ref: 4387298b2c71c0379dd1b4c2a4a2e911f822b9cc
dir: /data/text/common_3.asm/
_OakText6:: text "Now, what did you" line "say your name was?" prompt _OakText7:: text "<PLAYER>, are you" line "ready?" para "Your very own" line "#MON story is" cont "about to unfold." para "You'll face fun" line "times and tough" cont "challenges." para "A world of dreams" line "and adventures" para "with #MON" line "awaits! Let's go!" para "I'll be seeing you" line "later!" done _ClockTimeMayBeWrongText:: text "The clock's time" line "may be wrong." para "Please reset the" line "time." prompt _ClockSetWithControlPadText:: text "Set with the" line "Control Pad." para "Confirm: A Button" line "Cancel: B Button" done _ClockIsThisOKText:: text "Is this OK?" done _ClockHasResetText:: text "The clock has been" line "reset." done _LinkTimeoutText:: text "Too much time has" line "elapsed. Please" cont "try again." prompt _LinkTradeCantBattleText:: text "If you trade that" line "#MON, you won't" cont "be able to battle." prompt _LinkAbnormalMonText:: text "Your friend's" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text " appears" cont "to be abnormal!" prompt _LinkAskTradeForText:: text "Trade @" text_ram wBufferTrademonNickname text_start line "for @" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "?" done _MobileBattleMustPickThreeMonText:: text "To enter a mobile" line "battle, you must" para "pick a team of" line "three #MON." para "Is that OK?" done _MobileBattleMoreInfoText:: text "Need more info on" line "mobile battles?" done _MobileBattleRulesText:: text "For a mobile" line "battle, choose" cont "three #MON." para "The maximum daily" line "play time is ten" para "minutes for each" line "linked player." para "If a battle isn't" line "finished within" para "the time limit," line "the player with" para "the fewest fainted" line "#MON wins." para "If tied, the team" line "that lost the" para "least amount of HP" line "wins." done _WouldYouLikeToMobileBattleText:: text "Today's remaining" line "time is @" text_decimal wStringBuffer2, 1, 2 text " min." para "Would you like to" line "battle?" done _WantAQuickMobileBattleText:: text "There are only @" text_decimal wStringBuffer2, 1, 2 text_start line "min. left today." para "Want a quick" line "battle?" done _WantToRushThroughAMobileBattleText:: text "There is only" line "1 min. left today!" para "Want to rush" line "through a battle?" done _PleaseTryAgainTomorrowText:: text "There is less than" line "1 min. left today!" para "Please try again" line "tomorrow." done _TryAgainUsingSameSettingsText:: text "Try again using" line "the same settings?" done _MobileBattleLessThanOneMinuteLeftText:: text "There is less than" line "1 min. left today!" done _MobileBattleNoTimeLeftForLinkingText:: text "No time left for" line "linking today." done _PickThreeMonForMobileBattleText:: text "Pick three #MON" line "for battle." done _MobileBattleRemainingTimeText:: text "Today's remaining" line "time is @" text_decimal wStringBuffer2, 1, 2 text " min." done _WouldYouLikeToSaveTheGameText:: text "Would you like to" line "save the game?" done _SavingDontTurnOffThePowerText:: text "SAVING… DON'T TURN" line "OFF THE POWER." done _SavedTheGameText:: text "<PLAYER> saved" line "the game." done _AlreadyASaveFileText:: text "There is already a" line "save file. Is it" cont "OK to overwrite?" done _AnotherSaveFileText:: text "There is another" line "save file. Is it" cont "OK to overwrite?" done _SaveFileCorruptedText:: text "The save file is" line "corrupted!" prompt _ChangeBoxSaveText:: text "When you change a" line "#MON BOX, data" cont "will be saved. OK?" done _MoveMonWOMailSaveText:: text "Each time you move" line "a #MON, data" cont "will be saved. OK?" done _WindowAreaExceededErrorText:: ; unreferenced text "The window save" line "area was exceeded." done _WindowPoppingErrorText:: text "No windows avail-" line "able for popping." done _CorruptedEventText:: ; unreferenced text "Corrupted event!" prompt _ObjectEventText:: text "Object event" done _BGEventText:: text "BG event" done _CoordinatesEventText:: text "Coordinates event" done _ReceivedItemText:: text "<PLAYER> received" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer4 text "." done _PutItemInPocketText:: text "<PLAYER> put the" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text " in" cont "the @" text_ram wStringBuffer3 text "." prompt _PocketIsFullText:: text "The @" text_ram wStringBuffer3 text_start line "is full…" prompt _SeerSeeAllText:: text "I see all." line "I know all…" para "Certainly, I know" line "of your #MON!" done _SeerCantTellAThingText:: text "Whaaaat? I can't" line "tell a thing!" para "How could I not" line "know of this?" done _SeerNameLocationText:: text "Hm… I see you met" line "@" text_ram wSeerNickname text " here:" cont "@" text_ram wSeerCaughtLocation text "!" prompt _SeerTimeLevelText:: text "The time was" line "@" text_ram wSeerTimeOfDay text "!" para "Its level was @" text_ram wSeerCaughtLevelString text "!" para "Am I good or what?" prompt _SeerTradeText:: text "Hm… @" text_ram wSeerNickname text_start line "came from @" text_ram wSeerOT text_start cont "in a trade?" para "@" text_ram wSeerCaughtLocation text_start line "was where @" text_ram wSeerOT text_start cont "met @" text_ram wSeerNickname text "!" prompt _SeerNoLocationText:: text "What!? Incredible!" para "I don't understand" line "how, but it is" para "incredible!" line "You are special." para "I can't tell where" line "you met it, but it" cont "was at level @" text_ram wSeerCaughtLevelString text "." para "Am I good or what?" prompt _SeerEggText:: text "Hey!" para "That's an EGG!" para "You can't say that" line "you've met it yet…" done _SeerDoNothingText:: text "Fufufu! I saw that" line "you'd do nothing!" done _SeerMoreCareText:: text "Incidentally…" para "It would be wise" line "to raise your" para "#MON with a" line "little more care." done _SeerMoreConfidentText:: text "Incidentally…" para "It seems to have" line "grown a little." para "@" text_ram wSeerNickname text " seems" line "to be becoming" cont "more confident." done _SeerMuchStrengthText:: text "Incidentally…" para "@" text_ram wSeerNickname text " has" line "grown. It's gained" cont "much strength." done _SeerMightyText:: text "Incidentally…" para "It certainly has" line "grown mighty!" para "This @" text_ram wSeerNickname text_start line "must have come" para "through numerous" line "#MON battles." para "It looks brimming" line "with confidence." done _SeerImpressedText:: text "Incidentally…" para "I'm impressed by" line "your dedication." para "It's been a long" line "time since I've" para "seen a #MON as" line "mighty as this" cont "@" text_ram wSeerNickname text "." para "I'm sure that" line "seeing @" text_ram wSeerNickname text_start para "in battle would" line "excite anyone." done _CongratulationsYourPokemonText:: text "Congratulations!" line "Your @" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text_end text_end ; unreferenced _EvolvedIntoText:: text_start para "evolved into" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "!" done _StoppedEvolvingText:: text "Huh? @" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text_start line "stopped evolving!" prompt _EvolvingText:: text "What? @" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text_start line "is evolving!" done _MartHowManyText:: text "How many?" done _MartFinalPriceText:: text_decimal wItemQuantityChange, 1, 2 text " @" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "(S)" line "will be ¥@" text_decimal hMoneyTemp, 3, 6 text "." done _HerbShopLadyIntroText:: text "Hello, dear." para "I sell inexpensive" line "herbal medicine." para "They're good, but" line "a trifle bitter." para "Your #MON may" line "not like them." para "Hehehehe…" done _HerbalLadyHowManyText:: text "How many?" done _HerbalLadyFinalPriceText:: text_decimal wItemQuantityChange, 1, 2 text " @" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "(S)" line "will be ¥@" text_decimal hMoneyTemp, 3, 6 text "." done _HerbalLadyThanksText:: text "Thank you, dear." line "Hehehehe…" done _HerbalLadyPackFullText:: text "Oh? Your PACK is" line "full, dear." done _HerbalLadyNoMoneyText:: text "Hehehe… You don't" line "have the money." done _HerbalLadyComeAgainText:: text "Come again, dear." line "Hehehehe…" done _BargainShopIntroText:: text "Hiya! Care to see" line "some bargains?" para "I sell rare items" line "that nobody else" para "carries--but only" line "one of each item." done _BargainShopFinalPriceText:: text_ram wStringBuffer2 text " costs" line "¥@" text_decimal hMoneyTemp, 3, 6 text ". Want it?" done _BargainShopThanksText:: text "Thanks." done _BargainShopPackFullText:: text "Uh-oh, your PACK" line "is chock-full." done _BargainShopSoldOutText:: text "You bought that" line "already. I'm all" cont "sold out of it." done _BargainShopNoFundsText:: text "Uh-oh, you're" line "short on funds." done _BargainShopComeAgainText:: text "Come by again" line "sometime." done _PharmacyIntroText:: text "What's up? Need" line "some medicine?" done _PharmacyHowManyText:: text "How many?" done _PharmacyFinalPriceText:: text_decimal