db "side. It will tear", $4e, "apart its prey on", $4e, "a mere whim.@"
; 0x182cee

PsyduckPokedexEntry: ; 0x182cee
	db "DUCK@" ; species name
	dw 207, 430; height, width
	db "The only time it", $4e, "can use its psy-", $4e, "chic power is when@"
	db "its sleeping brain", $4e, "cells happen to", $4e, "wake.@"
; 0x182d55

GolduckPokedexEntry: ; 0x182d55
	db "DUCK@" ; species name
	dw 507, 1690; height, width
	db "It swims grace-", $4e, "fully along on the", $4e, "quiet, slow-moving@"
	db "rivers and lakes", $4e, "of which it is so", $4e, "fond.@"
; 0x182dbd

MankeyPokedexEntry: ; 0x182dbd
	db "PIG MONKEY@" ; species name
	dw 108, 620; height, width
	db "It lives in groups", $4e, "in the treetops.", $4e, "If it loses sight@"
	db "of its group, it", $4e, "becomes infuriated", $4e, "by its loneliness.@"
; 0x182e39

PrimeapePokedexEntry: ; 0x182e39
	db "PIG MONKEY@" ; species name
	dw 303, 710; height, width
	db "It will beat up", $4e, "anyone who makes", $4e, "it mad, even if it@"
	db "has to chase them", $4e, "until the end of", $4e, "the world.@"
; 0x182eaa

GrowlithePokedexEntry: ; 0x182eaa
	db "PUPPY@" ; species name
	dw 204, 420; height, width
	db "It controls a big", $4e, "territory. If it", $4e, "detects an unknown@"
	db "smell, it roars", $4e, "loudly to force", $4e, "out the intruder.@"
; 0x182f1c

ArcaninePokedexEntry: ; 0x182f1c
	db "LEGENDARY@" ; species name
	dw 603, 3420; height, width
	db "An ancient picture", $4e, "scroll shows that", $4e, "people were@"
	db "attracted to its", $4e, "movement as it ran", $4e, "through prairies.@"
; 0x182f91

PoliwagPokedexEntry: ; 0x182f91
	db "TADPOLE@" ; species name
	dw 200, 270; height, width
	db "The swirl on its", $4e, "belly is its", $4e, "insides showing@"
	db "through the skin.", $4e, "It looks clearer", $4e, "after it eats.@"
; 0x182ffd

PoliwhirlPokedexEntry: ; 0x182ffd
	db "TADPOLE@" ; species name
	dw 303, 440; height, width
	db "Though it is", $4e, "skilled at walk-", $4e, "ing, it prefers to@"
	db "live underwater", $4e, "where there is", $4e, "less danger.@"
; 0x183066

PoliwrathPokedexEntry: ; 0x183066
	db "TADPOLE@" ; species name
	dw 403, 1190; height, width
	db "It can use its", $4e, "well-developed", $4e, "arms and legs to@"
	db "run on the surface", $4e, "of the water for a", $4e, "split second.@"
; 0x1830d5

AbraPokedexEntry: ; 0x1830d5
	db "PSI@" ; species name
	dw 211, 430; height, width
	db "It hypnotizes", $4e, "itself so that it", $4e, "can teleport away@"
	db "when it senses", $4e, "danger, even", $4e, "if it is asleep.@"
; 0x18313c

KadabraPokedexEntry: ; 0x18313c
	db "PSI@" ; species name
	dw 403, 1250; height, width
	db "When it closes its", $4e, "eyes, twice as", $4e, "many alpha parti-@"
	db "cles come out of", $4e, "the surface of its", $4e, "body.@"
; 0x1831a2