ref: 69185e165755f4a03a5bbce9dd87e7e543a0f3ab
dir: /engine/overworld/decorations.asm/
InitDecorations: ld a, DECO_FEATHERY_BED ld [wDecoBed], a ld a, DECO_TOWN_MAP ld [wDecoPoster], a ret _PlayerDecorationMenu: ld a, [wWhichIndexSet] push af ld hl, .MenuHeader call LoadMenuHeader xor a ; FALSE ld [wChangedDecorations], a ld a, $1 ; bed ld [wCurDecorationCategory], a .top_loop ld a, [wCurDecorationCategory] ld [wMenuCursorPosition], a call .FindCategoriesWithOwnedDecos call DoNthMenu ld a, [wMenuCursorY] ld [wCurDecorationCategory], a jr c, .exit_menu ld a, [wMenuSelection] ld hl, .category_pointers call MenuJumptable jr nc, .top_loop .exit_menu call ExitMenu pop af ld [wWhichIndexSet], a ld a, [wChangedDecorations] ld c, a ret .MenuHeader: db MENU_BACKUP_TILES ; flags menu_coords 5, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH - 1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1 dw .MenuData db 1 ; default option .MenuData: db STATICMENU_CURSOR | STATICMENU_WRAP ; flags db 0 ; items dw wNumOwnedDecoCategories dw PlaceNthMenuStrings dw .category_pointers .category_pointers: table_width 2 + 2, _PlayerDecorationMenu.category_pointers dw DecoBedMenu, .bed dw DecoCarpetMenu, .carpet dw DecoPlantMenu, .plant dw DecoPosterMenu, .poster dw DecoConsoleMenu, .game dw DecoOrnamentMenu, .ornament dw DecoBigDollMenu, .big_doll dw DecoExitMenu, .exit assert_table_length NUM_DECO_CATEGORIES + 1 .bed: db "BED@" .carpet: db "CARPET@" .plant: db "PLANT@" .poster: db "POSTER@" .game: db "GAME CONSOLE@" .ornament: db "ORNAMENT@" .big_doll: db "BIG DOLL@" .exit: db "EXIT@" .FindCategoriesWithOwnedDecos: xor a ld [wWhichIndexSet], a call .ClearStringBuffer2 call .FindOwnedDecos ld a, 7 call .AppendToStringBuffer2 ld hl, wStringBuffer2 ld de, wDecoNameBuffer ld bc, ITEM_NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes ret .ClearStringBuffer2: ld hl, wStringBuffer2 xor a ld [hli], a ld bc, ITEM_NAME_LENGTH - 1 ld a, -1 call ByteFill ret .AppendToStringBuffer2: ld hl, wStringBuffer2 inc [hl] ld e, [hl] ld d, 0 add hl, de ld [hl], a ret .FindOwnedDecos: ld hl, .owned_pointers .loop ld a, [hli] ld e, a ld a, [hli] ld d, a or e jr z, .done push hl call _de_ pop hl jr nc, .next ld a, [hl] push hl call .AppendToStringBuffer2 pop hl .next inc hl jr .loop .done ret .owned_pointers: table_width 3, _PlayerDecorationMenu.owned_pointers dwb FindOwnedBeds, 0 ; bed dwb FindOwnedCarpets, 1 ; carpet dwb FindOwnedPlants, 2 ; plant dwb FindOwnedPosters, 3 ; poster dwb FindOwnedConsoles, 4 ; game console dwb FindOwnedOrnaments, 5 ; ornament dwb FindOwnedBigDolls, 6 ; big doll assert_table_length NUM_DECO_CATEGORIES dw 0 ; end Deco_FillTempWithMinusOne: xor a ld hl, wNumOwnedDecoCategories ld [hli], a assert wNumOwnedDecoCategories + 1 == wOwnedDecoCategories ld a, -1 ld bc, 16 call ByteFill ret CheckAllDecorationFlags: .loop ld a, [hli] cp -1 jr z, .done push hl push af ld b, CHECK_FLAG call DecorationFlagAction ld a, c and a pop bc ld a, b call nz, AppendDecoIndex pop hl jr .loop .done ret AppendDecoIndex: ld hl, wNumOwnedDecoCategories inc [hl] assert wNumOwnedDecoCategories + 1 == wOwnedDecoCategories ld e, [hl] ld d, 0 add hl, de ld [hl], a ret FindOwnedDecosInCategory: push bc push hl call Deco_FillTempWithMinusOne pop hl call