ref: 553a272e52182d0a0869a3cca420a6c6f826804e
dir: /maps/VictoryRoadGate.asm/
object_const_def const VICTORYROADGATE_OFFICER const VICTORYROADGATE_BLACK_BELT1 const VICTORYROADGATE_BLACK_BELT2 VictoryRoadGate_MapScripts: def_scene_scripts scene_script VictoryRoadGateNoop1Scene, SCENE_VICTORYROADGATE_BADGE_CHECK scene_script VictoryRoadGateNoop2Scene, SCENE_VICTORYROADGATE_NOOP def_callbacks VictoryRoadGateNoop1Scene: end VictoryRoadGateNoop2Scene: end VictoryRoadGateBadgeCheckScript: turnobject PLAYER, LEFT sjump _VictoryRoadGateBadgeCheckScript VictoryRoadGateOfficerScript: faceplayer _VictoryRoadGateBadgeCheckScript: opentext writetext VictoryRoadGateOfficerText promptbutton readvar VAR_BADGES ifgreater NUM_JOHTO_BADGES - 1, .AllEightBadges writetext VictoryRoadGateNotEnoughBadgesText waitbutton closetext applymovement PLAYER, VictoryRoadGateStepDownMovement end .AllEightBadges: writetext VictoryRoadGateEightBadgesText waitbutton closetext setscene SCENE_VICTORYROADGATE_NOOP end VictoryRoadGateLeftBlackBeltScript: jumptextfaceplayer VictoryRoadGateLeftBlackBeltText VictoryRoadGateRightBlackBeltScript: jumptextfaceplayer VictoryRoadGateRightBlackBeltText VictoryRoadGateStepDownMovement: step DOWN step_end VictoryRoadGateOfficerText: text "Only trainers who" line "have proven them-" cont "selves may pass." done VictoryRoadGateNotEnoughBadgesText: text "You don't have all" line "the GYM BADGES of" cont "JOHTO." para "I'm sorry, but I" line "can't let you go" cont "through." done VictoryRoadGateEightBadgesText: text "Oh! The eight" line "BADGES of JOHTO!" para "Please, go right" line "on through!" done VictoryRoadGateLeftBlackBeltText: text "This way leads to" line "MT.SILVER." para "You'll see scary-" line "strong #MON out" cont "there." done VictoryRoadGateRightBlackBeltText: text "Off to the #MON" line "LEAGUE, are you?" para "The ELITE FOUR are" line "so strong it's" para "scary, and they're" line "ready for you!" done VictoryRoadGate_MapEvents: db 0, 0 ; filler def_warp_events warp_event 17, 7, ROUTE_22, 1 warp_event 18, 7, ROUTE_22, 1 warp_event 9, 17, ROUTE_26, 1 warp_event 10, 17, ROUTE_26, 1 warp_event 9, 0, VICTORY_ROAD, 1 warp_event 10, 0, VICTORY_ROAD, 1 warp_event 1, 7, ROUTE_28, 2 warp_event 2, 7, ROUTE_28, 2 def_coord_events coord_event 10, 11, SCENE_VICTORYROADGATE_BADGE_CHECK, VictoryRoadGateBadgeCheckScript def_bg_events def_object_events object_event 8, 11, SPRITE_OFFICER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_RIGHT, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, VictoryRoadGateOfficerScript, -1 object_event 7, 5, SPRITE_BLACK_BELT, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_RIGHT, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, VictoryRoadGateLeftBlackBeltScript, EVENT_OPENED_MT_SILVER object_event 12, 5, SPRITE_BLACK_BELT, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_LEFT, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, VictoryRoadGateRightBlackBeltScript, EVENT_FOUGHT_SNORLAX