ref: 393b4971f42bcbf46c0e01eb4c8caeccd4c44323
dir: /maps/BlackthornGym1F.asm/
BlackthornGym1F_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x194e00 ; trigger count db 0 ; callback count db 1 ; callbacks dbw 1, UnknownScript_0x194e05 ; 0x194e05 UnknownScript_0x194e05: ; 0x194e05 checkbit1 $0706 iffalse UnknownScript_0x194e0f changeblock $8, $2, $3b UnknownScript_0x194e0f: ; 0x194e0f checkbit1 $0707 iffalse UnknownScript_0x194e19 changeblock $2, $4, $3a UnknownScript_0x194e19: ; 0x194e19 checkbit1 $0708 iffalse UnknownScript_0x194e23 changeblock $8, $6, $3b UnknownScript_0x194e23: ; 0x194e23 return ; 0x194e24 UnknownScript_0x194e24: ; 0x194e24 faceplayer loadfont checkbit2 $0022 iftrue UnknownScript_0x194e69 checkbit1 $04c4 iftrue UnknownScript_0x194e63 2writetext UnknownText_0x194efa closetext loadmovesprites winlosstext UnknownText_0x194fd6, $0000 loadtrainer CLAIR, 1 startbattle returnafterbattle setbit1 $04c4 loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x19500e closetext loadmovesprites setbit1 $054a setbit1 $054b setbit1 $054c setbit1 $055d setbit1 $055e clearbit1 $0736 setbit1 $074c clearbit1 $074d end ; 0x194e63 UnknownScript_0x194e63: ; 0x194e63 2writetext UnknownText_0x195162 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x194e69 UnknownScript_0x194e69: ; 0x194e69 checkbit1 $000f iftrue UnknownScript_0x194e94 2writetext UnknownText_0x195196 keeptextopen giveitem TM_24, $1 iffalse UnknownScript_0x194e8e itemtotext TM_24, $0 2writetext UnknownText_0x1951bf playsound $0001 waitbutton itemnotify setbit1 $000f 2writetext UnknownText_0x1951d1 keeptextopen 2jump UnknownScript_0x194e94 ; 0x194e8e UnknownScript_0x194e8e: ; 0x194e8e 2writetext UnknownText_0x19524f closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x194e94 UnknownScript_0x194e94: ; 0x194e94 2writetext UnknownText_0x195272 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x194e9a TrainerCooltrainermPaul: ; 0x194e9a ; bit/flag number dw $54a ; trainer group && trainer id db COOLTRAINERM, PAUL ; text when seen dw CooltrainermPaulSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw CooltrainermPaulBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw CooltrainermPaulScript ; 0x194ea6 CooltrainermPaulScript: ; 0x194ea6 talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x1953f1 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x194eae TrainerCooltrainermMike: ; 0x194eae ; bit/flag number dw $54c ; trainer group && trainer id db COOLTRAINERM, MIKE ; text when seen dw CooltrainermMikeSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw CooltrainermMikeBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw CooltrainermMikeScript ; 0x194eba CooltrainermMikeScript: ; 0x194eba talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x195467 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x194ec2 TrainerCooltrainerfLola: ; 0x194ec2 ; bit/flag number dw $55e ; trainer group && trainer id db COOLTRAINERF, LOLA ; text when seen dw CooltrainerfLolaSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw CooltrainerfLolaBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw CooltrainerfLolaScript ; 0x194ece CooltrainerfLolaScript: ; 0x194ece talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x195516 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x194ed6 BlackthornGymGuyScript: ; 0x194ed6 faceplayer loadfont checkbit1 $04c4 iftrue .BlackthornGymGuyWinScript 2writetext BlackthornGymGuyText closetext loadmovesprites end .BlackthornGymGuyWinScript 2writetext BlackthornGymGuyWinText closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x194eea MapBlackthornGym1FSignpost1Script: ; 0x194eea checkbit2 $0022 iftrue UnknownScript_0x194ef3 jumpstd $002d ; 0x194ef3 UnknownScript_0x194ef3: ; 0x194ef3 trainertotext CLAIR, 1, $1 jumpstd $002e ; 0x194efa UnknownText_0x194efa: ; 0x194efa db $0, "I am CLAIR.", $51 db "The world's best", $4f db "dragon master.", $51 db "I can hold my own", $4f db "against even the", $51 db "#MON LEAGUE's", $4f db "ELITE FOUR.", $51 db "Do you still want", $4f db "to take me on?", $51 db "…Fine.", $4f db "Let's do it!", $51 db "As a GYM LEADER,", $4f db "I will use my full", $51 db "power against any", $4f db "opponent!", $57 ; 0x194fd6 UnknownText_0x194fd6: ; 0x194fd6 db $0, "I lost?", $51 db "I don't believe", $4f db "it. There must be", $55 db "some mistake…", $57 ; 0x19500e UnknownText_0x19500e: ; 0x19500e db $0, "I won't admit", $4f db "this.", $51 db "I may have lost,", $4f db "but you're still", $51 db "not ready for the", $4f db "#MON LEAGUE.", $51 db "I know. You should", $4f db "take the dragon", $55 db "user challenge.", $51 db "Behind this GYM is", $4f db "a place called", $55 db "DRAGON'S DEN.", $51 db "There is a small", $4f db "shrine at its", $51 db "center.", $4f db "Go there.", $51 db "If you can prove", $4f db "that you've lost", $51 db "your lazy ideals,", $4f db "I will recognize", $51 db "you as a trainer", $4f db "worthy of a GYM", $55 db "BADGE!", $57 ; 0x195162 UnknownText_0x195162: ; 0x195162 db $0, "What's the matter?", $51 db "Is it too much to", $4f db "expect of you?", $57 ; 0x195196 UnknownText_0x195196: ; 0x195196 db $0, "You've kept me", $4f db "waiting!", $51 db "Here! Take this!", $57 ; 0x1951bf UnknownText_0x1951bf: ; 0x1951bf db $0, $52, " received", $4f db "TM24.", $57 ; 0x1951d1 UnknownText_0x1951d1: ; 0x1951d1 db $0, "That contains", $4f db "DRAGONBREATH.", $51 db "No, it doesn't", $4f db "have anything to", $55 db "do with my breath.", $51 db "If you don't want", $4f db "it, you don't have", $55 db "to take it.", $57 ; 0x19524f UnknownText_0x19524f: ; 0x19524f db $0, "What is this? You", $4f db "don't have room?", $57 ; 0x195272 UnknownText_0x195272: ; 0x195272 db $0, "What's the matter?", $51 db "Aren't you headed", $4f db "to the #MON", $55 db "LEAGUE?", $51 db "Don't you know", $4f db "where it is?", $51 db "From here, go to", $4f db "NEW BARK TOWN.", $51 db "Then SURF east.", $4f db "The route there is", $55 db "very tough.", $51 db "Don't you dare", $4f db "lose at the #-", $55 db "MON LEAGUE!", $51 db "If you do, I'll", $4f db "feel even worse", $51 db "about having lost", $4f db "to you!", $51 db "Give it every-", $4f db "thing you've got.", $57 ; 0x195396 CooltrainermPaulSeenText: ; 0x195396 db $0, "Your first battle", $4f db "against dragons?", $51 db "I'll show you how", $4f db "tough they are!", $57 ; 0x1953db CooltrainermPaulBeatenText: ; 0x1953db db $0, "My dragon #MON", $4f db "lost?", $57 ; 0x1953f1 UnknownText_0x1953f1: ; 0x1953f1 db $0, "LANCE told you", $4f db "that he'd like to", $51 db "see you again?", $4f db "Not a chance!", $57 ; 0x19542f CooltrainermMikeSeenText: ; 0x19542f db $0, "My chance of", $4f db "losing? Not even", $55 db "one percent!", $57 ; 0x19545b CooltrainermMikeBeatenText: ; 0x19545b db $0, "That's odd.", $57 ; 0x195467 UnknownText_0x195467: ; 0x195467 db $0, "I know my short-", $4f db "comings now.", $51 db "Thanks for showing", $4f db "me!", $57 ; 0x19549d CooltrainerfLolaSeenText: ; 0x19549d db $0, "Dragons are sacred", $4f db "#MON.", $51 db "They are full of", $4f db "life energy.", $51 db "If you're not", $4f db "serious, you won't", $51 db "be able to beat", $4f db "them.", $57 ; 0x19550a CooltrainerfLolaBeatenText: ; 0x19550a db $0, "Way to go!", $57 ; 0x195516 UnknownText_0x195516: ; 0x195516 db $0, "Dragons are weak", $4f db "against dragon-", $55 db "type moves.", $57 ; 0x195544 BlackthornGymGuyText: ; 0x195544 db $0, "Yo! CHAMP in", $4f db "making!", $51 db "It's been a long", $4f db "journey, but we", $51 db "are almost done!", $4f db "Count on me!", $51 db "CLAIR uses the", $4f db "mythical and sac-", $55 db "red dragon-type", $55 db "#MON.", $51 db "You can't damage", $4f db "them very easily.", $51 db "But you know,", $4f db "they're supposed", $51 db "to be weak against", $4f db "ice-type moves.", $57 ; 0x195632 BlackthornGymGuyWinText: ; 0x195632 db $0, "You were great to", $4f db "beat CLAIR!", $51 db "All that's left is", $4f db "the #MON LEAGUE", $55 db "challenge.", $51 db "You're on the way", $4f db "to becoming the", $55 db "#MON CHAMPION!", $57 ; 0x1956ae BlackthornGym1F_MapEventHeader: ; 0x1956ae ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 7 warp_def $11, $4, 1, GROUP_BLACKTHORN_CITY, MAP_BLACKTHORN_CITY warp_def $11, $5, 1, GROUP_BLACKTHORN_CITY, MAP_BLACKTHORN_CITY warp_def $7, $1, 1, GROUP_BLACKTHORN_GYM_2F, MAP_BLACKTHORN_GYM_2F warp_def $9, $7, 2, GROUP_BLACKTHORN_GYM_2F, MAP_BLACKTHORN_GYM_2F warp_def $6, $2, 3, GROUP_BLACKTHORN_GYM_2F, MAP_BLACKTHORN_GYM_2F warp_def $7, $7, 4, GROUP_BLACKTHORN_GYM_2F, MAP_BLACKTHORN_GYM_2F warp_def $6, $7, 5, GROUP_BLACKTHORN_GYM_2F, MAP_BLACKTHORN_GYM_2F ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 2 signpost 15, 3, $0, MapBlackthornGym1FSignpost1Script signpost 15, 6, $0, MapBlackthornGym1FSignpost1Script ; people-events db 5 person_event $19, 7, 9, $6, $0, 255, 255, $90, 0, UnknownScript_0x194e24, $ffff person_event $23, 10, 10, $6, $0, 255, 255, $82, 3, TrainerCooltrainermMike, $ffff person_event $23, 18, 5, $6, $0, 255, 255, $82, 3, TrainerCooltrainermPaul, $ffff person_event $24, 6, 13, $6, $0, 255, 255, $82, 1, TrainerCooltrainerfLola, $ffff person_event $48, 19, 11, $6, $0, 255, 255, $80, 0, BlackthornGymGuyScript, $ffff ; 0x195722