ref: 5645e1e213fe882dbcdf234786edb1ad1414d495
dir: /engine/events/pokecenter_pc.asm/
PokemonCenterPC: call PC_CheckPartyForPokemon ret c call PC_PlayBootSound ld hl, PokecenterPCText_BootedUpPC call PC_DisplayText ld hl, PokecenterPCText_AccessWhosePC call PC_DisplayTextWaitMenu ld hl, .TopMenu call LoadMenuHeader .loop xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a call .ChooseWhichPCListToUse ld [wWhichIndexSet], a call DoNthMenu jr c, .shutdown ld a, [wMenuSelection] ld hl, .JumpTable call MenuJumptable jr nc, .loop .shutdown call PC_PlayShutdownSound call ExitMenu call CloseWindow ret .TopMenu: db MENU_BACKUP_TILES | MENU_NO_CLICK_SFX ; flags menu_coords 0, 0, 15, 12 dw .MenuData db 1 ; default option .MenuData: db STATICMENU_CURSOR | STATICMENU_WRAP ; flags db 0 ; items dw .WhichPC dw PlaceNthMenuStrings dw .JumpTable PCPC_PLAYERS_PC EQU 0 PCPC_BILLS_PC EQU 1 PCPC_OAKS_PC EQU 2 PCPC_HALL_OF_FAME EQU 3 PCPC_TURN_OFF EQU 4 .JumpTable: ; entries correspond to PCPC_* constants dw PlayersPC, .String_PlayersPC dw BillsPC, .String_BillsPC dw OaksPC, .String_OaksPC dw HallOfFamePC, .String_HallOfFame dw TurnOffPC, .String_TurnOff .String_PlayersPC: db "<PLAYER>'s PC@" .String_BillsPC: db "BILL's PC@" .String_OaksPC: db "PROF.OAK's PC@" .String_HallOfFame: db "HALL OF FAME@" .String_TurnOff: db "TURN OFF@" .WhichPC: ; before Pokédex db 3 db PCPC_BILLS_PC db PCPC_PLAYERS_PC db PCPC_TURN_OFF db -1 ; end ; before Hall Of Fame db 4 db PCPC_BILLS_PC db PCPC_PLAYERS_PC db PCPC_OAKS_PC db PCPC_TURN_OFF db -1 ; end ; postgame db 5 db PCPC_BILLS_PC db PCPC_PLAYERS_PC db PCPC_OAKS_PC db PCPC_HALL_OF_FAME db PCPC_TURN_OFF db -1 ; end .ChooseWhichPCListToUse: call CheckReceivedDex jr nz, .got_dex ld a, 0 ; before Pokédex ret .got_dex ld a, [wHallOfFameCount] and a ld a, 1 ; before Hall Of Fame ret z ld a, 2 ; postgame ret PC_CheckPartyForPokemon: ld a, [wPartyCount] and a ret nz ld de, SFX_CHOOSE_PC_OPTION call PlaySFX ld hl, .MustHavePokemonToUse call PC_DisplayText scf ret .MustHavePokemonToUse: ; Bzzzzt! You must have a #MON to use this! text_far UnknownText_0x1c1328 text_end BillsPC: call PC_PlayChoosePCSound ld hl, PokecenterPCText_AccessedBillsPC call PC_DisplayText farcall _BillsPC and a ret PlayersPC: call PC_PlayChoosePCSound ld hl, PokecenterPCText_AccessedOwnPC call PC_DisplayText ld b, $0 call _PlayersPC and a ret OaksPC: call PC_PlayChoosePCSound ld hl, PokecenterPCText_AccessedOaksPC call PC_DisplayText farcall ProfOaksPC and a ret HallOfFamePC: call PC_PlayChoosePCSound call FadeToMenu farcall _HallOfFamePC call CloseSubmenu and a ret TurnOffPC: ld hl, PokecenterPCText_LinkClosed call PrintText scf ret PC_PlayBootSound: ld de, SFX_BOOT_PC jr PC_WaitPlaySFX