ref: 2a8c969bc7b10d9cc4c29f6660726ce1c943a597
dir: /engine/movie/trade_animation.asm/
TRADEANIM_RIGHT_ARROW EQU "▶" ; $ed TRADEANIM_LEFT_ARROW EQU "▼" ; $ee ; TradeAnim_TubeAnimJumptable.Jumptable indexes const_def const TRADEANIMSTATE_0 ; 0 const TRADEANIMSTATE_1 ; 1 const TRADEANIMSTATE_2 ; 2 const TRADEANIMSTATE_3 ; 3 TRADEANIMJUMPTABLE_LENGTH EQU const_value TradeAnimation: xor a ld [wcf66], a ld hl, wPlayerTrademonSenderName ld de, wOTTrademonSenderName call LinkTradeAnim_LoadTradePlayerNames ld hl, wPlayerTrademonSpecies ld de, wOTTrademonSpecies call LinkTradeAnim_LoadTradeMonSpecies ld de, .script jr RunTradeAnimScript .script tradeanim_setup_givemon_scroll tradeanim_show_givemon_data tradeanim_do_givemon_scroll tradeanim_wait_80 tradeanim_wait_96 tradeanim_poof tradeanim_rocking_ball tradeanim_enter_link_tube tradeanim_wait_anim tradeanim_bulge_through_tube tradeanim_wait_anim tradeanim_textbox_scroll tradeanim_give_trademon_sfx tradeanim_tube_to_ot tradeanim_sent_to_ot_text tradeanim_scroll_out_right tradeanim_ot_sends_text_1 tradeanim_ot_bids_farewell tradeanim_wait_40 tradeanim_scroll_out_right tradeanim_get_trademon_sfx tradeanim_tube_to_player tradeanim_enter_link_tube tradeanim_drop_ball tradeanim_exit_link_tube tradeanim_wait_anim tradeanim_show_getmon_data tradeanim_poof tradeanim_wait_anim tradeanim_frontpic_scroll tradeanim_animate_frontpic tradeanim_wait_80_if_ot_egg tradeanim_textbox_scroll tradeanim_take_care_of_text tradeanim_scroll_out_right tradeanim_end TradeAnimationPlayer2: xor a ld [wcf66], a ld hl, wOTTrademonSenderName ld de, wPlayerTrademonSenderName call LinkTradeAnim_LoadTradePlayerNames ld hl, wOTTrademonSpecies ld de, wPlayerTrademonSpecies call LinkTradeAnim_LoadTradeMonSpecies ld de, .script jr RunTradeAnimScript .script tradeanim_ot_sends_text_2 tradeanim_ot_bids_farewell tradeanim_wait_40 tradeanim_scroll_out_right tradeanim_get_trademon_sfx tradeanim_tube_to_ot tradeanim_enter_link_tube tradeanim_drop_ball tradeanim_exit_link_tube tradeanim_wait_anim tradeanim_show_getmon_data tradeanim_poof tradeanim_wait_anim tradeanim_frontpic_scroll tradeanim_animate_frontpic tradeanim_wait_180_if_ot_egg tradeanim_textbox_scroll tradeanim_take_care_of_text tradeanim_scroll_out_right tradeanim_setup_givemon_scroll tradeanim_show_givemon_data tradeanim_do_givemon_scroll tradeanim_wait_40 tradeanim_poof tradeanim_rocking_ball tradeanim_enter_link_tube tradeanim_wait_anim tradeanim_bulge_through_tube tradeanim_wait_anim tradeanim_textbox_scroll tradeanim_give_trademon_sfx tradeanim_tube_to_player tradeanim_sent_to_ot_text tradeanim_scroll_out_right tradeanim_end RunTradeAnimScript: ld hl, wTradeAnimAddress ld [hl], e inc hl ld [hl], d ldh a, [hMapAnims] push af xor a ldh [hMapAnims], a ld hl, wVramState ld a, [hl] push af res 0, [hl] ld hl, wOptions ld a, [hl] push af set NO_TEXT_SCROLL, [hl] call .TradeAnimLayout ld a, [wcf66] and a jr nz, .anim_loop ld de, MUSIC_EVOLUTION call PlayMusic2 .anim_loop call DoTradeAnimation jr nc, .anim_loop pop af ld [wOptions], a pop af ld [wVramState], a pop af ldh [hMapAnims], a ret .TradeAnimLayout: xor a ld [wJumptableIndex], a call ClearBGPalettes call ClearSprites call ClearTilemap call DisableLCD call LoadFontsBattleExtra callfar ClearSpriteAnims ldh a, [hCGB] and a jr z, .NotCGB ld a, $1 ldh [rVBK], a ld hl, vTiles0 ld bc, sScratch - vTiles0 