CheckAllDecorationFlags pop bc ld a, [wNumOwnedDecoCategories] and a ret z ld a, c call AppendDecoIndex ld a, 0 call AppendDecoIndex scf ret DecoBedMenu: call FindOwnedBeds call PopulateDecoCategoryMenu xor a ret FindOwnedBeds: ld hl, .beds ld c, BEDS jp FindOwnedDecosInCategory .beds: db DECO_FEATHERY_BED ; 2 db DECO_PINK_BED ; 3 db DECO_POLKADOT_BED ; 4 db DECO_PIKACHU_BED ; 5 db -1 DecoCarpetMenu: call FindOwnedCarpets call PopulateDecoCategoryMenu xor a ret FindOwnedCarpets: ld hl, .carpets ld c, CARPETS jp FindOwnedDecosInCategory .carpets: db DECO_RED_CARPET ; 7 db DECO_BLUE_CARPET ; 8 db DECO_YELLOW_CARPET ; 9 db DECO_GREEN_CARPET ; a db -1 DecoPlantMenu: call FindOwnedPlants call PopulateDecoCategoryMenu xor a ret FindOwnedPlants: ld hl, .plants ld c, PLANTS jp FindOwnedDecosInCategory .plants: db DECO_MAGNAPLANT ; c db DECO_TROPICPLANT ; d db DECO_JUMBOPLANT ; e db -1 DecoPosterMenu: call FindOwnedPosters call PopulateDecoCategoryMenu xor a ret FindOwnedPosters: ld hl, .posters ld c, POSTERS jp FindOwnedDecosInCategory .posters: db DECO_TOWN_MAP ; 10 db DECO_PIKACHU_POSTER ; 11 db DECO_CLEFAIRY_POSTER ; 12 db DECO_JIGGLYPUFF_POSTER ; 13 db -1 DecoConsoleMenu: call FindOwnedConsoles call PopulateDecoCategoryMenu xor a ret FindOwnedConsoles: ld hl, .consoles ld c, CONSOLES jp FindOwnedDecosInCategory .consoles: db DECO_FAMICOM ; 15 db DECO_SNES ; 16 db DECO_N64 ; 17 db DECO_VIRTUAL_BOY ; 18 db -1 DecoOrnamentMenu: call FindOwnedOrnaments call PopulateDecoCategoryMenu xor a ret FindOwnedOrnaments: ld hl, .ornaments ld c, DOLLS jp FindOwnedDecosInCategory .ornaments: db DECO_PIKACHU_DOLL ; 1e db DECO_SURF_PIKACHU_DOLL ; 1f db DECO_CLEFAIRY_DOLL ; 20 db DECO_JIGGLYPUFF_DOLL ; 21 db DECO_BULBASAUR_DOLL ; 22 db DECO_CHARMANDER_DOLL ; 23 db DECO_SQUIRTLE_DOLL ; 24 db DECO_POLIWAG_DOLL ; 25 db DECO_DIGLETT_DOLL ; 26 db DECO_STARMIE_DOLL ; 27 db DECO_MAGIKARP_DOLL ; 28 db DECO_ODDISH_DOLL ; 29 db DECO_GENGAR_DOLL ; 2a db DECO_SHELLDER_DOLL ; 2b db DECO_GRIMER_DOLL ; 2c db DECO_VOLTORB_DOLL ; 2d db DECO_WEEDLE_DOLL ; 2e db DECO_UNOWN_DOLL ; 2f db DECO_GEODUDE_DOLL ; 30 db DECO_MACHOP_DOLL ; 31 db DECO_TENTACOOL_DOLL ; 32 db DECO_GOLD_TROPHY_DOLL ; 33 db DECO_SILVER_TROPHY_DOLL ; 34 db -1 DecoBigDollMenu: call FindOwnedBigDolls call PopulateDecoCategoryMenu xor a ret FindOwnedBigDolls: ld hl, .big_dolls ld c, BIG_DOLLS jp FindOwnedDecosInCategory .big_dolls: db DECO_BIG_SNORLAX_DOLL ; 1a db DECO_BIG_ONIX_DOLL ; 1b db DECO_BIG_LAPRAS_DOLL ; 1c db -1 DecoExitMenu: scf ret PopulateDecoCategoryMenu: ld a, [wNumOwnedDecoCategories] and a jr z, .empty cp 8 jr nc, .beyond_eight xor a ld [wWhichIndexSet], a ld hl, .NonscrollingMenuHeader call LoadMenuHeader call DoNthMenu jr c, .no_action_1 call DoDecorationAction2 .no_action_1 call ExitMenu ret .beyond_eight ld hl, wNumOwnedDecoCategories ld e, [hl] dec [hl] assert wNumOwnedDecoCategories + 1 == wOwnedDecoCategories ld d, 0 add hl, de ld [hl], -1 call LoadStandardMenuHeader ld hl, .ScrollingMenuHeader call CopyMenuHeader xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a call InitScrollingMenu xor a ld [wMenuScrollPosition], a call ScrollingMenu ld a, [wMenuJoypad] cp 2 jr z, .no_action_2 call DoDecorationAction2 .no_action_2 call ExitMenu ret .empty ld hl, .NothingToChooseText