PC_PlayShutdownSound: ld de, SFX_SHUT_DOWN_PC call PC_WaitPlaySFX call WaitSFX ret PC_PlayChoosePCSound: ld de, SFX_CHOOSE_PC_OPTION jr PC_WaitPlaySFX PC_PlaySwapItemsSound: ld de, SFX_SWITCH_POKEMON call PC_WaitPlaySFX ld de, SFX_SWITCH_POKEMON PC_WaitPlaySFX: push de call WaitSFX pop de call PlaySFX ret _PlayersHousePC: call PC_PlayBootSound ld hl, UnknownText_0x156ff call PC_DisplayText ld b, $1 call _PlayersPC and a jr nz, .asm_156f9 call OverworldTextModeSwitch call ApplyTilemap call UpdateSprites call PC_PlayShutdownSound ld c, $0 ret .asm_156f9 call ClearBGPalettes ld c, $1 ret UnknownText_0x156ff: ; turned on the PC. text_far UnknownText_0x1c1353 text_end _PlayersPC: ld a, b ld [wWhichIndexSet], a ld hl, UnknownText_0x157cc call PC_DisplayTextWaitMenu call Function15715 call ExitMenu ret Function15715: xor a ld [wPCItemsCursor], a ld [wPCItemsScrollPosition], a ld hl, PlayersPCMenuData call LoadMenuHeader .asm_15722 call UpdateTimePals call DoNthMenu jr c, .asm_15731 call MenuJumptable jr nc, .asm_15722 jr .asm_15732 .asm_15731 xor a .asm_15732 call ExitMenu ret PlayersPCMenuData: db MENU_BACKUP_TILES ; flags menu_coords 0, 0, 15, 12 dw .PlayersPCMenuData db 1 ; default selected option .PlayersPCMenuData: db STATICMENU_CURSOR | STATICMENU_WRAP ; flags db 0 ; # items? dw .PlayersPCMenuList1 dw PlaceNthMenuStrings dw .PlayersPCMenuPointers PLAYERSPC_WITHDRAW_ITEM EQU 0 PLAYERSPC_DEPOSIT_ITEM EQU 1 PLAYERSPC_TOSS_ITEM EQU 2 PLAYERSPC_MAIL_BOX EQU 3 PLAYERSPC_DECORATION EQU 4 PLAYERSPC_TURN_OFF EQU 5 PLAYERSPC_LOG_OFF EQU 6 .PlayersPCMenuPointers: ; entries correspond to PLAYERSPC_* constants dw PlayerWithdrawItemMenu, .WithdrawItem dw PlayerDepositItemMenu, .DepositItem dw PlayerTossItemMenu, .TossItem dw PlayerMailBoxMenu, .MailBox dw PlayerDecorationMenu, .Decoration dw PlayerLogOffMenu, .LogOff dw PlayerLogOffMenu, .TurnOff .WithdrawItem: db "WITHDRAW ITEM@" .DepositItem: db "DEPOSIT ITEM@" .TossItem: db "TOSS ITEM@" .MailBox: db "MAIL BOX@" .Decoration: db "DECORATION@" .TurnOff: db "TURN OFF@" .LogOff: db "LOG OFF@" .PlayersPCMenuList1: db 5 db PLAYERSPC_WITHDRAW_ITEM db PLAYERSPC_DEPOSIT_ITEM db PLAYERSPC_TOSS_ITEM db PLAYERSPC_MAIL_BOX db PLAYERSPC_TURN_OFF db -1 ; end .PlayersPCMenuList2: db 6 db PLAYERSPC_WITHDRAW_ITEM db PLAYERSPC_DEPOSIT_ITEM db PLAYERSPC_TOSS_ITEM db PLAYERSPC_MAIL_BOX db PLAYERSPC_DECORATION db PLAYERSPC_LOG_OFF db -1 ; end PC_DisplayTextWaitMenu: ld a, [wOptions] push af set NO_TEXT_SCROLL, a ld [wOptions], a call MenuTextbox pop af ld [wOptions], a ret UnknownText_0x157cc: ; What do you want to do? text_far UnknownText_0x1c1368 text_end PlayerWithdrawItemMenu: call LoadStandardMenuHeader farcall ClearPCItemScreen .loop call PCItemsJoypad jr