ref: 39f2e3b6855b1fdf1310e40ea8c04135e9d9c2f8
dir: /maps/VermilionCity.asm/
object_const_def const VERMILIONCITY_TEACHER const VERMILIONCITY_GRAMPS const VERMILIONCITY_MACHOP const VERMILIONCITY_SUPER_NERD const VERMILIONCITY_BIG_SNORLAX const VERMILIONCITY_POKEFAN_M VermilionCity_MapScripts: def_scene_scripts def_callbacks callback MAPCALLBACK_NEWMAP, .FlyPoint .FlyPoint: setflag ENGINE_FLYPOINT_VERMILION endcallback VermilionCityTeacherScript: jumptextfaceplayer VermilionCityTeacherText VermilionMachopOwner: jumptextfaceplayer VermilionMachopOwnerText VermilionMachop: opentext writetext VermilionMachopText1 cry MACHOP waitbutton closetext earthquake 30 opentext writetext VermilionMachopText2 waitbutton closetext end VermilionCitySuperNerdScript: jumptextfaceplayer VermilionCitySuperNerdText VermilionSnorlax: opentext special SnorlaxAwake iftrue .Awake writetext VermilionCitySnorlaxSleepingText waitbutton closetext end .Awake: writetext VermilionCityRadioNearSnorlaxText pause 15 cry SNORLAX closetext loadvar VAR_BATTLETYPE, BATTLETYPE_FORCEITEM loadwildmon SNORLAX, 50 startbattle disappear VERMILIONCITY_BIG_SNORLAX setevent EVENT_FOUGHT_SNORLAX reloadmapafterbattle end VermilionGymBadgeGuy: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_GOT_HP_UP_FROM_VERMILION_GUY iftrue .AlreadyGotItem readvar VAR_BADGES ifequal NUM_BADGES, .AllBadges ifgreater 13, .MostBadges ifgreater 9, .SomeBadges writetext VermilionCityBadgeGuyTrainerText waitbutton closetext end .SomeBadges: writetext VermilionCityBadgeGuySomeBadgesText waitbutton closetext end .MostBadges: writetext VermilionCityBadgeGuyMostBadgesText waitbutton closetext end .AllBadges: writetext VermilionCityBadgeGuyAllBadgesText promptbutton verbosegiveitem HP_UP iffalse .Done setevent EVENT_GOT_HP_UP_FROM_VERMILION_GUY .AlreadyGotItem: writetext VermilionCityBadgeGuyBattleEdgeText waitbutton .Done: closetext end VermilionCitySign: jumptext VermilionCitySignText VermilionGymSign: jumptext VermilionGymSignText PokemonFanClubSign: jumptext PokemonFanClubSignText VermilionCityDiglettsCaveSign: jumptext VermilionCityDiglettsCaveSignText VermilionCityPortSign: jumptext VermilionCityPortSignText VermilionCityPokecenterSign: jumpstd PokecenterSignScript VermilionCityMartSign: jumpstd MartSignScript VermilionCityHiddenFullHeal: hiddenitem FULL_HEAL, EVENT_VERMILION_CITY_HIDDEN_FULL_HEAL VermilionCityTeacherText: text "VERMILION PORT is" line "KANTO's seaside" cont "gateway." para "Luxury liners from" line "around the world" cont "dock here." done VermilionMachopOwnerText: text "My #MON is" line "preparing the land" cont "for construction." para "But I have no" line "money to start the" cont "project…" done VermilionMachopText1: text "MACHOP: Guooh" line "gogogoh!" done VermilionMachopText2: text "A MACHOP is growl-" line "ing while stomping" cont "the ground flat." done VermilionCitySuperNerdText: text "There are eight" line "GYMS in KANTO." para "That big building" line "is VERMILION's" cont "#MON GYM." done VermilionCitySnorlaxSleepingText: text "SNORLAX is snoring" line "peacefully…" done VermilionCityRadioNearSnorlaxText: text "The #GEAR was" line "placed near the" cont "sleeping SNORLAX…" para "…" para "SNORLAX woke up!" done VermilionCityBadgeGuyTrainerText: text "Skilled trainers" line "gather in