ref: 6a3cf4e39391560ec978432ec797ce77d13cd76b
dir: /maps/TeamRocketBaseB1F.asm/
TeamRocketBaseB1F_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x6c651 ; trigger count db 1 ; triggers dw UnknownScript_0x6c65a, $0000 ; callback count db 1 ; callbacks dbw 2, UnknownScript_0x6c65b ; 0x6c65a UnknownScript_0x6c65a: ; 0x6c65a end ; 0x6c65b UnknownScript_0x6c65b: ; 0x6c65b disappear $2 return ; 0x6c65e SecurityCamera1a: ; 0x6c65e checkbit1 $02e4 iftrue NoSecurityCamera 2call PlaySecurityCameraSounds checkbit1 $06da iftrue NoSecurityCamera showemote $0, $0, 15 playmusic $0039 moveperson $2, $13, $2 appear $2 spriteface $0, $2 applymovement $2, SecurityCameraMovement1 2call TrainerCameraGrunt1 if_equal $1, NoSecurityCamera 2call PlaySecurityCameraSounds showemote $0, $0, 15 playmusic $0039 moveperson $2, $13, $2 appear $2 applymovement $2, SecurityCameraMovement1 2call TrainerCameraGrunt2 if_equal $1, NoSecurityCamera setbit1 $02e4 end ; 0x6c6a7 SecurityCamera1b: ; 0x6c6a7 checkbit1 $02e4 iftrue NoSecurityCamera 2call PlaySecurityCameraSounds checkbit1 $06da iftrue NoSecurityCamera showemote $0, $0, 15 playmusic $0039 moveperson $2, $13, $3 appear $2 spriteface $0, $2 applymovement $2, SecurityCameraMovement1 2call TrainerCameraGrunt1 if_equal $1, NoSecurityCamera 2call PlaySecurityCameraSounds showemote $0, $0, 15 playmusic $0039 moveperson $2, $13, $3 appear $2 applymovement $2, SecurityCameraMovement1 2call TrainerCameraGrunt2 if_equal $1, NoSecurityCamera setbit1 $02e4 end ; 0x6c6f0 SecurityCamera2a: ; 0x6c6f0 checkbit1 $02e5 iftrue NoSecurityCamera 2call PlaySecurityCameraSounds checkbit1 $06da iftrue NoSecurityCamera showemote $0, $0, 15 playmusic $0039 moveperson $2, $4, $7 appear $2 spriteface $0, $2 applymovement $2, SecurityCameraMovement2 2call TrainerCameraGrunt1 if_equal $1, NoSecurityCamera 2call PlaySecurityCameraSounds showemote $0, $0, 15 playmusic $0039 spriteface $0, $3 moveperson $2, $c, $5 appear $2 applymovement $2, SecurityCameraMovement3 2call TrainerCameraGrunt2 if_equal $1, NoSecurityCamera setbit1 $02e5 end ; 0x6c73c SecurityCamera2b: ; 0x6c73c checkbit1 $02e5 iftrue NoSecurityCamera 2call PlaySecurityCameraSounds checkbit1 $06da iftrue NoSecurityCamera showemote $0, $0, 15 playmusic $0039 moveperson $2, $4, $8 appear $2 spriteface $0, $2 applymovement $2, SecurityCameraMovement4 2call TrainerCameraGrunt1 if_equal $1, NoSecurityCamera 2call PlaySecurityCameraSounds showemote $0, $0, 15 playmusic $0039 spriteface $0, $3 moveperson $2, $c, $5 appear $2 applymovement $2, SecurityCameraMovement5 2call TrainerCameraGrunt2 if_equal $1, NoSecurityCamera setbit1 $02e5 end ; 0x6c788 SecurityCamera3a: ; 0x6c788 checkbit1 $02e6 iftrue NoSecurityCamera 2call PlaySecurityCameraSounds checkbit1 $06da iftrue NoSecurityCamera showemote $0, $0, 15 playmusic $0039 moveperson $2, $13, $6 appear $2 spriteface $0, $2 applymovement $2, SecurityCameraMovement1 2call TrainerCameraGrunt1 if_equal $1, NoSecurityCamera 2call PlaySecurityCameraSounds showemote $0, $0, 15 playmusic $0039 spriteface $0, $3 moveperson $2, $19, $b appear $2 applymovement $2, SecurityCameraMovement6 2call TrainerCameraGrunt2 if_equal $1, NoSecurityCamera setbit1 $02e6 end ; 0x6c7d4 SecurityCamera3b: ; 0x6c7d4 checkbit1 $02e6 iftrue NoSecurityCamera 2call PlaySecurityCameraSounds checkbit1 $06da iftrue NoSecurityCamera showemote $0, $0, 15 playmusic $0039 moveperson $2, $13, $7 appear $2 spriteface $0, $2 applymovement $2, SecurityCameraMovement1 2call TrainerCameraGrunt1 if_equal $1, NoSecurityCamera 2call PlaySecurityCameraSounds showemote $0, $0, 15 playmusic $0039 spriteface $0, $3 moveperson $2, $19, $c appear $2 applymovement $2, SecurityCameraMovement7 2call TrainerCameraGrunt2 if_equal $1, NoSecurityCamera setbit1 $02e6 end ; 