ref: 3684296583bacac39a521b3c815a5680b5530c08
dir: /engine/overworld/events.asm/
INCLUDE "constants.asm" SECTION "Events", ROMX OverworldLoop:: xor a ; MAPSTATUS_START ld [wMapStatus], a .loop ld a, [wMapStatus] ld hl, .jumps rst JumpTable ld a, [wMapStatus] cp MAPSTATUS_DONE jr nz, .loop .done ret .jumps ; entries correspond to MAPSTATUS_* constants dw StartMap dw EnterMap dw HandleMap dw .done DisableEvents: xor a ld [wScriptFlags2], a ret EnableEvents:: ld a, $ff ld [wScriptFlags2], a ret CheckBit5_ScriptFlags2: ld hl, wScriptFlags2 bit 5, [hl] ret DisableWarpsConnxns: ; unreferenced ld hl, wScriptFlags2 res 2, [hl] ret DisableCoordEvents: ; unreferenced ld hl, wScriptFlags2 res 1, [hl] ret DisableStepCount: ; unreferenced ld hl, wScriptFlags2 res 0, [hl] ret DisableWildEncounters: ; unreferenced ld hl, wScriptFlags2 res 4, [hl] ret EnableWarpsConnxns: ; unreferenced ld hl, wScriptFlags2 set 2, [hl] ret EnableCoordEvents: ; unreferenced ld hl, wScriptFlags2 set 1, [hl] ret EnableStepCount: ; unreferenced ld hl, wScriptFlags2 set 0, [hl] ret EnableWildEncounters: ld hl, wScriptFlags2 set 4, [hl] ret CheckWarpConnxnScriptFlag: ld hl, wScriptFlags2 bit 2, [hl] ret CheckCoordEventScriptFlag: ld hl, wScriptFlags2 bit 1, [hl] ret CheckStepCountScriptFlag: ld hl, wScriptFlags2 bit 0, [hl] ret CheckWildEncountersScriptFlag: ld hl, wScriptFlags2 bit 4, [hl] ret StartMap: xor a ld [wScriptVar], a xor a ld [wScriptRunning], a ld hl, wMapStatus ld bc, wMapStatusEnd - wMapStatus call ByteFill farcall InitCallReceiveDelay call ClearJoypad EnterMap: xor a ld [wXYComparePointer], a ld [wXYComparePointer + 1], a call SetUpFiveStepWildEncounterCooldown farcall RunMapSetupScript call DisableEvents ldh a, [hMapEntryMethod] cp MAPSETUP_CONNECTION jr nz, .dont_enable call EnableEvents .dont_enable ldh a, [hMapEntryMethod] cp MAPSETUP_RELOADMAP jr nz, .dontresetpoison xor a ld [wPoisonStepCount], a .dontresetpoison xor a ; end map entry ldh [hMapEntryMethod], a ld a, MAPSTATUS_HANDLE ld [wMapStatus], a ret UnusedWait30Frames: ; unreferenced ld c, 30 call DelayFrames ret HandleMap: call ResetOverworldDelay call HandleMapTimeAndJoypad farcall HandleCmdQueue ; no need to farcall call MapEvents ; Not immediately entering a connected map will cause problems. ld a, [wMapStatus] cp MAPSTATUS_HANDLE ret nz call HandleMapObjects call NextOverworldFrame call HandleMapBackground call CheckPlayerState ret MapEvents: ld a, [wMapEventStatus] ld hl, .jumps rst JumpTable ret .jumps ; entries correspond to MAPEVENTS_* constants dw .events dw .no_events .events call PlayerEvents call DisableEvents farcall ScriptEvents ret .no_events ret MaxOverworldDelay: db 2 ResetOverworldDelay: ld a, [MaxOverworldDelay] ld [wOverworldDelay], a ret NextOverworldFrame: ld a, [wOverworldDelay] and a ret z ld c, a call DelayFrames ret HandleMapTimeAndJoypad: ld a, [wMapEventStatus] cp MAPEVENTS_OFF ret z call UpdateTime call GetJoypad call TimeOfDayPals ret HandleMapObjects: farcall HandleNPCStep farcall _HandlePlayerStep call _CheckObjectEnteringVisibleRange ret HandleMapBackground: farcall _UpdateSprites farcall ScrollScreen farcall PlaceMapNameSign ret CheckPlayerState: ld a, [wPlayerStepFlags] bit PLAYERSTEP_CONTINUE_F, a jr z, .events bit PLAYERSTEP_STOP_F, a jr z, .noevents bit PLAYERSTEP_MIDAIR_F, a jr nz, .noevents call EnableEvents .events ld a, MAPEVENTS_ON ld [wMapEventStatus], a ret .noevents ld a, MAPEVENTS_OFF ld [wMapEventStatus], a ret _CheckObjectEnteringVisibleRange: ld hl, wPlayerStepFlags bit PLAYERSTEP_STOP_F, [hl] ret z farcall CheckObjectEnteringVisibleRange ret PlayerEvents: xor a ; If there's already a player event, don't interrupt it. ld a, [wScriptRunning] and a ret nz call Dummy_CheckScriptFlags2Bit5 ; This is a waste of time call CheckTrainerBattle_GetPlayerEvent jr c, .ok call CheckTileEvent jr c, .ok call RunMemScript jr c, .ok call RunSceneScript jr c, .ok call CheckTimeEvents jr c, .ok call OWPlayerInput jr c, .ok xor a ret .ok push af farcall EnableScriptMode pop af ld [wScriptRunning], a call DoPlayerEvent ld a, [wScriptRunning] cp PLAYEREVENT_CONNECTION jr z, .ok2 cp PLAYEREVENT_JOYCHANGEFACING jr z, .ok2 xor a ld [wLandmarkSignTimer], a .ok2 scf ret CheckTrainerBattle_GetPlayerEvent: nop nop call CheckTrainerBattle jr nc, .nope ld a, PLAYEREVENT_SEENBYTRAINER scf ret .nope xor a ret CheckTileEvent: ; Check for warps, coord events, or wild battles. call CheckWarpConnxnScriptFlag jr z, .connections_disabled farcall CheckMovingOffEdgeOfMap jr c, .map_connection call CheckWarpTile jr c, .warp_tile .connections_disabled call CheckCoordEventScriptFlag jr z, .coord_events_disabled call CheckCurrentMapCoordEvents jr c, .coord_event .coord_events_disabled call CheckStepCountScriptFlag jr z, .step_count_disabled call CountStep ret c .step_count_disabled call CheckWildEncountersScriptFlag jr z, .ok call RandomEncounter ret c jr .ok ; pointless .ok xor a ret .map_connection ld a, PLAYEREVENT_CONNECTION scf ret .warp_tile ld a, [wPlayerStandingTile] call CheckPitTile jr nz, .not_pit ld a, PLAYEREVENT_FALL scf ret .not_pit ld a, PLAYEREVENT_WARP scf ret .coord_event ld hl, wCurCoordEventScriptAddr ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a call GetMapScriptsBank call CallScript ret CheckWildEncounterCooldown:: ld hl, wWildEncounterCooldown ld a, [hl] and a ret z dec [hl] ret z scf ret SetUpFiveStepWildEncounterCooldown: ld a, 5 ld [wWildEncounterCooldown], a ret SetMinTwoStepWildEncounterCooldown: ; dummied out ret ld a, [wWildEncounterCooldown] cp 2 ret nc ld a, 2 ld [wWildEncounterCooldown], a ret Dummy_CheckScriptFlags2Bit5: call CheckBit5_ScriptFlags2 ret z call SetXYCompareFlags ret RunSceneScript: ld a, [wCurMapSceneScriptCount] and a jr z, .nope ld c, a call CheckScenes cp c jr nc, .nope ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, wCurMapSceneScriptsPointer ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a rept SCENE_SCRIPT_SIZE add hl, de endr call GetMapScriptsBank call GetFarWord call GetMapScriptsBank call CallScript ld hl, wScriptFlags res 3, [hl] farcall EnableScriptMode farcall ScriptEvents ld hl, wScriptFlags bit 3, [hl] jr z, .nope ld hl, wPriorityScriptAddr ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, [wPriorityScriptBank] call CallScript scf ret .nope xor a ret CheckTimeEvents: ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr nz, .nothing ld hl, wStatusFlags2 bit STATUSFLAGS2_BUG_CONTEST_TIMER_F, [hl] jr z, .do_daily farcall CheckBugContestTimer jr c, .end_bug_contest xor a ret .do_daily farcall CheckDailyResetTimer farcall CheckPokerusTick farcall CheckPhoneCall ret c .nothing xor a ret .end_bug_contest ld a, BANK(BugCatchingContestOverScript) ld hl, BugCatchingContestOverScript call CallScript scf ret .unused ; unreferenced ld a, $8 ; ??? scf ret OWPlayerInput: call PlayerMovement ret c and a jr nz, .NoAction ; Can't perform button actions while sliding on ice. farcall CheckStandingOnIce jr c, .NoAction call CheckAPressOW jr c, .Action call CheckMenuOW jr c, .Action .NoAction: xor a ret .Action: push af farcall StopPlayerForEvent pop af scf ret CheckAPressOW: ldh a, [hJoyPressed] and A_BUTTON ret z call TryObjectEvent ret c call TryBGEvent ret c call TryTileCollisionEvent ret c xor a ret PlayTalkObject: push de ld de, SFX_READ_TEXT_2 call PlaySFX pop de ret TryObjectEvent: farcall CheckFacingObject jr c, .IsObject xor a ret .IsObject: call PlayTalkObject ldh a, [hObjectStructIndex] call GetObjectStruct ld hl, OBJECT_MAP_OBJECT_INDEX add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ldh [hLastTalked], a ldh a, [hLastTalked] call GetMapObject ld hl, MAPOBJECT_COLOR add hl, bc ld a, [hl] and %00001111 ; Bug: If IsInArray returns nc, data at bc will be executed as code. push bc ld de, 3 ld hl, .pointers call IsInArray jr nc, .nope pop bc inc hl ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp hl .nope ; pop bc xor a ret .pointers dbw OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, .script dbw OBJECTTYPE_ITEMBALL, .itemball dbw OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, .trainer ; the remaining four are dummy events dbw OBJECTTYPE_3, .three dbw OBJECTTYPE_4, .four dbw OBJECTTYPE_5, .five dbw OBJECTTYPE_6, .six db -1 .script ld hl, MAPOBJECT_SCRIPT_POINTER add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a call GetMapScriptsBank call CallScript ret .itemball ld hl, MAPOBJECT_SCRIPT_POINTER add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a call GetMapScriptsBank ld de, wItemBallData ld bc, wItemBallDataEnd - wItemBallData call FarCopyBytes ld a, PLAYEREVENT_ITEMBALL scf ret .trainer call TalkToTrainer ld a, PLAYEREVENT_TALKTOTRAINER scf ret .three xor a ret .four xor a ret .five xor a ret .six xor a ret TryBGEvent: call CheckFacingBGEvent jr c, .is_bg_event xor a ret .is_bg_event: ld a, [wCurBGEventType] ld hl, .bg_events rst JumpTable ret .bg_events dw .read dw .up dw .down dw .right dw .left dw .ifset dw .ifnotset dw .itemifset dw .copy .up ld b, OW_UP jr .checkdir .down ld b, OW_DOWN jr .checkdir .right ld b, OW_RIGHT jr .checkdir .left ld b, OW_LEFT jr .checkdir .checkdir ld a, [wPlayerDirection] and %1100 cp b jp nz, .dontread .read call PlayTalkObject ld hl, wCurBGEventScriptAddr ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a call GetMapScriptsBank call CallScript scf ret .itemifset call CheckBGEventFlag jp nz, .dontread call PlayTalkObject call GetMapScriptsBank ld de, wHiddenItemData ld bc, wHiddenItemDataEnd - wHiddenItemData call FarCopyBytes