call MenuTextboxBackup ret .NothingToChooseText: text_far _NothingToChooseText text_end .NonscrollingMenuHeader: db MENU_BACKUP_TILES ; flags menu_coords 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH - 1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1 dw .NonscrollingMenuData db 1 ; default option .NonscrollingMenuData: db STATICMENU_CURSOR | STATICMENU_WRAP ; flags db 0 ; items dw wDecoNameBuffer dw DecorationMenuFunction dw DecorationAttributes .ScrollingMenuHeader: db MENU_BACKUP_TILES ; flags menu_coords 1, 1, SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2 dw .ScrollingMenuData db 1 ; default option .ScrollingMenuData: db SCROLLINGMENU_DISPLAY_ARROWS ; flags db 8, 0 ; rows, columns db SCROLLINGMENU_ITEMS_NORMAL ; item format dbw 0, wNumOwnedDecoCategories dba DecorationMenuFunction dbw 0, NULL dbw 0, NULL GetDecorationData: ld hl, DecorationAttributes ld bc, DECOATTR_STRUCT_LENGTH call AddNTimes ret GetDecorationName: push hl call GetDecorationData call GetDecoName pop hl call CopyName2 ret DecorationMenuFunction: ld a, [wMenuSelection] push de call GetDecorationData call GetDecoName pop hl call PlaceString ret DoDecorationAction2: ld a, [wMenuSelection] call GetDecorationData ld de, DECOATTR_ACTION add hl, de ld a, [hl] ld hl, .DecoActions rst JumpTable ret .DecoActions: table_width 2, DoDecorationAction2.DecoActions dw DecoAction_nothing dw DecoAction_setupbed dw DecoAction_putawaybed dw DecoAction_setupcarpet dw DecoAction_putawaycarpet dw DecoAction_setupplant dw DecoAction_putawayplant dw DecoAction_setupposter dw DecoAction_putawayposter dw DecoAction_setupconsole dw DecoAction_putawayconsole dw DecoAction_setupbigdoll dw DecoAction_putawaybigdoll dw DecoAction_setupornament dw DecoAction_putawayornament assert_table_length NUM_DECO_ACTIONS + 1 GetDecorationFlag: call GetDecorationData ld de, DECOATTR_EVENT_FLAG add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld d, [hl] ld e, a ret DecorationFlagAction: push bc call GetDecorationFlag pop bc call EventFlagAction ret GetDecorationSprite: ld a, c call GetDecorationData ld de, DECOATTR_SPRITE add hl, de ld a, [hl] ld c, a ret INCLUDE "data/decorations/attributes.asm" INCLUDE "data/decorations/names.asm" GetDecoName: ld a, [hli] ; DECOATTR_TYPE ld e, [hl] ; DECOATTR_NAME ld bc, wStringBuffer2 push bc ld hl, .NameFunctions rst JumpTable pop de ret .NameFunctions: table_width 2, GetDecoName.NameFunctions dw .invalid dw .plant dw .bed dw .carpet dw .poster dw .doll dw .bigdoll assert_table_length NUM_DECO_TYPES + 1 .invalid: ret .plant: ld a, e jr .getdeconame .bed: call .plant ld a, _BED jr .getdeconame .carpet: call .plant ld a, _CARPET jr .getdeconame .poster: ld a, e call .getpokename ld a, _POSTER jr .getdeconame .doll: ld a, e call .getpokename ld a, _DOLL jr .getdeconame .bigdoll: push de ld a, BIG_ call .getdeconame pop de ld a, e jr .getpokename .unused: ; unreferenced push de call .getdeconame pop de ld a, e jr .getdeconame .getpokename: push bc ld [wNamedObjectIndex], a call GetPokemonName pop bc jr .copy .getdeconame: call ._getdeconame jr .copy ._getdeconame: push bc ld hl, DecorationNames call GetNthString ld d, h ld e, l pop bc ret .copy: ld h, b ld l, c call CopyName2 dec hl ld b, h ld c, l ret DecoAction_nothing: scf