xor a call ByteFill ld a, $0 ldh [rVBK], a .NotCGB: hlbgcoord 0, 0 ld bc, sScratch - vBGMap0 ld a, " " call ByteFill ld hl, TradeGameBoyLZ ld de, vTiles2 tile $31 call Decompress ld hl, TradeArrowGFX ld de, vTiles0 tile TRADEANIM_RIGHT_ARROW ld bc, 1 tiles ld a, BANK(TradeArrowGFX) call FarCopyBytes ld hl, TradeArrowGFX + 1 tiles ld de, vTiles0 tile TRADEANIM_LEFT_ARROW ld bc, 1 tiles ld a, BANK(TradeArrowGFX) call FarCopyBytes xor a ldh [hSCX], a ldh [hSCY], a ld a, $7 ldh [hWX], a ld a, $90 ldh [hWY], a farcall GetTrademonFrontpic call EnableLCD call LoadTradeBallAndCableGFX ld a, [wPlayerTrademonSpecies] ld hl, wPlayerTrademonDVs ld de, vTiles0 call TradeAnim_GetFrontpic ld a, [wOTTrademonSpecies] ld hl, wOTTrademonDVs ld de, vTiles0 tile $31 call TradeAnim_GetFrontpic ld a, [wPlayerTrademonSpecies] ld de, wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName call TradeAnim_GetNickname ld a, [wOTTrademonSpecies] ld de, wOTTrademonSpeciesName call TradeAnim_GetNickname call TradeAnim_NormalPals ret DoTradeAnimation: ld a, [wJumptableIndex] bit 7, a jr nz, .finished call .DoTradeAnimCommand callfar PlaySpriteAnimations ld hl, wcf65 inc [hl] call DelayFrame and a ret .finished call LoadStandardFont scf ret .DoTradeAnimCommand: ld a, [wJumptableIndex] ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, .JumpTable add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp hl .JumpTable: ; entries correspond to macros/scripts/trade_anims.asm enumeration dw TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ; 00 dw TradeAnim_ShowGivemonData ; 01 dw TradeAnim_ShowGetmonData ; 02 dw TradeAnim_EnterLinkTube1 ; 03 dw TradeAnim_EnterLinkTube2 ; 04 dw TradeAnim_ExitLinkTube ; 05 dw TradeAnim_TubeToOT1 ; 06 dw TradeAnim_TubeToOT2 ; 07 dw TradeAnim_TubeToOT3 ; 08 dw TradeAnim_TubeToOT4 ; 09 dw TradeAnim_TubeToOT5 ; 0a dw TradeAnim_TubeToOT6 ; 0b dw TradeAnim_TubeToOT7 ; 0c dw TradeAnim_TubeToOT8 ; 0d dw TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer1 ; 0e dw TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer2 ; 0f dw TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer3 ; 10 dw TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer4 ; 11 dw TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer5 ; 12 dw TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer6 ; 13 dw TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer7 ; 14 dw TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer8 ; 15 dw TradeAnim_SentToOTText ; 16 dw TradeAnim_OTBidsFarewell ; 17 dw TradeAnim_TakeCareOfText ; 18 dw TradeAnim_OTSendsText1 ; 19 dw TradeAnim_OTSendsText2 ; 1a dw TradeAnim_SetupGivemonScroll ; 1b dw TradeAnim_DoGivemonScroll ; 1c dw TradeAnim_FrontpicScrollStart ; 1d dw TradeAnim_TextboxScrollStart ; 1e dw TradeAnim_ScrollOutRight ; 1f dw TradeAnim_ScrollOutRight2 ; 20 dw TraideAnim_Wait80 ; 21 dw TraideAnim_Wait40 ; 22 dw TradeAnim_RockingBall ; 23 dw TradeAnim_DropBall ; 24 dw TradeAnim_WaitAnim ; 25 dw TradeAnim_WaitAnim2 ; 26 dw TradeAnim_Poof ; 27 dw TradeAnim_BulgeThroughTube ; 28 dw TradeAnim_GiveTrademonSFX ; 29 dw TradeAnim_GetTrademonSFX ; 2a dw TradeAnim_End ; 2b dw TradeAnim_AnimateFrontpic ; 2c dw TraideAnim_Wait96 ; 2d dw TraideAnim_Wait80IfOTEgg ; 2e dw TraideAnim_Wait180IfOTEgg ; 2f TradeAnim_IncrementJumptableIndex: ld hl, wJumptableIndex inc [hl] ret TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer: ld hl, wTradeAnimAddress ld e, [hl] inc hl ld d, [hl] ld a, [de] ld [wJumptableIndex], a inc de ld [hl], d dec hl ld [hl], e ret TradeAnim_End: ld hl, wJumptableIndex set 7, [hl] ret TradeAnim_TubeToOT1: ld a, TRADEANIM_RIGHT_ARROW call TradeAnim_PlaceTrademonStatsOnTubeAnim ld a, [wLinkTradeSendmonSpecies] ld [wTempIconSpecies], a xor a depixel 5, 11, 4, 0 ld b, $0 jr TradeAnim_InitTubeAnim TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer1: ld a, TRADEANIM_LEFT_ARROW call TradeAnim_PlaceTrademonStatsOnTubeAnim ld a, [wLinkTradeGetmonSpecies] ld [wTempIconSpecies], a ld a, TRADEANIMSTATE_2 depixel 9, 18, 4, 4 ld b, $4 TradeAnim_InitTubeAnim: push bc push de push bc push de push af call DisableLCD callfar ClearSpriteAnims hlbgcoord 20, 3 ld bc, 12 ld a, $60 call ByteFill pop af call TradeAnim_TubeAnimJumptable xor a ldh [hSCX], a ld a, $7 ldh [hWX], a ld a, $70 ldh [hWY], a call EnableLCD call LoadTradeBubbleGFX pop de ld a, SPRITE_ANIM_INDEX_TRADEMON_ICON call InitSpriteAnimStruct ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_JUMPTABLE_INDEX add hl, bc pop bc ld [hl], b pop de ld a, SPRITE_ANIM_INDEX_TRADEMON_BUBBLE call InitSpriteAnimStruct ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_JUMPTABLE_INDEX add hl, bc pop bc ld [hl], b call WaitBGMap ld b, SCGB_TRADE_TUBE call GetSGBLayout ld a, %11100100 ; 3,2,1,0 call DmgToCgbBGPals ld a, %11010000 call DmgToCgbObjPal0 call TradeAnim_IncrementJumptableIndex ld a, 92 ld [wFrameCounter], a ret TradeAnim_TubeToOT2: call TradeAnim_FlashBGPals ldh a, [hSCX] add $2 ldh [hSCX], a cp $50 ret nz ld a, TRADEANIMSTATE_1 call TradeAnim_TubeAnimJumptable call TradeAnim_IncrementJumptableIndex ret TradeAnim_TubeToOT3: call TradeAnim_FlashBGPals ldh a, [hSCX] add $2 ldh [hSCX], a cp $a0 ret nz ld a, TRADEANIMSTATE_2 call TradeAnim_TubeAnimJumptable call TradeAnim_IncrementJumptableIndex ret TradeAnim_TubeToOT4: call TradeAnim_FlashBGPals ldh a, [hSCX] add $2 ldh [hSCX], a and a ret nz call TradeAnim_IncrementJumptableIndex ret TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer3: call TradeAnim_FlashBGPals ldh a, [hSCX] sub $2 ldh [hSCX], a cp $b0 ret nz ld a, TRADEANIMSTATE_1 call TradeAnim_TubeAnimJumptable call TradeAnim_IncrementJumptableIndex ret TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer4: call TradeAnim_FlashBGPals ldh a, [hSCX] sub $2 ldh [hSCX], a cp $60 ret nz xor a ; TRADEANIMSTATE_0 call TradeAnim_TubeAnimJumptable call TradeAnim_IncrementJumptableIndex ret TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer5: call TradeAnim_FlashBGPals ldh a, [hSCX] sub $2 ldh [hSCX], a and a ret nz call TradeAnim_IncrementJumptableIndex ret TradeAnim_TubeToOT6: TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer6: ld a, 128 ld [wFrameCounter], a call TradeAnim_IncrementJumptableIndex ret TradeAnim_TubeToOT8: TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer8: call ClearBGPalettes call ClearTilemap call ClearSprites call DisableLCD callfar ClearSpriteAnims hlbgcoord 0, 0 ld bc, sScratch - vBGMap0 ld a, " " call ByteFill xor a ldh [hSCX], a ld a, $90 ldh [hWY], a call EnableLCD call LoadTradeBallAndCableGFX call WaitBGMap call TradeAnim_NormalPals call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret TradeAnim_TubeToOT5: TradeAnim_TubeToOT7: TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer2: TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer7: call TradeAnim_FlashBGPals ld hl, wFrameCounter ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .done dec [hl] ret .done call TradeAnim_IncrementJumptableIndex ret TradeAnim_GiveTrademonSFX: call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ld de, SFX_GIVE_TRADEMON call PlaySFX ret TradeAnim_GetTrademonSFX: call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ld de, SFX_GET_TRADEMON call PlaySFX ret TradeAnim_TubeAnimJumptable: maskbits TRADEANIMJUMPTABLE_LENGTH ld e, a ld d, 0 ld hl, .Jumptable add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp hl .Jumptable: ; entries correspond to TRADEANIMSTATE_* constants dw .Zero dw .One dw .Two dw .Three .Zero: .Three: call TradeAnim_BlankTilemap hlcoord 9, 3 ld [hl], $5b inc hl ld bc, 10 ld a, $60 call ByteFill hlcoord 3, 2 call TradeAnim_CopyTradeGameBoyTilemap ret .One: call TradeAnim_BlankTilemap hlcoord 0, 3 ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH ld a, $60 call ByteFill ret .Two: call TradeAnim_BlankTilemap hlcoord 0, 3 ld bc, $11 ld a, $60 call ByteFill hlcoord 17, 3 ld a, $5d ld [hl], a ld a, $61 ld de, SCREEN_WIDTH ld c, $3 .loop add hl, de ld [hl], a dec c jr nz, .loop add hl, de ld a, $5f ld [hld], a ld a, $5b ld [hl], a hlcoord 10, 6 call TradeAnim_CopyTradeGameBoyTilemap ret TradeAnim_CopyTradeGameBoyTilemap: ld de, TradeGameBoyTilemap lb bc, 8, 6 call TradeAnim_CopyBoxFromDEtoHL ret TradeAnim_PlaceTrademonStatsOnTubeAnim: push af call ClearBGPalettes call WaitTop ld a, HIGH(vBGMap1) ldh [hBGMapAddress + 1], a call ClearTilemap hlcoord 0, 0 ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH ld a, "─" call ByteFill hlcoord 0, 1 ld de, wLinkPlayer1Name call PlaceString ld hl, wLinkPlayer2Name ld de, 0 .find_name_end_loop ld a, [hli] cp "@" jr z, .done dec de jr .find_name_end_loop .done hlcoord 0, 4 add hl, de ld de, wLinkPlayer2Name call PlaceString hlcoord 7, 2 ld bc, 6 pop af call ByteFill call WaitBGMap call WaitTop ld a, HIGH(vBGMap0) ldh [hBGMapAddress + 1], a call ClearTilemap ret TradeAnim_EnterLinkTube1: call ClearTilemap call WaitTop ld a, $a0 ldh [hSCX], a call DelayFrame hlcoord 8, 2 ld de, TradeLinkTubeTilemap lb bc, 3, 12 call TradeAnim_CopyBoxFromDEtoHL call WaitBGMap ld b, SCGB_TRADE_TUBE call GetSGBLayout ld a, %11100100 ; 3,2,1,0 call DmgToCgbBGPals lb de, %11100100, %11100100 ; 3,2,1,0, 3,2,1,0 call DmgToCgbObjPals ld de, SFX_POTION call PlaySFX call TradeAnim_IncrementJumptableIndex ret TradeAnim_EnterLinkTube2: ldh a, [hSCX] and a jr z, .done add $4 ldh [hSCX], a ret .done ld c, 80 call DelayFrames call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret TradeAnim_ExitLinkTube: ldh a, [hSCX] cp $a0 jr z, .done sub $4 ldh [hSCX], a ret .done call ClearTilemap xor a ldh [hSCX], a call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret TradeAnim_SetupGivemonScroll: ld a, $8f ldh [hWX], a ld a, $88 ldh [hSCX], a ld a, $50 ldh [hWY], a call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret TradeAnim_DoGivemonScroll: ldh a, [hWX] cp $7 jr z, .done sub $4 ldh [hWX], a ldh a, [hSCX] sub $4 ldh [hSCX], a ret .done ld a, $7 ldh [hWX], a xor a ldh [hSCX], a call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret TradeAnim_FrontpicScrollStart: ld a, $7 ldh [hWX], a ld a, $50 ldh [hWY], a