KANTO." para "GYM LEADERS are" line "especially strong." para "They won't be easy" line "to defeat." done VermilionCityBadgeGuySomeBadgesText: text "You've started to" line "collect KANTO GYM" cont "BADGES?" para "Don't you agree" line "that the trainers" cont "here are tough?" done VermilionCityBadgeGuyMostBadgesText: text "I guess you'll be" line "finished with your" para "conquest of KANTO" line "GYMS soon." para "Let me know if" line "you get all eight" cont "BADGES." done VermilionCityBadgeGuyAllBadgesText: text "Congratulations!" para "You got all the" line "KANTO GYM BADGES." para "I've got a reward" line "for your efforts." done VermilionCityBadgeGuyBattleEdgeText: text "Having a variety" line "of #MON types" para "should give you an" line "edge in battle." para "I'm sure the KANTO" line "GYM BADGES will" cont "help you." done VermilionCitySignText: text "VERMILION CITY" para "The Port of" line "Exquisite Sunsets" done VermilionGymSignText: text "VERMILION CITY" line "#MON GYM" cont "LEADER: LT.SURGE" para "The Lightning" line "American" done PokemonFanClubSignText: text "#MON FAN CLUB" para "All #MON Fans" line "Welcome!" done VermilionCityDiglettsCaveSignText: text "DIGLETT'S CAVE" done VermilionCityPortSignText: text "VERMILION PORT" line "ENTRANCE" done VermilionCity_MapEvents: db 0, 0 ; filler def_warp_events warp_event 5, 5, VERMILION_FISHING_SPEECH_HOUSE, 1 warp_event 9, 5, VERMILION_POKECENTER_1F, 1 warp_event 7, 13, POKEMON_FAN_CLUB, 1 warp_event 13, 13, VERMILION_MAGNET_TRAIN_SPEECH_HOUSE, 1 warp_event 21, 13, VERMILION_MART, 2 warp_event 21, 17, VERMILION_DIGLETTS_CAVE_SPEECH_HOUSE, 1 warp_event 10, 19, VERMILION_GYM, 1 warp_event 19, 31, VERMILION_PORT_PASSAGE, 1 warp_event 20, 31, VERMILION_PORT_PASSAGE, 2 warp_event 34, 7, DIGLETTS_CAVE, 1 def_coord_events def_bg_events bg_event 25, 3, BGEVENT_READ, VermilionCitySign bg_event 5, 19, BGEVENT_READ, VermilionGymSign bg_event 5, 13, BGEVENT_READ, PokemonFanClubSign bg_event 33, 9, BGEVENT_READ, VermilionCityDiglettsCaveSign bg_event 27, 15, BGEVENT_READ, VermilionCityPortSign bg_event 10, 5, BGEVENT_READ, VermilionCityPokecenterSign bg_event 22, 13, BGEVENT_READ, VermilionCityMartSign bg_event 12, 19, BGEVENT_ITEM, VermilionCityHiddenFullHeal def_object_events object_event 18, 9, SPRITE_TEACHER, SPRITEMOVEDATA_WANDER, 1, 1, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, VermilionCityTeacherScript, -1 object_event 23, 6, SPRITE_GRAMPS, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_RIGHT, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, VermilionMachopOwner, -1 object_event 26, 7, SPRITE_MACHOP, SPRITEMOVEDATA_POKEMON, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, VermilionMachop, -1 object_event 14, 16, SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, SPRITEMOVEDATA_WANDER, 1, 1, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_GREEN, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, VermilionCitySuperNerdScript, -1 object_event 34, 8, SPRITE_BIG_SNORLAX, SPRITEMOVEDATA_BIGDOLLSYM, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, VermilionSnorlax, EVENT_VERMILION_CITY_SNORLAX object_event 31, 12, SPRITE_POKEFAN_M, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_RED, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, VermilionGymBadgeGuy, -1