ref: 333524f0beb876ceaaed99b97f4c7dacf6466050
dir: /maps/GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances.asm/
UNDERGROUND_DOOR_CLOSED1 EQU $2a UNDERGROUND_DOOR_CLOSED2 EQU $3e UNDERGROUND_DOOR_CLOSED3 EQU $3f UNDERGROUND_DOOR_OPEN1 EQU $2d UNDERGROUND_DOOR_OPEN2 EQU $3d ugdoor: MACRO \1_YCOORD EQU \2 \1_XCOORD EQU \3 endm ugdoor UGDOOR_1, $10, $06 ugdoor UGDOOR_2, $0a, $06 ugdoor UGDOOR_3, $02, $06 ugdoor UGDOOR_4, $02, $0a ugdoor UGDOOR_5, $0a, $0a ugdoor UGDOOR_6, $10, $0a ugdoor UGDOOR_7, $0c, $06 ugdoor UGDOOR_8, $0c, $08 ugdoor UGDOOR_9, $06, $06 ugdoor UGDOOR_10, $06, $08 ugdoor UGDOOR_11, $0c, $0a ugdoor UGDOOR_12, $0c, $0c ugdoor UGDOOR_13, $06, $0a ugdoor UGDOOR_14, $06, $0c ugdoor UGDOOR_15, $12, $0a ugdoor UGDOOR_16, $12, $0c doorstate: MACRO changeblock UGDOOR_\1_YCOORD, UGDOOR_\1_XCOORD, UNDERGROUND_DOOR_\2 endm const_value set 2 const GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_PHARMACIST1 const GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_PHARMACIST2 const GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_ROCKET1 const GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_ROCKET2 const GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_ROCKET3 const GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_ROCKET_GIRL const GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_TEACHER const GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_SUPER_NERD const GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_POKE_BALL1 const GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_POKE_BALL2 const GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_SILVER GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_MapScriptHeader: .SceneScripts: db 2 scene_script .DummyScene0 scene_script .DummyScene1 .MapCallbacks: db 1 dbw MAPCALLBACK_TILES, .UpdateDoorPositions .DummyScene0: end .DummyScene1: end .UpdateDoorPositions: checkevent EVENT_SWITCH_4 iffalse .false4 doorstate 1, OPEN1 .false4 checkevent EVENT_SWITCH_5 iffalse .false5 doorstate 2, OPEN1 .false5 checkevent EVENT_SWITCH_6 iffalse .false6 doorstate 3, OPEN1 .false6 checkevent EVENT_SWITCH_7 iffalse .false7 doorstate 4, OPEN1 .false7 checkevent EVENT_SWITCH_8 iffalse .false8 doorstate 5, OPEN1 .false8 checkevent EVENT_SWITCH_9 iffalse .false9 doorstate 6, OPEN1 .false9 checkevent EVENT_SWITCH_10 iffalse .false10 doorstate 7, CLOSED1 doorstate 8, OPEN1 .false10 checkevent EVENT_SWITCH_11 iffalse .false11 doorstate 9, CLOSED1 doorstate 10, OPEN1 .false11 checkevent EVENT_SWITCH_12 iffalse .false12 doorstate 11, CLOSED1 doorstate 12, OPEN1 .false12 checkevent EVENT_SWITCH_13 iffalse .false13 doorstate 13, CLOSED1 doorstate 14, OPEN1 .false13 checkevent EVENT_SWITCH_14 iffalse .false14 doorstate 15, CLOSED1 doorstate 16, OPEN1 .false14 return SuperNerdScript_0x7ca7a: jumptextfaceplayer GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_SuperNerdText TeacherScript_0x7ca7d: jumptextfaceplayer GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_TeacherText UndergroundSilverScene1: spriteface PLAYER, RIGHT showemote EMOTE_SHOCK, PLAYER, 15 special Special_FadeOutMusic pause 15 playsound SFX_EXIT_BUILDING appear GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_SILVER waitsfx applymovement GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_SILVER, UndergroundSilverApproachMovement1 spriteface PLAYER, RIGHT scall UndergroundSilverBattleScript applymovement GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_SILVER, UndergroundSilverRetreatMovement1 playsound SFX_EXIT_BUILDING disappear GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_SILVER setscene 1 waitsfx playmapmusic end UndergroundSilverScene2: spriteface PLAYER, RIGHT showemote EMOTE_SHOCK, PLAYER, 15 special Special_FadeOutMusic pause 15 playsound SFX_EXIT_BUILDING appear GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_SILVER waitsfx applymovement GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_SILVER, UndergroundSilverApproachMovement2 spriteface PLAYER, RIGHT scall UndergroundSilverBattleScript applymovement GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_SILVER, UndergroundSilverRetreatMovement2 playsound SFX_EXIT_BUILDING disappear GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_SILVER setscene 1 waitsfx playmapmusic end UndergroundSilverBattleScript: checkevent EVENT_RIVAL_BURNED_TOWER