call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret TradeAnim_TextboxScrollStart: ld a, $7 ldh [hWX], a ld a, $90 ldh [hWY], a call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret TradeAnim_ScrollOutRight: call WaitTop ld a, HIGH(vBGMap1) ldh [hBGMapAddress + 1], a call WaitBGMap ld a, $7 ldh [hWX], a xor a ldh [hWY], a call DelayFrame call WaitTop ld a, HIGH(vBGMap0) ldh [hBGMapAddress + 1], a call ClearTilemap call TradeAnim_IncrementJumptableIndex ret TradeAnim_ScrollOutRight2: ldh a, [hWX] cp $a1 jr nc, .done add $4 ldh [hWX], a ret .done ld a, HIGH(vBGMap1) ldh [hBGMapAddress + 1], a call WaitBGMap ld a, $7 ldh [hWX], a ld a, $90 ldh [hWY], a ld a, HIGH(vBGMap0) ldh [hBGMapAddress + 1], a call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret TradeAnim_ShowGivemonData: call ShowPlayerTrademonStats ld a, [wPlayerTrademonSpecies] ld [wCurPartySpecies], a ld a, [wPlayerTrademonDVs] ld [wTempMonDVs], a ld a, [wPlayerTrademonDVs + 1] ld [wTempMonDVs + 1], a ld b, SCGB_PLAYER_OR_MON_FRONTPIC_PALS call GetSGBLayout ld a, %11100100 ; 3,2,1,0 call DmgToCgbBGPals call TradeAnim_ShowGivemonFrontpic ld a, [wPlayerTrademonSpecies] call GetCryIndex jr c, .skip_cry ld e, c ld d, b call PlayCry .skip_cry call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret TradeAnim_ShowGetmonData: call ShowOTTrademonStats ld a, [wOTTrademonSpecies] ld [wCurPartySpecies], a ld a, [wOTTrademonDVs] ld [wTempMonDVs], a ld a, [wOTTrademonDVs + 1] ld [wTempMonDVs + 1], a ld b, SCGB_PLAYER_OR_MON_FRONTPIC_PALS call GetSGBLayout ld a, %11100100 ; 3,2,1,0 call DmgToCgbBGPals call TradeAnim_ShowGetmonFrontpic call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret TradeAnim_AnimateFrontpic: farcall AnimateTrademonFrontpic call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret TradeAnim_GetFrontpic: push de push af predef GetUnownLetter pop af ld [wCurPartySpecies], a ld [wCurSpecies], a call GetBaseData pop de predef GetMonFrontpic ret TradeAnim_GetNickname: push de ld [wNamedObjectIndexBuffer], a call GetPokemonName ld hl, wStringBuffer1 pop de ld bc, NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes ret TradeAnim_ShowGivemonFrontpic: ld de, vTiles0 jr TradeAnim_ShowFrontpic TradeAnim_ShowGetmonFrontpic: ld de, vTiles0 tile $31 TradeAnim_ShowFrontpic: call DelayFrame ld hl, vTiles2 lb bc, 10, $31 call Request2bpp call WaitTop call TradeAnim_BlankTilemap hlcoord 7, 2 xor a ldh [hGraphicStartTile], a lb bc, 7, 7 predef PlaceGraphic call WaitBGMap ret TraideAnim_Wait80: ld c, 80 call DelayFrames call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret TraideAnim_Wait40: ld c, 40 call DelayFrames call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret TraideAnim_Wait96: ld c, 96 call DelayFrames call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret TraideAnim_Wait80IfOTEgg: call IsOTTrademonEgg ret nz ld c, 80 call DelayFrames ret TraideAnim_Wait180IfOTEgg: call IsOTTrademonEgg ret nz ld c, 180 call DelayFrames ret IsOTTrademonEgg: call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ld a, [wOTTrademonSpecies] cp EGG ret ShowPlayerTrademonStats: ld de, wPlayerTrademonSpecies ld a, [de] cp EGG jr z, TrademonStats_Egg call TrademonStats_MonTemplate ld de, wPlayerTrademonSpecies call TrademonStats_PrintSpeciesNumber ld de, wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName call TrademonStats_PrintSpeciesName ld a, [wPlayerTrademonCaughtData] ld de, wPlayerTrademonOTName call TrademonStats_PrintOTName ld de, wPlayerTrademonID call TrademonStats_PrintTrademonID call TrademonStats_WaitBGMap ret ShowOTTrademonStats: ld de, wOTTrademonSpecies ld a, [de] cp EGG jr z, TrademonStats_Egg call TrademonStats_MonTemplate ld de, wOTTrademonSpecies call TrademonStats_PrintSpeciesNumber ld de, wOTTrademonSpeciesName call TrademonStats_PrintSpeciesName ld a, [wOTTrademonCaughtData] ld de, wOTTrademonOTName call TrademonStats_PrintOTName ld de, wOTTrademonID call TrademonStats_PrintTrademonID call TrademonStats_WaitBGMap ret TrademonStats_MonTemplate: call WaitTop call TradeAnim_BlankTilemap ld a, HIGH(vBGMap1) ldh [hBGMapAddress + 1], a hlcoord 3, 0 ld b, $6 ld c, $d call Textbox hlcoord 4, 0 ld de, .OTMonData call PlaceString ret .OTMonData: db "─── №." next "" next "OT/" next "<ID>№.@" TrademonStats_Egg: call WaitTop call TradeAnim_BlankTilemap ld a, HIGH(vBGMap1) ldh [hBGMapAddress + 1], a hlcoord 3, 0 ld b, 6 ld c, 13 call Textbox hlcoord 4, 2 ld de, .EggData call PlaceString call TrademonStats_WaitBGMap ret .EggData: db "EGG" next "OT/?????" next "<ID>№.?????@" TrademonStats_WaitBGMap: call WaitBGMap call WaitTop ld a, HIGH(vBGMap0) ldh [hBGMapAddress + 1], a ret TrademonStats_PrintSpeciesNumber: hlcoord 10, 0 lb bc, PRINTNUM_LEADINGZEROS | 1, 3 call PrintNum ld [hl], " " ret TrademonStats_PrintSpeciesName: hlcoord 4, 2 call PlaceString ret TrademonStats_PrintOTName: cp 3 jr c, .caught_gender_okay xor a .caught_gender_okay push af hlcoord 7, 4 call PlaceString inc bc pop af ld hl, .Gender ld d, 0 ld e, a add hl, de ld a, [hl] ld [bc], a ret .Gender: db " ", "♂", "♀" TrademonStats_PrintTrademonID: hlcoord 7, 6 lb bc, PRINTNUM_LEADINGZEROS | 2, 5 call PrintNum ret TradeAnim_RockingBall: depixel 10, 11, 4, 0 ld a, SPRITE_ANIM_INDEX_TRADE_POKE_BALL call InitSpriteAnimStruct call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ld a, 32 ld [wFrameCounter], a ret TradeAnim_DropBall: depixel 10, 11, 4, 0 ld a, SPRITE_ANIM_INDEX_TRADE_POKE_BALL call InitSpriteAnimStruct ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_JUMPTABLE_INDEX add hl, bc ld [hl], $1 ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_YOFFSET add hl, bc ld [hl], $dc call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ld a, 56 ld [wFrameCounter], a ret TradeAnim_Poof: depixel 10, 11, 4, 0 ld a, SPRITE_ANIM_INDEX_TRADE_POOF call InitSpriteAnimStruct call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ld a, 16 ld [wFrameCounter], a ld de, SFX_BALL_POOF call PlaySFX ret TradeAnim_BulgeThroughTube: ld a, %11100100 ; 3,2,1,0 call DmgToCgbObjPal0 depixel 5, 11 ld a, SPRITE_ANIM_INDEX_TRADE_TUBE_BULGE call InitSpriteAnimStruct call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ld a, 64 ld [wFrameCounter], a ret TradeAnim_AnimateTrademonInTube: ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_JUMPTABLE_INDEX add hl, bc ld e, [hl] ld d, 0 ld hl, .Jumptable add hl, de add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp hl .Jumptable: dw .InitTimer dw .WaitTimer1 dw .MoveRight dw .MoveDown dw .MoveUp dw .MoveLeft dw .WaitTimer2 .JumptableNext: ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_JUMPTABLE_INDEX add hl, bc inc [hl] ret .InitTimer: call .JumptableNext ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_0C