wItemQuantityChange, 1, 2 text " @" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "(S)" line "will cost ¥@" text_decimal hMoneyTemp, 3, 6 text "." done _PharmacyThanksText:: text "Thanks much!" done _PharmacyPackFullText:: text "You don't have any" line "more space." done _PharmacyNoMoneyText:: text "Huh? That's not" line "enough money." done _PharmacyComeAgainText:: text "All right." line "See you around." done _NothingToSellText:: text "You don't have" line "anything to sell." prompt _MartSellHowManyText:: text "How many?" done _MartSellPriceText:: text "I can pay you" line "¥@" text_decimal hMoneyTemp, 3, 6 text "." para "Is that OK?" done _MartWelcomeText:: text "Welcome! How may I" line "help you?" done _MartThanksText:: text "Here you are." line "Thank you!" done _MartNoMoneyText:: text "You don't have" line "enough money." done _MartPackFullText:: text "You can't carry" line "any more items." done _MartCantBuyText:: text "Sorry, I can't buy" line "that from you." prompt _MartComeAgainText:: text "Please come again!" done _MartAskMoreText:: text "Can I do anything" line "else for you?" done _MartBoughtText:: text "Got ¥@" text_decimal hMoneyTemp, 3, 6 text " for" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "(S)." done _SlotsBetHowManyCoinsText:: text "Bet how many" line "coins?" done _SlotsStartText:: text "Start!" done _SlotsNotEnoughCoinsText:: text "Not enough" line "coins." prompt _SlotsRanOutOfCoinsText:: text "Darn… Ran out of" line "coins…" done _SlotsPlayAgainText:: text "Play again?" done _SlotsLinedUpText:: text "lined up!" line "Won @" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text " coins!" done _SlotsDarnText:: text "Darn!" done _MobileStadiumEntryText:: text "Data for use in" line "the MOBILE STADIUM" para "of the N64 #MON" line "STADIUM 2 can be" cont "read here." para "Read the data?" done _MobileStadiumSuccessText:: text "Data transfer is" line "complete." para "We hope you enjoy" line "MOBILE STADIUM" para "battles in the N64" line "#MON STADIUM 2." para "" done _MainMenuTimeUnknownText:: text "Clock time unknown" done _DeleteSavedLoginPasswordText:: text "Delete the saved" line "LOG-IN PASSWORD?" done _DeletedTheLoginPasswordText:: text "Deleted the LOG-IN" line "PASSWORD." done _MobilePickThreeMonForBattleText:: text "Pick three #MON" line "for battle." prompt _MobileUseTheseThreeMonText:: text_ram wMobileParticipant1Nickname text "," line "@" text_ram wMobileParticipant2Nickname text " and" cont "@" text_ram wMobileParticipant3Nickname text "." para "Use these three?" done _MobileOnlyThreeMonMayEnterText:: text "Only three #MON" line "may enter." prompt _MobileCardFolderIntro1Text:: text "The CARD FOLDER" line "stores your and" para "your friends'" line "CARDS." para "A CARD contains" line "information like" para "the person's name," line "phone number and" cont "profile." para "" done _MobileCardFolderIntro2Text:: text "This is your CARD." para "Once you've" line "entered your phone" para "number, you can" line "trade CARDS with" cont "your friends." para "" done _MobileCardFolderIntro3Text:: text "If you have your" line "friend's CARD, you" para "can use it to make" line "a call from a" para "mobile phone on" line "the 2nd floor of a" cont "#MON CENTER." para "" done _MobileCardFolderIntro4Text:: text "To safely store" line "your collection of" para "CARDS, you must" line "set a PASSCODE for" cont "your CARD FOLDER." para "" done _MobileCardFolderAskDeleteText:: text "If the CARD FOLDER" line "is deleted, all" para "its CARDS and the" line "PASSCODE will also" cont "be deleted." para "Beware--a deleted" line "CARD FOLDER can't" cont "be restored." para "Want to delete" line "your CARD FOLDER?" done _MobileCardFolderDeleteAreYouSureText:: text "Are you sure you" line "want to delete it?" done _MobileCardFolderDeletedText:: text "The CARD FOLDER" line "has been deleted." para "" done _MobileCardFolderAskOpenOldText:: text "There is an older" line "CARD FOLDER from a" cont "previous journey." para "Do you want to" line "open it?" done _MobileCardFolderAskDeleteOldText:: text "Delete the old" line "CARD FOLDER?" done _MobileCardFolderFinishRegisteringCardsText:: text "Finish registering" line "CARDS?" done _PhoneWrongNumberText:: text "Huh? Sorry, wrong" line "number!" done _PhoneClickText:: text "Click!" done _PhoneEllipseText:: text "<……>" done _PhoneOutOfAreaText:: text "That number is out" line "of the area." done _PhoneJustTalkToThemText:: text "Just go talk to" line "that person!" done _PhoneThankYouText:: text "Thank you!" done _SpaceSpaceColonText:: ; unreferenced text " :" done _PasswordAskResetText:: text "Password OK." line "Select CONTINUE &" cont "reset settings." prompt _PasswordWrongText:: text "Wrong password!" prompt _PasswordAskResetClockText:: text "Reset the clock?" done _PasswordAskEnterText:: text "Please enter the" line "password." done _ClearAllSaveDataText:: text "Clear all save" line "data?" done _LearnedMoveText:: text_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer text " learned" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "!@" sound_dex_fanfare_50_79 text_promptbutton text_end text_end ; unreferenced _MoveAskForgetText:: text "Which move should" next "be forgotten?" done _StopLearningMoveText:: text "Stop learning" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "?" done _DidNotLearnMoveText:: text_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer text_start line "did not learn" cont "@" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "." prompt _AskForgetMoveText:: text_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer text " is" line "trying to learn" cont "@" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "." para "But @" text_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer text_start line "can't learn more" cont "than four moves." para "Delete an older" line "move to make room" cont "for @" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "?" done Text_MoveForgetCount:: text "1, 2 and…@" text_pause text_end text_end ; unreferenced _MoveForgotText:: text " Poof!@" text_pause text_start para "@" text_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer text " forgot" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "." para "And…" prompt _MoveCantForgetHMText:: text "HM moves can't be" line "forgotten now." prompt _CardFlipPlayWithThreeCoinsText:: text "Play with three" line "coins?" done _CardFlipNotEnoughCoinsText:: text "Not enough coins…" prompt _CardFlipChooseACardText:: text "Choose a card." done _CardFlipPlaceYourBetText:: text "Place your bet." done _CardFlipPlayAgainText:: text "Want to play" line "again?" done _CardFlipShuffledText:: text "The cards have" line "been shuffled." prompt _CardFlipYeahText:: text "Yeah!" done _CardFlipDarnText:: text "Darn…" done _GearTodayText:: text_today text_end text_end ; unreferenced _GearEllipseText:: text "<……>" done _GearOutOfServiceText:: text "You're out of the" line "service area." prompt _PokegearAskWhoCallText:: text "Whom do you want" line "to call?" done _PokegearPressButtonText:: text "Press any button" line "to exit." done _PokegearAskDeleteText:: text "Delete this stored" line "phone number?" done _BuenaAskWhichPrizeText:: text "Which prize would" line "you like?" done _BuenaIsThatRightText:: text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "?" line "Is that right?" done _BuenaHereYouGoText:: text "Here you go!" para "" done _BuenaNotEnoughPointsText:: text "You don't have" line "enough points." para "" done _BuenaNoRoomText:: text "You have no room" line "for it." para "" done _BuenaComeAgainText:: text "Oh. Please come" line "back again!" done _BTExcuseMeText:: text "Excuse me!" para "" done _ExcuseMeYoureNotReadyText:: text "Excuse me." line "You're not ready." para "" done _BattleTowerReturnWhenReadyText:: text "Please return when" line "you're ready." done _NeedAtLeastThreeMonText:: text "You need at least" line "three #MON." para "" done _EggDoesNotQualifyText:: text "Sorry, an EGG" line "doesn't qualify." para "" done _OnlyThreeMonMayBeEnteredText:: text "Only three #MON" line "may be entered." para "" done _TheMonMustAllBeDifferentKindsText:: text "The @" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text " #MON" line "must all be" cont "different kinds." para "" done _TheMonMustNotHoldTheSameItemsText:: text "The @" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text " #MON" line "must not hold the" cont "same items." para "" done _YouCantTakeAnEggText:: text "You can't take an" line "EGG!" para "" done _BallDodgedText:: text "It dodged the" line "thrown BALL!" para "This #MON" line "can't be caught!" prompt _BallMissedText:: text "You missed the" line "#MON!" prompt _BallBrokeFreeText:: text "Oh no! The #MON" line "broke free!" prompt _BallAppearedCaughtText:: text "Aww! It appeared" line "to be caught!" prompt _BallAlmostHadItText:: text "Aargh!" line "Almost had it!" prompt _BallSoCloseText:: text "Shoot! It was so" line "close too!" prompt Text_BallCaught:: text "Gotcha! @" text_ram wEnemyMonNickname text_start line "was caught!