0x6c820 SecurityCamera4: ; 0x6c820 checkbit1 $02e7 iftrue NoSecurityCamera 2call PlaySecurityCameraSounds checkbit1 $06da iftrue NoSecurityCamera showemote $0, $0, 15 playmusic $0039 moveperson $2, $11, $10 appear $2 spriteface $0, $2 applymovement $2, SecurityCameraMovement1 2call TrainerCameraGrunt1 if_equal $1, NoSecurityCamera 2call PlaySecurityCameraSounds showemote $0, $0, 15 playmusic $0039 spriteface $0, $3 moveperson $2, $19, $b appear $2 applymovement $2, SecurityCameraMovement8 2call TrainerCameraGrunt2 if_equal $1, NoSecurityCamera setbit1 $02e7 end ; 0x6c86c SecurityCamera5: ; 0x6c86c checkbit1 $02e8 iftrue NoSecurityCamera 2call PlaySecurityCameraSounds checkbit1 $06da iftrue NoSecurityCamera showemote $0, $0, 15 playmusic $0039 moveperson $2, $3, $10 appear $2 spriteface $0, $2 applymovement $2, SecurityCameraMovement1 2call TrainerCameraGrunt1 if_equal $1, NoSecurityCamera 2call PlaySecurityCameraSounds showemote $0, $0, 15 playmusic $0039 spriteface $0, $3 moveperson $2, $e, $10 appear $2 applymovement $2, SecurityCameraMovement9 2call TrainerCameraGrunt2 if_equal $1, NoSecurityCamera setbit1 $02e8 end ; 0x6c8b8 NoSecurityCamera: ; 0x6c8b8 end ; 0x6c8b9 TrainerCameraGrunt1: ; 0x6c8b9 loadfont 2writetext CameraGrunt1SeenText closetext loadmovesprites winlosstext CameraGrunt1BeatenText, $0000 setlasttalked $2 loadtrainer GRUNTM, 20 startbattle disappear $2 returnafterbattle end ; 0x6c8ce TrainerCameraGrunt2: ; 0x6c8ce loadfont 2writetext CameraGrunt2SeenText closetext loadmovesprites winlosstext CameraGrunt2BeatenText, $0000 setlasttalked $2 loadtrainer GRUNTM, 21 startbattle disappear $2 returnafterbattle end ; 0x6c8e3 PlaySecurityCameraSounds: ; 0x6c8e3 playsound $0030 pause 10 playsound $0030 pause 10 playsound $0030 pause 10 playsound $0030 pause 10 playsound $0030 pause 10 playsound $0030 end ; 0x6c900 ExplodingTrap1: ; 0x6c900 checkbit1 $02e9 iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call KoffingExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02e9 end ExplodingTrap2: ; 0x6c90e checkbit1 $02ea iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call VoltorbExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02ea end ExplodingTrap3: ; 0x6c91c checkbit1 $02eb iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call GeodudeExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02eb end ExplodingTrap4: ; 0x6c92a checkbit1 $02ec iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call VoltorbExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02ec end ExplodingTrap5: ; 0x6c938 checkbit1 $02ed iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call GeodudeExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02ed end ExplodingTrap6: ; 0x6c946 checkbit1 $02ee iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call KoffingExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02ee end ExplodingTrap7: ; 0x6c954 checkbit1 $02ef iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call VoltorbExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02ef end ExplodingTrap8: ; 0x6c962 checkbit1 $02f0 iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call KoffingExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02f0 end ExplodingTrap9: ; 0x6c970 checkbit1 $02f1 iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call KoffingExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02f1 end ExplodingTrap10: ; 0x6c97e checkbit1 $02f2 iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call VoltorbExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02f2 end ExplodingTrap11: ; 0x6c98c checkbit1 $02f3 iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call GeodudeExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02f3 end ExplodingTrap12: ; 0x6c99a