iftrue .Continue setevent EVENT_RIVAL_BURNED_TOWER setmapscene BURNED_TOWER_1F, 1 .Continue: playmusic MUSIC_RIVAL_ENCOUNTER opentext writetext UndergroundSilverBeforeText waitbutton closetext setevent EVENT_RIVAL_GOLDENROD_UNDERGROUND checkevent EVENT_GOT_TOTODILE_FROM_ELM iftrue .Totodile checkevent EVENT_GOT_CHIKORITA_FROM_ELM iftrue .Chikorita winlosstext UndergroundSilverWinText, UndergroundSilverLossText setlasttalked GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_SILVER loadtrainer RIVAL1, RIVAL1_4_TOTODILE startbattle dontrestartmapmusic reloadmapafterbattle jump .FinishRivalBattle .Totodile: winlosstext UndergroundSilverWinText, UndergroundSilverLossText setlasttalked GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_SILVER loadtrainer RIVAL1, RIVAL1_4_CHIKORITA startbattle dontrestartmapmusic reloadmapafterbattle jump .FinishRivalBattle .Chikorita: winlosstext UndergroundSilverWinText, UndergroundSilverLossText setlasttalked GOLDENRODUNDERGROUNDSWITCHROOMENTRANCES_SILVER loadtrainer RIVAL1, RIVAL1_4_CYNDAQUIL startbattle dontrestartmapmusic reloadmapafterbattle jump .FinishRivalBattle .FinishRivalBattle: playmusic MUSIC_RIVAL_AFTER opentext writetext UndergroundSilverAfterText waitbutton closetext end TrainerGruntM11: trainer EVENT_BEAT_ROCKET_GRUNTM_11, GRUNTM, GRUNTM_11, GruntM11SeenText, GruntM11BeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: end_if_just_battled opentext writetext GruntM11AfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end TrainerGruntM25: trainer EVENT_BEAT_ROCKET_GRUNTM_25, GRUNTM, GRUNTM_25, GruntM25SeenText, GruntM25BeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: end_if_just_battled opentext writetext GruntM25AfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end TrainerBurglarDuncan: trainer EVENT_BEAT_BURGLAR_DUNCAN, BURGLAR, DUNCAN, BurglarDuncanSeenText, BurglarDuncanBeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: end_if_just_battled opentext writetext BurglarDuncanAfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end TrainerBurglarEddie: trainer EVENT_BEAT_BURGLAR_EDDIE, BURGLAR, EDDIE, BurglarEddieSeenText, BurglarEddieBeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: end_if_just_battled opentext writetext BurglarEddieAfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end TrainerGruntM13: trainer EVENT_BEAT_ROCKET_GRUNTM_13, GRUNTM, GRUNTM_13, GruntM13SeenText, GruntM13BeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: end_if_just_battled opentext writetext GruntM13AfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end TrainerGruntF3: trainer EVENT_BEAT_ROCKET_GRUNTF_3, GRUNTF, GRUNTF_3, GruntF3SeenText, GruntF3BeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: end_if_just_battled opentext writetext GruntF3AfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end Switch1Script: opentext writetext SwitchRoomText_Switch1 buttonsound checkevent EVENT_SWITCH_1 iftrue .On writetext SwitchRoomText_OffTurnOn yesorno iffalse GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_DontToggle copybytetovar UndergroundSwitchPositions addvar 1 copyvartobyte UndergroundSwitchPositions setevent EVENT_SWITCH_1 jump GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors .On: writetext SwitchRoomText_OnTurnOff yesorno iffalse GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_DontToggle copybytetovar UndergroundSwitchPositions addvar -1 copyvartobyte UndergroundSwitchPositions clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_1 jump GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors Switch2Script: opentext writetext SwitchRoomText_Switch2 buttonsound checkevent EVENT_SWITCH_2 iftrue .On writetext SwitchRoomText_OffTurnOn yesorno iffalse GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_DontToggle copybytetovar UndergroundSwitchPositions addvar 2 copyvartobyte UndergroundSwitchPositions setevent EVENT_SWITCH_2 jump GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors .On: writetext SwitchRoomText_OnTurnOff yesorno iffalse GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_DontToggle copybytetovar UndergroundSwitchPositions addvar -2 copyvartobyte UndergroundSwitchPositions clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_2 jump GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors Switch3Script: opentext writetext SwitchRoomText_Switch3 