ref: 576cbf5b3e4ae7cd377dfeb0d75dca54b44518bc
dir: /maps/VioletGym.asm/
object_const_def ; object_event constants const VIOLETGYM_FALKNER const VIOLETGYM_YOUNGSTER1 const VIOLETGYM_YOUNGSTER2 const VIOLETGYM_GYM_GUY VioletGym_MapScripts: db 0 ; scene scripts db 0 ; callbacks VioletGymFalknerScript: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_BEAT_FALKNER iftrue .FightDone writetext FalknerIntroText waitbutton closetext winlosstext FalknerWinLossText, 0 loadtrainer FALKNER, FALKNER1 startbattle reloadmapafterbattle setevent EVENT_BEAT_FALKNER opentext writetext ReceivedZephyrBadgeText playsound SFX_GET_BADGE waitsfx setflag ENGINE_ZEPHYRBADGE readvar VAR_BADGES scall VioletGymActivateRockets .FightDone: checkevent EVENT_GOT_TM31_MUD_SLAP iftrue .SpeechAfterTM setevent EVENT_BEAT_BIRD_KEEPER_ROD setevent EVENT_BEAT_BIRD_KEEPER_ABE setmapscene ELMS_LAB, SCENE_ELMSLAB_NOTHING specialphonecall SPECIALCALL_ASSISTANT writetext FalknerZephyrBadgeText promptbutton verbosegiveitem TM_MUD_SLAP iffalse .NoRoomForMudSlap setevent EVENT_GOT_TM31_MUD_SLAP writetext FalknerTMMudSlapText waitbutton closetext end .SpeechAfterTM: writetext FalknerFightDoneText waitbutton .NoRoomForMudSlap: closetext end VioletGymActivateRockets: ifequal 7, .RadioTowerRockets ifequal 6, .GoldenrodRockets end .GoldenrodRockets: jumpstd goldenrodrockets .RadioTowerRockets: jumpstd radiotowerrockets TrainerBirdKeeperRod: trainer BIRD_KEEPER, ROD, EVENT_BEAT_BIRD_KEEPER_ROD, BirdKeeperRodSeenText, BirdKeeperRodBeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: endifjustbattled opentext writetext BirdKeeperRodAfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end TrainerBirdKeeperAbe: trainer BIRD_KEEPER, ABE, EVENT_BEAT_BIRD_KEEPER_ABE, BirdKeeperAbeSeenText, BirdKeeperAbeBeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: endifjustbattled opentext writetext BirdKeeperAbeAfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end VioletGymGuyScript: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_BEAT_FALKNER iftrue .VioletGymGuyWinScript writetext VioletGymGuyText waitbutton closetext end .VioletGymGuyWinScript: writetext VioletGymGuyWinText waitbutton closetext end VioletGymStatue: checkflag ENGINE_ZEPHYRBADGE iftrue .Beaten jumpstd gymstatue1 .Beaten: gettrainername STRING_BUFFER_4, FALKNER, FALKNER1 jumpstd gymstatue2 FalknerIntroText: text "I'm FALKNER, the" line "VIOLET #MON GYM" cont "leader!" para "People say you can" line "clip flying-type" para "#MON's wings" line "with a jolt of" cont "electricity…" para "I won't allow such" line "insults to bird" cont "#MON!" para "I'll show you the" line "real power of the" para "magnificent bird" line "#MON!" done FalknerWinLossText: text "…Darn! My dad's" line "cherished bird" cont "#MON…" para "All right." line "Take this." para "It's the official" line "#MON LEAGUE" cont "ZEPHYRBADGE." done ReceivedZephyrBadgeText: text "<PLAYER> received" line "ZEPHYRBADGE." done FalknerZephyrBadgeText: text "ZEPHYRBADGE" line "raises the attack" cont "power of #MON." para "It also enables" line "#MON to use" para "FLASH, if they" line "have it, anytime." para "Here--take this" line "too." done FalknerTMMudSlapText: text "By using a TM, a" line "#MON will" para "instantly learn a" line "new move." para "Think before you" line "act--a TM can be" cont "used only once." para "TM31 contains" line "MUD-SLAP." para "It reduces the" line "enemy's accuracy" para "while it causes" line "damage." para "In other words, it" line "is both defensive" cont "and offensive." done FalknerFightDoneText: text "There are #MON" line "GYMS in cities and" cont "towns ahead." para "You should test" line "your skills at" cont "these GYMS." para "I'm going to train" line "harder to become" para "the greatest bird" line "master!" done BirdKeeperRodSeenText: text "The keyword is" line "guts!" para "Those here are" line "training night and" para "day to become bird" line "#MON masters." para "Come on!" done BirdKeeperRodBeatenText: text "Gaaah!" done BirdKeeperRodAfterBattleText: text "FALKNER's skills" line "are for real!" para "Don't get cocky" line "just because you" cont "beat me!" done BirdKeeperAbeSeenText: text "Let me see if you" line "are good enough to" cont "face FALKNER!" done BirdKeeperAbeBeatenText: text "This can't be" line "true!" done BirdKeeperAbeAfterBattleText: text "This is pathetic," line "losing to some" cont "rookie trainer…" done VioletGymGuyText: text "Hey! I'm no train-" line "er but I can give" cont "some advice!" para "Believe me!" line "If you believe, a" para "championship dream" line "can come true." para "You believe?" line "Then listen." para "The grass-type is" line "weak against the" para "flying-type. Keep" line "this in mind." done VioletGymGuyWinText: text "Nice battle! Keep" line "it up, and you'll" para "be the CHAMP in no" line "time at all!" done VioletGym_MapEvents: db 0, 0 ; filler db 2 ; warp events warp_event 4, 15, VIOLET_CITY, 2 warp_event 5, 15, VIOLET_CITY, 2 db 0 ; coord events db 2 ; bg events bg_event 3, 13, BGEVENT_READ, VioletGymStatue bg_event 6, 13, BGEVENT_READ, VioletGymStatue db 4 ; object events object_event 5, 1, SPRITE_FALKNER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, VioletGymFalknerScript, -1 object_event 7, 6, SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_LEFT, 2, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 3, TrainerBirdKeeperRod, -1 object_event 2, 10, SPRITE_YOUNGSTER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_RIGHT, 2, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 3, TrainerBirdKeeperAbe, -1 object_event 7, 13, SPRITE_GYM_GUY, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_RED, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, VioletGymGuyScript, -1