ref: 3be81c1bf9cedbff4e0f081619883511433ef88b
dir: /maps/PokemonFanClub.asm/
object_const_def const POKEMONFANCLUB_CHAIRMAN const POKEMONFANCLUB_RECEPTIONIST const POKEMONFANCLUB_CLEFAIRY_GUY const POKEMONFANCLUB_TEACHER const POKEMONFANCLUB_FAIRY const POKEMONFANCLUB_ODDISH PokemonFanClub_MapScripts: def_scene_scripts def_callbacks PokemonFanClubChairmanScript: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_LISTENED_TO_FAN_CLUB_PRESIDENT iftrue .HeardSpeech checkevent EVENT_LISTENED_TO_FAN_CLUB_PRESIDENT_BUT_BAG_WAS_FULL iftrue .HeardSpeechButBagFull writetext PokemonFanClubChairmanDidYouVisitToHearAboutMyMonText yesorno iffalse .NotListening writetext PokemonFanClubChairmanRapidashText promptbutton .HeardSpeechButBagFull: writetext PokemonFanClubChairmanIWantYouToHaveThisText promptbutton verbosegiveitem RARE_CANDY iffalse .BagFull setevent EVENT_LISTENED_TO_FAN_CLUB_PRESIDENT writetext PokemonFanClubChairmanItsARareCandyText waitbutton closetext end .HeardSpeech: writetext PokemonFanClubChairmanMoreTalesToTellText waitbutton closetext end .NotListening: writetext PokemonFanClubChairmanHowDisappointingText waitbutton .BagFull: closetext end PokemonFanClubReceptionistScript: jumptextfaceplayer PokemonFanClubReceptionistText PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyScript: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_GOT_LOST_ITEM_FROM_FAN_CLUB iftrue .GotLostItem checkevent EVENT_RETURNED_MACHINE_PART iftrue .FoundClefairyDoll writetext PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyClefairyIsSoAdorableText waitbutton closetext end .FoundClefairyDoll: writetext PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyMakingDoWithADollIFoundText checkevent EVENT_MET_COPYCAT_FOUND_OUT_ABOUT_LOST_ITEM iftrue .MetCopycat waitbutton closetext end .MetCopycat: promptbutton writetext PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyTakeThisDollBackToGirlText promptbutton waitsfx giveitem LOST_ITEM iffalse .NoRoom disappear POKEMONFANCLUB_FAIRY writetext PokemonFanClubPlayerReceivedDollText playsound SFX_KEY_ITEM waitsfx itemnotify setevent EVENT_GOT_LOST_ITEM_FROM_FAN_CLUB closetext end .GotLostItem: writetext PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyGoingToGetARealClefairyText waitbutton closetext end .NoRoom: writetext PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyPackIsJammedFullText waitbutton closetext end PokemonFanClubTeacherScript: jumptextfaceplayer PokemonFanClubTeacherText PokemonFanClubClefairyDollScript: jumptext PokemonFanClubClefairyDollText PokemonFanClubBayleefScript: opentext writetext PokemonFanClubBayleefText cry BAYLEEF waitbutton closetext end PokemonFanClubListenSign: jumptext PokemonFanClubListenSignText PokemonFanClubBraggingSign: jumptext PokemonFanClubBraggingSignText PokemonFanClubChairmanDidYouVisitToHearAboutMyMonText: text "I'm the CHAIRMAN" line "of the #MON FAN" cont "CLUB." para "I've raised over" line "150 #MON." para "I'm very fussy" line "when it comes to" cont "#MON." para "Did you visit just" line "to hear about my" cont "#MON?" done PokemonFanClubChairmanRapidashText: text "Good!" line "Then listen up!" para "So… my favorite" line "RAPIDASH…" para "It… cute… lovely…" line "smart… unbearably…" cont "plus… amazing… oh…" cont "you think so?…" cont "Too much… wild…" cont "beautiful… kindly…" cont "love it!" para "Hug it… when…" line "sleeping… warm and" cont "cuddly… Oh, and…" cont "spectacular…" cont "ravishing… simply" cont "divine…" cont "Oops! Look at the" cont "time! I've kept" cont "you too long!" done PokemonFanClubChairmanIWantYouToHaveThisText: text "Thanks for hearing" line "me out. I want you" cont "to have this!" done PokemonFanClubChairmanItsARareCandyText: text "It's a RARE CANDY" line "that makes #MON" cont "stronger." para "I prefer making my" line "#MON stronger" para "by battling, so" line "you can have it." done PokemonFanClubChairmanMoreTalesToTellText: text "Hello, <PLAY_G>!" para "Did you come see" line "me about my #-" cont "MON again?" para "No? Oh… I had more" line "tales to tell…" done PokemonFanClubChairmanHowDisappointingText: text "How disappointing…" para "Come back if you" line "want to listen." done PokemonFanClubReceptionistText: text "Our CHAIRMAN is" line "very vocal when it" cont "comes to #MON…" done PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyClefairyIsSoAdorableText: text "I love the way" line "CLEFAIRY waggles" para "its finger when" line "it's trying to use" para "METRONOME." line "It's so adorable!" done PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyMakingDoWithADollIFoundText: text "I love CLEFAIRY," line "but I could never" para "catch one. So I'm" line "making do with a" para "# DOLL that I" line "found." done PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyTakeThisDollBackToGirlText: text "Oh, I see now. The" line "girl who lost this" para "# DOLL is sad…" para "OK. Could you take" line "this # DOLL" para "back to that poor" line "little girl?" para "I'll befriend a" line "real CLEFAIRY on" para "my own one day." line "No worries!" done PokemonFanClubPlayerReceivedDollText: text "<PLAYER> received" line "# DOLL." done PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyGoingToGetARealClefairyText: text "You watch. I'm" line "going to get a" para "real CLEFAIRY as" line "my friend." done PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyPackIsJammedFullText: text "Your PACK is" line "jammed full." done PokemonFanClubTeacherText: text "Look at my darling" line "BAYLEEF!" para "The leaf on its" line "head is so cute!" done PokemonFanClubClefairyDollText: text "It's a CLEFAIRY!" line "Huh?" para "Oh, right. It's a" line "CLEFAIRY #" cont "DOLL." done PokemonFanClubBayleefText: text "BAYLEEF: Li liif!" done PokemonFanClubListenSignText: text "Let's all listen" line "politely to other" cont "trainers." done PokemonFanClubBraggingSignText: text "If someone brags," line "brag right back!" done PokemonFanClub_MapEvents: db 0, 0 ; filler def_warp_events warp_event 2, 7, VERMILION_CITY, 3 warp_event 3, 7, VERMILION_CITY, 3 def_coord_events def_bg_events bg_event 7, 0, BGEVENT_READ, PokemonFanClubListenSign bg_event 9, 0, BGEVENT_READ, PokemonFanClubBraggingSign def_object_events object_event 3, 1, SPRITE_GENTLEMAN, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, PokemonFanClubChairmanScript, -1 object_event 4, 1, SPRITE_RECEPTIONIST, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_GREEN, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, PokemonFanClubReceptionistScript, -1 object_event 2, 3, SPRITE_FISHER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_RIGHT, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyScript, -1 object_event 7, 2, SPRITE_TEACHER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_LEFT, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, PokemonFanClubTeacherScript, -1 object_event 2, 4, SPRITE_FAIRY, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, PokemonFanClubClefairyDollScript, EVENT_VERMILION_FAN_CLUB_DOLL object_event 7, 3, SPRITE_ODDISH, SPRITEMOVEDATA_POKEMON, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_GREEN, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, PokemonFanClubBayleefScript, -1