ref: 314c5fc9ab6d301dd1accb103136ade7021e6602
dir: /engine/tilesets/tileset_anims.asm/
_AnimateTileset:: ; Increment [hTileAnimFrame] and run that frame's function ; from the array pointed to by wTilesetAnim. ; Called in WRAM bank 1, VRAM bank 0, so map tiles ; $80 and above in VRAM bank 1 cannot be animated ; without switching to that bank themselves. ld a, [wTilesetAnim] ld e, a ld a, [wTilesetAnim + 1] ld d, a ldh a, [hTileAnimFrame] ld l, a inc a ldh [hTileAnimFrame], a ld h, 0 add hl, hl add hl, hl add hl, de ; 2-byte parameter ; All functions take input de ld e, [hl] inc hl ld d, [hl] inc hl ; Function address ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp hl Tileset0Anim: TilesetJohtoModernAnim: TilesetKantoAnim: dw vTiles2 tile $14, AnimateWaterTile dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, AnimateWaterPalette dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, AnimateFlowerTile dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, StandingTileFrame8 dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation TilesetParkAnim: dw vTiles2 tile $14, AnimateWaterTile dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw vTiles2 tile $5f, AnimateFountainTile dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, AnimateWaterPalette dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, AnimateFlowerTile dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, StandingTileFrame8 dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation TilesetForestAnim: dw NULL, ForestTreeLeftAnimation dw NULL, ForestTreeRightAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, ForestTreeLeftAnimation2 dw NULL, ForestTreeRightAnimation2 dw NULL, AnimateFlowerTile dw vTiles2 tile $14, AnimateWaterTile dw NULL, AnimateWaterPalette dw NULL, StandingTileFrame8 dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation TilesetJohtoAnim: dw vTiles2 tile $14, AnimateWaterTile dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, AnimateWaterPalette dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, AnimateFlowerTile dw WhirlpoolFrames1, AnimateWhirlpoolTile dw WhirlpoolFrames2, AnimateWhirlpoolTile dw WhirlpoolFrames3, AnimateWhirlpoolTile dw WhirlpoolFrames4, AnimateWhirlpoolTile dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, StandingTileFrame8 dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation UnusedTilesetAnim1: ; unreferenced ; Scrolls tile $03 like cave water, but also has the standard $03 flower tile. dw vTiles2 tile $03, ReadTileToAnimBuffer dw wTileAnimBuffer, ScrollTileRightLeft dw vTiles2 tile $03, WriteTileFromAnimBuffer dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, AnimateFlowerTile dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation UnusedTilesetAnim2: ; unreferenced ; Scrolls tile $14 like cave water. dw vTiles2 tile $14, ReadTileToAnimBuffer dw wTileAnimBuffer, ScrollTileRightLeft dw vTiles2 tile $14, WriteTileFromAnimBuffer dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation TilesetPortAnim: dw vTiles2 tile $14, AnimateWaterTile dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, AnimateWaterPalette dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, StandingTileFrame8 dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation TilesetEliteFourRoomAnim: dw NULL, AnimateLavaBubbleTile2 dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, AnimateLavaBubbleTile1 dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, StandingTileFrame8 dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation UnusedTilesetAnim3: ; unreferenced ; Scrolls tile $53 like a waterfall; scrolls tile $03 like cave water. dw vTiles2 tile $53, ReadTileToAnimBuffer dw wTileAnimBuffer, ScrollTileDown dw wTileAnimBuffer, ScrollTileDown dw vTiles2 tile $53, WriteTileFromAnimBuffer dw vTiles2 tile $03, ReadTileToAnimBuffer dw wTileAnimBuffer, ScrollTileRightLeft dw vTiles2 