ref: 518dd46ca16c79736511289069d2525635ed52e4
dir: /maps/WillsRoom.asm/
const_value set 2 const WILLSROOM_WILL WillsRoom_MapScripts: .SceneScripts: db 2 scene_script .LockDoor scene_script .DummyScene .MapCallbacks: db 1 callback MAPCALLBACK_TILES, .WillsRoomDoors .LockDoor: priorityjump .WillsDoorLocksBehindYou end .DummyScene: end .WillsRoomDoors: checkevent EVENT_WILLS_ROOM_ENTRANCE_CLOSED iffalse .KeepEntranceOpen changeblock 4, 14, $2a ; wall .KeepEntranceOpen: checkevent EVENT_WILLS_ROOM_EXIT_OPEN iffalse .KeepExitClosed changeblock 4, 2, $16 ; open door .KeepExitClosed: return .WillsDoorLocksBehindYou: applymovement PLAYER, WillsRoom_EnterMovement refreshscreen $86 playsound SFX_STRENGTH earthquake 80 changeblock 4, 14, $2a ; wall reloadmappart closetext setscene 1 setevent EVENT_WILLS_ROOM_ENTRANCE_CLOSED waitsfx end WillScript_Battle: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_BEAT_ELITE_4_WILL iftrue WillScript_AfterBattle writetext WillScript_WillBeforeText waitbutton closetext winlosstext WillScript_WillBeatenText, 0 loadtrainer WILL, WILL1 startbattle reloadmapafterbattle setevent EVENT_BEAT_ELITE_4_WILL opentext writetext WillScript_WillDefeatText waitbutton closetext playsound SFX_ENTER_DOOR changeblock 4, 2, $16 ; open door reloadmappart closetext setevent EVENT_WILLS_ROOM_EXIT_OPEN waitsfx end WillScript_AfterBattle: writetext WillScript_WillDefeatText waitbutton closetext end WillsRoom_EnterMovement: step UP step UP step UP step UP step_end WillScript_WillBeforeText: text "Welcome to #MON" line "LEAGUE, <PLAYER>." para "Allow me to intro-" line "duce myself. I am" cont "WILL." para "I have trained all" line "around the world," para "making my psychic" line "#MON powerful." para "And, at last, I've" line "been accepted into" cont "the ELITE FOUR." para "I can only keep" line "getting better!" para "Losing is not an" line "option!" done WillScript_WillBeatenText: text "I… I can't…" line "believe it…" done WillScript_WillDefeatText: text "Even though I was" line "defeated, I won't" cont "change my course." para "I will continue" line "battling until I" para "stand above all" line "trainers!" para "Now, <PLAYER>, move" line "on and experience" para "the true ferocity" line "of the ELITE FOUR." done WillsRoom_MapEvents: ; filler db 0, 0 .Warps: db 3 warp_def 5, 17, 4, INDIGO_PLATEAU_POKECENTER_1F warp_def 4, 2, 1, KOGAS_ROOM warp_def 5, 2, 2, KOGAS_ROOM .CoordEvents: db 0 .BGEvents: db 0 .ObjectEvents: db 1 object_event 5, 7, SPRITE_WILL, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_RED, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, WillScript_Battle, -1