ret DecoAction_setupbed: ld hl, wDecoBed jp DecoAction_TrySetItUp DecoAction_putawaybed: ld hl, wDecoBed jp DecoAction_TryPutItAway DecoAction_setupcarpet: ld hl, wDecoCarpet jp DecoAction_TrySetItUp DecoAction_putawaycarpet: ld hl, wDecoCarpet jp DecoAction_TryPutItAway DecoAction_setupplant: ld hl, wDecoPlant jp DecoAction_TrySetItUp DecoAction_putawayplant: ld hl, wDecoPlant jp DecoAction_TryPutItAway DecoAction_setupposter: ld hl, wDecoPoster jp DecoAction_TrySetItUp DecoAction_putawayposter: ld hl, wDecoPoster jp DecoAction_TryPutItAway DecoAction_setupconsole: ld hl, wDecoConsole jp DecoAction_TrySetItUp DecoAction_putawayconsole: ld hl, wDecoConsole jp DecoAction_TryPutItAway DecoAction_setupbigdoll: ld hl, wDecoBigDoll jp DecoAction_TrySetItUp DecoAction_putawaybigdoll: ld hl, wDecoBigDoll jp DecoAction_TryPutItAway DecoAction_TrySetItUp: ld a, [hl] ld [wCurDecoration], a push hl call DecoAction_SetItUp jr c, .failed ld a, TRUE ld [wChangedDecorations], a pop hl ld a, [wMenuSelection] ld [hl], a xor a ret .failed pop hl xor a ret DecoAction_SetItUp: ; See if there's anything of the same type already out ld a, [wCurDecoration] and a jr z, .nothingthere ; See if that item is already out ld b, a ld a, [wMenuSelection] cp b jr z, .alreadythere ; Put away the item that's already out, and set up the new one ld a, [wMenuSelection] ld hl, wStringBuffer4 call GetDecorationName ld a, [wCurDecoration] ld hl, wStringBuffer3 call GetDecorationName ld hl, PutAwayAndSetUpText call MenuTextboxBackup xor a ret .nothingthere ld a, [wMenuSelection] ld hl, wStringBuffer3 call GetDecorationName ld hl, SetUpTheDecoText call MenuTextboxBackup xor a ret .alreadythere ld hl, AlreadySetUpText call MenuTextboxBackup scf ret DecoAction_TryPutItAway: ; If there is no item of that type already set, there is nothing to put away. ld a, [hl] ld [wCurDecoration], a xor a ld [hl], a ld a, [wCurDecoration] and a jr z, .nothingthere ; Put it away. ld a, TRUE ld [wChangedDecorations], a ld a, [wCurDecoration] ld [wMenuSelection], a ld hl, wStringBuffer3 call GetDecorationName ld hl, PutAwayTheDecoText call MenuTextboxBackup xor a ret .nothingthere ld hl, NothingToPutAwayText call MenuTextboxBackup xor a ret DecoAction_setupornament: ld hl, WhichSidePutOnText call DecoAction_AskWhichSide jr c, .cancel call DecoAction_SetItUp_Ornament jr c, .cancel ld a, TRUE ld [wChangedDecorations], a jr DecoAction_FinishUp_Ornament .cancel xor a ret DecoAction_putawayornament: ld hl, WhichSidePutAwayText call DecoAction_AskWhichSide jr nc, .incave xor a ret .incave call DecoAction_PutItAway_Ornament DecoAction_FinishUp_Ornament: call QueryWhichSide ld a, [wSelectedDecoration] ld [hl], a ld a, [wOtherDecoration] ld [de], a xor a ret DecoAction_SetItUp_Ornament: ld a, [wSelectedDecoration] and a jr z, .nothingthere ld b, a ld a, [wMenuSelection] cp b jr z, .failed ld a, b ld hl, wStringBuffer3 call GetDecorationName ld a, [wMenuSelection] ld hl, wStringBuffer4 call GetDecorationName ld a, [wMenuSelection] ld [wSelectedDecoration], a call .getwhichside ld hl, PutAwayAndSetUpText call MenuTextboxBackup xor a ret .nothingthere ld a, [wMenuSelection] ld [wSelectedDecoration], a call .getwhichside ld a, [wMenuSelection] ld hl, wStringBuffer3 call GetDecorationName ld