buttonsound checkevent EVENT_SWITCH_3 iftrue .On writetext SwitchRoomText_OffTurnOn yesorno iffalse GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_DontToggle copybytetovar UndergroundSwitchPositions addvar 3 copyvartobyte UndergroundSwitchPositions setevent EVENT_SWITCH_3 jump GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors .On: writetext SwitchRoomText_OnTurnOff yesorno iffalse GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_DontToggle copybytetovar UndergroundSwitchPositions addvar -3 copyvartobyte UndergroundSwitchPositions clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_3 jump GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors EmergencySwitchScript: opentext writetext SwitchRoomText_Emergency buttonsound checkevent EVENT_EMERGENCY_SWITCH iftrue .On writetext SwitchRoomText_OffTurnOn yesorno iffalse GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_DontToggle writebyte 7 copyvartobyte UndergroundSwitchPositions setevent EVENT_EMERGENCY_SWITCH setevent EVENT_SWITCH_1 setevent EVENT_SWITCH_2 setevent EVENT_SWITCH_3 jump GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors .On: writetext SwitchRoomText_OnTurnOff yesorno iffalse GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_DontToggle writebyte 0 copyvartobyte UndergroundSwitchPositions clearevent EVENT_EMERGENCY_SWITCH clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_1 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_2 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_3 jump GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_DontToggle: closetext end GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors: copybytetovar UndergroundSwitchPositions if_equal 0, .Position0 if_equal 1, .Position1 if_equal 2, .Position2 if_equal 3, .Position3 if_equal 4, .Position4 if_equal 5, .Position5 if_equal 6, .Position6 if_equal 7, .EmergencyPosition .Position0: playsound SFX_ENTER_DOOR scall .Clear4 scall .Clear5 scall .Clear6 scall .Clear7 scall .Clear8 scall .Clear9 scall .Clear10 scall .Clear11 scall .Clear12 scall .Clear13 scall .Clear14 reloadmappart closetext end .Position1: playsound SFX_ENTER_DOOR scall .Set4 scall .Set10 scall .Set13 scall .Clear9 scall .Clear11 scall .Clear12 scall .Clear14 reloadmappart closetext end .Position2: playsound SFX_ENTER_DOOR scall .Set5 scall .Set11 scall .Set12 scall .Clear8 scall .Clear10 scall .Clear13 scall .Clear14 reloadmappart closetext end .Position3: playsound SFX_ENTER_DOOR scall .Set6 scall .Set10 scall .Set13 scall .Clear7 scall .Clear11 scall .Clear12 scall .Clear14 reloadmappart closetext end .Position4: playsound SFX_ENTER_DOOR scall .Set7 scall .Set11 scall .Set12 scall .Clear6 scall .Clear10 scall .Clear13 scall .Clear14 reloadmappart closetext end .Position5: playsound SFX_ENTER_DOOR scall .Set8 scall .Set10 scall .Set13 scall .Clear5 scall .Clear11 scall .Clear12 scall .Clear14 reloadmappart closetext end .Position6: playsound SFX_ENTER_DOOR scall .Set9 scall .Set11 scall .Set12 scall .Set14 scall .Clear4 scall .Clear10 scall .Clear13 reloadmappart closetext end .EmergencyPosition: playsound SFX_ENTER_DOOR scall .Clear4 scall .Clear5 scall .Set6 scall .Clear7 scall .Set8 scall .Set9 scall .Clear10 scall .Set11 scall .Set12 scall .Clear13 scall .Set14 reloadmappart closetext writebyte 6 copyvartobyte UndergroundSwitchPositions end .Set4: doorstate 1, OPEN1 setevent EVENT_SWITCH_4 end .Set5: doorstate 2, OPEN1 setevent EVENT_SWITCH_5 end .Set6: doorstate 3, OPEN1 setevent EVENT_SWITCH_6 end .Set7: doorstate 4, OPEN1 setevent EVENT_SWITCH_7 end .Set8: doorstate 5, OPEN1 setevent EVENT_SWITCH_8 end .Set9: doorstate 6, OPEN1 setevent EVENT_SWITCH_9 end .Set10: doorstate 7, CLOSED1 doorstate 8, OPEN1 setevent EVENT_SWITCH_10 end .Set11: doorstate 9, CLOSED1 doorstate 10, OPEN1 setevent EVENT_SWITCH_11 end .Set12: doorstate 11, CLOSED1 doorstate 12, OPEN1 setevent EVENT_SWITCH_12 end .Set13: doorstate 13, CLOSED1 doorstate 14, OPEN1 setevent EVENT_SWITCH_13 end .Set14: doorstate 15, CLOSED1 doorstate 16, OPEN1 setevent EVENT_SWITCH_14 end .Clear4: doorstate 1, CLOSED2 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_4 end .Clear5: doorstate 2, CLOSED2 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_5 end .Clear6: doorstate 3, CLOSED2 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_6 end .Clear7: doorstate 