Split base stats off into a file
Split pokedex entries off into files
Split evos/attacks off into files
Split pokedex orders off into files
Split type matchup off into a file
Split wild encounters off into files
Merge pull request #104 from yenatch/master
Add vram sections to wram, and minor fixes
Merge pull request #103 from yenatch/master
simplify load_rom in gbz80disasm
enable labels in gbz80disasm
Merge pull request #101 from Sanky/master
Merge pull request #98 from Sanky/master
Merge https://github.com/kanzure/pokecrystal
Merge pull request #100 from iimarckus/blackout
Replace some hardcoded addresses with local labels.
Add blackout points / fly location data.
Merge pull request #99 from iimarckus/blackout
Merge pull request #97 from yenatch/master
Merge pull request #96 from yenatch/master
Merge pull request #95 from yenatch/master
README: fix testing instructions
dump_sections - tool to dump a skeleton asm file
clean up the preprocessor macro list
various formatting fixes for crystal.py
replace wildcard import with explicit import
add character encoding header in pksv.py
py26 fix for RomStr.load_labels (json)
make gbz80disasm work with python2.6 again
pedantic formatting changes for pointers.py
add character encoding headers to other files
fix headers and imports in labels.py
set character encoding header in interval_map.py
fix header comments in graph.py
remove a duplication of load_rom and load_asm
clean up lousy headers in comparator.py
better import syntax in comparator.py
better import syntax in crystal.py
remove extra whitespace in gbz80disasm
remove a broken, unfinished disassembler (DisAsm)
allow unicode addresses in RomStr.to_asm
add character encoding header in gbz80disasm.py
include character encoding header in romstr.py
better formatting for romstr imports
RomStr doesn't need deepcopy
fix AsmList import in tests
fix calculate_pointer in tests
split out more item_constants stuff
Merge pull request #94 from yenatch/master
split out tests into a separate file
Merge pull request #93 from yenatch/master
split off animation data chunks into files
rename unown animation pointer files
include pic animations in main.asm
allow labels and includes on the same line
Merge pull request #92 from yenatch/master
Merge pull request #91 from yenatch/master
update gfx.py to reflect new structure
don't let .gb roms sneak in
update .gitignore formatting
Merge pull request #89 from yenatch/master
Merge remote branch 'remotes/yenatch/master'
Disasm EggStatsScreen and related. Add coord macros.
disasm some stats screen related code
clean up python script imports
remove the Size class (unused)
split out IntervalMap into a separate file
forgot to make 3jumptext an ender
add missing script command (3jumptext)
Merge pull request #87 from iimarckus/shootbreeze