c, .quit call .Submenu jr .loop .quit call CloseSubmenu xor a ret .Submenu: ; check if the item has a quantity farcall _CheckTossableItem ld a, [wItemAttributeParamBuffer] and a jr z, .askquantity ; items without quantity are always ×1 ld a, 1 ld [wItemQuantityChangeBuffer], a jr .withdraw .askquantity ld hl, .HowManyText call MenuTextbox farcall SelectQuantityToToss call ExitMenu call ExitMenu jr c, .done .withdraw ld a, [wItemQuantityChangeBuffer] ld [wBuffer1], a ; quantity ld a, [wCurItemQuantity] ld [wBuffer2], a ld hl, wNumItems call ReceiveItem jr nc, .PackFull ld a, [wBuffer1] ld [wItemQuantityChangeBuffer], a ld a, [wBuffer2] ld [wCurItemQuantity], a ld hl, wNumPCItems call TossItem predef PartyMonItemName ld hl, .WithdrewText call MenuTextbox xor a ldh [hBGMapMode], a call ExitMenu ret .PackFull: ld hl, .NoRoomText call MenuTextboxBackup ret .done ret .HowManyText: text_far _PlayersPCHowManyWithdrawText text_end .WithdrewText: text_far _PlayersPCWithdrewItemsText text_end .NoRoomText: text_far _PlayersPCNoRoomWithdrawText text_end PlayerTossItemMenu: call LoadStandardMenuHeader farcall ClearPCItemScreen .loop call PCItemsJoypad jr c, .quit ld de, wNumPCItems farcall TossItemFromPC jr .loop .quit call CloseSubmenu xor a ret PlayerDecorationMenu: farcall _PlayerDecorationMenu ld a, c and a ret z scf ret PlayerLogOffMenu: xor a scf ret PlayerDepositItemMenu: call .CheckItemsInBag jr c, .nope call DisableSpriteUpdates call LoadStandardMenuHeader farcall DepositSellInitPackBuffers .loop farcall DepositSellPack ld a, [wPackUsedItem] and a jr z, .close call .TryDepositItem farcall CheckRegisteredItem jr .loop .close call CloseSubmenu .nope xor a ret .CheckItemsInBag: farcall HasNoItems ret nc ld hl, .NoItemsInBag call MenuTextboxBackup scf ret .NoItemsInBag: ; No items here! text_far UnknownText_0x1c13df text_end .TryDepositItem: ld a, [wSpriteUpdatesEnabled] push af ld a, $0 ld [wSpriteUpdatesEnabled], a farcall CheckItemMenu ld a, [wItemAttributeParamBuffer] ld hl, .dw rst JumpTable pop af ld [wSpriteUpdatesEnabled], a ret .dw ; entries correspond to ITEMMENU_* constants dw .tossable ; ITEMMENU_NOUSE dw .no_toss dw .no_toss dw .no_toss dw .tossable ; ITEMMENU_CURRENT dw .tossable ; ITEMMENU_PARTY dw .tossable ; ITEMMENU_CLOSE .no_toss ret .tossable ld a, [wBuffer1] push af ld a, [wBuffer2] push af call .DepositItem pop af ld [wBuffer2], a pop af ld [wBuffer1], a ret .DepositItem: farcall _CheckTossableItem ld a, [wItemAttributeParamBuffer] and a jr z, .AskQuantity ld a, $1 ld [wItemQuantityChangeBuffer], a jr .ContinueDeposit .AskQuantity: ld hl, .HowManyText call MenuTextbox farcall SelectQuantityToToss push af call ExitMenu call ExitMenu pop af jr c, .DeclinedToDeposit .ContinueDeposit: ld a, [wItemQuantityChangeBuffer] ld [wBuffer1], a ld a, [wCurItemQuantity] ld [wBuffer2], a ld hl, wNumPCItems call ReceiveItem jr nc, .NoRoomInPC ld a, [wBuffer1] ld [wItemQuantityChangeBuffer], a ld a, [wBuffer2] ld [wCurItemQuantity], a ld hl, wNumItems call TossItem predef PartyMonItemName ld hl, .DepositText call PrintText ret .NoRoomInPC: ld hl, .NoRoomText call PrintText ret .DeclinedToDeposit: and a ret .HowManyText: text_far _PlayersPCHowManyDepositText text_end .DepositText: text_far _PlayersPCDepositItemsText text_end .NoRoomText: text_far _PlayersPCNoRoomDepositText text_end PlayerMailBoxMenu: farcall _PlayerMailBoxMenu xor a ret PCItemsJoypad: xor a ld [wSwitchItem], a .loop ld a, [wSpriteUpdatesEnabled] push af ld a, $0 ld [wSpriteUpdatesEnabled], a ld hl, .PCItemsMenuData call CopyMenuHeader hlcoord 0, 0 ld b, 10 ld c, 18 call Textbox ld a, [wPCItemsCursor] ld [wMenuCursorBuffer], a ld a, [wPCItemsScrollPosition] ld [wMenuScrollPosition], a call ScrollingMenu ld a, [wMenuScrollPosition] ld [wPCItemsScrollPosition], a ld a, [wMenuCursorY] ld [wPCItemsCursor], a pop af ld [wSpriteUpdatesEnabled], a ld a, [wSwitchItem] and a jr nz, .moving_stuff_around ld a, [wMenuJoypad] cp B_BUTTON jr z, .b_1 cp A_BUTTON jr z, .a_1 cp SELECT jr z, .select_1 jr .next .moving_stuff_around ld a, [wMenuJoypad] cp B_BUTTON jr z, .b_2 cp A_BUTTON jr z, .a_select_2 cp SELECT jr z, .a_select_2 jr .next .b_2 xor a ld [wSwitchItem], a jr .next .a_select_2 call PC_PlaySwapItemsSound .select_1 farcall SwitchItemsInBag .next jp .loop .a_1 farcall ScrollingMenu_ClearLeftColumn call PlaceHollowCursor and a ret .b_1 scf ret .PCItemsMenuData: db MENU_BACKUP_TILES ; flags menu_coords 4, 1, 18, 10 dw .MenuData db 1 ; default option .MenuData: db SCROLLINGMENU_ENABLE_SELECT | SCROLLINGMENU_ENABLE_FUNCTION3 | SCROLLINGMENU_DISPLAY_ARROWS ; flags db 4, 8 ; rows, columns db SCROLLINGMENU_ITEMS_QUANTITY ; item format dbw 0, wNumPCItems dba PlaceMenuItemName dba PlaceMenuItemQuantity dba UpdateItemDescription PC_DisplayText: call MenuTextbox call ExitMenu ret PokecenterPCText_BootedUpPC: ; turned on the PC. text_far UnknownText_0x1c144d text_end PokecenterPCText_AccessWhosePC: ; Access whose PC? text_far UnknownText_0x1c1462 text_end PokecenterPCText_AccessedBillsPC: ; BILL's PC accessed. #MON Storage System opened. text_far UnknownText_0x1c1474 text_end PokecenterPCText_AccessedOwnPC: ; Accessed own PC. Item Storage System opened. text_far UnknownText_0x1c14a4 text_end PokecenterPCText_AccessedOaksPC: ; PROF.OAK's PC accessed. #DEX Rating System opened. text_far UnknownText_0x1c14d2 text_end PokecenterPCText_LinkClosed: ; … Link closed… text_far UnknownText_0x1c1505 text_end