tile $03, WriteTileFromAnimBuffer dw vTiles2 tile $53, ReadTileToAnimBuffer dw wTileAnimBuffer, ScrollTileDown dw wTileAnimBuffer, ScrollTileDown dw vTiles2 tile $53, WriteTileFromAnimBuffer dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation UnusedTilesetAnim4: ; unreferenced ; Scrolls tile $54 like a waterfall; scrolls tile $03 like cave water. dw vTiles2 tile $54, ReadTileToAnimBuffer dw wTileAnimBuffer, ScrollTileDown dw wTileAnimBuffer, ScrollTileDown dw vTiles2 tile $54, WriteTileFromAnimBuffer dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw vTiles2 tile $03, ReadTileToAnimBuffer dw wTileAnimBuffer, ScrollTileRightLeft dw vTiles2 tile $03, WriteTileFromAnimBuffer dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw vTiles2 tile $54, ReadTileToAnimBuffer dw wTileAnimBuffer, ScrollTileDown dw wTileAnimBuffer, ScrollTileDown dw vTiles2 tile $54, WriteTileFromAnimBuffer dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation TilesetCaveAnim: TilesetDarkCaveAnim: dw vTiles2 tile $14, ReadTileToAnimBuffer dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette dw wTileAnimBuffer, ScrollTileRightLeft dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette dw vTiles2 tile $14, WriteTileFromAnimBuffer dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette dw NULL, AnimateWaterPalette dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette dw vTiles2 tile $40, ReadTileToAnimBuffer dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette dw wTileAnimBuffer, ScrollTileDown dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette dw wTileAnimBuffer, ScrollTileDown dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette dw wTileAnimBuffer, ScrollTileDown dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette dw vTiles2 tile $40, WriteTileFromAnimBuffer dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation TilesetIcePathAnim: dw vTiles2 tile $35, ReadTileToAnimBuffer dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette dw wTileAnimBuffer, ScrollTileRightLeft dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette dw vTiles2 tile $35, WriteTileFromAnimBuffer dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette dw NULL, AnimateWaterPalette dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette dw vTiles2 tile $31, ReadTileToAnimBuffer dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette dw wTileAnimBuffer, ScrollTileDown dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette dw wTileAnimBuffer, ScrollTileDown dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette dw wTileAnimBuffer, ScrollTileDown dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette dw vTiles2 tile $31, WriteTileFromAnimBuffer dw NULL, FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation TilesetTowerAnim: dw TowerPillarTilePointer9, AnimateTowerPillarTile dw TowerPillarTilePointer10, AnimateTowerPillarTile dw TowerPillarTilePointer7, AnimateTowerPillarTile dw TowerPillarTilePointer8, AnimateTowerPillarTile dw TowerPillarTilePointer5, AnimateTowerPillarTile dw TowerPillarTilePointer6, AnimateTowerPillarTile dw TowerPillarTilePointer3, AnimateTowerPillarTile dw TowerPillarTilePointer4, AnimateTowerPillarTile dw TowerPillarTilePointer1, AnimateTowerPillarTile dw TowerPillarTilePointer2, AnimateTowerPillarTile dw NULL, StandingTileFrame dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation UnusedTilesetAnim5: ; unreferenced ; Scrolls tile $4f like cave water. dw vTiles2 tile $4f, ReadTileToAnimBuffer dw wTileAnimBuffer, ScrollTileRightLeft dw vTiles2 tile $4f, WriteTileFromAnimBuffer dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation TilesetBattleTowerOutsideAnim: TilesetHouseAnim: TilesetPlayersHouseAnim: TilesetPokecenterAnim: TilesetGateAnim: TilesetLabAnim: TilesetFacilityAnim: TilesetMartAnim: TilesetMansionAnim: TilesetGameCornerAnim: TilesetTraditionalHouseAnim: TilesetTrainStationAnim: TilesetChampionsRoomAnim: TilesetLighthouseAnim: TilesetPlayersRoomAnim: TilesetPokeComCenterAnim: TilesetBattleTowerInsideAnim: TilesetRuinsOfAlphAnim: TilesetRadioTowerAnim: TilesetUndergroundAnim: TilesetBetaWordRoomAnim: TilesetHoOhWordRoomAnim: TilesetKabutoWordRoomAnim: TilesetOmanyteWordRoomAnim: TilesetAerodactylWordRoomAnim: dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, WaitTileAnimation dw NULL, DoneTileAnimation DoneTileAnimation: ; Reset the animation command loop. xor a ldh [hTileAnimFrame], a WaitTileAnimation: ; Do nothing this frame. ret StandingTileFrame8: ; Tick the wTileAnimationTimer, wrapping from 7 to 0. ld a, [wTileAnimationTimer] inc a and %111 ld [wTileAnimationTimer], a ret ScrollTileRightLeft: ; Scroll right for 4 ticks, then left for 4 ticks. ld a, [wTileAnimationTimer] inc a and %111 ld [wTileAnimationTimer], a and %100 jr nz, ScrollTileLeft jr ScrollTileRight ScrollTileUpDown: ; unreferenced ; Scroll up for 4 ticks, then down for 4 ticks. ld a, [wTileAnimationTimer] inc a and %111 ld [wTileAnimationTimer], a and %100 jr nz, ScrollTileDown jr ScrollTileUp ScrollTileLeft: ld h, d ld l, e ld c, LEN_2BPP_TILE / 4 .loop rept 4 ld a, [hl] rlca ld [hli], a endr dec c jr nz, .loop ret ScrollTileRight: ld h, d ld l, e ld c, LEN_2BPP_TILE / 4 .loop rept 4 ld a, [hl] rrca ld [hli], a endr dec c jr nz, .loop ret ScrollTileUp: ld h, d ld l, e ld d, [hl] inc hl ld e, [hl] ld bc, LEN_2BPP_TILE - 2 add hl, bc ld a, LEN_2BPP_TILE / 4 .loop ld c, [hl] ld [hl], e dec hl ld b, [hl] ld [hl], d dec hl ld e, [hl] ld [hl], c dec hl ld d, [hl] ld [hl], b dec hl dec a jr nz, .loop ret ScrollTileDown: ld h, d ld l, e ld de, LEN_2BPP_TILE - 2 push hl add hl, de ld d, [hl] inc hl ld e, [hl] pop hl ld a, LEN_2BPP_TILE / 4 .loop ld b, [hl] ld [hl], d inc hl ld c, [hl] ld [hl], e inc hl ld d, [hl] ld [hl], b inc hl ld e, [hl] ld [hl], c inc hl dec a jr nz, .loop ret AnimateFountainTile: ; Save the stack pointer in bc for WriteTile to restore ld hl, sp+0 ld b, h ld c, l ld hl, .FountainTileFramePointers ; A cycle of 8 frames, updating every tick ld a, [wTileAnimationTimer] and %111 ; hl = [.FountainTileFramePointers + a * 2] add a add l ld l, a jr nc, .okay inc h .okay ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ; Write the tile graphic from hl (now sp) to de (now hl) ld sp, hl ld l, e ld h, d jp WriteTile .FountainTileFramePointers: dw .FountainTile1 dw .FountainTile2 dw .FountainTile3 dw .FountainTile4 dw .FountainTile3 dw .FountainTile4 dw .FountainTile5 dw .FountainTile1 .FountainTile1: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/fountain/1.2bpp" .FountainTile2: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/fountain/2.2bpp" .FountainTile3: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/fountain/3.2bpp" .FountainTile4: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/fountain/4.2bpp" .FountainTile5: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/fountain/5.2bpp" AnimateWaterTile: ; Save the stack pointer in bc for WriteTile to restore ld hl, sp+0 ld b, h ld c, l ; A cycle of 4 frames, updating every other tick ld a, [wTileAnimationTimer] and %110 ; hl = .WaterTileFrames + a * 8 ; (a was pre-multiplied by 2 from 'and %110') add a add a add a add LOW(.WaterTileFrames) ld l, a ld a, 0 adc HIGH(.WaterTileFrames) ld h, a ; Write the tile graphic from hl (now sp) to de (now hl) ld sp, hl ld l, e ld h, d jp WriteTile .WaterTileFrames: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/water/water.2bpp" ForestTreeLeftAnimation: ; Save the stack pointer in bc for WriteTile to restore ld hl, sp+0 ld b, h ld c, l ; Only animate this during the Celebi event ld a, [wCelebiEvent] bit CELEBIEVENT_FOREST_IS_RESTLESS_F, a jr nz, .do_animation ld hl, ForestTreeLeftFrames jr .got_frames .do_animation ; A cycle of 2 frames, updating every tick ld a, [wTileAnimationTimer] call