ref: 3ce221ae093315b4c2c53659594ec051b0a07b73
dir: /maps/BattleTower1F.asm/
BattleTower1F_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x9e393 ; trigger count db 2 ; triggers dw UnknownScript_0x9e39d, $0000 dw $63d3, $0000 ; callback count db 0 ; 0x9e39d UnknownScript_0x9e39d: ; 0x9e39d writebyte $9 special $0086 iffalse UnknownScript_0x9e3d1 writebyte $2 special $0086 if_equal $0, UnknownScript_0x9e3d1 if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0x9e3c4 if_equal $3, UnknownScript_0x9e3d1 if_equal $4, UnknownScript_0x9e3d1 loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x9f037 closetext loadmovesprites priorityjump UnknownScript_0x9e44e end ; 0x9e3c4 UnknownScript_0x9e3c4: ; 0x9e3c4 priorityjump UnknownScript_0x9e555 ; 0x9e3c7 UnknownScript_0x9e3c7: ; 0x9e3c7 writebyte $4 special $0086 writebyte $6 special $0086 UnknownScript_0x9e3d1: ; 0x9e3d1 dotrigger $1 end ; 0x9e3d4 MapBattleTower1FSignpost0Script: ; 0x9e3d4 loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x9ed3c yesorno iffalse UnknownScript_0x9e3e0 2writetext UnknownText_0x9ed72 closetext UnknownScript_0x9e3e0: ; 0x9e3e0 loadmovesprites end ; 0x9e3e2 UnknownScript_0x9e3e2: ; 0x9e3e2 writebyte $2 special $0086 if_equal $3, $74e4 ; wtf ? loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x9e5ab keeptextopen writebyte $0 special $0086 if_not_equal $0, UnknownScript_0x9e3fc 2jump UnknownScript_0x9e49e ; 0x9e3fc UnknownScript_0x9e3fc: ; 0x9e3fc 2writetext UnknownText_0x9e5ea writebyte $1 special $0088 if_equal $1, UnknownScript_0x9e40f if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0x9e4a5 2jump UnknownScript_0x9e4b0 ; 0x9e40f UnknownScript_0x9e40f: ; 0x9e40f writebyte $1a special $0086 special $007c if_not_equal $0, UnknownScript_0x9e4bb 2writetext UnknownText_0x9ef1f yesorno iffalse UnknownScript_0x9e3fc dotrigger $0 special $0004 iffalse UnknownScript_0x9e3fc dotrigger $1 writebyte $1 special $0086 special $0074 if_equal $a, UnknownScript_0x9e3fc if_not_equal $0, UnknownScript_0x9e550 writebyte $11 special $0086 2writetext UnknownText_0x9e60a closetext loadmovesprites writebyte $1e special $0086 2jump UnknownScript_0x9e454 ; 0x9e44e UnknownScript_0x9e44e: ; 0x9e44e loadmovesprites writebyte $8 special $0086 UnknownScript_0x9e454: ; 0x9e454 musicfadeout $0000, $8 domaptrigger GROUP_BATTLE_TOWER_BATTLE_ROOM, MAP_BATTLE_TOWER_BATTLE_ROOM, $0 domaptrigger GROUP_BATTLE_TOWER_ELEVATOR, MAP_BATTLE_TOWER_ELEVATOR, $0 domaptrigger GROUP_BATTLE_TOWER_HALLWAY, MAP_BATTLE_TOWER_HALLWAY, $0 follow $2, $0 applymovement $2, MovementData_0x9e571 writebyte $a special $0086 warpsound disappear $2 stopfollow applymovement $0, $6576 warpcheck end ; 0x9e47a UnknownScript_0x9e47a: ; 0x9e47a writebyte $1c special $0086 writebyte $1b special $0086 if_equal $12, UnknownScript_0x9e498 itemtotext $0, $1 giveitem $ff, $5 2writetext UnknownText_0x9eb7e writebyte $1d special $0086 loadmovesprites end ; 0x9e498 UnknownScript_0x9e498: ; 0x9e498 2writetext UnknownText_0x9eb94 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x9e49e UnknownScript_0x9e49e: ; 0x9e49e 2writetext