4, CLOSED2 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_7 end .Clear8: doorstate 5, CLOSED2 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_8 end .Clear9: doorstate 6, CLOSED2 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_9 end .Clear10: doorstate 7, CLOSED3 doorstate 8, OPEN2 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_10 end .Clear11: doorstate 9, CLOSED3 doorstate 10, OPEN2 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_11 end .Clear12: doorstate 11, CLOSED3 doorstate 12, OPEN2 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_12 end .Clear13: doorstate 13, CLOSED3 doorstate 14, OPEN2 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_13 end .Clear14: doorstate 15, CLOSED3 doorstate 16, OPEN2 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_14 end GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesSmokeBall: itemball SMOKE_BALL GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesFullHeal: itemball FULL_HEAL GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesHiddenMaxPotion: dwb EVENT_GOLDENROD_UNDERGROUND_SWITCH_ROOM_ENTRANCES_HIDDEN_MAX_POTION, MAX_POTION GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesHiddenRevive: dwb EVENT_GOLDENROD_UNDERGROUND_SWITCH_ROOM_ENTRANCES_HIDDEN_REVIVE, REVIVE UndergroundSilverApproachMovement1: step DOWN step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step_end UndergroundSilverApproachMovement2: step DOWN step DOWN step LEFT step LEFT step LEFT step_end UndergroundSilverRetreatMovement1: step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT step UP step_end UndergroundSilverRetreatMovement2: step RIGHT step RIGHT step RIGHT step UP step UP step_end UndergroundSilverBeforeText: text "Hold it!" para "I saw you, so I" line "tailed you." para "I don't need you" line "underfoot while I" para "take care of TEAM" line "ROCKET." para "…Wait a second." line "You beat me be-" cont "fore, didn't you?" para "That was just a" line "fluke." para "But I repay my" line "debts!" done UndergroundSilverWinText: text "…Why…" line "Why do I lose?" para "I've assembled the" line "toughest #MON." para "I didn't ease up" line "on the gas." para "So why do I lose?" done UndergroundSilverAfterText: text "…I don't under-" line "stand…" para "Is what that LANCE" line "guy said true?" para "That I don't treat" line "#MON properly?" para "Love…" para "Trust…" para "Are they really" line "what I lack?" para "Are they keeping" line "me from winning?" para "I… I just don't" line "understand." para "But it's not going" line "to end here." para "Not now. Not" line "because of this." para "I won't give up my" line "dream of becoming" para "the world's best" line "#MON trainer!" done UndergroundSilverLossText: text "Humph. This is my" line "real power, wimp." para "I'll make TEAM" line "ROCKET history." para "And I'm going to" line "grind that LANCE" cont "under my heels." done GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_SuperNerdText: text "I was challenged" line "to a battle down-" cont "stairs." para "It's rough down" line "there. You'd" cont "better be careful." done GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_TeacherText: text "There are some" line "shops downstairs…" para "But there are" line "also trainers." para "I'm scared to go" line "down there." done GruntM11SeenText: text "Open one shutter," line "another closes." para "Bet you can't get" line "where you want!" done GruntM11BeatenText: text "Drat! I was sunk" line "by indecision!" done GruntM11AfterBattleText: text "I'm confused too…" line "The switch on the" para "end is the one to" line "press first, but…" done GruntM25SeenText: text "Kwahaha!" para "Confounded by the" line "shutters, are we?" para "I'll let you in on" line "a secret if you" cont "can beat me!" done GruntM25BeatenText: text "Uwww…" line "I blew it." done GruntM25AfterBattleText: text "All right. A hint!" para "Change the order" line "of switching." para "That'll change the" line "ways the shutters" cont "open and close." done BurglarDuncanSeenText: text "Fork over your" line "goodies!" done BurglarDuncanBeatenText: text "Mercy!" done BurglarDuncanAfterBattleText: text "Steal and sell!" line "That's basic in" cont "crime, kid!" done BurglarEddieSeenText: text "They ditched this" line "project before" cont "they finished." para "I'm searching for" line "leftover