hl, SetUpTheDecoText call MenuTextboxBackup xor a ret .failed ld hl, AlreadySetUpText call MenuTextboxBackup scf ret .getwhichside ld a, [wMenuSelection] ld b, a ld a, [wOtherDecoration] cp b ret nz xor a ld [wOtherDecoration], a ret WhichSidePutOnText: text_far _WhichSidePutOnText text_end DecoAction_PutItAway_Ornament: ld a, [wSelectedDecoration] and a jr z, .nothingthere ld hl, wStringBuffer3 call GetDecorationName ld a, TRUE ld [wChangedDecorations], a xor a ld [wSelectedDecoration], a ld hl, PutAwayTheDecoText call MenuTextboxBackup xor a ret .nothingthere ld hl, NothingToPutAwayText call MenuTextboxBackup xor a ret WhichSidePutAwayText: text_far _WhichSidePutAwayText text_end DecoAction_AskWhichSide: call MenuTextbox ld hl, DecoSideMenuHeader call GetMenu2 call ExitMenu call CopyMenuData jr c, .nope ld a, [wMenuCursorY] cp 3 ; cancel jr z, .nope ld [wSelectedDecorationSide], a call QueryWhichSide ld a, [hl] ld [wSelectedDecoration], a ld a, [de] ld [wOtherDecoration], a xor a ret .nope scf ret QueryWhichSide: ld hl, wDecoRightOrnament ld de, wDecoLeftOrnament ld a, [wSelectedDecorationSide] cp 1 ; right side ret z ; left side, swap hl and de push hl ld h, d ld l, e pop de ret DecoSideMenuHeader: db MENU_BACKUP_TILES ; flags menu_coords 0, 0, 13, 7 dw .MenuData db 1 ; default option .MenuData: db STATICMENU_CURSOR ; flags db 3 ; items db "RIGHT SIDE@" db "LEFT SIDE@" db "CANCEL@" PutAwayTheDecoText: text_far _PutAwayTheDecoText text_end NothingToPutAwayText: text_far _NothingToPutAwayText text_end SetUpTheDecoText: text_far _SetUpTheDecoText text_end PutAwayAndSetUpText: text_far _PutAwayAndSetUpText text_end AlreadySetUpText: text_far _AlreadySetUpText text_end GetDecorationName_c_de: ld a, c ld h, d ld l, e call GetDecorationName ret DecorationFlagAction_c: ld a, c jp DecorationFlagAction GetDecorationName_c: ld a, c call GetDecorationID ld hl, wStringBuffer1 push hl call GetDecorationName pop de ret SetSpecificDecorationFlag: ld a, c call GetDecorationID ld b, SET_FLAG call DecorationFlagAction ret GetDecorationID: push hl push de ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, DecorationIDs add hl, de ld a, [hl] pop de pop hl ret SetAllDecorationFlags: ; unreferenced ld hl, DecorationIDs .loop ld a, [hli] cp -1 jr z, .done push hl ld b, SET_FLAG call DecorationFlagAction pop hl jr .loop .done ret INCLUDE "data/decorations/decorations.asm" DescribeDecoration:: ld a, b ld hl, .Jumptable rst JumpTable ret .Jumptable: ; entries correspond to DECODESC_* constants table_width 2, DescribeDecoration.Jumptable dw DecorationDesc_Poster dw DecorationDesc_LeftOrnament dw DecorationDesc_RightOrnament dw DecorationDesc_GiantOrnament dw DecorationDesc_Console assert_table_length NUM_DECODESCS DecorationDesc_Poster: ld a, [wDecoPoster] ld hl, DecorationDesc_PosterPointers ld de, 3 call IsInArray jr c, .nope ld de, DecorationDesc_NullPoster ld b, BANK(DecorationDesc_NullPoster) ret .nope ld b, BANK(DecorationDesc_TownMapPoster) inc hl ld a, [hli] ld d, [hl] ld e, a ret DecorationDesc_PosterPointers: dbw DECO_TOWN_MAP, DecorationDesc_TownMapPoster dbw DECO_PIKACHU_POSTER, DecorationDesc_PikachuPoster dbw DECO_CLEFAIRY_POSTER, DecorationDesc_ClefairyPoster dbw DECO_JIGGLYPUFF_POSTER, DecorationDesc_JigglypuffPoster db -1 