UnknownText_0x9ec3d yesorno iffalse UnknownScript_0x9e4a8 UnknownScript_0x9e4a5: ; 0x9e4a5 2writetext UnknownText_0x9e886 UnknownScript_0x9e4a8: ; 0x9e4a8 writebyte $1 special $0086 2jump UnknownScript_0x9e3fc ; 0x9e4b0 UnknownScript_0x9e4b0: ; 0x9e4b0 2writetext UnknownText_0x9ec09 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x9e4b6 UnknownScript_0x9e4b6: ; 0x9e4b6 special $008b loadmovesprites end ; 0x9e4bb UnknownScript_0x9e4bb: ; 0x9e4bb closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x9e4be INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$9e4be,$9e4e4 - $9e4be UnknownScript_0x9e4e4: ; 0x9e4e4 closetext spriteface $2, $0 loadmovesprites end ; 0x9e4ea UnknownScript_0x9e4ea: ; 0x9e4ea writebyte $18 special $0086 if_not_equal $0, UnknownScript_0x9e542 writebyte $19 special $0086 if_not_equal $0, UnknownScript_0x9e549 special $007c if_not_equal $0, UnknownScript_0x9e4bb writebyte $5 special $0086 if_equal $0, UnknownScript_0x9e512 2writetext UnknownText_0x9ecb0 2jump UnknownScript_0x9e515 ; 0x9e512 UnknownScript_0x9e512: ; 0x9e512 2writetext UnknownText_0x9ec6d UnknownScript_0x9e515: ; 0x9e515 yesorno iffalse UnknownScript_0x9e3fc 2writetext UnknownText_0x9ef79 yesorno iffalse UnknownScript_0x9e3fc dotrigger $0 special $0004 iffalse UnknownScript_0x9e3fc dotrigger $1 writebyte $6 special $0086 writebyte $12 special $0086 2writetext UnknownText_0x9e60a closetext 2jump UnknownScript_0x9e44e ; 0x9e53b UnknownScript_0x9e53b: ; 0x9e53b 2writetext UnknownText_0x9f076 closetext 2jump UnknownScript_0x9e4b0 ; 0x9e542 UnknownScript_0x9e542: ; 0x9e542 2writetext UnknownText_0x9f1e5 closetext 2jump UnknownScript_0x9e3fc ; 0x9e549 UnknownScript_0x9e549: ; 0x9e549 2writetext UnknownText_0x9f217 closetext 2jump UnknownScript_0x9e3fc ; 0x9e550 UnknownScript_0x9e550: ; 0x9e550 special $008b loadmovesprites end ; 0x9e555 UnknownScript_0x9e555: ; 0x9e555 loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x9ee18 closetext 2jump UnknownScript_0x9e4b0 ; 0x9e55d UnknownScript_0x9e55d: ; 0x9e55d faceplayer loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x9f264 closetext loadmovesprites spriteface $3, $3 end ; 0x9e568 UnknownScript_0x9e568: ; 0x9e568 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x9f2a4 ; 0x9e56b UnknownScript_0x9e56b: ; 0x9e56b jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x9f35b ; 0x9e56e UnknownScript_0x9e56e: ; 0x9e56e jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x9f2e3 ; 0x9e571 MovementData_0x9e571: ; 0x9e571 step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_up step_end ; 0x9e578 MovementData_0x9e578: ; 0x9e578 step_down step_end ; 0x9e57a MovementData_0x9e57a: ; 0x9e57a step_right step_right step_right step_right step_up step_right turn_head_left step_end ; 0x9e582 MovementData_0x9e582: ; 0x9e582 step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_left step_up step_left turn_head_right step_end ; 0x9e58c MovementData_0x9e58c: ; 0x9e58c step_up step_up step_up step_up turn_head_right step_end ; 0x9e592 MovementData_0x9e592: ; 0x9e592 slow_step_down slow_step_down slow_step_down turn_head_left