ref: 314c5fc9ab6d301dd1accb103136ade7021e6602
dir: /engine/pokemon/mon_stats.asm/
DrawPlayerHP: ld a, $1 jr DrawHP DrawEnemyHP: ld a, $2 DrawHP: ld [wWhichHPBar], a push hl push bc ; box mons have full HP ld a, [wMonType] cp BOXMON jr z, .at_least_1_hp ld a, [wTempMonHP] ld b, a ld a, [wTempMonHP + 1] ld c, a ; Any HP? or b jr nz, .at_least_1_hp xor a ld c, a ld e, a ld a, 6 ld d, a jp .fainted .at_least_1_hp ld a, [wTempMonMaxHP] ld d, a ld a, [wTempMonMaxHP + 1] ld e, a ld a, [wMonType] cp BOXMON jr nz, .not_boxmon ld b, d ld c, e .not_boxmon predef ComputeHPBarPixels ld a, 6 ld d, a ld c, a .fainted ld a, c pop bc ld c, a pop hl push de push hl push hl call DrawBattleHPBar pop hl ; Print HP bccoord 1, 1, 0 add hl, bc ld de, wTempMonHP ld a, [wMonType] cp BOXMON jr nz, .not_boxmon_2 ld de, wTempMonMaxHP .not_boxmon_2 lb bc, 2, 3 call PrintNum ld a, "/" ld [hli], a ; Print max HP ld de, wTempMonMaxHP lb bc, 2, 3 call PrintNum pop hl pop de ret PrintTempMonStats: ; Print wTempMon's stats at hl, with spacing bc. push bc push hl ld de, .StatNames call PlaceString pop hl pop bc add hl, bc ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH add hl, bc ld de, wTempMonAttack lb bc, 2, 3 call .PrintStat ld de, wTempMonDefense call .PrintStat ld de, wTempMonSpclAtk call .PrintStat ld de, wTempMonSpclDef call .PrintStat ld de, wTempMonSpeed jp PrintNum .PrintStat: push hl call PrintNum pop hl ld de, SCREEN_WIDTH * 2 add hl, de ret .StatNames: db "ATTACK" next "DEFENSE" next "SPCL.ATK" next "SPCL.DEF" next "SPEED" next "@" GetGender: ; Return the gender of a given monster (wCurPartyMon/wCurOTMon/wCurWildMon). ; When calling this function, a should be set to an appropriate wMonType value. ; return values: ; a = 1: f = nc|nz; male ; a = 0: f = nc|z; female ; f = c: genderless ; This is determined by comparing the Attack and Speed DVs ; with the species' gender ratio. ; Figure out what type of monster struct we're looking at. ; 0: PartyMon ld hl, wPartyMon1DVs ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH ld a, [wMonType] and a jr z, .PartyMon ; 1: OTPartyMon ld hl, wOTPartyMon1DVs dec a jr z, .PartyMon ; 2: sBoxMon ld hl, sBoxMon1DVs ld bc, BOXMON_STRUCT_LENGTH dec a jr z, .sBoxMon ; 3: Unknown ld hl, wTempMonDVs dec a jr z, .DVs ; else: WildMon ld hl, wEnemyMonDVs jr .DVs ; Get our place in the party/box. .PartyMon: .sBoxMon ld a, [wCurPartyMon] call AddNTimes .DVs: ; sBoxMon data is read directly from SRAM. ld a, [wMonType] cp BOXMON ld a, BANK(sBox) call z, OpenSRAM ; Attack DV ld a, [hli] and $f0 ld b, a ; Speed DV ld a, [hl] and $f0 swap a ; Put our DVs together. or b ld b, a ; Close SRAM if we were dealing with a sBoxMon. ld a, [wMonType] cp BOXMON call z, CloseSRAM ; We need the gender ratio to do anything with this. push bc ld a, [wCurPartySpecies] dec a ld hl, BaseData + BASE_GENDER ld bc, BASE_DATA_SIZE call AddNTimes pop bc ld a, BANK(BaseData) call GetFarByte ; The higher the ratio, the more likely the monster is to be female. cp GENDER_UNKNOWN jr z, .Genderless and a ; GENDER_F0? jr z, .Male cp GENDER_F100 jr z, .Female ; Values below the ratio are male, and vice versa. cp b