GetForestTreeFrame ; hl = ForestTreeLeftFrames + a * 8 ; (a was pre-multiplied by 2 from GetForestTreeFrame) add a add a add a add LOW(ForestTreeLeftFrames) ld l, a ld a, 0 adc HIGH(ForestTreeLeftFrames) ld h, a .got_frames ; Write the tile graphic from hl (now sp) to tile $0c (now hl) ld sp, hl ld hl, vTiles2 tile $0c jp WriteTile ForestTreeLeftFrames: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/forest-tree/1.2bpp" INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/forest-tree/2.2bpp" ForestTreeRightFrames: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/forest-tree/3.2bpp" INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/forest-tree/4.2bpp" ForestTreeRightAnimation: ; Save the stack pointer in bc for WriteTile to restore ld hl, sp+0 ld b, h ld c, l ; Only animate this during the Celebi event ld a, [wCelebiEvent] bit CELEBIEVENT_FOREST_IS_RESTLESS_F, a jr nz, .do_animation ld hl, ForestTreeRightFrames jr .got_frames .do_animation ; A cycle of 2 frames, updating every tick ld a, [wTileAnimationTimer] call GetForestTreeFrame ; hl = ForestTreeRightFrames + a * 8 ; (a was pre-multiplied by 2 from GetForestTreeFrame) add a add a add a add LOW(ForestTreeLeftFrames) ld l, a ld a, 0 adc HIGH(ForestTreeLeftFrames) ld h, a push bc ld bc, ForestTreeRightFrames - ForestTreeLeftFrames add hl, bc pop bc .got_frames ; Write the tile graphic from hl (now sp) to tile $0f (now hl) ld sp, hl ld hl, vTiles2 tile $0f jp WriteTile ForestTreeLeftAnimation2: ; Save the stack pointer in bc for WriteTile to restore ld hl, sp+0 ld b, h ld c, l ; Only animate this during the Celebi event ld a, [wCelebiEvent] bit CELEBIEVENT_FOREST_IS_RESTLESS_F, a jr nz, .do_animation ld hl, ForestTreeLeftFrames jr .got_frames .do_animation ; A cycle of 2 frames, updating every tick ld a, [wTileAnimationTimer] call GetForestTreeFrame ; Offset by 1 frame from ForestTreeLeftAnimation xor %10 ; hl = ForestTreeLeftFrames + a * 8 ; (a was pre-multiplied by 2 from GetForestTreeFrame) add a add a add a add LOW(ForestTreeLeftFrames) ld l, a ld a, 0 adc HIGH(ForestTreeLeftFrames) ld h, a .got_frames ; Write the tile graphic from hl (now sp) to tile $0c (now hl) ld sp, hl ld hl, vTiles2 tile $0c jp WriteTile ForestTreeRightAnimation2: ; Save the stack pointer in bc for WriteTile to restore ld hl, sp+0 ld b, h ld c, l ; Only animate this during the Celebi event ld a, [wCelebiEvent] bit CELEBIEVENT_FOREST_IS_RESTLESS_F, a jr nz, .do_animation ld hl, ForestTreeRightFrames jr .got_frames .do_animation ; A cycle of 2 frames, updating every tick ld a, [wTileAnimationTimer] call GetForestTreeFrame ; Offset by 1 frame from ForestTreeRightAnimation xor %10 ; hl = ForestTreeRightFrames + a * 8 ; (a was pre-multiplied by 2 from GetForestTreeFrame) add a add a add a add LOW(ForestTreeLeftFrames) ld l, a ld a, 0 adc HIGH(ForestTreeLeftFrames) ld h, a push bc ld bc, ForestTreeRightFrames - ForestTreeLeftFrames add hl, bc pop bc .got_frames ; Write the tile graphic from hl (now sp) to tile $0f (now hl) ld sp, hl ld hl, vTiles2 tile $0f jp WriteTile GetForestTreeFrame: ; Return 0 if a is even, or 2 if odd. and a jr z, .even cp 1 jr z, .odd cp 2 jr z, .even cp 3 jr z, .odd cp 4 jr z, .even cp 5 jr z, .odd cp 6 jr z, .even .odd ld a, 2 scf ret .even xor a ret AnimateFlowerTile: ; Save the stack pointer in bc for WriteTile to restore ld hl, sp+0 ld b, h ld c, l ; A cycle of 2 frames, updating every other tick ld a, [wTileAnimationTimer] and %10 ; CGB has different tile graphics for flowers ld e, a ldh a, [hCGB] and 1 add e ; hl = .FlowerTileFrames + a * 16 swap a ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, .FlowerTileFrames add hl, de ; Write the tile graphic from hl (now sp) to tile $03 (now hl) ld sp, hl ld hl, vTiles2 tile $03 jp WriteTile .FlowerTileFrames: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/flower/dmg_1.2bpp" INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/flower/cgb_1.2bpp" INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/flower/dmg_2.2bpp" INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/flower/cgb_2.2bpp" AnimateLavaBubbleTile1: ; Save the stack pointer in bc for WriteTile to restore ld hl, sp+0 ld b, h ld c, l ; A cycle of 4 frames, updating every other tick ld a, [wTileAnimationTimer] and %110 ; Offset by 2 frames from AnimateLavaBubbleTile2 srl a inc a inc a and %011 ; hl = LavaBubbleTileFrames + a * 16 swap a ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, LavaBubbleTileFrames add hl, de ; Write the tile graphic from hl (now sp) to tile $5b (now hl) ld sp, hl ld hl, vTiles2 tile $5b jp WriteTile AnimateLavaBubbleTile2: ; Save the stack pointer in bc for WriteTile to restore ld hl, sp+0 ld b, h ld c, l ; A cycle of 4 frames, updating every other tick ld a, [wTileAnimationTimer] and %110 ; hl = LavaBubbleTileFrames + a * 8 ; (a was pre-multiplied by 2 from 'and %110') add a add a add a ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, LavaBubbleTileFrames add hl, de ; Write the tile graphic from hl (now sp) to tile $38 (now hl) ld sp, hl ld hl, vTiles2 tile $38 jp WriteTile LavaBubbleTileFrames: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/lava/1.2bpp" INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/lava/2.2bpp" INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/lava/3.2bpp" INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/lava/4.2bpp" AnimateTowerPillarTile: ; Input de points to the destination in VRAM, then the source tile frames ; Save the stack pointer in bc for WriteTile to restore ld hl, sp+0 ld b, h ld c, l ; A cycle of 8 frames, updating every tick ld a, [wTileAnimationTimer] and %111 ; a = [.TowerPillarTileFrameOffsets + a] ld hl, .TowerPillarTileFrameOffsets add l ld l, a ld a, 0 adc h ld h, a ld a, [hl] ; de = the destination in VRAM ld l, e ld h, d ld e, [hl] inc hl ld d, [hl] inc hl ; hl = the source tile frames + offset a add [hl] inc hl ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, 0 adc h ld h, a ; Write the tile graphic from hl (now sp) to de (now hl) ld sp, hl ld l, e ld h, d jr WriteTile .TowerPillarTileFrameOffsets: db 0 tiles db 1 tiles db 2 tiles db 3 tiles db 4 tiles db 3 tiles db 2 tiles db 1 tiles StandingTileFrame: ; Tick the wTileAnimationTimer. ld hl, wTileAnimationTimer inc [hl] ret AnimateWhirlpoolTile: ; Input de points to the destination in VRAM, then the source tile frames ; Save the stack pointer in bc for WriteTile to restore ld hl, sp+0 ld b, h ld c, l ; de = the destination in VRAM ld l, e ld h, d ld e, [hl] inc hl ld d, [hl] inc hl ; A cycle of 4 frames, updating every tick ld a, [wTileAnimationTimer] and %11 ; hl = the source tile frames + a * 16 swap a add [hl] inc hl ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, 0 adc h ld h, a ; Write the tile graphic from hl (now sp) to de (now hl) ld sp, hl ld l, e ld h, d jr WriteTile WriteTileFromAnimBuffer: ; Save the stack pointer in bc for WriteTile to restore ld hl, sp+0 ld b, h ld c, l ; Write the tile graphic from wTileAnimBuffer (now sp) to de (now hl) ld hl, wTileAnimBuffer ld sp, hl ld h, d ld l, e jr WriteTile ReadTileToAnimBuffer: ; Save the stack pointer in bc for WriteTile to restore ld hl, sp+0 ld b, h ld c, l ; Write the tile graphic from de (now sp) to wTileAnimBuffer (now hl) ld h, d ld l, e ld sp, hl ld hl, wTileAnimBuffer ; fallthrough WriteTile: ; Write one tile from sp to hl. ; The stack pointer has been saved in bc. ; This function cannot be called, only jumped to, ; because it relocates the stack pointer to quickly ; copy data with a "pop slide". pop de ld [hl], e inc hl ld [hl], d rept (LEN_2BPP_TILE - 2) / 2 pop de inc hl ld [hl], e inc hl ld [hl], d endr ; Restore the stack pointer from bc ld h, b ld l, c ld sp, hl ret AnimateWaterPalette: ; Transition between color values 0-2 