loot." done BurglarEddieBeatenText: text "Over the top!" done BurglarEddieAfterBattleText: text "UNDERGROUND WARE-" line "HOUSE?" para "What do you want" line "to go there for?" para "There's nothing" line "down there." done GruntM13SeenText: text "I don't care if" line "you're lost." para "You show up here," line "you're nothing but" cont "a victim!" done GruntM13BeatenText: text "Urk! Yeah, think" line "you're cool, huh?" done GruntM13AfterBattleText: text "You must have ice" line "in your veins to" cont "dis TEAM ROCKET." done SwitchRoomText_Switch1: text "It's labeled" line "SWITCH 1." done GruntF3SeenText: text "Are you lost? No," line "you can't be." para "You don't have" line "that scared look." para "I'll give you" line "something to be" cont "scared about!" done GruntF3BeatenText: text "How could you?" done GruntF3AfterBattleText: text "Go wherever you'd" line "like! Get lost!" cont "See if I care!" done SwitchRoomText_OffTurnOn: text "It's OFF." line "Turn it ON?" done SwitchRoomText_OnTurnOff: text "It's ON." line "Turn it OFF?" done SwitchRoomText_Switch2: text "It's labeled" line "SWITCH 2." done SwitchRoomText_Switch3: text "It's labeled" line "SWITCH 3." done SwitchRoomText_Emergency: text "It's labeled" line "EMERGENCY." done GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_MapEventHeader: ; filler db 0, 0 .Warps: db 9 warp_def $3, $17, 6, GOLDENROD_UNDERGROUND warp_def $a, $16, 1, GOLDENROD_UNDERGROUND_WAREHOUSE warp_def $a, $17, 2, GOLDENROD_UNDERGROUND_WAREHOUSE warp_def $19, $5, 2, GOLDENROD_UNDERGROUND warp_def $1d, $4, 14, GOLDENROD_CITY warp_def $1d, $5, 14, GOLDENROD_CITY warp_def $19, $15, 1, GOLDENROD_UNDERGROUND warp_def $1d, $14, 13, GOLDENROD_CITY warp_def $1d, $15, 13, GOLDENROD_CITY .CoordEvents: db 2 coord_event 0, $4, $13, UndergroundSilverScene1 coord_event 0, $5, $13, UndergroundSilverScene2 .BGEvents: db 6 bg_event 1, 16, BGEVENT_READ, Switch1Script bg_event 1, 10, BGEVENT_READ, Switch2Script bg_event 1, 2, BGEVENT_READ, Switch3Script bg_event 11, 20, BGEVENT_READ, EmergencySwitchScript bg_event 9, 8, BGEVENT_ITEM, GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesHiddenMaxPotion bg_event 8, 1, BGEVENT_ITEM, GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesHiddenRevive .ObjectEvents: db 11 object_event SPRITE_PHARMACIST, 12, 9, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_RIGHT, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_GREEN, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 2, TrainerBurglarDuncan, EVENT_RADIO_TOWER_ROCKET_TAKEOVER object_event SPRITE_PHARMACIST, 8, 4, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_LEFT, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_GREEN, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 2, TrainerBurglarEddie, EVENT_RADIO_TOWER_ROCKET_TAKEOVER object_event SPRITE_ROCKET, 2, 17, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 3, TrainerGruntM13, EVENT_RADIO_TOWER_ROCKET_TAKEOVER object_event SPRITE_ROCKET, 2, 11, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 3, TrainerGruntM11, EVENT_RADIO_TOWER_ROCKET_TAKEOVER object_event SPRITE_ROCKET, 2, 3, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 3, TrainerGruntM25, EVENT_RADIO_TOWER_ROCKET_TAKEOVER object_event SPRITE_ROCKET_GIRL, 12, 19, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_RED, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 1, TrainerGruntF3, EVENT_RADIO_TOWER_ROCKET_TAKEOVER object_event SPRITE_TEACHER, 27, 3, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, TeacherScript_0x7ca7d, -1 object_event SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, 27, 19, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, SuperNerdScript_0x7ca7a, -1 object_event SPRITE_POKE_BALL, 12, 1, SPRITEMOVEDATA_ITEM_TREE, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_ITEMBALL, 0, GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesSmokeBall, EVENT_GOLDENROD_UNDERGROUND_SWITCH_ROOM_ENTRANCES_SMOKE_BALL object_event SPRITE_POKE_BALL, 9, 14, SPRITEMOVEDATA_ITEM_TREE, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_ITEMBALL, 0, GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesFullHeal, EVENT_GOLDENROD_UNDERGROUND_SWITCH_ROOM_ENTRANCES_FULL_HEAL object_event SPRITE_SILVER, 3, 23, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, ObjectEvent, EVENT_RIVAL_GOLDENROD_UNDERGROUND