ref: 40c899162b5501f14905893b9780e01e4b6f6ba7
dir: /home/print_text.asm/
PrintLetterDelay:: ; Wait before printing the next letter. ; The text speed setting in wOptions is actually a frame count: ; fast: 1 frame ; mid: 3 frames ; slow: 5 frames ; wTextboxFlags[!0] and A or B override text speed with a one-frame delay. ; wOptions[4] and wTextboxFlags[!1] disable the delay. ld a, [wOptions] bit NO_TEXT_SCROLL, a ret nz ; non-scrolling text? ld a, [wTextboxFlags] bit NO_TEXT_DELAY_F, a ret z push hl push de push bc ld hl, hOAMUpdate ld a, [hl] push af ; orginally turned oam update off... ; ld a, 1 ld [hl], a ; force fast scroll? ld a, [wTextboxFlags] bit FAST_TEXT_DELAY_F, a jr z, .fast ; text speed ld a, [wOptions] and %111 jr .updatedelay .fast ld a, TEXT_DELAY_FAST .updatedelay ld [wTextDelayFrames], a .checkjoypad call GetJoypad ; input override ld a, [wDisableTextAcceleration] and a jr nz, .wait ; Wait one frame if holding A or B. ldh a, [hJoyDown] bit A_BUTTON_F, a jr z, .checkb jr .delay .checkb bit B_BUTTON_F, a jr z, .wait .delay call DelayFrame jr .end .wait ld a, [wTextDelayFrames] and a jr nz, .checkjoypad .end pop af ldh [hOAMUpdate], a pop bc pop de pop hl ret CopyDataUntil:: ; Copy [hl .. bc) to de. ; In other words, the source data is ; from hl up to but not including bc, ; and the destination is de. ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ld a, h cp b jr nz, CopyDataUntil ld a, l cp c jr nz, CopyDataUntil ret PrintNum:: homecall _PrintNum ret MobilePrintNum:: homecall _MobilePrintNum ret FarPrintText:: ldh [hTempBank], a ldh a, [hROMBank] push af ldh a, [hTempBank] rst Bankswitch call PrintText pop af rst Bankswitch ret CallPointerAt:: ldh a, [hROMBank] push af ld a, [hli] rst Bankswitch ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a call _hl_ pop hl ld a, h rst Bankswitch ret