step_end ; 0x9e597 MovementData_0x9e597: ; 0x9e597 turn_head_up slow_step_up slow_step_up slow_step_up step_end ; 0x9e59c MovementData_0x9e59c: ; 0x9e59c slow_step_right slow_step_right slow_step_up slow_step_up step_end ; 0x9e5a1 MovementData_0x9e5a1: ; 0x9e5a1 slow_step_down slow_step_down slow_step_left slow_step_left turn_head_right step_end ; 0x9e5a7 MovementData_0x9e5a7: ; 0x9e5a7 turn_head_down step_end ; 0x9e5a9 MovementData_0x9e5a9: ; 0x9e5a9 turn_head_right step_end ; 0x9e5ab UnknownText_0x9e5ab: ; 0x9e5ab db $0, "BATTLE TOWER", $4f db "welcomes you!", $51 db "I could show you", $4f db "to a BATTLE ROOM.", $57 ; 0x9e5ea UnknownText_0x9e5ea: ; 0x9e5ea db $0, "Want to go into a", $4f db "BATTLE ROOM?", $57 ; 0x9e60a UnknownText_0x9e60a: ; 0x9e60a db $0, "Right this way to", $4f db "your BATTLE ROOM.", $57 ; 0x9e62f UnknownText_0x9e62f: ; 0x9e62f db $0, "BATTLE TOWER is a", $4f db "facility made for", $55 db "#MON battles.", $51 db "Countless #MON", $4f db "trainers gather", $51 db "from all over to", $4f db "hold battles in", $51 db "specially designed", $4f db "BATTLE ROOMS.", $51 db "There are many", $4f db "BATTLE ROOMS in", $55 db "the BATTLE TOWER.", $51 db "Each ROOM holds", $4f db "seven trainers.", $51 db "If you defeat the", $4f db "seven in a ROOM,", $51 db "and you have a", $4f db "good record, you", $51 db "could become the", $4f db "ROOM's LEADER.", $51 db "All LEADERS will", $4f db "be recorded in the", $51 db "HONOR ROLL for", $4f db "posterity.", $51 db "You may challenge", $4f db "in up to five", $51 db "BATTLE ROOMS each", $4f db "day.", $51 db "However, you may", $4f db "battle only once a", $51 db "day in any given", $4f db "ROOM.", $51 db "To interrupt a", $4f db "session, you must", $51 db "SAVE. If not, you", $4f db "won't be able to", $51 db "resume your ROOM", $4f db "challenge.", $51 db $57 ; 0x9e886 UnknownText_0x9e886: ; 0x9e886 db $0, "BATTLE TOWER is a", $4f db "facility made for", $55 db "#MON battles.", $51 db "Countless #MON", $4f db "trainers gather", $51 db "from all over to", $4f db "hold battles in", $51 db "specially designed", $4f db "BATTLE ROOMS.", $51 db "There are many", $4f db "BATTLE ROOMS in", $55 db "the BATTLE TOWER.", $51 db "Each ROOM holds", $4f db "seven trainers.", $51 db "Beat them all, and", $4f db "win a prize.", $51 db "To interrupt a", $4f db "session, you must", $51 db "SAVE. If not, you", $4f db "won't be able to", $51 db "resume your ROOM", $4f db "challenge.", $51 db $57 ; 0x9e9eb UnknownText_0x9e9eb: ; 0x9e9eb db $0, "Received a list of", $4f db "LEADERS on the", $55 db "HONOR ROLL.", $51 db $57 ; 0x9ea1b UnknownText_0x9ea1b: ; 0x9ea1b db $0, "Please confirm on", $4f db "this monitor.", $57 ; 0x9ea3c UnknownText_0x9ea3c: ; 0x9ea3c db $0, "Thank you!", $51 db $57 ; 0x9ea49 UnknownText_0x9ea49: ; 0x9ea49 db $0, "Thanks for", $4f db "visiting!", $57 ; 0x9ea5f UnknownText_0x9ea5f: ; 0x9ea5f db $0, "Congratulations!", $51 db "You've beaten all", $4f db "the trainers!", $51 db "Your feat may be", $4f db "worth registering,", $51 db $52, ". With your", $4f db "results, you may", $51 db "be