add hl, bc ld [hl], $80 ret .WaitTimer1: ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_0C add hl, bc ld a, [hl] dec [hl] and a ret nz call .JumptableNext .MoveRight: ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_XCOORD add hl, bc ld a, [hl] cp $94 jr nc, .done_move_right inc [hl] ret .done_move_right call .JumptableNext .MoveDown: ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_YCOORD add hl, bc ld a, [hl] cp $4c jr nc, .done_move_down inc [hl] ret .done_move_down ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_INDEX add hl, bc ld [hl], $0 ret .MoveUp: ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_YCOORD add hl, bc ld a, [hl] cp $2c jr z, .done_move_up dec [hl] ret .done_move_up call .JumptableNext .MoveLeft: ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_XCOORD add hl, bc ld a, [hl] cp $58 jr z, .done_move_left dec [hl] ret .done_move_left call .JumptableNext ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_0C add hl, bc ld [hl], $80 ret .WaitTimer2: ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_0C add hl, bc ld a, [hl] dec [hl] and a ret nz ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_INDEX add hl, bc ld [hl], $0 ret TradeAnim_SentToOTText: ld a, [wLinkMode] cp LINK_TIMECAPSULE jr z, .time_capsule ld hl, .MonNameSentToText call PrintText ld c, 189 call DelayFrames ld hl, .MonWasSentToText call PrintText call TradeAnim_Wait80Frames ld c, 128 call DelayFrames call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret .time_capsule ld hl, .MonWasSentToText call PrintText call TradeAnim_Wait80Frames call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret .MonWasSentToText: text_far _MonWasSentToText text_end .MonNameSentToText: text_far _MonNameSentToText text_end TradeAnim_OTBidsFarewell: ld hl, .BidsFarewellToMonText call PrintText call TradeAnim_Wait80Frames ld hl, .MonNameBidsFarewellText call PrintText call TradeAnim_Wait80Frames call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret .BidsFarewellToMonText: text_far _BidsFarewellToMonText text_end .MonNameBidsFarewellText: text_far _MonNameBidsFarewellText text_end TradeAnim_TakeCareOfText: call WaitTop hlcoord 0, 10 ld bc, 8 * SCREEN_WIDTH ld a, " " call ByteFill call WaitBGMap ld hl, .TakeGoodCareOfMonText call PrintText call TradeAnim_Wait80Frames call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret .TakeGoodCareOfMonText: text_far _TakeGoodCareOfMonText text_end TradeAnim_OTSendsText1: ld hl, .ForYourMonSendsText call PrintText call TradeAnim_Wait80Frames ld hl, .OTSendsText call PrintText call TradeAnim_Wait80Frames ld c, 14 call DelayFrames call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret .ForYourMonSendsText: text_far _ForYourMonSendsText text_end .OTSendsText: text_far _OTSendsText text_end TradeAnim_OTSendsText2: ld hl, .WillTradeText call PrintText call TradeAnim_Wait80Frames ld hl, .ForYourMonWillTradeText call PrintText call TradeAnim_Wait80Frames ld c, 14 call DelayFrames call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret .WillTradeText: text_far _WillTradeText text_end .ForYourMonWillTradeText: text_far _ForYourMonWillTradeText text_end TradeAnim_Wait80Frames: ld c, 80 call DelayFrames ret TradeAnim_BlankTilemap: hlcoord 0, 0 ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT ld a, " " call ByteFill ret TradeAnim_CopyBoxFromDEtoHL: .row push bc push hl .col ld a, [de] inc de ld [hli], a dec c jr nz, .col pop hl ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH add hl, bc pop bc dec b jr nz, .row ret TradeAnim_NormalPals: ldh a, [hSGB] and a ld a, %11100100 ; 3,2,1,0 jr z, .not_sgb ld a, $f0 .not_sgb call DmgToCgbObjPal0 ld a, %11100100 ; 3,2,1,0 call DmgToCgbBGPals ret LinkTradeAnim_LoadTradePlayerNames: push de ld de, wLinkPlayer1Name ld bc, NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes pop hl ld de, wLinkPlayer2Name ld bc, NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes ret LinkTradeAnim_LoadTradeMonSpecies: ld a, [hl] ld [wLinkTradeSendmonSpecies], a ld a, [de] ld [wLinkTradeGetmonSpecies], a ret TradeAnim_FlashBGPals: ld a, [wcf65] and $7 ret nz ldh a, [rBGP] xor %00111100 call DmgToCgbBGPals ret LoadTradeBallAndCableGFX: call DelayFrame ld de, TradeBallGFX ld hl, vTiles0 tile $62 lb bc, BANK(TradeBallGFX), 6 call Request2bpp ld de, TradePoofGFX ld hl, vTiles0 tile $68 lb bc, BANK(TradePoofGFX), 12 call Request2bpp ld de, TradeCableGFX ld hl, vTiles0 tile $74 lb bc, BANK(TradeCableGFX), 4 call Request2bpp xor a ld hl, wSpriteAnimDict ld [hli], a ld [hl], $62 ret LoadTradeBubbleGFX: call DelayFrame ld e, MONICON_TRADE callfar LoadMenuMonIcon ld de, TradeBubbleGFX ld hl, vTiles0 tile $72 lb bc, BANK(TradeBubbleGFX), 4 call Request2bpp xor a ld hl, wSpriteAnimDict ld [hli], a ld [hl], $62 ret TradeAnim_WaitAnim: ld hl, wFrameCounter ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .done dec [hl] ret .done call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret TradeAnim_WaitAnim2: ld hl, wFrameCounter ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .done dec [hl] ret .done call TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer ret Unreferenced_DebugTrade: ; This function is not referenced. ; It was meant for use in Japanese versions, so the ; constant used for copy length was changed by accident. ld hl, .DebugTradeData ld a, [hli] ld [wPlayerTrademonSpecies], a ld de, wPlayerTrademonSenderName ld c, NAME_LENGTH + 2 ; JP: NAME_LENGTH_JAPANESE + 2 .loop1 ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de dec c jr nz, .loop1 ld a, [hli] ld [wOTTrademonSpecies], a ld de, wOTTrademonSenderName ld c, NAME_LENGTH + 2 ; JP: NAME_LENGTH_JAPANESE + 2 .loop2 ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de dec c jr nz, .loop2 ret debugtrade: MACRO ; species, ot name, ot id (?) db \1, \2 dw \3 ENDM .DebugTradeData: debugtrade VENUSAUR, "ゲーフり@@", $0123 ; GAME FREAK debugtrade CHARIZARD, "クりーチャ@", $0456 ; Creatures Inc. TradeGameBoyTilemap: ; 6x8 db $31, $32, $32, $32, $32, $33 db $34, $35, $36, $36, $37, $38 db $34, $39, $3a, $3a, $3b, $38 db $3c, $3d, $3e, $3e, $3f, $40 db $41, $42, $43, $43, $44, $45 db $46, $47, $43, $48, $49, $4a db $41, $43, $4b, $4c, $4d, $4e db $4f, $50, $50, $50, $51, $52 TradeLinkTubeTilemap: ; 12x3 db $43, $55, $56, $53, $53, $53, $53, $53, $53, $53, $53, $53 db $43, $57, $58, $54, $54, $54, $54, $54, $54, $54, $54, $54 db $43, $59, $5a, $43, $43, $43, $43, $43, $43, $43, $43, $43 TradeArrowGFX: INCBIN "gfx/trade/arrow.2bpp" TradeCableGFX: INCBIN "gfx/trade/cable.2bpp" TradeBubbleGFX: INCBIN "gfx/trade/bubble.2bpp" TradeGameBoyLZ: INCBIN "gfx/trade/game_boy.2bpp.lz" TradeBallGFX: INCBIN "gfx/trade/ball.2bpp" TradePoofGFX: INCBIN "gfx/trade/poof.2bpp"