ref: 40946fd5254ca4447dcb7c394c9d4ff2273aad2a
dir: /maps/IndigoPlateauPokeCenter1F.asm/
IndigoPlateauPokeCenter1F_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x180000 ; trigger count db 1 ; triggers dw UnknownScript_0x180009, $0000 ; callback count db 1 ; callbacks dbw 5, UnknownScript_0x18000a ; 0x180009 UnknownScript_0x180009: ; 0x180009 end ; 0x18000a UnknownScript_0x18000a: ; 0x18000a domaptrigger GROUP_WILLS_ROOM, MAP_WILLS_ROOM, $0 domaptrigger GROUP_KOGAS_ROOM, MAP_KOGAS_ROOM, $0 domaptrigger GROUP_BRUNOS_ROOM, MAP_BRUNOS_ROOM, $0 domaptrigger GROUP_KARENS_ROOM, MAP_KARENS_ROOM, $0 domaptrigger GROUP_LANCES_ROOM, MAP_LANCES_ROOM, $0 domaptrigger GROUP_HALL_OF_FAME, MAP_HALL_OF_FAME, $0 clearbit1 $0309 clearbit1 $030a clearbit1 $030b clearbit1 $030c clearbit1 $030d clearbit1 $030e clearbit1 $030f clearbit1 $0310 clearbit1 $0311 clearbit1 $0312 clearbit1 $05b8 clearbit1 $05b9 clearbit1 $05ba clearbit1 $05bb clearbit1 $05bc setbit1 $075f return ; 0x180053 UnknownScript_0x180053: ; 0x180053 checkbit1 $0319 iffalse UnknownScript_0x18012b checkbit2 $005d iftrue UnknownScript_0x18012b checkcode $b if_equal SUNDAY, UnknownScript_0x18012b if_equal TUESDAY, UnknownScript_0x18012b if_equal THURSDAY, UnknownScript_0x18012b if_equal FRIDAY, UnknownScript_0x18012b if_equal SATURDAY, UnknownScript_0x18012b moveperson $5, $11, $9 appear $5 spriteface $0, $0 showemote $0, $0, 15 special $006a pause 15 applymovement $5, MovementData_0x180164 playmusic $001f spriteface $0, $3 2jump UnknownScript_0x1800ce ; 0x180094 UnknownScript_0x180094: ; 0x180094 checkbit1 $0319 iffalse UnknownScript_0x18012b checkbit2 $005d iftrue UnknownScript_0x18012b checkcode $b if_equal SUNDAY, UnknownScript_0x18012b if_equal TUESDAY, UnknownScript_0x18012b if_equal THURSDAY, UnknownScript_0x18012b if_equal FRIDAY, UnknownScript_0x18012b if_equal SATURDAY, UnknownScript_0x18012b appear $5 spriteface $0, $0 showemote $0, $0, 15 special $006a pause 15 applymovement $5, MovementData_0x18016b playmusic $001f spriteface $0, $2 UnknownScript_0x1800ce: ; 0x1800ce loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x1801f5 closetext loadmovesprites setbit1 $077b checkbit1 $001c iftrue UnknownScript_0x1800f3 checkbit1 $001d iftrue UnknownScript_0x180103 winlosstext UnknownText_0x180295, UnknownText_0x1802fd setlasttalked $5 loadtrainer RIVAL2, 6 startbattle reloadmapmusic returnafterbattle 2jump UnknownScript_0x180113 ; 0x1800f3 UnknownScript_0x1800f3: ; 0x1800f3 winlosstext UnknownText_0x180295, UnknownText_0x1802fd setlasttalked $5 loadtrainer RIVAL2, 4 startbattle reloadmapmusic returnafterbattle 2jump UnknownScript_0x180113 ; 0x180103 UnknownScript_0x180103: ; 0x180103 winlosstext UnknownText_0x180295, UnknownText_0x1802fd setlasttalked $5 loadtrainer RIVAL2, 5 startbattle reloadmapmusic returnafterbattle 2jump UnknownScript_0x180113 ; 0x180113 UnknownScript_0x180113: ; 0x180113 playmusic $0020 loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x1802a4 closetext loadmovesprites spriteface $0, $0 applymovement $5, MovementData_0x180172 disappear $5 dotrigger $0 playmapmusic setbit2 $005d UnknownScript_0x18012b: ; 0x18012b end ; 0x18012c UnknownScript_0x18012c: ; 0x18012c jumpstd $0000 ; 0x18012f UnknownScript_0x18012f: ; 0x18012f loadfont pokemart $0, $0020 loadmovesprites end ; 0x180136 UnknownScript_0x180136: ; 0x180136 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x180178 ; 0x180139 UnknownScript_0x180139: ; 0x180139 faceplayer loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x180335 yesorno iffalse UnknownScript_0x180154 