chosen as a", $4f db "ROOM LEADER.", $51 db $57 ; 0x9eaef UnknownText_0x9eaef: ; 0x9eaef db $0, "Congratulations!", $51 db "You've beaten all", $4f db "the trainers!", $51 db "For that, you get", $4f db "this great prize!", $51 db $57 ; 0x9eb45 UnknownText_0x9eb45: ; 0x9eb45 db $0, "Would you like to", $4f db "register your", $51 db "record with the", $4f db "CENTER?", $57 ; 0x9eb7e UnknownText_0x9eb7e: ; 0x9eb7e db $0, $52, " got five", $4f db "@" text_from_ram $d0ac db $0, "!@" sound0x0F text_waitbutton db $50 ; 0x9eb94 UnknownText_0x9eb94: ; 0x9eb94 db $0, "Oops, your PACK is", $4f db "stuffed full.", $51 db "Please make room", $4f db "and come back.", $57 ; 0x9ebd6 UnknownText_0x9ebd6: ; 0x9ebd6 db $0, "Your registration", $4f db "is complete.", $51 db "Please come again!", $57 ; 0x9ec09 UnknownText_0x9ec09: ; 0x9ec09 db $0, "We hope to serve", $4f db "you again.", $57 ; 0x9ec26 UnknownText_0x9ec26: ; 0x9ec26 db $0, "Please step this", $4f db "way.", $57 ; 0x9ec3d UnknownText_0x9ec3d: ; 0x9ec3d db $0, "Would you like to", $4f db "hear about the", $55 db "BATTLE TOWER?", $57 ; 0x9ec6d UnknownText_0x9ec6d: ; 0x9ec6d db $0, "Your record from", $4f db "the previous", $51 db "BATTLE ROOM can't", $4f db "be registered. OK?", $57 ; 0x9ecb0 UnknownText_0x9ecb0: ; 0x9ecb0 db $0, "Your record from", $4f db "the previous", $51 db "BATTLE ROOM can't", $4f db "be registered.", $51 db "Also, the existing", $4f db "record will be", $55 db "deleted. OK?", $57 ; 0x9ed1e UnknownText_0x9ed1e: ; 0x9ed1e db $0, "Check the LEADER", $4f db "HONOR ROLL?", $57 ; 0x9ed3c UnknownText_0x9ed3c: ; 0x9ed3c db $0, "BATTLE TOWER rules", $4f db "are written here.", $51 db "Read the rules?", $57 ; 0x9ed72 UnknownText_0x9ed72: ; 0x9ed72 db $0, "Three #MON may", $4f db "enter battles.", $51 db "All three must be", $4f db "different.", $51 db "The items they", $4f db "hold must also be", $55 db "different.", $51 db "Certain #MON", $4f db "may also have", $51 db "level restrictions", $4f db "placed on them.", $57 ; 0x9ee18 UnknownText_0x9ee18: ; 0x9ee18 db $0, "Excuse me!", $4f db "You didn't SAVE", $51 db "before exiting", $4f db "the BATTLE ROOM.", $51 db "I'm awfully sorry,", $4f db "but your challenge", $51 db "will be declared", $4f db "invalid.", $57 ; 0x9ee92 UnknownText_0x9ee92: ; 0x9ee92 db $0, "Your #MON will", $4f db "be healed to full", $55 db "health.", $57 ; 0x9eebc UnknownText_0x9eebc: ; 0x9eebc db $0, "Next up, opponent", $4f db "no.@" text_from_ram $d099 db $0, ". Ready?", $57 ; 0x9eee0 UnknownText_0x9eee0: ; 0x9eee0 db $0, "Your session will", $4f db "be SAVED before", $51 db "connecting with", $4f db "the CENTER.", $57 ; 0x9ef1f UnknownText_0x9ef1f: ; 0x9ef1f db $0, "Before entering", $4f db "the BATTLE ROOM,", $51 db "your progress will", $4f db "be saved.", $57 ; 0x9ef5e UnknownText_0x9ef5e: ; 0x9ef5e db $0, "SAVE and end the", $4f db "session?", $57 ; 0x9ef79 UnknownText_0x9ef79: ; 0x9ef79 db $0, "Your record will", $4f db "be SAVED before", $51 db "you go back into", $4f db "the previous ROOM.", $57 ; 0x9efbf UnknownText_0x9efbf: ; 0x9efbf db $0, "Cancel your