jr c, .Male .Female: xor a ret .Male: ld a, 1 and a ret .Genderless: scf ret ListMovePP: ld a, [wNumMoves] inc a ld c, a ld a, NUM_MOVES sub c ld b, a push hl ld a, [wListMovesLineSpacing] ld e, a ld d, 0 ld a, $3e ; P call .load_loop ld a, b and a jr z, .skip ld c, a ld a, "-" call .load_loop .skip pop hl inc hl inc hl inc hl ld d, h ld e, l ld hl, wTempMonMoves ld b, 0 .loop ld a, [hli] and a jr z, .done push bc push hl push de ld hl, wMenuCursorY ld a, [hl] push af ld [hl], b push hl callfar GetMaxPPOfMove pop hl pop af ld [hl], a pop de pop hl push hl ld bc, wTempMonPP - (wTempMonMoves + 1) add hl, bc ld a, [hl] and $3f ld [wStringBuffer1 + 4], a ld h, d ld l, e push hl ld de, wStringBuffer1 + 4 lb bc, 1, 2 call PrintNum ld a, "/" ld [hli], a ld de, wTempPP lb bc, 1, 2 call PrintNum pop hl ld a, [wListMovesLineSpacing] ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de ld d, h ld e, l pop hl pop bc inc b ld a, b cp NUM_MOVES jr nz, .loop .done ret .load_loop ld [hli], a ld [hld], a add hl, de dec c jr nz, .load_loop ret BrokenPlacePPUnits: ; unreferenced ; Probably would have these parameters: ; hl = starting coordinate ; de = SCREEN_WIDTH or SCREEN_WIDTH * 2 ; c = the number of moves (1-4) .loop ld [hl], $32 ; typo for P? inc hl ld [hl], $3e ; P dec hl add hl, de dec c jr nz, .loop ret Unused_PlaceEnemyHPLevel: push hl push hl ld hl, wPartyMonNicknames ld a, [wCurPartyMon] call GetNickname pop hl call PlaceString call CopyMonToTempMon pop hl ld a, [wCurPartySpecies] cp EGG jr z, .egg push hl ld bc, -12 add hl, bc ld b, 0 call DrawEnemyHP pop hl ld bc, 5 add hl, bc push de call PrintLevel pop de .egg ret PlaceStatusString: ; Return nz if the status is not OK push de inc de inc de ld a, [de] ld b, a inc de ld a, [de] or b pop de jr nz, PlaceNonFaintStatus push de ld de, FntString call CopyStatusString pop de ld a, TRUE and a ret FntString: db "FNT@" CopyStatusString: ld a, [de] inc de ld [hli], a ld a, [de] inc de ld [hli], a ld a, [de] ld [hl], a ret PlaceNonFaintStatus: push de ld a, [de] ld de, PsnString bit PSN, a jr nz, .place ld de, BrnString bit BRN, a jr nz, .place ld de, FrzString bit FRZ, a jr nz, .place ld de, ParString bit PAR, a jr nz, .place ld de, SlpString and SLP jr z, .no_status .place call CopyStatusString ld a, TRUE and a .no_status pop de ret SlpString: db "SLP@" PsnString: db "PSN@" BrnString: db "BRN@" FrzString: db "FRZ@" ParString: db "PAR@" ListMoves: ; List moves at hl, spaced every [wListMovesLineSpacing] tiles. ld de, wListMoves_MoveIndicesBuffer ld b, 0 .moves_loop ld a, [de] inc de and a jr z, .no_more_moves push de push hl push hl ld [wCurSpecies], a ld a, MOVE_NAME ld [wNamedObjectType], a call GetName ld de, wStringBuffer1 pop hl push bc call PlaceString pop bc ld a, b ld [wNumMoves], a inc b pop hl push bc ld a, [wListMovesLineSpacing] ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc pop bc pop de ld a, b cp NUM_MOVES jr z, .done jr .moves_loop .no_more_moves ld a, b .nonmove_loop push af ld [hl], "-" ld a, [wListMovesLineSpacing] ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc pop af inc a cp NUM_MOVES jr nz, .nonmove_loop .done ret