checkbit1 $02f4 iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call GeodudeExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02f4 end ExplodingTrap13: ; 0x6c9a8 checkbit1 $02f5 iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call GeodudeExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02f5 end ExplodingTrap14: ; 0x6c9b6 checkbit1 $02f6 iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call KoffingExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02f6 end ExplodingTrap15: ; 0x6c9c4 checkbit1 $02f7 iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call VoltorbExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02f7 end ExplodingTrap16: ; 0x6c9d2 checkbit1 $02f8 iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call KoffingExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02f8 end ExplodingTrap17: ; 0x6c9e0 checkbit1 $02f9 iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call VoltorbExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02f9 end ExplodingTrap18: ; 0x6c9ee checkbit1 $02fa iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call GeodudeExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02fa end ExplodingTrap19: ; 0x6c9fc checkbit1 $02fb iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call GeodudeExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02fb end ExplodingTrap20: ; 0x6ca0a checkbit1 $02fc iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call VoltorbExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02fc end ExplodingTrap21: ; 0x6ca18 checkbit1 $02fd iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call KoffingExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02fd end ExplodingTrap22: ; 0x6ca26 checkbit1 $02fe iftrue NoExplodingTrap 2call VoltorbExplodingTrap returnafterbattle setbit1 $02fe end VoltorbExplodingTrap: ; 0x6ca34 special $002e cry VOLTORB special $0031 setlasttalked $ff writecode $3, $9 loadpokedata VOLTORB, 23 startbattle end GeodudeExplodingTrap: ; 0x6ca47 special $002e cry GEODUDE special $0031 setlasttalked $ff writecode $3, $9 loadpokedata GEODUDE, 21 startbattle end KoffingExplodingTrap: ; 0x6ca5a special $002e cry KOFFING special $0031 setlasttalked $ff writecode $3, $9 loadpokedata KOFFING, 21 startbattle end NoExplodingTrap: ; 0x6ca6d end ; 0x6ca6e TrainerScientistJed: ; 0x6ca6e ; bit/flag number dw $4a1 ; trainer group && trainer id db SCIENTIST, JED ; text when seen dw ScientistJedSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw ScientistJedBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw ScientistJedScript ; 0x6ca7a ScientistJedScript: ; 0x6ca7a talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x6cc16 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x6ca82 TrainerGruntM16: ; 0x6ca82 ; bit/flag number dw $500 ; trainer group && trainer id db GRUNTM, 16 ; text when seen dw GruntM16SeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw GruntM16BeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw GruntM16Script ; 0x6ca8e GruntM16Script: ; 0x6ca8e talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x6cd1b closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x6ca96 MapTeamRocketBaseB1FSignpost5Script: ; 0x6ca96 jumptext SecurityCameraText ; 0x6ca99 MapTeamRocketBaseB1FSignpost7Script: ; 0x6ca99 jumpstd $0004 ; 0x6ca9c MapTeamRocketBaseB1FSignpost0Script: ; 0x6ca9c loadfont checkbit1 $02e3 iftrue UnknownScript_0x6cabe 2writetext UnknownText_0x6cdad playsound $0021 closetext loadmovesprites setbit1 $02e3 setbit1 $02e4 setbit1 $02e5 setbit1 $02e6 setbit1 $02e7 setbit1 $02e8 end ; 0x6cabe UnknownScript_0x6cabe: ; 0x6cabe 2writetext UnknownText_0x6cdd0 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x6cac4 ItemFragment_0x6cac4: ; 0x6cac4 db