fix zzyyxx output for MoneyByteParam (checkmoney, takemoney)
only recalculate a PointerLabelParam parsed_address if necessary
Merge pull request #5 from Zhorken/master
Add a byte fill function.
a simple script to compare the baserom and generated rom
improve extras/ opening sentence
better asm output for SignpostRemoteItem
fix PointerLabelParams in signposts
fix movement param get_dependencies
remove some output that clutters up the preprocessor output
better movement command/macro support
fix unknown MovementCommand parsing
use deepcopy to create applymovement commands
let create_movement_commands access a debug parameter
slightly better applymovement parsing
apply_movement_command classes doesn't exist
quick tool for dumping a segment of ApplyMovementData objects into a bank
set dependencies and get_dependencies on ApplyMovementData for asm dumping
waitbutton in scripts is not the same as waitbutton in texts
never show a comma in front of a 7 on a newline
fix a TextScript/MainText bug where '@' on a newline had an extra comma/param to db
text_from_ram isn't limited to <$8000 like in the text at 0x549a3
fix TextScript bug - to_asm should not modify self.size
insert_blah_with -> insert_with in extras/
debugging to figure out the TextScript at 0x5daf1
consolidate insert_multiple and insert_single on the Asm class
tool to dump texts from a particular bank into asm
fix $58 parsing in texts for the text at 0x192f34
preprocessor compatibility with text commands
looks like text commands might mess up the preprocessor?
set TextInlineAsm to size=1 for now
possible fix for movement scripts (many broken?)
temporary and horrible fix to applymovement scripts
make a broken MovementCommand parser
by default allow MovementCommand to handle <$45s
fix MovementCommand.to_asm return value for id>$45
starting ApplyMovementData and MovementCommand
use a $50 macro to stop some text scripts
fix the use of text_command_classes (not the same format as command_classes)
to_asm and some constructor changes
new TextScript.parse is almost exactly Script.parse
a better get_dependencies for NewTextScript
use inspect to gather members for text_command_classes
add param_types to configure each text script command macro
make sure the bytes don't run out with no ending byte in MainText
handle $57 in MainText.to_asm
add quotes to MainText.to_asm output
adding non-byte-encoded characters into text to_asm output
to_asm output for $50 and unknown bytes in texts
fix was_comma statement (gah)
improve MainText.to_asm output
fix another readme comment about labels
investigating bytes in the ROM
get_dependencies does not return a list of labels nor strings
show the map event header in the readme
figuring out where a script appears based on a known address
investigating scripts from a known address
extras/output.asm -> extras/output.txt
basic README to explain
move the text command classes around
basic TextCommand skeleton from yesterday
begin to rewrite the text parser
clean up comments in Script.parse method
temporary fix to prevent TextScript from appending @s
top-level dependency bug fix.. actual problem not solved ?
still having trouble with UnknownText_0x580c7 not in main.asm
TextPointerLabelParam sometimes doesn't point to anything useful
add ItemFragment to macros in preprocessor
TextPointerLabelParam.get_dependencies() now returns the text pointer
words/pointers should point within bank
text preprocessor now supports ending-apostrophes in text
fix MoneyByteParam formatting
possibly fix preprocessor/checkmoney issues
reverse byte output in RAMAddressParam.to_asm()
redo item constants (some were missed?)
add newlines to generate_item_constants output
fix RAMAddressParam.to_asm() (no [] characters)
minor fixes for insert_single_with_dependencies
prevent dependency loops in script at 0x18d0a9, 0x18d023 and 0x943ca
better debugging for a max recursion depth error
pass 'recompute' parameter through get_dependencies() calls
prevent dependencies from being recomputed
faster get_dependencies on Script
caught a self.label ->