ref: 64e4300f4decc52681fbb4346f99ac648e4c11c7
dir: /event/battle_tower.asm/
CheckForMobileBattleRules: ; 8b1e1 ld de, .PointerTables call BattleTower_ExecuteJumptable ret z call BattleTower_PleaseReturnWhenReady scf ret ; 8b1ed .PointerTables: ; 8b1ed db 2 dw .Functions dw .TextPointers .Functions: ; 8b1f2 dw BattleTower_CheckPartyLengthIs3 dw BattleTower_CheckPartyHasThreeMonsThatAreNotEggs ; 8b1f6 .TextPointers: ; 8b1f6 dw .ExcuseMeText dw JumpText_NeedAtLeastThreeMon dw JumpText_EggDoesNotQualify ; 8b1fc .ExcuseMeText: ; 0x8b1fc ; Excuse me! text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5937 db "@" ; 0x8b201 CheckForBattleTowerRules: ; 8b201 ld hl, StringBuffer2 ld [hl], "3" inc hl ld [hl], "@" ld de, .PointerTables call BattleTower_ExecuteJumptable ret z call BattleTower_PleaseReturnWhenReady scf ret ; 8b215 .PointerTables: ; 8b215 db 4 dw .Functions dw .TextPointers .Functions: ; 8b21a dw Function_PartyCountEq3 dw Function_PartySpeciesAreUnique dw Function_PartyItemsAreUnique dw Function_HasPartyAnEgg ; 8b222 .TextPointers: ; 8b222 dw JumpText_ExcuseMeYoureNotReady dw JumpText_OnlyThreePkmnMayBeEntered dw JumpText_ThePkmnMustAllBeDifferentKinds dw JumpText_ThePkmnMustNotHoldTheSameItems dw JumpText_YouCantTakeAnEgg ; 8b22c JumpText_ExcuseMeYoureNotReady: ; 0x8b22c ; Excuse me. You're not ready. text_jump Text_ExcuseMeYoureNotReady db "@" ; 0x8b231 BattleTower_PleaseReturnWhenReady: ; 8b231 ld hl, .PleaseReturnWhenReady call PrintText ret ; 8b238 .PleaseReturnWhenReady: ; 0x8b238 ; Please return when you're ready. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5962 db "@" ; 0x8b23d JumpText_NeedAtLeastThreeMon: ; 0x8b23d ; You need at least three #MON. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5983 db "@" ; 0x8b242 JumpText_EggDoesNotQualify: ; 0x8b242 ; Sorry, an EGG doesn't qualify. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c59a3 db "@" ; 0x8b247 JumpText_OnlyThreePkmnMayBeEntered: ; 0x8b247 ; Only three #MON may be entered. text_jump Text_OnlyThreePkmnMayBeEntered db "@" ; 0x8b24c JumpText_ThePkmnMustAllBeDifferentKinds: ; 0x8b24c ; The @ #MON must all be different kinds. text_jump Text_ThePkmnMustAllBeDifferentKinds db "@" ; 0x8b251 JumpText_ThePkmnMustNotHoldTheSameItems: ; 0x8b251 ; The @ #MON must not hold the same items. text_jump Text_ThePkmnMustNotHoldTheSameItems db "@" ; 0x8b256 JumpText_YouCantTakeAnEgg: ; 0x8b256 ; You can't take an EGG! text_jump Text_YouCantTakeAnEgg db "@" ; 0x8b25b BattleTower_ExecuteJumptable: ; 8b25b ld bc, 0 .loop call .DoJumptableFunction call c, .PrintFailureText call .Next_CheckReachedEnd jr nz, .loop ld a, b and a ret ; 8b26c .DoJumptableFunction: ; 8b26c push de push bc call .GetFunctionPointer ld a, c rst JumpTable pop bc pop de ret ; 8b276 .Next_CheckReachedEnd: ; 8b276 inc c ld a, [de] cp c ret ; 8b27a .GetFunctionPointer: ; 8b27a inc de ld a, [de] ld l, a inc de ld a, [de] ld h, a ret ; 8b281 .GetTextPointers: ; 8b281 inc de inc de inc de ld a, [de] ld l, a inc de ld a, [de] ld h, a ret ; 8b28a .LoadTextPointer: ; 8b28a ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ret ; 8b28e .PrintFailureText: ; 8b28e push de push bc ld a, b and a call z, .PrintFirstText pop bc call .PrintNthText ld b, $1 pop de ret ; 8b29d .PrintFirstText: ; 8b29d push de call .GetTextPointers call .LoadTextPointer call PrintText pop de ret ; 8b2a9 .PrintNthText: ; 8b2a9 push bc call .GetTextPointers inc hl inc hl ld b, $0 add hl, bc add hl, bc call .LoadTextPointer call PrintText pop bc ret ; 8b2bb BattleTower_CheckPartyLengthIs3: ; 8b2bb ld a, [PartyCount] cp 3 ret ; 8b2c1 BattleTower_CheckPartyHasThreeMonsThatAreNotEggs: ; 8b2c1 ld hl, PartyCount ld a, [hli] ld b, $0 ld c, a .loop ld a, [hli] cp EGG jr z, .egg inc b .egg dec c jr nz, .loop ld a, [PartyCount] cp b ret z ld a, b cp 3 ret ; 8b2da Function_PartyCountEq3: ; 8b2da ld a, [PartyCount] cp 3 ret z scf ret ; 8b2e2 Function_PartySpeciesAreUnique: ; 8b2e2 ld hl, PartyMon1Species call VerifyUniqueness ret ; 8b2e9 VerifyUniqueness: ; 8b2e9 ld de, PartyCount ld a, [de] inc de dec a jr z, .done ld b, a .loop push hl push de ld c, b call .isegg jr z, .next ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .next .loop2 call .nextmon call .isegg jr z, .next2 cp [hl] jr z, .gotcha .next2 dec c jr nz, .loop2 .next pop de pop hl call .nextmon dec b jr nz, .loop .done and a ret .gotcha pop de pop hl scf ret ; 8b31a .nextmon ; 8b31a push bc ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH add hl, bc inc de pop bc ret ; 8b322 .isegg ; 8b322 push bc ld b, a ld a, [de] cp EGG ld a, b pop bc ret ; 8b32a Function_PartyItemsAreUnique: ; 8b32a ld hl, PartyMon1Item call VerifyUniqueness ret ; 8b331 Function_HasPartyAnEgg: ; 8b331 ld hl, PartyCount ld a, [hli] ld c, a .loop ld a, [hli] cp EGG jr z, .found dec c jr nz, .loop and a ret .found scf ret ; 8b342