ld a, BANK(HiddenItemScript) ld hl, HiddenItemScript call CallScript scf ret .copy call CheckBGEventFlag jr nz, .dontread call GetMapScriptsBank ld de, wHiddenItemData ld bc, wHiddenItemDataEnd - wHiddenItemData call FarCopyBytes jr .dontread .ifset call CheckBGEventFlag jr z, .dontread jr .thenread .ifnotset call CheckBGEventFlag jr nz, .dontread .thenread push hl call PlayTalkObject pop hl inc hl inc hl call GetMapScriptsBank call GetFarWord call GetMapScriptsBank call CallScript scf ret .dontread xor a ret CheckBGEventFlag: ld hl, wCurBGEventScriptAddr ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a push hl call GetMapScriptsBank call GetFarWord ld e, l ld d, h ld b, CHECK_FLAG call EventFlagAction ld a, c and a pop hl ret PlayerMovement: farcall DoPlayerMovement ld a, c ld hl, .pointers rst JumpTable ld a, c ret .pointers ; entries correspond to PLAYERMOVEMENT_* constants dw .normal dw .warp dw .turn dw .force_turn dw .finish dw .continue dw .exit_water dw .jump .normal: .finish: xor a ld c, a ret .jump: call SetMinTwoStepWildEncounterCooldown xor a ld c, a ret .warp: ld a, PLAYEREVENT_WARP ld c, a scf ret .turn: ld a, PLAYEREVENT_JOYCHANGEFACING ld c, a scf ret .force_turn: ; force the player to move in some direction ld a, BANK(Script_ForcedMovement) ld hl, Script_ForcedMovement call CallScript ; ld a, -1 ld c, a scf ret .continue: .exit_water: ld a, -1 ld c, a and a ret CheckMenuOW: xor a ldh [hMenuReturn], a ldh [hUnusedByte], a ldh a, [hJoyPressed] bit SELECT_F, a jr nz, .Select bit START_F, a jr z, .NoMenu ld a, BANK(StartMenuScript) ld hl, StartMenuScript call CallScript scf ret .NoMenu: xor a ret .Select: call PlayTalkObject ld a, BANK(SelectMenuScript) ld hl, SelectMenuScript call CallScript scf ret StartMenuScript: callasm StartMenu sjump StartMenuCallback SelectMenuScript: callasm SelectMenu sjump SelectMenuCallback StartMenuCallback: SelectMenuCallback: readmem hMenuReturn ifequal HMENURETURN_SCRIPT, .Script ifequal HMENURETURN_ASM, .Asm end .Script: memjump wQueuedScriptBank .Asm: memcallasm wQueuedScriptBank end CountStep: ; Don't count steps in link communication rooms. ld a, [wLinkMode] and a jr nz, .done ; If there is a special phone call, don't count the step. farcall CheckSpecialPhoneCall jr c, .doscript ; If Repel wore off, don't count the step. call DoRepelStep jr c, .doscript ; Count the step for poison and total steps ld hl, wPoisonStepCount inc [hl] ld hl, wStepCount inc [hl] ; Every 256 steps, increase the happiness of all your Pokemon. jr nz, .skip_happiness farcall StepHappiness .skip_happiness ; Every 256 steps, offset from the happiness incrementor by 128 steps, ; decrease the hatch counter of all your eggs until you reach the first ; one that is ready to hatch. ld a, [wStepCount] cp $80 jr nz, .skip_egg farcall DoEggStep jr nz, .hatch .skip_egg ; Increase the EXP of (both) DayCare Pokemon by 1. farcall DayCareStep ; Every 4 steps, deal damage to all poisoned Pokemon. ld hl, wPoisonStepCount ld a, [hl] cp 4 jr c, .skip_poison ld [hl], 0 farcall DoPoisonStep jr c, .doscript .skip_poison farcall DoBikeStep .done xor a ret .doscript ld a, -1 scf ret .hatch ld a, PLAYEREVENT_HATCH