DecorationDesc_TownMapPoster: opentext writetext .LookTownMapText waitbutton special OverworldTownMap closetext end .LookTownMapText: text_far _LookTownMapText text_end DecorationDesc_PikachuPoster: jumptext .LookPikachuPosterText .LookPikachuPosterText: text_far _LookPikachuPosterText text_end DecorationDesc_ClefairyPoster: jumptext .LookClefairyPosterText .LookClefairyPosterText: text_far _LookClefairyPosterText text_end DecorationDesc_JigglypuffPoster: jumptext .LookJigglypuffPosterText .LookJigglypuffPosterText: text_far _LookJigglypuffPosterText text_end DecorationDesc_NullPoster: end DecorationDesc_LeftOrnament: ld a, [wDecoLeftOrnament] jr DecorationDesc_OrnamentOrConsole DecorationDesc_RightOrnament: ld a, [wDecoRightOrnament] jr DecorationDesc_OrnamentOrConsole DecorationDesc_Console: ld a, [wDecoConsole] jr DecorationDesc_OrnamentOrConsole DecorationDesc_OrnamentOrConsole: ld c, a ld de, wStringBuffer3 call GetDecorationName_c_de ld b, BANK(.OrnamentConsoleScript) ld de, .OrnamentConsoleScript ret .OrnamentConsoleScript: jumptext .LookAdorableDecoText .LookAdorableDecoText: text_far _LookAdorableDecoText text_end DecorationDesc_GiantOrnament: ld b, BANK(.BigDollScript) ld de, .BigDollScript ret .BigDollScript: jumptext .LookGiantDecoText .LookGiantDecoText: text_far _LookGiantDecoText text_end ToggleMaptileDecorations: ; tile coordinates work the same way as for changeblock lb de, 0, 4 ; bed coordinates ld a, [wDecoBed] call SetDecorationTile lb de, 7, 4 ; plant coordinates ld a, [wDecoPlant] call SetDecorationTile lb de, 6, 0 ; poster coordinates ld a, [wDecoPoster] call SetDecorationTile call SetPosterVisibility lb de, 0, 0 ; carpet top-left coordinates call PadCoords_de ld a, [wDecoCarpet] and a ret z call _GetDecorationSprite ld [hl], a push af lb de, 0, 2 ; carpet bottom-left coordinates call PadCoords_de pop af inc a ld [hli], a ; carpet bottom-left block inc a ld [hli], a ; carpet bottom-middle block dec a ld [hl], a ; carpet bottom-right block ret SetPosterVisibility: ld b, SET_FLAG ld a, [wDecoPoster] and a jr nz, .ok ld b, RESET_FLAG .ok ld de, EVENT_PLAYERS_ROOM_POSTER jp EventFlagAction SetDecorationTile: push af call PadCoords_de pop af and a ret z call _GetDecorationSprite ld [hl], a ret ToggleDecorationsVisibility: ld de, EVENT_PLAYERS_HOUSE_2F_CONSOLE ld hl, wVariableSprites + SPRITE_CONSOLE - SPRITE_VARS ld a, [wDecoConsole] call ToggleDecorationVisibility ld de, EVENT_PLAYERS_HOUSE_2F_DOLL_1 ld hl, wVariableSprites + SPRITE_DOLL_1 - SPRITE_VARS ld a, [wDecoLeftOrnament] call ToggleDecorationVisibility ld de, EVENT_PLAYERS_HOUSE_2F_DOLL_2 ld hl, wVariableSprites + SPRITE_DOLL_2 - SPRITE_VARS ld a, [wDecoRightOrnament] call ToggleDecorationVisibility ld de, EVENT_PLAYERS_HOUSE_2F_BIG_DOLL ld hl, wVariableSprites + SPRITE_BIG_DOLL - SPRITE_VARS ld a, [wDecoBigDoll] call ToggleDecorationVisibility ret ToggleDecorationVisibility: and a jr z, .hide call _GetDecorationSprite ld [hl], a ld b, RESET_FLAG jp EventFlagAction .hide ld b, SET_FLAG jp EventFlagAction _GetDecorationSprite: ld c, a push de push hl farcall GetDecorationSprite pop hl pop de ld a, c ret PadCoords_de: ; adjusts coordinates, the same way as Script_changeblock ld a, d add 4 ld d, a ld a, e add 4 ld e, a call GetBlockLocation ret