BATTLE", $4f db "ROOM challenge?", $57 ; 0x9efe3 UnknownText_0x9efe3: ; 0x9efe3 db $0, "We have your", $4f db "previous record on", $51 db "file. Would you", $4f db "like to register", $55 db "it at the CENTER?", $57 ; 0x9f037 UnknownText_0x9f037: ; 0x9f037 db $0, "We've been waiting", $4f db "for you. This way", $51 db "to a BATTLE ROOM,", $4f db "please.", $57 ; 0x9f076 UnknownText_0x9f076: ; 0x9f076 db $0, "You may enter only", $4f db "five BATTLE ROOMS", $55 db "each day.", $51 db "Please come back", $4f db "tomorrow.", $57 ; 0x9f0c1 UnknownText_0x9f0c1: ; 0x9f0c1 db $0, "Sorry, but it's", $4f db "not possible to", $51 db "register your", $4f db "current record at", $51 db "the CENTER because", $4f db "too much time has", $51 db "elapsed since the", $4f db "start of your", $55 db "challenge.", $57 ; 0x9f151 ; a dupe? UnknownText_0x9f151: ; 0x9f151 db $0, "Sorry, but it's", $4f db "not possible to", $51 db "register your most", $4f db "recent record at", $51 db "the CENTER because", $4f db "too much time has", $51 db "elapsed since the", $4f db "start of your", $55 db "challenge.", $57 ; 0x9f1e5 UnknownText_0x9f1e5: ; 0x9f1e5 db $0, "One or more of", $4f db "your #MON's", $55 db "levels exceeds @" deciram ScriptVar, $13 db $0, ".", $57 ; 0x9f217 UnknownText_0x9f217: ; 0x9f217 text_from_ram $cd49 db $0, " may not", $4f db "enter a BATTLE", $55 db "ROOM under L70.", $51 db "This BATTLE ROOM", $4f db "is for L@" deciram ScriptVar, $13 db $0, ".", $57 ; 0x9f264 UnknownText_0x9f264: ; 0x9f264 db $0, "Destroyed by the", $4f db "first opponent in", $51 db "no time at all…", $4f db "I'm no good…", $57 ; 0x9f2a4 UnknownText_0x9f2a4: ; 0x9f2a4 db $0, "There are lots of", $4f db "BATTLE ROOMS, but", $51 db "I'm going to win", $4f db "them all!", $57 ; 0x9f2e3 UnknownText_0x9f2e3: ; 0x9f2e3 db $0, "It's a grueling", $4f db "task, not being", $51 db "able to use items", $4f db "in battle.", $51 db "Making your", $4f db "#MON hold items", $51 db "is the key to", $4f db "winning battles.", $57 ; 0x9f35b UnknownText_0x9f35b: ; 0x9f35b db $0, "I'm trying to see", $4f db "how far I can go", $51 db "using just bug", $4f db "#MON.", $51 db "Don't let there be", $4f db "any fire #MON…", $57 ; 0x9f3b4 BattleTower1F_MapEventHeader: ; 0x9f3b4 ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 3 warp_def $9, $7, 3, GROUP_BATTLE_TOWER_OUTSIDE, MAP_BATTLE_TOWER_OUTSIDE warp_def $9, $8, 4, GROUP_BATTLE_TOWER_OUTSIDE, MAP_BATTLE_TOWER_OUTSIDE warp_def $0, $7, 1, GROUP_BATTLE_TOWER_ELEVATOR, MAP_BATTLE_TOWER_ELEVATOR ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 1 signpost 6, 6, $0, MapBattleTower1FSignpost0Script ; people-events db 5 person_event $42, 10, 11, $6, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x9e3e2, $ffff person_event $27, 13, 18, $9, $0, 255, 255, $b0, 0, UnknownScript_0x9e55d, $ffff person_event $24, 13, 8, $5, $1, 255, 255, $80, 0, UnknownScript_0x9e568, $ffff person_event $25, 7, 5, $2, $11, 255, 255, $90, 0, UnknownScript_0x9e56b, $ffff person_event $30, 7, 18, $4, $10, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x9e56e, $ffff ; 0x9f40f