HYPER_POTION, 1 ; 0x6cac6 ItemFragment_0x6cac6: ; 0x6cac6 db NUGGET, 1 ; 0x6cac8 ItemFragment_0x6cac8: ; 0x6cac8 db GUARD_SPEC, 1 ; 0x6caca MapTeamRocketBaseB1FSignpostItem8: ; 0x6caca dw $0086 db REVIVE ; 0x6cacd SecurityCameraMovement1: ; 0x6cacd big_step_right big_step_right big_step_right big_step_right step_end ; 0x6cad2 SecurityCameraMovement2: ; 0x6cad2 big_step_up big_step_right big_step_up big_step_up big_step_up big_step_up turn_head_right step_end ; 0x6cada SecurityCameraMovement3: ; 0x6cada big_step_left big_step_left big_step_left big_step_up big_step_up big_step_up big_step_left big_step_left step_end ; 0x6cae3 SecurityCameraMovement4: ; 0x6cae3 ; he jumps over a trap jump_step_up big_step_right big_step_up big_step_up big_step_up turn_head_right step_end ; 0x6caea SecurityCameraMovement5: ; 0x6caea big_step_left big_step_left big_step_left big_step_up big_step_up big_step_left big_step_left step_end ; 0x6caf2 SecurityCameraMovement6: ; 0x6caf2 big_step_up big_step_up big_step_right big_step_up big_step_up big_step_up big_step_left step_end ; 0x6cafa SecurityCameraMovement7: ; 0x6cafa big_step_up big_step_up big_step_up big_step_right big_step_up big_step_up big_step_left step_end ; 0x6cb02 SecurityCameraMovement8: ; 0x6cb02 big_step_down big_step_down big_step_right big_step_down big_step_down big_step_down big_step_left big_step_left big_step_left step_end ; 0x6cb0c SecurityCameraMovement9: ; 0x6cb0c big_step_left big_step_left big_step_left big_step_left big_step_left step_end ; 0x6cb12 CameraGrunt1SeenText: ; 0x6cb12 db $0, "Hey!", $4f db "Intruder alert!", $57 ; 0x6cb28 CameraGrunt1BeatenText: ; 0x6cb28 db $0, "Dang… I failed…", $57 ; 0x6cb39 CameraGrunt2SeenText: ; 0x6cb39 db $0, "It's my turn!", $4f db "There's no escape!", $57 ; 0x6cb59 CameraGrunt2BeatenText: ; 0x6cb59 db $0, "Surveillance cams", $4f db "are in the #MON", $55 db "statues.", $51 db "We'll keep appear-", $4f db "ing until you trip", $55 db "a secret switch.", $57 ; 0x6cbbb ScientistJedSeenText: ; 0x6cbbb db $0, "This was once a", $4f db "ninja hideout.", $51 db "There are traps to", $4f db "confound intruders", $55 db "like you.", $57 ; 0x6cc0b ScientistJedBeatenText: ; 0x6cc0b db $0, "I get it…", $57 ; 0x6cc16 UnknownText_0x6cc16: ; 0x6cc16 db $0, "All right. I'll", $4f db "divulge a secret", $55 db "about our hideout.", $51 db "That thing on the", $4f db "floor up ahead is", $55 db "a warp panel.", $51 db "If you step on it,", $4f db "you'll be warped", $51 db "back to the en-", $4f db "trance.", $57 ; 0x6ccb7 GruntM16SeenText: ; 0x6ccb7 db $0, "Heheh. Feeling", $4f db "lucky, punk?", $51 db "Go ahead, take", $4f db "another step.", $51 db "We've got traps", $4f db "set in the floor!", $57 ; 0x6cd12 GruntM16BeatenText: ; 0x6cd12 db $0, "Kaboom!", $57 ; 0x6cd1b UnknownText_0x6cd1b: ; 0x6cd1b db $0, "I don't even know", $4f db "where the traps", $55 db "are planted.", $51 db "You'll just have", $4f db "to collect your", $55 db "courage and walk.", $57 ; 0x6cd7c SecurityCameraText: ; 0x6cd7c db $0, "It's a PERSIAN", $4f db "statue…", $51 db "Its eyes are oddly", $4f db "shiny.", $57 ; 0x6cdad UnknownText_0x6cdad: ; 0x6cdad db $0, "A secret switch!", $4f db "Better press it.", $57 ; 0x6cdd0 UnknownText_0x6cdd0: ; 0x6cdd0 db $0, "The switch is", $4f db "turned off.", $57 ; 0x6cdeb TeamRocketBaseB1F_MapEventHeader: ; 0x6cdeb ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 4 warp_def $2, $1b, 3, GROUP_MAHOGANY_MART_1F, MAP_MAHOGANY_MART_1F warp_def $e, $3, 1, GROUP_TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_B2F, MAP_TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_B2F warp_def $f, $5, 4, GROUP_TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_B1F, MAP_TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_B1F