ref: 2d40e99d1127fcfd1625274a24b95153b47fd836
dir: /maps/FastShip1F.asm/
object_const_def const FASTSHIP1F_SAILOR1 const FASTSHIP1F_SAILOR2 const FASTSHIP1F_SAILOR3 const FASTSHIP1F_GENTLEMAN FastShip1F_MapScripts: def_scene_scripts scene_script FastShip1FNoop1Scene, SCENE_FASTSHIP1F_NOOP scene_script FastShip1FEnterShipScene, SCENE_FASTSHIP1F_ENTER_SHIP scene_script FastShip1FNoop2Scene, SCENE_FASTSHIP1F_MEET_GRANDPA def_callbacks FastShip1FNoop1Scene: end FastShip1FEnterShipScene: sdefer FastShip1FEnterShipScript end FastShip1FNoop2Scene: end FastShip1FEnterShipScript: applymovement FASTSHIP1F_SAILOR1, FastShip1F_SailorStepAsideMovement applymovement PLAYER, FastShip1F_PlayerEntersShipMovement applymovement FASTSHIP1F_SAILOR1, FastShip1F_SailorBlocksDoorMovement pause 30 playsound SFX_BOAT earthquake 30 blackoutmod FAST_SHIP_CABINS_SW_SSW_NW clearevent EVENT_FAST_SHIP_HAS_ARRIVED checkevent EVENT_FAST_SHIP_FIRST_TIME iftrue .SkipGrandpa setscene SCENE_FASTSHIP1F_MEET_GRANDPA end .SkipGrandpa: setscene SCENE_FASTSHIP1F_NOOP end FastShip1FSailor1Script: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_FAST_SHIP_HAS_ARRIVED iftrue .Arrived checkevent EVENT_FAST_SHIP_DESTINATION_OLIVINE iftrue .Olivine writetext FastShip1FSailor1Text_ToVermilion waitbutton closetext end .Olivine: writetext FastShip1FSailor1Text_ToOlivine waitbutton closetext end .Arrived: checkevent EVENT_FAST_SHIP_DESTINATION_OLIVINE iftrue ._Olivine writetext FastShip1FSailor1Text_InVermilion waitbutton closetext scall .LetThePlayerOut playsound SFX_EXIT_BUILDING special FadeOutPalettes waitsfx setevent EVENT_VERMILION_PORT_SAILOR_AT_GANGWAY setmapscene VERMILION_PORT, SCENE_VERMILIONPORT_LEAVE_SHIP warp VERMILION_PORT, 7, 17 end ._Olivine: writetext FastShip1FSailor1Text_InOlivine waitbutton closetext scall .LetThePlayerOut playsound SFX_EXIT_BUILDING special FadeOutPalettes waitsfx setevent EVENT_OLIVINE_PORT_SAILOR_AT_GANGWAY setmapscene OLIVINE_PORT, SCENE_OLIVINEPORT_LEAVE_SHIP warp OLIVINE_PORT, 7, 23 end .LetThePlayerOut: readvar VAR_FACING ifequal RIGHT, .YouAreFacingRight applymovement FASTSHIP1F_SAILOR1, FastShip1F_SailorStepAsideMovement applymovement PLAYER, FastShip1F_PlayerLeavesShipMovement end .YouAreFacingRight: applymovement FASTSHIP1F_SAILOR1, FastShip1F_SailorStepAsideDownMovement applymovement PLAYER, FastShip1F_PlayerLeavesShipRightMovement end FastShip1FSailor2Script: faceplayer opentext checkevent EVENT_FAST_SHIP_FIRST_TIME iftrue .Vermilion writetext FastShip1FSailor2Text_FirstTime waitbutton closetext end .Vermilion: writetext FastShip1FSailor2Text waitbutton closetext end FastShip1FSailor3Script: jumptextfaceplayer FastShip1FSailor3Text WorriedGrandpaSceneRight: moveobject FASTSHIP1F_GENTLEMAN, 20, 6 WorriedGrandpaSceneLeft: appear FASTSHIP1F_GENTLEMAN applymovement FASTSHIP1F_GENTLEMAN, FastShip1F_GrandpaRunsInMovement playsound SFX_TACKLE applymovement PLAYER, FastShip1F_PlayerHitByGrandpaMovement applymovement FASTSHIP1F_GENTLEMAN, FastShip1F_GrandpaApproachesPlayerMovement opentext writetext FastShip1FGrandpaText waitbutton closetext turnobject PLAYER, RIGHT applymovement FASTSHIP1F_GENTLEMAN, FastShip1F_GrandpaRunsOutMovement disappear FASTSHIP1F_GENTLEMAN setscene SCENE_FASTSHIP1F_NOOP end FastShip1F_SailorStepAsideMovement: slow_step LEFT turn_head RIGHT step_end FastShip1F_SailorBlocksDoorMovement: slow_step RIGHT turn_head DOWN step_end FastShip1F_SailorStepAsideDownMovement: slow_step DOWN turn_head UP step_end FastShip1F_PlayerEntersShipMovement: step DOWN step DOWN turn_head DOWN step_end FastShip1F_GrandpaRunsInMovement: big_step RIGHT big_step RIGHT big_step RIGHT big_step RIGHT step_end FastShip1F_GrandpaApproachesPlayerMovement: step RIGHT step_end FastShip1F_GrandpaRunsOutMovement: big_step DOWN big_step RIGHT big_step RIGHT big_step RIGHT big_step RIGHT big_step RIGHT big_step RIGHT big_step DOWN big_step DOWN big_step DOWN big_step DOWN step_end FastShip1F_PlayerHitByGrandpaMovement: big_step RIGHT turn_head LEFT step_end FastShip1F_StepUpMovement: ; unreferenced step UP step_end FastShip1F_StepDownMovement: ; unreferenced step DOWN step_end FastShip1F_PlayerLeavesShipMovement: step UP step UP step_end FastShip1F_PlayerLeavesShipRightMovement: step RIGHT step UP step_end FastShip1FSailor1Text_ToVermilion: text "FAST SHIP S.S.AQUA" line "is en route to" cont "VERMILION CITY." para "We will make an" line "announcement when" cont "we arrive." done FastShip1FSailor1Text_ToOlivine: text "FAST SHIP S.S.AQUA" line "is en route to" cont "OLIVINE CITY." para "We will make an" line "announcement when" cont "we arrive." done FastShip1FSailor2Text_FirstTime: text "Here's your cabin." para "If your #MON" line "are hurt, take a" cont "nap in the bed." para "That will heal" line "them." done FastShip1FSailor2Text: text "Here's your cabin." para "You can heal your" line "#MON by taking" cont "a nap in the bed." para "The ship will" line "arrive while" cont "you're sleeping." done FastShip1FSailor3Text: text "The passengers are" line "all trainers." para "They're all itch-" line "ing to battle in" cont "their cabins." done FastShip1FGrandpaText: text "Whoa! Excuse me." line "I was in a hurry!" para "My granddaughter" line "is missing!" para "She's just a wee" line "girl. If you see" para "her, please let me" line "know!" done FastShip1FSailor1Text_InOlivine: text "FAST SHIP S.S.AQUA" line "has arrived in" cont "OLIVINE CITY." done FastShip1FSailor1Text_InVermilion: text "FAST SHIP S.S.AQUA" line "has arrived in" cont "VERMILION CITY." done FastShip1F_MapEvents: db 0, 0 ; filler def_warp_events warp_event 25, 1, FAST_SHIP_1F, -1 warp_event 27, 8, FAST_SHIP_CABINS_NNW_NNE_NE, 1 warp_event 23, 8, FAST_SHIP_CABINS_NNW_NNE_NE, 2 warp_event 19, 8, FAST_SHIP_CABINS_NNW_NNE_NE, 3 warp_event 15, 8, FAST_SHIP_CABINS_SW_SSW_NW, 1 warp_event 15, 15, FAST_SHIP_CABINS_SW_SSW_NW, 2 warp_event 19, 15, FAST_SHIP_CABINS_SW_SSW_NW, 4 warp_event 23, 15, FAST_SHIP_CABINS_SE_SSE_CAPTAINS_CABIN, 1 warp_event 27, 15, FAST_SHIP_CABINS_SE_SSE_CAPTAINS_CABIN, 3 warp_event 3, 13, FAST_SHIP_CABINS_SE_SSE_CAPTAINS_CABIN, 5 warp_event 6, 12, FAST_SHIP_B1F, 1 warp_event 30, 14, FAST_SHIP_B1F, 2 def_coord_events coord_event 24, 6, SCENE_FASTSHIP1F_MEET_GRANDPA, WorriedGrandpaSceneLeft coord_event 25, 6, SCENE_FASTSHIP1F_MEET_GRANDPA, WorriedGrandpaSceneRight def_bg_events def_object_events object_event 25, 2, SPRITE_SAILOR, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, FastShip1FSailor1Script, -1 object_event 14, 7, SPRITE_SAILOR, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_RIGHT, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, FastShip1FSailor2Script, -1 object_event 22, 17, SPRITE_SAILOR, SPRITEMOVEDATA_WALK_LEFT_RIGHT, 2, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, FastShip1FSailor3Script, -1 object_event 19, 6, SPRITE_GENTLEMAN, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_RIGHT, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, ObjectEvent, EVENT_FAST_SHIP_1F_GENTLEMAN