@" sound_caught_mon text_end text_end ; unreferenced _WaitButtonText:: text_promptbutton text_end text_end ; unreferenced _BallSentToPCText:: text_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer text " was" line "sent to BILL's PC." prompt _NewDexDataText:: text_ram wEnemyMonNickname text "'s data" line "was newly added to" cont "the #DEX.@" sound_slot_machine_start text_promptbutton text_end text_end ; unreferenced _AskGiveNicknameText:: text "Give a nickname to" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "?" done _ItemStatRoseText:: text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "'s" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text " rose." prompt _ItemCantUseOnMonText:: text "That can't be used" line "on this #MON." prompt _RepelUsedEarlierIsStillInEffectText:: text "The REPEL used" line "earlier is still" cont "in effect." prompt _PlayedFluteText:: text "Played the #" line "FLUTE." para "Now, that's a" line "catchy tune!" prompt _FluteWakeUpText:: text "All sleeping" line "#MON woke up." prompt Text_PlayedPokeFlute:: text "<PLAYER> played the" line "# FLUTE.@" text_promptbutton text_end text_end ; unreferenced _BlueCardBalanceText:: text "You now have" line "@" text_decimal wBlueCardBalance, 1, 2 text " points." done _CoinCaseCountText:: text "Coins:" line "@" text_decimal wCoins, 2, 4 text_end text_end ; unreferenced _RaiseThePPOfWhichMoveText:: text "Raise the PP of" line "which move?" done _RestoreThePPOfWhichMoveText:: text "Restore the PP of" line "which move?" done _PPIsMaxedOutText:: text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "'s PP" line "is maxed out." prompt _PPsIncreasedText:: text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "'s PP" line "increased." prompt _PPRestoredText:: text "PP was restored." prompt _SentTrophyHomeText:: text "There was a trophy" line "inside!@" sound_dex_fanfare_50_79 text_start para "@" text_ram wPlayerName text " sent the" line "trophy home." prompt _ItemLooksBitterText:: text "It looks bitter…" prompt _ItemCantUseOnEggText:: text "That can't be used" line "on an EGG." prompt _ItemOakWarningText:: text "OAK: <PLAYER>!" line "This isn't the" cont "time to use that!" prompt _ItemBelongsToSomeoneElseText:: text "That belongs to" line "someone else!" prompt _ItemWontHaveEffectText:: text "It won't have any" line "effect." prompt _BallBlockedText:: text "The trainer" line "blocked the BALL!" prompt _BallDontBeAThiefText:: text "Don't be a thief!" prompt _NoCyclingText:: text "Cycling isn't" line "allowed here." prompt _ItemCantGetOnText:: text "Can't get on your" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text " now." prompt _BallBoxFullText:: text "The #MON BOX" line "is full. That" cont "can't be used now." prompt _ItemUsedText:: text "<PLAYER> used the@" text_low text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "." done _ItemGotOnText:: text "<PLAYER> got on the@" text_low text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "." prompt _ItemGotOffText:: text "<PLAYER> got off@" text_low text "the @" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "." prompt _KnowsMoveText:: text_ram wStringBuffer1 text " knows" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "." prompt _MoveKnowsOneText:: text "That #MON knows" line "only one move." done _AskDeleteMoveText:: text "Oh, make it forget" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "?" done _DeleterForgotMoveText:: text "Done! Your #MON" line "forgot the move." done _DeleterEggText:: text "An EGG doesn't" line "know any moves!" done _DeleterNoComeAgainText:: text "No? Come visit me" line "again." done _DeleterAskWhichMoveText:: text "Which move should" line "it forget, then?" prompt _DeleterIntroText:: text "Um… Oh, yes, I'm" line "the MOVE DELETER." para "I can make #MON" line "forget moves." para "Shall I make a" line "#MON forget?" done _DeleterAskWhichMonText:: text "Which #MON?" prompt _DSTIsThatOKText:: text " DST," line "is that OK?" done _TimeAskOkayText:: text "," line "is that OK?" done _TimesetAskDSTText:: text "Do you want to" line "switch to Daylight" cont "Saving Time?" done _TimesetDSTText:: text "I set the clock" line "forward by one" cont "hour." prompt _TimesetAskNotDSTText:: text "Is Daylight Saving" line "Time over?" done _TimesetNotDSTText:: text "I put the clock" line "back one hour." prompt _TimesetAskAdjustDSTText:: text "Do you want to" line "adjust your clock" para "for Daylight" line "Saving Time?" done _MomLostGearBookletText:: text "I lost the in-" line "struction booklet" cont "for the #GEAR." para "Come back again in" line "a while." prompt