2writetext UnknownText_0x1803e7 closetext loadmovesprites playsound $0013 special $002e waitbutton warp GROUP_NEW_BARK_TOWN, MAP_NEW_BARK_TOWN, $d, $6 end ; 0x180154 UnknownScript_0x180154: ; 0x180154 2writetext UnknownText_0x180411 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x18015a UnknownScript_0x18015a: ; 0x18015a loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x180433 cry ABRA closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x180164 MovementData_0x180164: ; 0x180164 step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up turn_head_left step_end ; 0x18016b MovementData_0x18016b: ; 0x18016b step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up turn_head_right step_end ; 0x180172 MovementData_0x180172: ; 0x180172 step_down step_down step_down step_down step_down step_end ; 0x180178 UnknownText_0x180178: ; 0x180178 db $0, "At the #MON", $4f db "LEAGUE, you'll get", $51 db "tested by the", $4f db "ELITE FOUR.", $51 db "You have to beat", $4f db "them all. If you", $51 db "lose, you have to", $4f db "start all over!", $57 ; 0x1801f5 UnknownText_0x1801f5: ; 0x1801f5 db $0, "Hold it.", $51 db "You're going to", $4f db "take the #MON", $51 db "LEAGUE challenge", $4f db "now?", $51 db "That's not going", $4f db "to happen.", $51 db "My super-well-", $4f db "trained #MON", $51 db "are going to pound", $4f db "you.", $51 db $52, "!", $4f db "I challenge you!", $57 ; 0x180295 UnknownText_0x180295: ; 0x180295 db $0, "…", $51 db "OK--I lost…", $57 ; 0x1802a4 UnknownText_0x1802a4: ; 0x1802a4 db $0, "…Darn… I still", $4f db "can't win…", $51 db "I… I have to think", $4f db "more about my", $55 db "#MON…", $51 db "Humph! Try not to", $4f db "lose!", $57 ; 0x1802fd UnknownText_0x1802fd: ; 0x1802fd db $0, "…", $51 db "Whew…", $4f db "With my partners,", $51 db "I'm going to be", $4f db "the CHAMPION!", $57 ; 0x180335 UnknownText_0x180335: ; 0x180335 db $0, "Ah! You're chal-", $4f db "lenging the ELITE", $51 db "FOUR? Are you sure", $4f db "you're ready?", $51 db "If you need to", $4f db "train some more,", $51 db "my ABRA can help", $4f db "you.", $51 db "It can TELEPORT", $4f db "you home.", $51 db "Would you like to", $4f db "go home now?", $57 ; 0x1803e7 UnknownText_0x1803e7: ; 0x1803e7 db $0, "OK, OK. Picture", $4f db "your house in your", $55 db "mind…", $57 ; 0x180411 UnknownText_0x180411: ; 0x180411 db $0, "OK, OK. The best", $4f db "of luck to you!", $57 ; 0x180433 UnknownText_0x180433: ; 0x180433 db $0, "ABRA: Aabra…", $57 ; 0x180441 IndigoPlateauPokeCenter1F_MapEventHeader: ; 0x180441 ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 4 warp_def $d, $5, 1, GROUP_ROUTE_23, MAP_ROUTE_23 warp_def $d, $6, 2, GROUP_ROUTE_23, MAP_ROUTE_23 warp_def $d, $0, 1, GROUP_POKECENTER_2F, MAP_POKECENTER_2F warp_def $3, $e, 1, GROUP_WILLS_ROOM, MAP_WILLS_ROOM ; xy triggers db 2 xy_trigger 0, $4, $10, $0, UnknownScript_0x180053, $0, $0 xy_trigger 0, $4, $11, $0, UnknownScript_0x180094, $0, $0 ; signposts db 0 ; people-events db 6 person_event $37, 11, 7, $6, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x18012c, $ffff person_event $39, 11, 15, $6, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x18012f, $ffff person_event $23, 15, 15, $2, $22, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x180136, $ffff person_event $4, 13, 20, $7, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, ObjectEvent, $077b person_event $2f, 13, 5, $6, $0, 255, 255, $90, 0, UnknownScript_0x180139, $077c person_event $91, 13, 4, $16, $0, 255, 255, $b0, 0, UnknownScript_0x18015a, $077c ; 0x1804b9