for color 0 in palette 3. ; Don't update the palette on DMG ldh a, [hCGB] and a ret z ; Don't update a non-standard palette order ldh a, [rBGP] cp %11100100 ret nz ; Only update on even ticks ld a, [wTileAnimationTimer] ld l, a and 1 ; odd ret nz ; Ready for BGPD input ld a, (1 << rBGPI_AUTO_INCREMENT) palette PAL_BG_WATER color 0 ldh [rBGPI], a ldh a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, BANK(wBGPals1) ldh [rSVBK], a ; A cycle of 4 colors (0 1 2 1), updating every other tick ld a, l and %110 jr z, .color0 cp %100 jr z, .color2 ; Copy one color from hl to rBGPI via rBGPD ; color1 ld hl, wBGPals1 palette PAL_BG_WATER color 1 ld a, [hli] ldh [rBGPD], a ld a, [hli] ldh [rBGPD], a jr .end .color0 ld hl, wBGPals1 palette PAL_BG_WATER color 0 ld a, [hli] ldh [rBGPD], a ld a, [hli] ldh [rBGPD], a jr .end .color2 ld hl, wBGPals1 palette PAL_BG_WATER color 2 ld a, [hli] ldh [rBGPD], a ld a, [hli] ldh [rBGPD], a .end pop af ldh [rSVBK], a ret FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette: ; Don't update the palette on DMG ldh a, [hCGB] and a ret z ; Don't update a non-standard palette order ldh a, [rBGP] cp %11100100 ret nz ; We only want to be here if we're in a dark cave. ld a, [wTimeOfDayPalset] cp DARKNESS_PALSET ret nz ldh a, [rSVBK] push af ld a, BANK(wBGPals1) ldh [rSVBK], a ; Ready for BGPD input ld a, (1 << rBGPI_AUTO_INCREMENT) palette PAL_BG_YELLOW color 0 ldh [rBGPI], a ; A cycle of 2 colors (0 2), updating every other vblank ldh a, [hVBlankCounter] and %10 jr nz, .color1 ; Copy one color from hl to rBGPI via rBGPD ; color0 ld hl, wBGPals1 palette PAL_BG_YELLOW color 0 jr .okay .color1 ld hl, wBGPals1 palette PAL_BG_YELLOW color 1 .okay ld a, [hli] ldh [rBGPD], a ld a, [hli] ldh [rBGPD], a pop af ldh [rSVBK], a ret TowerPillarTilePointer1: dw vTiles2 tile $2d, TowerPillarTile1 TowerPillarTilePointer2: dw vTiles2 tile $2f, TowerPillarTile2 TowerPillarTilePointer3: dw vTiles2 tile $3d, TowerPillarTile3 TowerPillarTilePointer4: dw vTiles2 tile $3f, TowerPillarTile4 TowerPillarTilePointer5: dw vTiles2 tile $3c, TowerPillarTile5 TowerPillarTilePointer6: dw vTiles2 tile $2c, TowerPillarTile6 TowerPillarTilePointer7: dw vTiles2 tile $4d, TowerPillarTile7 TowerPillarTilePointer8: dw vTiles2 tile $4f, TowerPillarTile8 TowerPillarTilePointer9: dw vTiles2 tile $5d, TowerPillarTile9 TowerPillarTilePointer10: dw vTiles2 tile $5f, TowerPillarTile10 TowerPillarTile1: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/tower-pillar/1.2bpp" TowerPillarTile2: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/tower-pillar/2.2bpp" TowerPillarTile3: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/tower-pillar/3.2bpp" TowerPillarTile4: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/tower-pillar/4.2bpp" TowerPillarTile5: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/tower-pillar/5.2bpp" TowerPillarTile6: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/tower-pillar/6.2bpp" TowerPillarTile7: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/tower-pillar/7.2bpp" TowerPillarTile8: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/tower-pillar/8.2bpp" TowerPillarTile9: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/tower-pillar/9.2bpp" TowerPillarTile10: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/tower-pillar/10.2bpp" WhirlpoolFrames1: dw vTiles2 tile $32, WhirlpoolTiles1 WhirlpoolFrames2: dw vTiles2 tile $33, WhirlpoolTiles2 WhirlpoolFrames3: dw vTiles2 tile $42, WhirlpoolTiles3 WhirlpoolFrames4: dw vTiles2 tile $43, WhirlpoolTiles4 WhirlpoolTiles1: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/whirlpool/1.2bpp" WhirlpoolTiles2: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/whirlpool/2.2bpp" WhirlpoolTiles3: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/whirlpool/3.2bpp" WhirlpoolTiles4: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/whirlpool/4.2bpp"