scf ret .whiteout ; unreferenced ld a, PLAYEREVENT_WHITEOUT scf ret DoRepelStep: ld a, [wRepelEffect] and a ret z dec a ld [wRepelEffect], a ret nz ld a, BANK(RepelWoreOffScript) ld hl, RepelWoreOffScript call CallScript scf ret DoPlayerEvent: ld a, [wScriptRunning] and a ret z cp PLAYEREVENT_MAPSCRIPT ; run script ret z cp NUM_PLAYER_EVENTS ret nc ld c, a ld b, 0 ld hl, PlayerEventScriptPointers add hl, bc add hl, bc add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld [wScriptBank], a ld a, [hli] ld [wScriptPos], a ld a, [hl] ld [wScriptPos + 1], a ret PlayerEventScriptPointers: ; entries correspond to PLAYEREVENT_* constants dba InvalidEventScript ; PLAYEREVENT_NONE dba SeenByTrainerScript ; PLAYEREVENT_SEENBYTRAINER dba TalkToTrainerScript ; PLAYEREVENT_TALKTOTRAINER dba FindItemInBallScript ; PLAYEREVENT_ITEMBALL dba EdgeWarpScript ; PLAYEREVENT_CONNECTION dba WarpToNewMapScript ; PLAYEREVENT_WARP dba FallIntoMapScript ; PLAYEREVENT_FALL dba OverworldWhiteoutScript ; PLAYEREVENT_WHITEOUT dba HatchEggScript ; PLAYEREVENT_HATCH dba ChangeDirectionScript ; PLAYEREVENT_JOYCHANGEFACING dba InvalidEventScript ; (NUM_PLAYER_EVENTS) InvalidEventScript: end UnusedPlayerEventScript: ; unreferenced end HatchEggScript: callasm OverworldHatchEgg end WarpToNewMapScript: warpsound newloadmap MAPSETUP_DOOR end FallIntoMapScript: newloadmap MAPSETUP_FALL playsound SFX_KINESIS applymovement PLAYER, .SkyfallMovement playsound SFX_STRENGTH scall LandAfterPitfallScript end .SkyfallMovement: skyfall step_end LandAfterPitfallScript: earthquake 16 end EdgeWarpScript: reloadend MAPSETUP_CONNECTION ChangeDirectionScript: deactivatefacing 3 callasm EnableWildEncounters end INCLUDE "engine/overworld/scripting.asm" WarpToSpawnPoint:: ld hl, wStatusFlags2 res STATUSFLAGS2_SAFARI_GAME_F, [hl] res STATUSFLAGS2_BUG_CONTEST_TIMER_F, [hl] ret RunMemScript:: ; If there is no script here, we don't need to be here. ld a, [wMapReentryScriptQueueFlag] and a ret z ; Execute the script at (wMapReentryScriptBank):(wMapReentryScriptAddress). ld hl, wMapReentryScriptAddress ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, [wMapReentryScriptBank] call CallScript scf ; Clear the buffer for the next script. push af xor a ld hl, wMapReentryScriptQueueFlag ld bc, 8 call ByteFill pop af ret LoadScriptBDE:: ; If there's already a script here, don't overwrite. ld hl, wMapReentryScriptQueueFlag ld a, [hl] and a ret nz ; Set the flag ld [hl], 1 inc hl ; Load the script pointer b:de into (wMapReentryScriptBank):(wMapReentryScriptAddress) ld [hl], b inc hl ld [hl], e inc hl ld [hl], d scf ret TryTileCollisionEvent:: call GetFacingTileCoord ld [wFacingTileID], a ld c, a farcall CheckFacingTileForStdScript jr c, .done call CheckCutTreeTile jr nz, .whirlpool farcall TryCutOW jr .done .whirlpool ld a, [wFacingTileID] call CheckWhirlpoolTile jr nz, .waterfall farcall TryWhirlpoolOW jr .done .waterfall ld a, [wFacingTileID] call CheckWaterfallTile jr nz, .headbutt farcall TryWaterfallOW jr .done .headbutt ld a, [wFacingTileID] call CheckHeadbuttTreeTile jr nz, .surf farcall TryHeadbuttOW jr c, .done jr .noevent .surf farcall TrySurfOW jr nc, .noevent jr .done .noevent xor a ret .done call PlayClickSFX ld a, $ff scf ret RandomEncounter:: ; Random encounter call CheckWildEncounterCooldown jr c, .nope call CanUseSweetScent jr nc, .nope ld hl, wStatusFlags2 bit STATUSFLAGS2_BUG_CONTEST_TIMER_F, [hl] jr nz, .bug_contest farcall TryWildEncounter jr nz, .nope jr .ok .bug_contest call _TryWildEncounter_BugContest jr nc, .nope jr .ok_bug_contest .nope ld a, 1 and a ret .ok ld a, BANK(WildBattleScript) ld hl, WildBattleScript jr .done .ok_bug_contest ld a, BANK(BugCatchingContestBattleScript) ld hl, BugCatchingContestBattleScript jr .done .done call CallScript scf ret WildBattleScript: randomwildmon startbattle reloadmapafterbattle end CanUseSweetScent:: ld hl, wStatusFlags bit STATUSFLAGS_NO_WILD_ENCOUNTERS_F, [hl] jr nz, .no ld a, [wEnvironment] cp CAVE jr z, .ice_check cp DUNGEON jr z, .ice_check farcall CheckGrassCollision jr nc, .no .ice_check ld a, [wPlayerStandingTile] call CheckIceTile jr z, .no scf ret .no and a ret _TryWildEncounter_BugContest: call TryWildEncounter_BugContest ret nc call ChooseWildEncounter_BugContest farcall CheckRepelEffect ret ChooseWildEncounter_BugContest:: ; Pick a random mon out of ContestMons. .loop call Random cp 100 << 1 jr nc, .loop srl a ld hl, ContestMons ld de, 4 .CheckMon: sub [hl] jr c, .GotMon add hl, de jr .CheckMon .GotMon: inc hl ; Species ld a, [hli] ld [wTempWildMonSpecies], a ; Min level ld a, [hli] ld d, a ; Max level ld a, [hl] sub d jr nz, .RandomLevel ; If min and max are the same. ld a, d jr .GotLevel .RandomLevel: ; Get a random level between the min and max. ld c, a inc c call Random ldh a, [hRandomAdd] call SimpleDivide add d .GotLevel: ld [wCurPartyLevel], a xor a ret TryWildEncounter_BugContest: ld a, [wPlayerStandingTile] call CheckSuperTallGrassTile ld b, 40 percent jr z, .ok ld b, 20 percent .ok farcall ApplyMusicEffectOnEncounterRate farcall ApplyCleanseTagEffectOnEncounterRate call Random ldh a, [hRandomAdd] cp b ret c ld a, 1 and a ret INCLUDE "data/wild/bug_contest_mons.asm" DoBikeStep:: nop nop ; If the bike shop owner doesn't have our number, or ; if we've already gotten the call, we don't have to ; be here. ld hl, wStatusFlags2 bit STATUSFLAGS2_BIKE_SHOP_CALL_F, [hl] jr z, .NoCall ; If we're not on the bike, we don't have to be here. ld a, [wPlayerState] cp PLAYER_BIKE jr nz, .NoCall ; If we're not in an area of phone service, we don't ; have to be here. call GetMapPhoneService and a jr nz, .NoCall ; Check the bike step count and check whether we've ; taken 65536 of them yet. ld hl, wBikeStep ld a, [hli] ld d, a ld e, [hl] cp 255 jr nz, .increment ld a, e cp 255 jr z, .dont_increment .increment inc de ld [hl], e dec hl ld [hl], d .dont_increment ; If we've taken at least 1024 steps, have the bike ; shop owner try to call us. ld a, d cp HIGH(1024) jr c, .NoCall ; If a call has already been queued, don't overwrite ; that call. ld a, [wSpecialPhoneCallID] and a jr nz, .NoCall ; Queue the call. ld a, SPECIALCALL_BIKESHOP ld [wSpecialPhoneCallID], a xor a ld [wSpecialPhoneCallID + 1], a ld hl, wStatusFlags2 res STATUSFLAGS2_BIKE_SHOP_CALL_F, [hl] scf ret .NoCall: xor a ret INCLUDE "engine/overworld/cmd_queue.asm"