warp_def $2, $19, 3, GROUP_TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_B1F, MAP_TEAM_ROCKET_BASE_B1F ; xy triggers db 30 ; There are five security cameras in the base. ; Walking in front of one triggers two Rocket Grunts. xy_trigger 0, $2, $18, $0, SecurityCamera1a, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $3, $18, $0, SecurityCamera1b, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $2, $6, $0, SecurityCamera2a, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $3, $6, $0, SecurityCamera2b, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $6, $18, $0, SecurityCamera3a, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $7, $18, $0, SecurityCamera3b, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $10, $16, $0, SecurityCamera4, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $10, $8, $0, SecurityCamera5, $0, $0 ; There are spots on the floor that trigger a Pokémon battle. ; Each Pokémon (Voltorb, Koffing, Geodude) knows Selfdestruct. xy_trigger 0, $7, $2, $0, ExplodingTrap1, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $7, $3, $0, ExplodingTrap2, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $7, $4, $0, ExplodingTrap3, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $8, $1, $0, ExplodingTrap4, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $8, $3, $0, ExplodingTrap5, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $8, $5, $0, ExplodingTrap6, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $9, $3, $0, ExplodingTrap7, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $9, $4, $0, ExplodingTrap8, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $a, $1, $0, ExplodingTrap9, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $a, $2, $0, ExplodingTrap10, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $a, $3, $0, ExplodingTrap11, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $a, $5, $0, ExplodingTrap12, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $b, $2, $0, ExplodingTrap13, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $b, $4, $0, ExplodingTrap14, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $c, $1, $0, ExplodingTrap15, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $c, $2, $0, ExplodingTrap16, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $c, $4, $0, ExplodingTrap17, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $c, $5, $0, ExplodingTrap18, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $d, $1, $0, ExplodingTrap19, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $d, $3, $0, ExplodingTrap20, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $d, $4, $0, ExplodingTrap21, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $d, $5, $0, ExplodingTrap22, $0, $0 ; signposts db 9 signpost 11, 19, $0, MapTeamRocketBaseB1FSignpost0Script signpost 1, 24, $1, MapTeamRocketBaseB1FSignpost5Script signpost 1, 6, $1, MapTeamRocketBaseB1FSignpost5Script signpost 15, 8, $1, MapTeamRocketBaseB1FSignpost5Script signpost 15, 22, $1, MapTeamRocketBaseB1FSignpost5Script signpost 5, 24, $1, MapTeamRocketBaseB1FSignpost5Script signpost 11, 20, $0, MapTeamRocketBaseB1FSignpost7Script signpost 11, 21, $0, MapTeamRocketBaseB1FSignpost7Script signpost 11, 3, $7, MapTeamRocketBaseB1FSignpostItem8 ; people-events db 6 person_event $35, 4, 4, $6, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, ObjectEvent, $06d9 person_event $35, 8, 6, $9, $0, 255, 255, $2, 3, TrainerGruntM16, $06da person_event $3c, 16, 22, $8, $0, 255, 255, $92, 3, TrainerScientistJed, $06da person_event $54, 10, 31, $1, $0, 255, 255, $1, 0, ItemFragment_0x6cac4, $0669 person_event $54, 19, 18, $1, $0, 255, 255, $1, 0, ItemFragment_0x6cac6, $066a person_event $54, 16, 25, $1, $0, 255, 255, $1, 0, ItemFragment_0x6cac8, $066b ; 0x6cf70